DMLPackageProcessor::DMLResult DeletePackageProcessor::processPackage(dmlpackage::CalpontDMLPackage& cpackage) { SUMMARY_INFO("DeletePackageProcessor::processPackage"); DMLResult result; result.result = NO_ERROR; BRM::TxnID txnid; // set-up the transaction = cpackage.get_TxnID(); txnid.valid = true; fSessionID = cpackage.get_SessionID(); //StopWatch timer; VERBOSE_INFO("DeletePackageProcessor is processing CalpontDMLPackage ..."); TablelockData * tablelockData = TablelockData::makeTablelockData(fSessionID); uint64_t uniqueId = 0; //Bug 5070. Added exception handling try { uniqueId = fDbrm->getUnique64(); } catch (std::exception& ex) { logging::Message::Args args; logging::Message message(9); args.add(ex.what()); message.format(args); result.result = DELETE_ERROR; result.message = message; fSessionManager.rolledback(txnid); return result; } catch ( ... ) { logging::Message::Args args; logging::Message message(9); args.add("Unknown error occured while getting unique number."); message.format(args); result.result = DELETE_ERROR; result.message = message; fSessionManager.rolledback(txnid); return result; } uint64_t tableLockId = 0; // get the table object from the package DMLTable* tablePtr = cpackage.get_Table(); std::string schemaName = tablePtr->get_SchemaName(); std::string tableName = tablePtr->get_TableName(); boost::shared_ptr<CalpontSystemCatalog> csc = CalpontSystemCatalog::makeCalpontSystemCatalog( fSessionID ); CalpontSystemCatalog::TableName aTableName; aTableName.table = tableName; aTableName.schema = schemaName; fWEClient->addQueue(uniqueId); execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::ROPair roPair; try { string stmt = cpackage.get_SQLStatement() + "|" + schemaName + "|"; SQLLogger sqlLogger(stmt, DMLLoggingId, fSessionID,; if ( 0 != tablePtr ) { roPair = csc->tableRID(aTableName); tableLockId = tablelockData->getTablelockId(roPair.objnum); //check whether this table is locked already for this session if (tableLockId == 0) { //cout << "tablelock is not found in cache " << endl; uint32_t processID = ::getpid(); int32_t txnId =; std::string processName("DMLProc"); int32_t sessionId = fSessionID; int i = 0; OamCache * oamcache = OamCache::makeOamCache(); std::vector<int> pmList = oamcache->getModuleIds(); std::vector<uint32_t> pms; for (unsigned i=0; i < pmList.size(); i++) { pms.push_back((uint32_t)pmList[i]); } try { tableLockId = fDbrm->getTableLock(pms, roPair.objnum, &processName, &processID, &sessionId, &txnId, BRM::LOADING ); } catch (std::exception&) { throw std::runtime_error(IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(ERR_HARD_FAILURE)); } if ( tableLockId == 0 ) { int waitPeriod = 10; int sleepTime = 100; // sleep 100 milliseconds between checks int numTries = 10; // try 10 times per second waitPeriod = Config::getWaitPeriod(); numTries = waitPeriod * 10; struct timespec rm_ts; rm_ts.tv_sec = sleepTime/1000; rm_ts.tv_nsec = sleepTime%1000 *1000000; for (; i < numTries; i++) { #ifdef _MSC_VER Sleep(rm_ts.tv_sec * 1000); #else struct timespec abs_ts; do { abs_ts.tv_sec = rm_ts.tv_sec; abs_ts.tv_nsec = rm_ts.tv_nsec; } while(nanosleep(&abs_ts,&rm_ts) < 0); #endif try { processID = ::getpid(); txnId =; sessionId = fSessionID; processName = "DMLProc"; tableLockId = fDbrm->getTableLock(pms, roPair.objnum, &processName, &processID, &sessionId, &txnId, BRM::LOADING ); } catch (std::exception&) { throw std::runtime_error(IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(ERR_HARD_FAILURE)); } if (tableLockId > 0) break; } if (i >= numTries) //error out { result.result = DELETE_ERROR; logging::Message::Args args; args.add(processName); args.add((uint64_t)processID); args.add(sessionId); throw std::runtime_error(IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(ERR_TABLE_LOCKED,args)); } } } //cout << " tablelock is obtained with id " << tableLockId << endl; tablelockData->setTablelock(roPair.objnum, tableLockId); //@Bug 4491 start AI sequence for autoincrement column const CalpontSystemCatalog::RIDList ridList = csc->columnRIDs(aTableName); CalpontSystemCatalog::RIDList::const_iterator rid_iterator = ridList.begin(); CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType colType; while (rid_iterator != ridList.end()) { // If user hit ctrl+c in the mysql console, fRollbackPending will be true. if (fRollbackPending) { result.result = JOB_CANCELED; break; } CalpontSystemCatalog::ROPair roPair = *rid_iterator; colType = csc->colType(roPair.objnum); if (colType.autoincrement) { try { uint64_t nextVal = csc->nextAutoIncrValue(aTableName); fDbrm->startAISequence(roPair.objnum, nextVal, colType.colWidth, colType.colDataType); break; //Only one autoincrement column per table } catch (std::exception& ex) { result.result = DELETE_ERROR; throw std::runtime_error(ex.what()); } } ++rid_iterator; } uint64_t rowsProcessed = 0; rowsProcessed = fixUpRows(cpackage, result, uniqueId, roPair.objnum); //@Bug 4994 Cancelled job is not error if (result.result == JOB_CANCELED) throw std::runtime_error("Query execution was interrupted"); if ((result.result != 0) && (result.result != DMLPackageProcessor::IDBRANGE_WARNING)) throw std::runtime_error(result.message.msg()); result.rowCount = rowsProcessed; // Log the DML statement. logging::logDML(cpackage.get_SessionID(),, cpackage.get_SQLStatement(), cpackage.get_SchemaName()); } } catch (exception& ex) { cerr << "DeletePackageProcessor::processPackage: " << ex.what() << endl; //@Bug 4994 Cancelled job is not error if (result.result == 0) { result.result = DELETE_ERROR; } result.message = Message(ex.what()); } catch (...) { cerr << "DeletePackageProcessor::processPackage: caught unknown exception!" << endl; logging::Message::Args args; logging::Message message(7); args.add( "Delete Failed: "); args.add( "encountered unknown exception" ); args.add(result.message.msg()); args.add(""); message.format( args ); result.result = DELETE_ERROR; result.message = message; } //timer.finish(); //@Bug 1886,2870 Flush VM cache only once per statement. std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t> oids; int rc = 0; if (result.result == NO_ERROR) { rc = flushDataFiles( result.result, oids, uniqueId, txnid, roPair.objnum); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { cerr << "UpdatePackageProcessor::processPackage: write data to disk failed" << endl; if (!fRollbackPending) { logging::Message::Args args; logging::Message message(7); args.add("Delete Failed: "); args.add("error when writing data to disk"); args.add(""); args.add(""); message.format(args); result.result = UPDATE_ERROR; result.message = message; } result.rowCount = 0; rc = endTransaction(uniqueId, txnid, false); if ( (rc != NO_ERROR) && (!fRollbackPending)) { logging::Message::Args args; logging::Message message(7); args.add("Delete Failed: "); args.add("error when cleaning up data files"); args.add(""); args.add(""); message.format(args); result.result = UPDATE_ERROR; result.message = message; result.rowCount = 0; } } else { if (fRollbackPending) rc = endTransaction(uniqueId, txnid, false); else rc = endTransaction(uniqueId, txnid, true); } } else { rc = flushDataFiles( result.result, oids, uniqueId, txnid, roPair.objnum); result.rowCount = 0; rc = endTransaction(uniqueId, txnid, false); } if (fRollbackPending) { result.result = JOB_CANCELED; logging::Message::Args args1; args1.add("Query execution was interrupted"); result.message.format(args1); } fWEClient->removeQueue(uniqueId); VERBOSE_INFO("Finished Processing Delete DML Package"); return result; }
DropTableProcessor::DDLResult DropTableProcessor::processPackage(ddlpackage::DropTableStatement& dropTableStmt) { SUMMARY_INFO("DropTableProcessor::processPackage"); DDLResult result; result.result = NO_ERROR; std::string err; VERBOSE_INFO(dropTableStmt); // Commit current transaction. // all DDL statements cause an implicit commit VERBOSE_INFO("Getting current txnID"); ByteStream::byte rc = 0; BRM::TxnID txnID;; txnID.valid= fTxnid.valid; int rc1 = 0; rc1= fDbrm->isReadWrite(); if (rc1 != 0 ) { Message::Args args; Message message(9); args.add("Unable to execute the statement due to DBRM is read only"); message.format(args); result.result = DROP_ERROR; result.message = message; fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); return result; } string stmt = dropTableStmt.fSql + "|" + dropTableStmt.fTableName->fSchema +"|"; SQLLogger logger(stmt, fDDLLoggingId, dropTableStmt.fSessionID,; std::vector <CalpontSystemCatalog::OID> oidList; CalpontSystemCatalog::RIDList tableColRidList; CalpontSystemCatalog::DictOIDList dictOIDList; execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::ROPair roPair; std::string errorMsg; ByteStream bytestream; uint64_t uniqueId = 0; //Bug 5070. Added exception handling try { uniqueId = fDbrm->getUnique64(); } catch (std::exception& ex) { Message::Args args; Message message(9); args.add(ex.what()); message.format(args); result.result = DROP_ERROR; result.message = message; fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); return result; } catch ( ... ) { Message::Args args; Message message(9); args.add("Unknown error occured while getting unique number."); message.format(args); result.result = DROP_ERROR; result.message = message; fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); return result; } fWEClient->addQueue(uniqueId); int pmNum = 1; boost::shared_ptr<messageqcpp::ByteStream> bsIn; uint64_t tableLockId = 0; OamCache* oamcache = OamCache::makeOamCache(); std::vector<int> moduleIds = oamcache->getModuleIds(); try { //check table lock CalpontSystemCatalog *systemCatalogPtr = CalpontSystemCatalog::makeCalpontSystemCatalog(dropTableStmt.fSessionID); systemCatalogPtr->identity(CalpontSystemCatalog::EC); systemCatalogPtr->sessionID(dropTableStmt.fSessionID); CalpontSystemCatalog::TableName tableName; tableName.schema = dropTableStmt.fTableName->fSchema; tableName.table = dropTableStmt.fTableName->fName; roPair = systemCatalogPtr->tableRID( tableName ); u_int32_t processID = ::getpid(); int32_t txnid =; int32_t sessionId = dropTableStmt.fSessionID; std::string processName("DDLProc"); int i = 0; std::vector<uint> pms; for (unsigned i=0; i < moduleIds.size(); i++) { pms.push_back((uint)moduleIds[i]); } try { tableLockId = fDbrm->getTableLock(pms, roPair.objnum, &processName, &processID, &sessionId, &txnid, BRM::LOADING ); } catch (std::exception&) { throw std::runtime_error(IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(ERR_HARD_FAILURE)); } if ( tableLockId == 0 ) { int waitPeriod = 10; int sleepTime = 100; // sleep 100 milliseconds between checks int numTries = 10; // try 10 times per second waitPeriod = WriteEngine::Config::getWaitPeriod(); numTries = waitPeriod * 10; struct timespec rm_ts; rm_ts.tv_sec = sleepTime/1000; rm_ts.tv_nsec = sleepTime%1000 *1000000; for (; i < numTries; i++) { #ifdef _MSC_VER Sleep(rm_ts.tv_sec * 1000); #else struct timespec abs_ts; do { abs_ts.tv_sec = rm_ts.tv_sec; abs_ts.tv_nsec = rm_ts.tv_nsec; } while(nanosleep(&abs_ts,&rm_ts) < 0); #endif try { processID = ::getpid(); txnid =; sessionId = dropTableStmt.fSessionID;; processName = "DDLProc"; tableLockId = fDbrm->getTableLock(pms, roPair.objnum, &processName, &processID, &sessionId, &txnid, BRM::LOADING ); } catch (std::exception&) { throw std::runtime_error(IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(ERR_HARD_FAILURE)); } if (tableLockId > 0) break; } if (i >= numTries) //error out { Message::Args args; args.add(processName); args.add((uint64_t)processID); args.add(sessionId); throw std::runtime_error(IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(ERR_TABLE_LOCKED,args)); } } // 1. Get the OIDs for the columns // 2. Get the OIDs for the dictionaries // 3. Save the OIDs to a log file // 4. Remove the Table from SYSTABLE // 5. Remove the columns from SYSCOLUMN // 6. Commit the changes made to systables // 7. Flush PrimProc Cache // 8. Update extent map // 9. Remove the column and dictionary files // 10.Return the OIDs CalpontSystemCatalog::TableName userTableName; userTableName.schema = dropTableStmt.fTableName->fSchema; userTableName.table = dropTableStmt.fTableName->fName; tableColRidList = systemCatalogPtr->columnRIDs( userTableName ); dictOIDList = systemCatalogPtr->dictOIDs( userTableName ); Oam oam; //Save qualified tablename, all column, dictionary OIDs, and transaction ID into a file in ASCII format for ( unsigned i=0; i < tableColRidList.size(); i++ ) { if ( tableColRidList[i].objnum > 3000 ) oidList.push_back( tableColRidList[i].objnum ); } for ( unsigned i=0; i < dictOIDList.size(); i++ ) { if ( dictOIDList[i].dictOID > 3000 ) oidList.push_back( dictOIDList[i].dictOID ); } //get a unique number VERBOSE_INFO("Removing the SYSTABLE meta data"); #ifdef IDB_DDL_DEBUG cout << "Removing the SYSTABLEs meta data" << endl; #endif bytestream << (ByteStream::byte)WE_SVR_DELETE_SYSTABLES; bytestream << uniqueId; bytestream << (u_int32_t) dropTableStmt.fSessionID; bytestream << (u_int32_t); bytestream << dropTableStmt.fTableName->fSchema; bytestream << dropTableStmt.fTableName->fName; //Find out where systable is BRM::OID_t sysOid = 1001; ByteStream::byte rc = 0; u_int16_t dbRoot; rc = fDbrm->getSysCatDBRoot(sysOid, dbRoot); if (rc != 0) { result.result =(ResultCode) rc; Message::Args args; Message message(9); args.add("Error while calling getSysCatDBRoot"); args.add(errorMsg); result.message = message; //release transaction fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); return result; } boost::shared_ptr<std::map<int, int> > dbRootPMMap = oamcache->getDBRootToPMMap(); pmNum = (*dbRootPMMap)[dbRoot]; try { //cout << "deleting systable entries with txnid " << << endl; fWEClient->write(bytestream, (uint)pmNum); #ifdef IDB_DDL_DEBUG cout << "Drop table sending WE_SVR_DELETE_SYSTABLES to pm " << pmNum << endl; #endif while (1) { bsIn.reset(new ByteStream()); fWEClient->read(uniqueId, bsIn); if ( bsIn->length() == 0 ) //read error { rc = NETWORK_ERROR; errorMsg = "Lost connection to Write Engine Server while updating SYSTABLES"; break; } else { *bsIn >> rc; if (rc != 0) { *bsIn >> errorMsg; } break; } } } catch (runtime_error& ex) //write error { #ifdef IDB_DDL_DEBUG cout << "Drop table got exception" << endl; #endif rc = NETWORK_ERROR; errorMsg = ex.what(); } catch (...) { rc = NETWORK_ERROR; #ifdef IDB_DDL_DEBUG cout << "Drop table got unknown exception" << endl; #endif } if (rc != 0) { Message::Args args; Message message(9); args.add("Error in dropping table from systables."); args.add(errorMsg); message.format(args); result.result = (ResultCode)rc; result.message = message; //release table lock and session fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); (void)fDbrm->releaseTableLock(tableLockId); fWEClient->removeQueue(uniqueId); return result; } rc = commitTransaction(uniqueId, txnID); //cout << "commiting transaction " << << " and valid is " << txnID.valid << endl; if (rc != 0) fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); else fSessionManager.committed(txnID); if (rc != 0) { Message::Args args; Message message(9); ostringstream oss; oss << " Commit failed with error code " << rc; args.add(oss.str()); fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); (void)fDbrm->releaseTableLock(tableLockId); message.format(args); result.result = (ResultCode)rc; result.message = message; fWEClient->removeQueue(uniqueId); return result; } // Log the DDL statement logDDL(dropTableStmt.fSessionID,, dropTableStmt.fSql, dropTableStmt.fOwner); } catch (std::exception& ex) { result.result = DROP_ERROR; Message::Args args; Message message(9); args.add("Drop table failed due to "); args.add(ex.what()); fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); try { (void)fDbrm->releaseTableLock(tableLockId); } catch (std::exception&) { args.add(IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(ERR_HARD_FAILURE)); } message.format( args ); result.message = message; fWEClient->removeQueue(uniqueId); return result; } catch (...) { result.result = DROP_ERROR; errorMsg = "Error in getting information from system catalog or from dbrm."; Message::Args args; Message message(9); args.add("Drop table failed due to "); args.add(errorMsg); fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); try { (void)fDbrm->releaseTableLock(tableLockId); } catch (std::exception&) { args.add(IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(ERR_HARD_FAILURE)); } message.format( args ); result.message = message; fWEClient->removeQueue(uniqueId); return result; } try { (void)fDbrm->releaseTableLock(tableLockId); } catch (std::exception&) { result.result = DROP_ERROR; Message::Args args; Message message(9); args.add("Drop table failed due to "); args.add(IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(ERR_HARD_FAILURE)); fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); message.format( args ); result.message = message; fWEClient->removeQueue(uniqueId); return result; } //Save the oids to a file try { createWriteDropLogFile( roPair.objnum, uniqueId, oidList ); } catch (std::exception& ex) { result.result = WARNING; Message::Args args; Message message(9); args.add("Drop table failed due to "); args.add(ex.what()); message.format(args); result.message = message; fSessionManager.rolledback(txnID); fWEClient->removeQueue(uniqueId); return result; } // Bug 4208 Drop the PrimProcFDCache before droping the column files // FOr Windows, this ensures (most likely) that the column files have // no open handles to hinder the deletion of the files. rc = cacheutils::dropPrimProcFdCache(); //Drop files bytestream.restart(); bytestream << (ByteStream::byte)WE_SVR_WRITE_DROPFILES; bytestream << uniqueId; bytestream << (uint32_t) oidList.size(); for (unsigned i=0; i < oidList.size(); i++) { bytestream << (uint32_t) oidList[i]; } #ifdef IDB_DDL_DEBUG cout << "Drop table removing column files" << endl; #endif uint msgRecived = 0; try { fWEClient->write_to_all(bytestream); bsIn.reset(new ByteStream()); ByteStream::byte tmp8; while (1) { if (msgRecived == fWEClient->getPmCount()) break; fWEClient->read(uniqueId, bsIn); if ( bsIn->length() == 0 ) //read error { rc = NETWORK_ERROR; fWEClient->removeQueue(uniqueId); break; } else { *bsIn >> tmp8; rc = tmp8; if (rc != 0) { *bsIn >> errorMsg; fWEClient->removeQueue(uniqueId); break; } else msgRecived++; } }