void MemoryView::_HandleContextMenu(BPoint point) { int32 offset = _GetOffsetAt(point); if (offset < fSelectionStart || offset > fSelectionEnd) return; BPopUpMenu* menu = new(std::nothrow) BPopUpMenu("Options"); if (menu == NULL) return; ObjectDeleter<BPopUpMenu> menuDeleter(menu); ObjectDeleter<BMenuItem> itemDeleter; ObjectDeleter<BMessage> messageDeleter; BMessage* message = NULL; BMenuItem* item = NULL; if (fSelectionEnd - fSelectionStart == fTargetAddressSize / 2) { BMessage* message = new(std::nothrow) BMessage(MSG_INSPECT_ADDRESS); if (message == NULL) return; target_addr_t address; if (fTargetAddressSize == 8) address = *((uint32*)(fTargetBlock->Data() + fSelectionStart)); else address = *((uint64*)(fTargetBlock->Data() + fSelectionStart)); if (fCurrentEndianMode == EndianModeBigEndian) address = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT64(address); else address = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT64(address); messageDeleter.SetTo(message); message->AddUInt64("address", address); BMenuItem* item = new(std::nothrow) BMenuItem("Inspect", message); if (item == NULL) return; messageDeleter.Detach(); itemDeleter.SetTo(item); if (!menu->AddItem(item)) return; item->SetTarget(Looper()); itemDeleter.Detach(); } message = new(std::nothrow) BMessage(B_COPY); if (message == NULL) return; messageDeleter.SetTo(message); item = new(std::nothrow) BMenuItem("Copy", message); if (item == NULL) return; messageDeleter.Detach(); itemDeleter.SetTo(item); if (!menu->AddItem(item)) return; item->SetTarget(this); itemDeleter.Detach(); menuDeleter.Detach(); BPoint screenWhere(point); ConvertToScreen(&screenWhere); BRect mouseRect(screenWhere, screenWhere); mouseRect.InsetBy(-4.0, -4.0); menu->Go(screenWhere, true, false, mouseRect, true); }
/*static*/ status_t Inode::Create(Transaction& transaction, Inode* parent, const char* name, int32 mode, int openMode, uint8 type, bool* _created, ino_t* _id, Inode** _inode, fs_vnode_ops* vnodeOps, uint32 publishFlags) { TRACE("Inode::Create()\n"); Volume* volume = transaction.GetVolume(); DirectoryIterator* entries = NULL; ObjectDeleter<DirectoryIterator> entriesDeleter; if (parent != NULL) { parent->WriteLockInTransaction(transaction); TRACE("Inode::Create(): Looking up entry destination\n"); HTree htree(volume, parent); status_t status = htree.Lookup(name, &entries); if (status == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) { panic("We need to add the first node.\n"); return B_ERROR; } if (status != B_OK) return status; entriesDeleter.SetTo(entries); TRACE("Inode::Create(): Looking up to see if file already exists\n"); ino_t entryID; status = entries->FindEntry(name, &entryID); if (status == B_OK) { // File already exists TRACE("Inode::Create(): File already exists\n"); if (S_ISDIR(mode) || S_ISLNK(mode) || (openMode & O_EXCL) != 0) return B_FILE_EXISTS; Vnode vnode(volume, entryID); Inode* inode; status = vnode.Get(&inode); if (status != B_OK) { TRACE("Inode::Create() Failed to get the inode from the " "vnode\n"); return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } if (inode->IsDirectory() && (openMode & O_RWMASK) != O_RDONLY) return B_IS_A_DIRECTORY; if ((openMode & O_DIRECTORY) != 0 && !inode->IsDirectory()) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; if (inode->CheckPermissions(open_mode_to_access(openMode) | ((openMode & O_TRUNC) != 0 ? W_OK : 0)) != B_OK) return B_NOT_ALLOWED; if ((openMode & O_TRUNC) != 0) { // Truncate requested TRACE("Inode::Create(): Truncating file\n"); inode->WriteLockInTransaction(transaction); status = inode->Resize(transaction, 0); if (status != B_OK) return status; } if (_created != NULL) *_created = false; if (_id != NULL) *_id = inode->ID(); if (_inode != NULL) *_inode = inode; if (_id != NULL || _inode != NULL) vnode.Keep(); TRACE("Inode::Create(): Done opening file\n"); return B_OK; /*} else if ((mode & S_ATTR_DIR) == 0) { TRACE("Inode::Create(): (mode & S_ATTR_DIR) == 0\n"); return B_BAD_VALUE;*/ } else if ((openMode & O_DIRECTORY) != 0) { TRACE("Inode::Create(): (openMode & O_DIRECTORY) != 0\n"); return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } // Return to initial position TRACE("Inode::Create(): Restarting iterator\n"); entries->Restart(); } status_t status; if (parent != NULL) { status = parent->CheckPermissions(W_OK); if (status != B_OK) return status; } TRACE("Inode::Create(): Allocating inode\n"); ino_t id; status = volume->AllocateInode(transaction, parent, mode, id); if (status != B_OK) { ERROR("Inode::Create(): AllocateInode() failed\n"); return status; } if (entries != NULL) { size_t nameLength = strlen(name); status = entries->AddEntry(transaction, name, nameLength, id, type); if (status != B_OK) { ERROR("Inode::Create(): AddEntry() failed\n"); return status; } } TRACE("Inode::Create(): Creating inode\n"); Inode* inode = new(std::nothrow) Inode(volume); if (inode == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; TRACE("Inode::Create(): Getting node structure\n"); ext2_inode& node = inode->Node(); TRACE("Inode::Create(): Initializing inode data\n"); memset(&node, 0, sizeof(ext2_inode)); node.SetMode(mode); node.SetUserID(geteuid()); node.SetGroupID(parent != NULL ? parent->Node().GroupID() : getegid()); node.SetNumLinks(inode->IsDirectory() ? 2 : 1); TRACE("Inode::Create(): Updating time\n"); struct timespec timespec; _BigtimeToTimespec(real_time_clock_usecs(), ×pec); inode->SetAccessTime(×pec); inode->SetCreationTime(×pec); inode->SetModificationTime(×pec); node.SetFlags(parent->Flags() & EXT2_INODE_INHERITED); if (volume->HasExtentsFeature() && (inode->IsDirectory() || inode->IsFile())) { node.SetFlag(EXT2_INODE_EXTENTS); ExtentStream stream(volume, &node.extent_stream, 0); stream.Init(); ASSERT(stream.Check()); } if (sizeof(ext2_inode) < volume->InodeSize()) node.SetExtraInodeSize(sizeof(ext2_inode) - EXT2_INODE_NORMAL_SIZE); TRACE("Inode::Create(): Updating ID\n"); inode->fID = id; if (inode->IsDirectory()) { TRACE("Inode::Create(): Initializing directory\n"); status = inode->InitDirectory(transaction, parent); if (status != B_OK) { ERROR("Inode::Create(): InitDirectory() failed\n"); delete inode; return status; } } // TODO: Maybe it can be better /*if (volume->HasExtendedAttributes()) { TRACE("Inode::Create(): Initializing extended attributes\n"); uint32 blockGroup = 0; uint32 pos = 0; uint32 allocated; status = volume->AllocateBlocks(transaction, 1, 1, blockGroup, pos, allocated); if (status != B_OK) return status; // Clear the new block uint32 blockNum = volume->FirstDataBlock() + pos + volume->BlocksPerGroup() * blockGroup; CachedBlock cached(volume); cached.SetToWritable(transaction, blockNum, true); node.SetExtendedAttributesBlock(blockNum); }*/ TRACE("Inode::Create(): Saving inode\n"); status = inode->WriteBack(transaction); if (status != B_OK) { delete inode; return status; } TRACE("Inode::Create(): Creating vnode\n"); Vnode vnode; status = vnode.Publish(transaction, inode, vnodeOps, publishFlags); if (status != B_OK) return status; if (!inode->IsSymLink()) { // Vnode::Publish doesn't publish symlinks if (!inode->IsDirectory()) { status = inode->EnableFileCache(); if (status != B_OK) return status; } inode->WriteLockInTransaction(transaction); } if (_created) *_created = true; if (_id != NULL) *_id = id; if (_inode != NULL) *_inode = inode; if (_id != NULL || _inode != NULL) vnode.Keep(); TRACE("Inode::Create(): Deleting entries iterator\n"); DirectoryIterator* iterator = entriesDeleter.Detach(); TRACE("Inode::Create(): Entries iterator: %p\n", entries); delete iterator; TRACE("Inode::Create(): Done\n"); return B_OK; }
status_t Architecture::CreateStackTrace(Team* team, ImageDebugInfoProvider* imageInfoProvider, CpuState* cpuState, StackTrace*& _stackTrace, int32 maxStackDepth, bool useExistingTrace) { BReference<CpuState> cpuStateReference(cpuState); StackTrace* stackTrace = NULL; ObjectDeleter<StackTrace> stackTraceDeleter; StackFrame* frame = NULL; if (useExistingTrace) stackTrace = _stackTrace; else { // create the object stackTrace = new(std::nothrow) StackTrace; if (stackTrace == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; stackTraceDeleter.SetTo(stackTrace); } // if we're passed an already existing partial stack trace, // attempt to continue building it from where it left off. if (stackTrace->CountFrames() > 0) { frame = stackTrace->FrameAt(stackTrace->CountFrames() - 1); cpuState = frame->GetCpuState(); } while (cpuState != NULL) { // get the instruction pointer target_addr_t instructionPointer = cpuState->InstructionPointer(); if (instructionPointer == 0) break; // get the image for the instruction pointer AutoLocker<Team> teamLocker(team); Image* image = team->ImageByAddress(instructionPointer); BReference<Image> imageReference(image); teamLocker.Unlock(); // get the image debug info ImageDebugInfo* imageDebugInfo = NULL; if (image != NULL) imageInfoProvider->GetImageDebugInfo(image, imageDebugInfo); BReference<ImageDebugInfo> imageDebugInfoReference(imageDebugInfo, true); // get the function teamLocker.Lock(); FunctionInstance* function = NULL; FunctionDebugInfo* functionDebugInfo = NULL; if (imageDebugInfo != NULL) { function = imageDebugInfo->FunctionAtAddress(instructionPointer); if (function != NULL) functionDebugInfo = function->GetFunctionDebugInfo(); } BReference<FunctionInstance> functionReference(function); teamLocker.Unlock(); // If the CPU state's instruction pointer is actually the return address // of the next frame, we let the architecture fix that. if (frame != NULL && frame->ReturnAddress() == cpuState->InstructionPointer()) { UpdateStackFrameCpuState(frame, image, functionDebugInfo, cpuState); } // create the frame using the debug info StackFrame* previousFrame = NULL; CpuState* previousCpuState = NULL; if (function != NULL) { status_t error = functionDebugInfo->GetSpecificImageDebugInfo() ->CreateFrame(image, function, cpuState, previousFrame, previousCpuState); if (error != B_OK && error != B_UNSUPPORTED) break; } // If we have no frame yet, let the architecture create it. if (previousFrame == NULL) { status_t error = CreateStackFrame(image, functionDebugInfo, cpuState, frame == NULL, previousFrame, previousCpuState); if (error != B_OK) break; } cpuStateReference.SetTo(previousCpuState, true); previousFrame->SetImage(image); previousFrame->SetFunction(function); if (!stackTrace->AddFrame(previousFrame)) { delete previousFrame; return B_NO_MEMORY; } frame = previousFrame; cpuState = previousCpuState; if (--maxStackDepth == 0) break; } stackTraceDeleter.Detach(); _stackTrace = stackTrace; return B_OK; }
status_t MessagingService::_AllocateCommand(int32 commandWhat, int32 size, MessagingArea *&area, void *&data, bool &wasEmpty) { if (!fFirstArea) return B_NO_INIT; if (!MessagingArea::CheckCommandSize(size)) return B_BAD_VALUE; // delete the discarded areas (save one) ObjectDeleter<MessagingArea> discardedAreaDeleter; MessagingArea *discardedArea = NULL; while (fFirstArea != fLastArea) { area = fFirstArea; area->Lock(); if (!area->IsEmpty()) { area->Unlock(); break; } PRINT(("MessagingService::_AllocateCommand(): Discarding area: %p\n", area)); fFirstArea = area->NextArea(); area->SetNextArea(NULL); discardedArea = area; discardedAreaDeleter.SetTo(area); } // allocate space for the command in the last area area = fLastArea; area->Lock(); data = area->AllocateCommand(commandWhat, size, wasEmpty); if (!data) { // not enough space in the last area: create a new area or reuse a // discarded one if (discardedArea) { area = discardedAreaDeleter.Detach(); area->InitHeader(); PRINT(("MessagingService::_AllocateCommand(): Not enough space " "left in current area. Recycling discarded one: %p\n", area)); } else { area = MessagingArea::Create(fLockSem, fCounterSem); PRINT(("MessagingService::_AllocateCommand(): Not enough space " "left in current area. Allocated new one: %p\n", area)); } if (!area) { fLastArea->Unlock(); return B_NO_MEMORY; } // add the new area fLastArea->SetNextArea(area); fLastArea->Unlock(); fLastArea = area; // allocate space for the command data = area->AllocateCommand(commandWhat, size, wasEmpty); if (!data) { // that should never happen area->Unlock(); return B_NO_MEMORY; } } return B_OK; }