コード例 #1
    void TestMirams2010WntOdeSystemSetup()
        double wnt_level = 0.5;
        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCellMutationState> p_state(new WildTypeCellMutationState);
        Mirams2010WntOdeSystem wnt_system(wnt_level, p_state);
        // Solve system using CVODE solver
        // Matlab's strictest bit uses 0.01 below and relaxes it on flatter bits.
        double h_value = 0.1;

        CvodeAdaptor cvode_solver;

        OdeSolution solutions;
        //OdeSolution solutions2;

        std::vector<double> initial_conditions = wnt_system.GetInitialConditions();
        std::cout << "Timings for 100 hours\n";
        solutions = cvode_solver.Solve(&wnt_system, initial_conditions, 0.0, 100.0, h_value, h_value);
        Timer::Print("1. Cvode");

        // Test solutions are OK for a small time increase...
        int end = solutions.rGetSolutions().size() - 1;
        // Tests the simulation is ending at the right time...(going into S phase at 7.8 hours)
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[end], 100, 1e-2);

        // Decent results
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][0], 67.5011, 1e-4);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][1], 67.5011, 1e-4);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][2], wnt_level, 1e-4);
        std::cout << "CVODE is not enabled. " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "If required please install and alter your hostconfig settings to switch on chaste support." << std::endl;
コード例 #2
    void TestBackwardEulerSystemOf3EquationsWithEvents()
        OdeThirdOrderWithEvents ode_system_with_events;

        double h_value = 0.01;

        // Euler solver solution worked out
        BackwardEulerIvpOdeSolver backward_euler_solver(ode_system_with_events.GetNumberOfStateVariables());
        OdeSolution solutions;

        std::vector<double> state_variables = ode_system_with_events.GetInitialConditions();
        solutions = backward_euler_solver.Solve(&ode_system_with_events, state_variables, 0.0, 2.0, h_value, h_value);
        unsigned last = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

        // Final time should be pi/6 (?)
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA( solutions.rGetTimes()[last], 0.5236, 0.01);

        // Penultimate y0 should be greater than -0.5

        // Final y0 should be less than -0.5
        TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][0], -0.5);

        // Solver should correctly state the stopping event occurred
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(backward_euler_solver.StoppingEventOccurred(), true);
コード例 #3
    void TestBackwardEulerVanDerPolOde()
        VanDerPolOde ode_system;

        double h_value = 0.01;
        double end_time = 100.0;

        // Euler solver solution worked out
        BackwardEulerIvpOdeSolver backward_euler_solver(ode_system.GetNumberOfStateVariables());
        backward_euler_solver.ForceUseOfNumericalJacobian(); // coverage
        OdeSolution solutions;

        std::vector<double> state_variables = ode_system.GetInitialConditions();

        solutions = backward_euler_solver.Solve(&ode_system, state_variables, 0.0, end_time, h_value, 5*h_value);
        unsigned last = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

//        OutputFileHandler handler("");
//        out_stream rabbit_file=handler.OpenOutputFile("foxrabbit.dat");
//        for (unsigned i=0; i<last; i++)
//        {
//            (*rabbit_file) << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0] << "\t" << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][1] << "\n" << std::flush;
//        }
//        rabbit_file->close();

        // assert that we are within a [-2,2] in x and [-2,2] in y (on limit cycle)
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][0], 0, 2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][1], 0, 2);
コード例 #4
    void TestRKFehlbergSystemOf3Equations() throw(Exception)
        OdeThirdOrder ode_system;

        double h_value = 0.1;

        // Euler solver solution worked out
        RungeKuttaFehlbergIvpOdeSolver rkf_solver;

        OdeSolution solutions;

        std::vector<double> state_variables = ode_system.GetInitialConditions();
        solutions = rkf_solver.Solve(&ode_system, state_variables, 0.0, 2.0, 0.25, 1e-5);
        unsigned last = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();
        double numerical_solution[3];
        numerical_solution[0] = solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][0];
        numerical_solution[1] = solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][1];
        numerical_solution[2] = solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][2];

        // The tests
        double analytical_solution[3];
        analytical_solution[0] = -sin(2.0);
        analytical_solution[1] = sin(2.0)+cos(2.0);
        analytical_solution[2] = 2*sin(2.0);
        double global_error_rkf = 0.5*2*(exp(2.0)-1)*h_value;
コード例 #5
    void TestGarysWntOdeSystemApc2Hit()
        double wnt_level = 0.5;
        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCellMutationState> p_apc2(new ApcTwoHitCellMutationState);
        Mirams2010WntOdeSystem wnt_system(wnt_level, p_apc2);

        // Solve system using CVODE solver
        // Matlab's strictest bit uses 0.01 below and relaxes it on flatter bits
        double h_value = 0.01;
        CvodeAdaptor cvode_solver;
        OdeSolution solutions;
        std::vector<double> initial_conditions = wnt_system.GetInitialConditions();

        solutions = cvode_solver.Solve(&wnt_system, initial_conditions, 0.0, 100.0, h_value, h_value);
        Timer::Print("1. Cvode");

        // Test solutions are OK for a small time increase
        int end = solutions.rGetSolutions().size() - 1;

        // Test the simulation is ending at the right time (going into S phase at 7.8 hours)
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[end], 100, 1e-2);

        // Check results are correct
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][0], 433.114, 2e-3); // Tolerances relaxed for
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][1], 433.114, 2e-3); // different CVODE versions.
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][2], wnt_level, 1e-4);
        std::cout << "CVODE is not enabled. " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "If required please install and alter your hostconfig settings to switch on chaste support." << std::endl;
コード例 #6
    void TestArchivingRkfSolver() throw(Exception)
        OutputFileHandler handler("archive",false);
        std::string archive_filename;
        archive_filename = handler.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath() + "rkf_solver.arch";

        Ode5Jacobian ode_system;
        OdeSolution solutions;
        double h_value = 0.1;
        double end_time = 1.0;

        // Create and archive simulation time
            std::ofstream ofs(archive_filename.c_str());
            boost::archive::text_oarchive output_arch(ofs);

            // Set up a solver
            AbstractIvpOdeSolver* const p_rkf_ode_solver = new RungeKuttaFehlbergIvpOdeSolver;

            // Should always archive a pointer
            output_arch << p_rkf_ode_solver;

            // Change stimulus a bit
            delete p_rkf_ode_solver;

        // Restore
            std::ifstream ifs(archive_filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
            boost::archive::text_iarchive input_arch(ifs);

            // Create a pointer
            AbstractIvpOdeSolver* p_rkf;
            input_arch >> p_rkf;

            std::vector<double> state_variables = ode_system.GetInitialConditions();

            solutions = p_rkf->Solve(&ode_system, state_variables, 0.0, end_time, h_value, 1e-5);
            unsigned last = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

            double numerical_solution;
            numerical_solution = solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][0];

            // The tests
            double analytical_solution = 1.0/(1.0+4.0*exp(-100.0*end_time));


            delete p_rkf;
コード例 #7
  // Test a given solver on an ODE which has a stopping event defined
  void MyTestSolverOnOdesWithEvents(AbstractIvpOdeSolver& rSolver)
        // ODE which has solution y0 = cos(t), and stopping event y0<0,
        // ie should stop when t = pi/2;
        OdeSecondOrderWithEvents ode_with_events;

        OdeSolution solutions;
        std::vector<double> state_variables =
        solutions = rSolver.Solve(&ode_with_events, state_variables, 0.0, 2.0,
            0.001, 0.001);

        unsigned num_timesteps = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

        // Final time should be around pi/2
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA( solutions.rGetTimes()[num_timesteps], M_PI_2, 0.01);

        // Penultimate y0 should be greater than zero
        TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( 0, solutions.rGetSolutions()[num_timesteps-1][0]);

        // Final y0 should be less than zero
        TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( solutions.rGetSolutions()[num_timesteps][0], 0);

        // Solver should correctly state the stopping event occurred
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rSolver.StoppingEventOccurred(), true);

        // This is to cover the exception when a stopping event occurs before the first timestep.
        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(rSolver.Solve(&ode_with_events, state_variables, 2.0, 3.0, 0.001));

        // Repeat with sampling time larger than dt

        state_variables = ode_with_events.GetInitialConditions();
        solutions = rSolver.Solve(&ode_with_events, state_variables, 0.0, 2.0,
            0.001, 0.01);

        num_timesteps = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

        // Final time should be around pi/2
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA( solutions.rGetTimes()[num_timesteps], M_PI_2, 0.01);

        // Penultimate y0 should be greater than zero
        TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( 0, solutions.rGetSolutions()[num_timesteps-1][0]);

        // Final y0 should be less than zero
        TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( solutions.rGetSolutions()[num_timesteps][0], 0);

        // Solver should correctly state the stopping event occurred
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rSolver.StoppingEventOccurred(), true);

        // Cover the check event isn't initially true exception
        std::vector<double> bad_init_cond;
        bad_init_cond.push_back(-1); //y0 < 0 so stopping event true
        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(rSolver.Solve(&ode_with_events, bad_init_cond, 0.0, 2.0, 0.001, 0.01));
コード例 #8
    void TestWithThreeVariablesTwoSystems()
        SimpleOde3 ode_for_x; // dx/dt = x -y +z
        SimpleOde6 ode_for_yz; // dy/dt = y-z  and dz/dt = 2y-z

        std::vector<AbstractOdeSystem*> ode_systems;

        // Create combined ODE system
        CombinedOdeSystem combined_ode_system(ode_systems);

        // Tell the combined ODE system which state variables in the first ODE system
        // correspond to which parameters in the second ODE system...
        std::map<unsigned, unsigned> variable_parameter_map;
        variable_parameter_map[0] = 0; //y in the yz-ODE appears in the x-ODE
        variable_parameter_map[1] = 1; //z in the yz-ODE appears in the x-ODE
        combined_ode_system.Configure(variable_parameter_map, &ode_for_yz, &ode_for_x);

        // Test number of state variables
        unsigned num_variables = combined_ode_system.GetNumberOfStateVariables();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(num_variables, 3u);

        // Combined system has no parameters
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(combined_ode_system.GetNumberOfParameters(), 0u);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(combined_ode_system.rGetParameterNames().size(), 0u);

        // Test initial conditions
        std::vector<double> initial_conditions = combined_ode_system.GetInitialConditions();
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(initial_conditions[0], 0.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(initial_conditions[1], 1.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(initial_conditions[2], 0.0, 1e-12);
        // Test variable names & units
        const std::vector<std::string>& r_names = combined_ode_system.rGetStateVariableNames();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(r_names[0], ode_for_x.rGetStateVariableNames()[0]);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(r_names[1], ode_for_yz.rGetStateVariableNames()[0]);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(r_names[2], ode_for_yz.rGetStateVariableNames()[1]);

        // x'=x-y+z, y'=y-z, z'=2y-z
        // starting at (x,y,z)=(0,1,0)
        // Analytic solution is x=-sin(t), y=sin(t)+cos(t), z=2sin(t)
        EulerIvpOdeSolver solver;
        OdeSolution solutions;
        double h = 0.01;
        std::vector<double> inits = combined_ode_system.GetInitialConditions();
        solutions = solver.Solve(&combined_ode_system, inits, 0.0, 2.0, h, h);
        double global_error = 0.5*(exp(2.0)-1)*h;
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions().back()[0], -sin(2.0), global_error);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions().back()[1], sin(2.0)+cos(2.0), global_error);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions().back()[2], 2.0*sin(2.0), global_error);
コード例 #9
    void TestArchivingSolver() throw(Exception)
        OutputFileHandler handler("archive", false);
        std::string archive_filename = ArchiveLocationInfo::GetProcessUniqueFilePath("backward_euler_solver.arch");

        VanDerPolOde ode_system;

        double h_value = 0.01;
        double end_time = 100.0;

        // Create and archive simulation time
            std::ofstream ofs(archive_filename.c_str());
            boost::archive::text_oarchive output_arch(ofs);

            // Set up a solver
            AbstractIvpOdeSolver* const p_backward_euler_solver = new BackwardEulerIvpOdeSolver(ode_system.GetNumberOfStateVariables());

            // Should always archive a pointer
            output_arch << p_backward_euler_solver;

            // Change stimulus a bit
            delete p_backward_euler_solver;

        // Restore
            std::ifstream ifs(archive_filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
            boost::archive::text_iarchive input_arch(ifs);

            // Create a pointer
            AbstractIvpOdeSolver* p_backward_euler;
            input_arch >> p_backward_euler;
            OdeSolution solutions;

            std::vector<double> state_variables = ode_system.GetInitialConditions();

            solutions = p_backward_euler->Solve(&ode_system, state_variables, 0.0, end_time, h_value, 5*h_value);
            unsigned last = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

            // assert that we are within a [-2,2] in x and [-2,2] in y (on limit cycle)
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][0], 0, 2);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][1], 0, 2);

            delete p_backward_euler;
コード例 #10
     * === Solving n-dimensional ODEs ===
     * Finally, here's a simple test showing how to solve a 2d ODE using the first method.
     * All that is different is the initial condition has be a vector of length 2, and returned
     * solution is of length 2 at every timestep.
    void TestWith2dOde()
        My2dOde my_2d_ode;
        EulerIvpOdeSolver euler_solver;

        /* Define the initial condition for each state variable. */
        std::vector<double> initial_condition;

        /* Solve, and print the solution as [time, y1, y2]. */
        OdeSolution solutions = euler_solver.Solve(&my_2d_ode, initial_condition, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1);
        for (unsigned i=0; i<solutions.rGetTimes().size(); i++)
            std::cout << solutions.rGetTimes()[i] << " "
                      << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0] << " "
                      << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][1] << "\n";
コード例 #11
    void TestRKFehlbergWithExampleFromBook() throw(Exception)
         * Book is "Numerical Analysis 6th Edition by R.L. Burden and J. D. Faires
         * This example is on P291 Table 5.9
        RkfTestOde ode;

        double max_step_size = 0.25;
        double start_time = 0.0;
        double end_time = 2.0;
        RungeKuttaFehlbergIvpOdeSolver rkf_solver;

        OdeSolution solutions;

        std::vector<double> state_variables = ode.GetInitialConditions();
        double tolerance = 1e-5;
        solutions = rkf_solver.Solve(&ode, state_variables, start_time, end_time, max_step_size, tolerance);

        // Times (from MatLab Code) to check timstepping is being adapted properly
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[0], 0, 1e-7);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[1], 2.500000000000000e-01, 1e-7);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[2], 4.868046415733731e-01, 1e-7);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[3], 7.298511818781566e-01, 1e-7);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[4], 9.798511818781566e-01, 1e-7);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[5], 1.229851181878157e+00, 1e-7);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[6], 1.479851181878157e+00, 1e-7);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[7], 1.729851181878157e+00, 1e-7);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[8], 1.979851181878157e+00, 1e-7);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[9], 2.000000000000000e+00, 1e-7);

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps(), 9u);

        // y values (from analytic result)
        for (unsigned i=0; i<solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps(); i++)
            double time = solutions.rGetTimes()[i];
            double y = (time+1.0)*(time+1.0) - 0.5*exp(time);

            // Tolerance set to 1e-5, so 2e-5 to pass here
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0], y, 2e-5);
コード例 #12
    void Simulate(const std::string& rOutputDirName,
                  const std::string& rModelName,
                  boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCardiacCellInterface> pCell)
        double end_time = GetAttribute(pCell, "SuggestedCycleLength", 700.0); // ms
        if (pCell->GetSolver() || dynamic_cast<AbstractRushLarsenCardiacCell*>(pCell.get()))
            double dt = GetAttribute(pCell, "SuggestedForwardEulerTimestep", 0.0);
            if (dt > 0.0)
        AbstractCvodeSystem* p_cvode_cell = dynamic_cast<AbstractCvodeSystem*>(pCell.get());
        if (p_cvode_cell)
            // Set a larger max internal time steps per sampling interval (CVODE's default is 500)
            // Numerical or analytic J for CVODE?
            if (!mUseCvodeJacobian)
        double sampling_interval = 1.0; // ms; used as max dt for CVODE too
        OdeSolution solution = pCell->Compute(0.0, end_time, sampling_interval);
        std::stringstream message;
        message << "Model " << rModelName << " writing to " << rOutputDirName << " took";

        const unsigned output_freq = 10; // Only output every N samples
        solution.WriteToFile(rOutputDirName, rModelName, "ms", output_freq, false);
        // Check an AP was produced
        std::vector<double> voltages = solution.GetVariableAtIndex(pCell->GetVoltageIndex());
        CellProperties props(voltages, solution.rGetTimes());
        props.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(90.0); // Don't catch the exception here if it's thrown
        // Compare against saved results
        CheckResults(rModelName, voltages, solution.rGetTimes(), output_freq);
コード例 #13
    void TestRKFehlbergNonlinearEquation() throw(Exception)
        Ode4 ode_system;

        double h_value = 0.1;

        // Euler solver solution worked out
        RungeKuttaFehlbergIvpOdeSolver rkf_solver;
        OdeSolution solutions;

        std::vector<double> state_variables = ode_system.GetInitialConditions();

        solutions = rkf_solver.Solve(&ode_system, state_variables, 0.0, 2.0, h_value, 1e-5);
        int last = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

        double numerical_solution;
        numerical_solution = solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][0];

        // The tests
        double analytical_solution = 1.0/(1.0+exp(-12.5));

コード例 #14
    void TestBackwardEulerNonlinearEquation()
        Ode4 ode_system;

        double h_value = 0.01;

        // Euler solver solution worked out
        BackwardEulerIvpOdeSolver backward_euler_solver(ode_system.GetNumberOfStateVariables());
        OdeSolution solutions;

        std::vector<double> state_variables = ode_system.GetInitialConditions();

        solutions = backward_euler_solver.Solve(&ode_system, state_variables, 0.0, 2.0, h_value, h_value);
        unsigned last = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

        double numerical_solution;
        numerical_solution = solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][0];

        // The tests
        double analytical_solution = 1.0/(1.0+exp(-12.5));

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(numerical_solution, analytical_solution, 1.0e-4);
コード例 #15
    void TestSimpleSystemWithOrderSwapped()
        // The solution should be the same, but we'll have to construct a new CombinedOdeSystemInformation
        // object, because the order of subsystems has changed.

        SimpleOde1 ode_for_y; // dy/dt = x
        SimpleOde2 ode_for_x; // dx/dt = -y

        std::vector<AbstractOdeSystem*> ode_systems;

        // Create combined ODE system
        CombinedOdeSystem combined_ode_system(ode_systems);

        // Tell the combined ODE system which state variables in the first ODE system
        // correspond to which parameters in the second ODE system...
        std::map<unsigned, unsigned> variable_parameter_map;
        variable_parameter_map[0] = 0;

        combined_ode_system.Configure(variable_parameter_map, &ode_for_y, &ode_for_x);

        // ...and vice versa (we can re-use the map in this case)
        combined_ode_system.Configure(variable_parameter_map, &ode_for_x, &ode_for_y);

        // Test solving the combined system.
        // This is dy/dt = x, dx/dt = -y, y(0) = 0, x(0) = 1.
        // The analytic solution is y = sin(t), x = cos(t).
        EulerIvpOdeSolver solver;
        OdeSolution solutions;
        double h = 0.01;
        std::vector<double> inits = combined_ode_system.GetInitialConditions();
        solutions = solver.Solve(&combined_ode_system, inits, 0.0, 2.0, h, h);
        double global_error = 0.5*(exp(2.0)-1)*h;
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions().back()[1], sin(2.0), global_error);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions().back()[0], cos(2.0), global_error);
コード例 #16
    void TestRKFehlbergAnotherNonlinearEquationAnalytic() throw(Exception)
        Ode5Jacobian ode_system;

        double h_value = 0.1;
        double end_time = 1.0;

        // Euler solver solution worked out
        RungeKuttaFehlbergIvpOdeSolver rkf_solver;
        OdeSolution solutions;

        std::vector<double> state_variables = ode_system.GetInitialConditions();

        solutions = rkf_solver.Solve(&ode_system, state_variables, 0.0, end_time, h_value, 1e-5);
        unsigned last = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

        double numerical_solution;
        numerical_solution = solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][0];

        // The tests
        double analytical_solution = 1.0/(1.0+4.0*exp(-100.0*end_time));

コード例 #17
    void TestGarysWntOdeSystemBetaCatenin1Hit() throw(Exception)
        double wnt_level = 0.5;
        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCellMutationState> p_bcat1(new BetaCateninOneHitCellMutationState);
        Mirams2010WntOdeSystem wnt_system(wnt_level, p_bcat1);

        // Solve system using CVODE solver
        // Matlab's strictest bit uses 0.01 below and relaxes it on flatter bits
        double h_value = 0.1;
        CvodeAdaptor cvode_solver;
        OdeSolution solutions;
        std::vector<double> initial_conditions = wnt_system.GetInitialConditions();

        double start_time, end_time, elapsed_time = 0.0;
        start_time = (double) std::clock();
        solutions = cvode_solver.Solve(&wnt_system, initial_conditions, 0.0, 100.0, h_value, h_value);
        end_time = (double) std::clock();
        elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
        std::cout << "1. Cvode Elapsed time = " << elapsed_time << " secs for 100 hours\n";

        // Test solutions are OK for a small time increase
        int end = solutions.rGetSolutions().size() - 1;

        // Tests the simulation is ending at the right time (going into S phase at 7.8 hours)
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[end], 100, 1e-2);

        // Check results are correct
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][0], 67.5011, 1e-4);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][1], 824.0259, 1e-4);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][2], wnt_level, 1e-4);
        std::cout << "CVODE is not enabled. " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "If required please install and alter your hostconfig settings to switch on chaste support." << std::endl;
コード例 #18
OdeSolution AbstractRushLarsenCardiacCell::Compute(double tStart, double tEnd, double tSamp)
    // In this method, we iterate over timesteps, doing the following for each:
    //   - update V using a forward Euler step
    //   - do as in ComputeExceptVoltage(t) to update the remaining state variables
    //     using Rush Larsen method or forward Euler as appropriate

    // Check length of time interval
    if (tSamp < mDt)
        tSamp = mDt;
    const unsigned n_steps = (unsigned) floor((tEnd - tStart)/tSamp + 0.5);
    assert(fabs(tStart+n_steps*tSamp - tEnd) < 1e-12);
    const unsigned n_small_steps = (unsigned) floor(tSamp/mDt+0.5);
    assert(fabs(mDt*n_small_steps - tSamp) < 1e-12);

    // Initialise solution store
    OdeSolution solutions;

    std::vector<double> dy(mNumberOfStateVariables, 0);
    std::vector<double> alpha(mNumberOfStateVariables, 0);
    std::vector<double> beta(mNumberOfStateVariables, 0);

    // Loop over time
    for (unsigned i=0; i<n_steps; i++)
        double curr_time = tStart;
        for (unsigned j=0; j<n_small_steps; j++)
            curr_time = tStart + i*tSamp + j*mDt;
            EvaluateEquations(curr_time, dy, alpha, beta);
            ComputeOneStepExceptVoltage(dy, alpha, beta);

        // Update solutions

    return solutions;
コード例 #19
    void TestSolvingOdes() throw(Exception)
        /* First, create an instance of the ODE class to be solved. */
        MyOde my_ode;
        /* Next, create a solver. */
        EulerIvpOdeSolver euler_solver;
        /* We will need to provide an initial condition, which needs to
         * be a {{{std::vector}}}.*/
        std::vector<double> initial_condition;
        /* Then, just call `Solve`, passing in a pointer to the ODE, the
         * initial condition, the start time, end time, the solving timestep,
         * and sampling timestep (how often we want the solution stored in the returned `OdeSolution` object).
         * Here we solve from 0 to 1, with a timestep of 0.01 but a ''sampling
         * timestep'' of 0.1. The return value is an object of type {{{OdeSolution}}}
         * (which is basically just a list of times and solutions).
        OdeSolution solutions = euler_solver.Solve(&my_ode, initial_condition, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1);
        /* Let's look at the results, which can be obtained from the {{{OdeSolution}}}
         * object using the methods {{{rGetTimes()}}} and {{{rGetSolutions()}}}, which
         * return a {{{std::vector}}} and a {{{std::vector}}} of {{{std::vector}}}s
         * respectively. */
        for (unsigned i=0; i<solutions.rGetTimes().size(); i++)
            /* The {{{[0]}}} here is because we are getting the zeroth component of y (a 1-dimensional vector). */
            std::cout << solutions.rGetTimes()[i] << " " << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0] << "\n";

        /* Alternatively, we can print the solution directly to a file, using the {{{WriteToFile}}}
         * method on the {{{OdeSolution}}} class. */
        solutions.WriteToFile("SolvingOdesTutorial", "my_ode_solution", "sec");
        /* Two files are written
         * * {{{my_ode_solution.dat}}} contains the results (a header line, then one column for time and one column per variable)
         * * {{{my_ode_solution.info}}} contains information for reading the data back, a line about the ODE solver ("{{{ODE SOLVER: EulerIvpOdeSolver}}}") and provenance information.

        /* We can see from the printed out results that y goes above 2.5 somewhere just
         * before 0.6. To solve only up until y=2.5, we can solve the ODE that has the
         * stopping event defined, using the same solver as before. */
        MyOdeWithStoppingEvent my_ode_stopping;

        /* '''Note:''' ''when a {{{std::vector}}} is passed in as an initial condition
         * to a {{{Solve}}} call, it gets updated as the solve takes place''. Therefore, if
         * we want to use the same initial condition again, we have to reset it back to 1.0. */
        initial_condition[0] = 1.0;
        solutions = euler_solver.Solve(&my_ode_stopping, initial_condition, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1);
        /* We can check with the solver that it stopped because of the stopping event, rather than because
         * it reached to end time. */
        /* Finally, let's print the time of the stopping event (to the nearest dt or so). */
        std::cout << "Stopping event occurred at t="<<solutions.rGetTimes().back()<<"\n";
コード例 #20
     * Test two ODE solvers with this ODE system (correct values calculated using the Matlab solver ode15s).
    void TestAlarcon2004Solver()
        // Set up
        double oxygen_concentration = 1.0;
        Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem alarcon_system(oxygen_concentration, false);

        // Create ODE solvers
        RungeKutta4IvpOdeSolver rk4_solver;
        RungeKuttaFehlbergIvpOdeSolver rkf_solver;
        BackwardEulerIvpOdeSolver back_solver(6);

        // Set up for solver
        OdeSolution solutions;
        std::vector<double> initial_conditions = alarcon_system.GetInitialConditions();
        double h_value = 1e-4; // maximum tolerance

        // Solve the ODE system using a Runge Kutta fourth order solver
        solutions = rk4_solver.Solve(&alarcon_system, initial_conditions, 0.0, 10.0, h_value, h_value);
        Timer::Print("1. Runge-Kutta");

        // Reset maximum tolerance for Runge Kutta Fehlber solver
        h_value = 1e-1;

        // Solve the ODE system using a Runge Kutta Fehlber solver
        initial_conditions = alarcon_system.GetInitialConditions();
        solutions = rkf_solver.Solve(&alarcon_system, initial_conditions, 0.0, 10.0, h_value, 1e-4);
        Timer::Print("1. Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg");

        // Test that solutions are accurate for a small time increase
        int end = solutions.rGetSolutions().size() - 1;

        // Test that the solver stops at the right time
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetTimes()[end], 9.286356375, 1e-2);

        // Test solution - note the high tolerances
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][0], 0.004000000000000, 1e-3);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][1], 0.379221366479055, 1e-3);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][2], 0.190488726735972, 1e-3);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][3], 9.962110289977730, 1e-3);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][4], 0.096476600742599, 1e-3);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][5], 1.000000000000000, 1e-3);
コード例 #21
    void TestRKFehlbergSystemOf3EquationsWithEvents() throw(Exception)
        OdeThirdOrderWithEvents ode_system_with_events;

        double h_value = 0.1;

        // Euler solver solution worked out
        RungeKuttaFehlbergIvpOdeSolver rkf_solver;
        OdeSolution solutions;

        std::vector<double> state_variables = ode_system_with_events.GetInitialConditions();
        solutions = rkf_solver.Solve(&ode_system_with_events, state_variables, 0.0, 2.0, h_value, 1e-5);
        unsigned last = solutions.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

//        for (unsigned i=0; i<last+1; i++)
//        {
//            std::cout << "Time = " << solutions.rGetTimes()[i] <<
//                " x = " << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0] << "\n" << std::flush;
//        }

        // Final time should be pi/6 (?)
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA( solutions.rGetTimes()[last], M_PI/6.0, h_value);

        // Penultimate y0 should be greater than -0.5

        // Final y0 should be less than -0.5
        TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( solutions.rGetSolutions()[last][0], -0.5);

        // Solver should correctly state the stopping event occurred
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rkf_solver.StoppingEventOccurred(), true);

        // Coverage of exceptions
        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_THIS(rkf_solver.Solve(&ode_system_with_events, solutions.rGetSolutions()[last], M_PI/6.0, 2.0, 0.1, 1e-5),
                "(Solve with sampling) Stopping event is true for initial condition");
        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_THIS(rkf_solver.Solve(&ode_system_with_events, solutions.rGetSolutions()[last], M_PI/6.0, 2.0, 0.1),
                "(Solve without sampling) Stopping event is true for initial condition");
コード例 #22
    void TestShannonSimulation()
/* CVODE is still an optional Chaste dependency, but it is highly recommended for
 * working with single cell simulations. This tutorial code will only run if CVODE is installed and enabled
 * (see InstallCvode and ChasteGuides/HostconfigSystem). */
         * == Defining a CVODE model ==
         * Setup a CVODE model that has empty solver and stimulus
         * This is necessary to initialise the cell model.
         * If you want to define your own stimulus without using the default one,
         * you can define it here instead of giving it an empty stimulus:
         * {{{boost::shared_ptr<RegularStimulus> p_stimulus(new RegularStimulus(-25.5,2.0,50.0,500));}}}
         * the parameters are magnitude, duration, period, and start time of stimulus.
        boost::shared_ptr<RegularStimulus> p_stimulus;
        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractIvpOdeSolver> p_solver;
        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCvodeCell> p_model(new CellShannon2004FromCellMLCvode(p_solver, p_stimulus));

         * Once the model is set up we can tell it to use the the default stimulus from CellML,
         * (if one has been labelled, you get an exception if not), and return it.
         * NB. You could automatically check whether one is available with:
         * {{{p_model->HasCellMLDefaultStimulus()}}}
        boost::shared_ptr<RegularStimulus> p_regular_stim = p_model->UseCellMLDefaultStimulus();

         * Now you can modify certain parameters of the stimulus function, such as the period

         * == Numerical Considerations ==
         * Cardiac cell models can be pretty tricky to deal with, as they are very stiff and sometimes full
         * of singularities.
         * One of the first things you want to ensure is that the maximum timestep CVODE can take is less
         * than or equal to the duration of the stimulus. Otherwise CVODE could evaluate the right-hand side
         * before and after the stimulus, and never see it (giving you a cell that never does anything).
         * This can be done using something like:
         * {{{double max_timestep = p_regular_stim->GetDuration();}}}
         * instead of the declaration of `max_timestep` below. In this tutorial we want an answer that is
         * refined in time to give an accurate upstroke velocity. So we make the maximum timestep even
         * smaller, to match the printing timestep. A rough rule of thumb would be to use the smaller of
         * stimulus duration and printing time step as your CVODE maximum timestep. But note CVODE will still
         * give sensible answers if printing timestep is less than maximum timestep, it might just decide
         * to interpolate the output instead of evaluate it directly, if it thinks it will be
         * accurate enough to meet your tolerances.
         * A common error from CVODE is '''TOO_MUCH_WORK''', this means CVODE tried to exceed the maximum number of
         * internal time steps it is allowed to do. You can try using the method `SetMaxSteps` to change
         * the default (500) to a larger value, with a command like:
         * {{{p_model->SetMaxSteps(1e5);}}}
         * We have found that 1e5 should be enough for a single pace of all models we've tried so far,
         * but if you were running for a long time (e.g. 1000 paces in one Solve call) you would need to increase this.
         * Another common error from CVODE is:
         * '''the error test failed repeatedly or with |h| = hmin.'''
         * Since we don't change hmin (and it defaults to a very small value), this generally means the
         * ODE system has got to a situation where refining the timestep is not helping the convergence.
         * This generally indicates that you are hitting some sort of singularity, or divide by zero, in
         * the model. Unfortunately cardiac models are full of these, they can sometimes be manually edited out
         * by changing the cellML file, for instance using [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27H%C3%B4pital%27s_rule L'Hopital's rule].
         * In this case, one other thing you can try is to change the absolute and relative
         * tolerances of the CVODE solver, the default being (1e-5,1e-7), although it isn't clear whether
         * refining sometimes makes things worse, as CVODE goes to look for trouble in areas with steep gradients.
         * {{{p_model->SetTolerances(1e-6,1e-8);}}}
         * By default we use an analytic Jacobian for CVODE cells (where available - see [wiki:ChasteGuides/CodeGenerationFromCellML]
         * for instructions on how to provide one using Maple). In some cases (the Hund-Rudy model particularly being one) the
         * analytic Jacobian contains effectively divide-by-zero entries, even at resting potential. If you observe
         * CVODE errors when trying to run simulations, it can be worth switching off the analytic Jacobian and resorting
         * to a numerical approximation (as happens by default if no analytic Jacobian is available). This can be done with the
         * following command:
         * {{{p_model->ForceUseOfNumericalJacobian();}}}

         * == Changing Parameters in the Cell Model ==
         * You can also change any parameters that are labelled in the cell model.
         * Instructions for annotating parameters can be found at [wiki:ChasteGuides/CodeGenerationFromCellML]
         * Here we show how to change the parameter dictating the maximal conductance of the IKs current.
         * Note this call actually leaves it unchanged from the default,
         * you can experiment with changing it and examine the impact on APD.
        p_model->SetParameter("membrane_slow_delayed_rectifier_potassium_current_conductance", 0.07);

         * == Running model to steady state ==
         * Now we run the model to steady state.
         * You can detect for steady state alternans by giving it true as a second parameter
         * {{{SteadyStateRunner steady_runner(p_model, true);}}}
         * You may change the number of maximum paces the runner takes. The default is 1e5.
        SteadyStateRunner steady_runner(p_model);
        bool result;
        result = steady_runner.RunToSteadyState();

         * Check that the model has NOT reached steady state
         * (this model needs more than 100 paces to reach steady state).

         * == Getting detail for paces of interest ==
         * Now we solve for the number of paces we are interested in.
         * The absolute values of start time and end time are typically only relevant for the stimulus, in general
         * nothing else on the right-hand side of the equations uses time directly.
         * i.e. if you have a `RegularStimulus` of period 1000ms then you would get exactly the same results
         * calling Solve(0,1000,...) twice, as you would calling Solve(0,1000,...) and Solve(1000,2000,...).
         * Single cell results can be very sensitive to the sampling time step, because of the steepness of the upstroke.
         * For example, try changing the line below to 1 ms. The upstroke velocity that is detected will change
         * from 339 mV/ms to around 95 mV/ms. APD calculations will only ever be accurate to sampling timestep
         * for the same reason.
        double max_timestep = 0.1;

        double sampling_timestep = max_timestep;
        double start_time = 0.0;
        double end_time = 1000.0;
        OdeSolution solution = p_model->Compute(start_time, end_time, sampling_timestep);

         * `p_model` retains the state variables at the end of `Solve`, if you call `Solve` again the state
         * variables will evolve from their new state, not the original initial conditions.
         * Write the data out to a file.

         * == Calculating APD and Upstroke Velocity ==
         * Calculate APD and upstroke velocity using {{{CellProperties}}}
        unsigned voltage_index = p_model->GetSystemInformation()->GetStateVariableIndex("membrane_voltage");
        std::vector<double> voltages = solution.GetVariableAtIndex(voltage_index);
        CellProperties cell_props(voltages, solution.rGetTimes());

        double apd = cell_props.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(90);
        double upstroke_velocity = cell_props.GetLastMaxUpstrokeVelocity();
         * Here we just check that the values are equal to the ones we expect,
         * with appropriate precision to pass on different versions of CVODE.
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(apd, 212.41, 1e-2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(upstroke_velocity, 338, 1.25);

        /* CVODE is still an optional dependency for Chaste.
         * If CVODE is not installed this tutorial will
         * not do anything, but we can at least alert the user to this.*/
        std::cout << "Cvode is not enabled.\n";
コード例 #23
void RungeKuttaFehlbergIvpOdeSolver::InternalSolve(OdeSolution& rSolution,
                                                AbstractOdeSystem* pOdeSystem,
                                                std::vector<double>& rYValues,
                                                std::vector<double>& rWorkingMemory,
                                                double startTime,
                                                double endTime,
                                                double maxTimeStep,
                                                double minTimeStep,
                                                double tolerance,
                                                bool outputSolution)
    const unsigned number_of_variables = pOdeSystem->GetNumberOfStateVariables();

    double current_time = startTime;
    double time_step = maxTimeStep;
    bool got_to_end = false;
    bool accurate_enough = false;
    unsigned number_of_time_steps = 0;

    if (outputSolution)
    {   // Write out ICs

    // should never get here if this bool has been set to true;
    while (!got_to_end)
        //std::cout << "New timestep\n" << std::flush;
        while (!accurate_enough)
            accurate_enough = true; // assume it is OK until we check and find otherwise

            // Function that calls the appropriate one-step solver

            // Find the maximum error in this vector
            double max_error = -DBL_MAX;
            for (unsigned i=0; i<number_of_variables; i++)
                if (mError[i] > max_error)
                    max_error = mError[i];

            if (max_error > tolerance)
            {// Reject the step-size and do it again.
                accurate_enough = false;
                //std::cout << "Approximation rejected\n" << std::flush;
                // step forward the time since step has now been made
                current_time = current_time + time_step;
                //std::cout << "Approximation accepted with time step = "<< time_step << "\n" << std::flush;
                //std::cout << "max_error = " << max_error << " tolerance = " << tolerance << "\n" << std::flush;
                if (outputSolution)
                {   // Write out ICs
                    //std::cout << "In solver Time = " << current_time << " y = " << rWorkingMemory[0] << "\n" << std::flush;

            // Set a new step size based on the accuracy here
            AdjustStepSize(time_step, max_error, tolerance, maxTimeStep, minTimeStep);

        // For the next timestep check the step doesn't go past the end...
        if (current_time + time_step > endTime)
        {   // Allow a smaller timestep for the final step.
            time_step = endTime - current_time;

        if ( pOdeSystem->CalculateStoppingEvent(current_time,
                                                rWorkingMemory) == true )
            mStoppingTime = current_time;
            mStoppingEventOccurred = true;

        if (mStoppingEventOccurred || current_time>=endTime)
            got_to_end = true;

        // Approximation accepted - put it in rYValues
        rYValues.assign(rWorkingMemory.begin(), rWorkingMemory.end());
        accurate_enough = false; // for next loop.
        //std::cout << "Finished Time Step\n" << std::flush;
コード例 #24
    void TestInterpolatorTimesAndGenerateReferenceTrace() throw(Exception)
        OutputFileHandler handler("CvodeCellsWithDataClamp");

        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractIvpOdeSolver> p_empty_solver;
        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractStimulusFunction> p_empty_stimulus;

        // N.B. Because we use the Shannon model as a lot of examples,
        // here it is actually a Shannon->WithModifiers->WithDataClamp->CvodeCell
        // (the WithModifiers doesn't need to be there to use the data clamp!)
        mpModel.reset(new CellShannon2004FromCellMLCvodeDataClamp(p_empty_solver,p_empty_stimulus));

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(mpModel->HasParameter("membrane_data_clamp_current_conductance"), true);


        // Run a simulation without clamping switched on

        double end_time = 400.0;
        OdeSolution solution = mpModel->Compute(0, end_time, 0.2);
        std::vector<double> expt_times = solution.rGetTimes();
        std::vector<double> expt_data = solution.GetAnyVariable("membrane_voltage");
        solution.WriteToFile("CvodeCellsWithDataClamp","shannon_original_no_clamp", "ms", 1, false); // false to clean

            "Before calling TurnOnDataClamp(), please provide experimental data via the SetExperimentalData() method.");

        // Test the interpolation methods.
            mpModel->SetExperimentalData(expt_times, expt_data);

            // Note - unless the data clamp is switched on the below method just returns DOUBLE_UNSET to save time interpolating.
            double time = 100.0;
            TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(mpModel->GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(time), DOUBLE_UNSET);

            // So now turn on the data clamp

            double tol = 5e-3; // mV
            double tol = 0.2; // mV
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(time), -8.55863245e+01, tol);

            // So turn it off again
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetParameter("membrane_data_clamp_current_conductance"), 0.0, 1e-12);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetParameter("membrane_data_clamp_current_conductance"), 200.0, 1e-12);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetParameter("membrane_data_clamp_current_conductance"), 0.0, 1e-12);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetParameter("membrane_data_clamp_current_conductance"), 100.0, 1e-12); // the default

            // Test a couple of times where no interpolation is needed (on data points).
            time = 116.0;
            double v_at_116 = 1.53670634e+01;
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(time), v_at_116, tol);

            time = 116.2;
            double v_at_116_2 = 1.50089546e+01;
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(time), v_at_116_2, tol);

            // Now test a time where interpolation is required.
            time = 116.1;
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(time), 0.5*(v_at_116 + v_at_116_2), tol);

            // Test ends
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(0.0), expt_data[0], 1e-4);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(mpModel->GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(end_time), expt_data.back(), 1e-4);

            // Test exceptions
                                      "is outside the times stored in the data clamp");
                                      "is outside the times stored in the data clamp");

            //std::cout << "membrane_data_clamp_current_conductance = " << mpModel->GetParameter("membrane_data_clamp_current_conductance") << std::endl << std::flush;
            //std::cout << "mpModel->GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(time) = " << mpModel->GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(time) << std::endl << std::flush;

            unsigned how_many = 10000u;
            for (unsigned i=0; i<how_many; i++)

        // Generate some noisier data - more like a real cell.
        out_stream experimental_voltage_results_file = handler.OpenOutputFile("Shannon_noisy_data.dat");
        double experimental_noise_sd = 0.25; // directly from Teun's AP data trace of a stationary-looking bit
        for (unsigned i=0; i<expt_data.size(); i++)
            double random_number = RandomNumberGenerator::Instance()->StandardNormalRandomDeviate();
            expt_data[i] +=  (10+experimental_noise_sd*random_number); // make experimental data very different to see if clamp works
            *experimental_voltage_results_file << expt_times[i] << "\t" << expt_data[i] << std::endl;

        // In this half of the test, try running simulations with the clamp.
            // Now solve with data clamp to the noisy data
            mpModel->SetExperimentalData(expt_times, expt_data);


            std::vector<double> data_clamp_times;
            std::vector<double> data_clamp_voltage;

            for (int i = -4; i < 3; i++)
                double clamp_conductance = pow(10,i);
                std::cout << "clamp_conductance = " << clamp_conductance << std::endl << std::flush;
                std::stringstream output_file;
                output_file << "Shannon_test_solution_with_data_clamp_conductance_exponent_" << i << ".dat";

                solution = mpModel->Compute(0, 400, 0.2);
                data_clamp_times = solution.rGetTimes();
                data_clamp_voltage = solution.GetAnyVariable("membrane_voltage");

                out_stream data_clamp_voltage_results_file = handler.OpenOutputFile(output_file.str());
                for (unsigned j=0; j<data_clamp_voltage.size(); j++)
                    *data_clamp_voltage_results_file << data_clamp_times[j] << "\t" << data_clamp_voltage[j] << "\n";
        std::cout << "Cvode is not enabled.\n";
コード例 #25
    void TestSimpleCombinedOdeSystem() throw (Exception)
        // Create two ODE systems
        SimpleOde1 ode_for_y; // dy/dt = x
        SimpleOde2 ode_for_x; // dx/dt = -y

        std::vector<AbstractOdeSystem*> ode_systems;

        // Create combined ODE system
        CombinedOdeSystem combined_ode_system(ode_systems);

        // Tell the combined ODE system which state variables in the first ODE system
        // correspond to which parameters in the second ODE system...
        std::map<unsigned, unsigned> variable_parameter_map;
        variable_parameter_map[0] = 0;

        combined_ode_system.Configure(variable_parameter_map, &ode_for_y, &ode_for_x);

        // ...and vice versa (we can re-use the map in this case)
        combined_ode_system.Configure(variable_parameter_map, &ode_for_x, &ode_for_y);

        // Test number of state variables
        unsigned num_variables = combined_ode_system.GetNumberOfStateVariables();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(num_variables, 2u);

        // Combined system has no parameters
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(combined_ode_system.GetNumberOfParameters(), 0u);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(combined_ode_system.rGetParameterNames().size(), 0u);

        // Test initial conditions
        std::vector<double> initial_conditions = combined_ode_system.GetInitialConditions();
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(initial_conditions[0], 0.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(initial_conditions[1], 1.0, 1e-12);
        // Test variable names & units
        const std::vector<std::string>& r_names = combined_ode_system.rGetStateVariableNames();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(r_names[0], ode_for_y.rGetStateVariableNames()[0]);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(r_names[1], ode_for_x.rGetStateVariableNames()[0]);
        const std::vector<std::string>& r_units = combined_ode_system.rGetStateVariableUnits();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(r_units[0], ode_for_y.rGetStateVariableUnits()[0]);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(r_units[1], ode_for_x.rGetStateVariableUnits()[0]);

        // Test solving the combined system.
        // This is dy/dt = x, dx/dt = -y, y(0) = 0, x(0) = 1.
        // The analytic solution is y = sin(t), x = cos(t).
        EulerIvpOdeSolver solver;
        OdeSolution solutions;
        double h = 0.01;
        std::vector<double> inits = combined_ode_system.GetInitialConditions();
        solutions = solver.Solve(&combined_ode_system, inits, 0.0, 2.0, h, h);
        double global_error = 0.5*(exp(2.0)-1)*h;
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions().back()[0], sin(2.0), global_error);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions().back()[1], cos(2.0), global_error);

        // Check that if we create the same combination, we get the same information object
        boost::shared_ptr<const AbstractOdeSystemInformation> info1 = combined_ode_system.GetSystemInformation();
        CombinedOdeSystem combined_ode_system2(ode_systems);
        boost::shared_ptr<const AbstractOdeSystemInformation> info2 = combined_ode_system2.GetSystemInformation();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(info1, info2);
コード例 #26
    void TestTysonNovakSolver() throw(Exception)
        TysonNovak2001OdeSystem tyson_novak_system;

        // Solve system using backward Euler solver

        // Matlab's strictest bit uses 0.01 below and relaxes it on flatter bits

        double dt = 0.1/60.0;

        //Euler solver solution worked out
        BackwardEulerIvpOdeSolver backward_euler_solver(6);

        std::vector<double> state_variables = tyson_novak_system.GetInitialConditions();

        OdeSolution solutions = backward_euler_solver.Solve(&tyson_novak_system, state_variables, 0.0, 75.8350/60.0, dt, dt);
        Timer::Print("1. Tyson Novak Backward Euler");

        // If you run it up to about 75min the ODE will stop, anything less and it will not and this test will fail
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(backward_euler_solver.StoppingEventOccurred(), true);

        unsigned end = solutions.rGetSolutions().size() - 1;

        // The following code provides nice output for gnuplot
        // use the command
        // plot "tyson_novak.dat" u 1:2
        // or
        // plot "tyson_novak.dat" u 1:3 etc. for the various proteins...

//        OutputFileHandler handler("");
//        out_stream file=handler.OpenOutputFile("tyson_novak.dat");
//        for (unsigned i=0; i<=end; i++)
//        {
//            (*file) << solutions.rGetTimes()[i]<< "\t" << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0] << "\t" << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][1] << "\t" << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][2] << "\t" << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][3] << "\t" << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][4] << "\t" << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][5] << "\n" << std::flush;
//        }
//        file->close();

        ColumnDataWriter writer("TysonNovak", "TysonNovak");
        if (PetscTools::AmMaster()) // if master process
            int step_per_row = 1;
            int time_var_id = writer.DefineUnlimitedDimension("Time", "s");

            std::vector<int> var_ids;
            for (unsigned i=0; i<tyson_novak_system.rGetStateVariableNames().size(); i++)

            for (unsigned i = 0; i < solutions.rGetSolutions().size(); i+=step_per_row)
                writer.PutVariable(time_var_id, solutions.rGetTimes()[i]);
                for (unsigned j=0; j<var_ids.size(); j++)
                    writer.PutVariable(var_ids[j], solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][j]);

        // Proper values calculated using the Matlab stiff ODE solver ode15s. Note that
        // large tolerances are required for the tests to pass with both chaste solvers
        // and CVODE.
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][0],0.10000000000000, 1e-2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][1],0.98913684535843, 1e-2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][2],1.54216806705641, 1e-1);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][3],1.40562614481544, 1e-1);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][4],0.67083371879876, 1e-2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solutions.rGetSolutions()[end][5],0.95328206604519, 2e-2);