コード例 #1
bool ARechargeShields::CanUse(int TargetID, long AbilityID, long SkillID)
	// Get the skill level
	m_SkillLevel = (float) m_Player->PlayerIndex()->RPGInfo.Skills.Skill[SkillID].GetLevel();
	m_SkillRank = DetermineSkillRank(AbilityID);
	m_AbilityID = AbilityID;
	m_SkillID = SkillID;
	ObjectManager *om = m_Player->GetObjectManager();

	//Skill does not exist.
	if(m_SkillRank == -1)
		return false;

	// Make sure we are not dead
	if (m_Player->ShipIndex()->GetIsIncapacitated())
		SendError("Can not use this ability while dead!");
		return false;

	// See if we can use this skill
	if (TargetID > 0 && m_SkillRank >= 3 && om)
		Object * Target = om->GetObjectFromID(TargetID);	// Get Target

		if (Target && Target->ObjectType() != m_TargetType)
			SendError("Incorrect target type!");
			return false;

		// See if we are in range
		if (Target->RangeFrom(m_Player->Position()) > CalculateRange(m_SkillLevel, m_SkillRank))
			SendError("Out of range!");
			return false;

			SendError("Cannot recharge a dead player!");
			return false;

	//If we are prospecting we cannot use this skill
	if (m_Player->Prospecting())
		SendError("Cannot use while prospecting.");
		return false;

	//if we are warping we cannot use the skill
	if (m_Player->WarpDrive())
		SendError("Cannot use while in warp.");
		return false;

	return true;