ToolResult ToolMain( OptionSet& options, istream& in, ostream& out ) { ToolResult result = noError; string transmissionList = options.getopt( "-t|-T|--transmit", "spd" ); bool transmitStates = ( transmissionList.find_first_of( "sS" ) != string::npos ), transmitParameters = ( transmissionList.find_first_of( "pP" ) != string::npos ), transmitData = ( transmissionList.find_first_of( "dD" ) != string::npos ), calibrateData = !options.findopt( "-r|-R|--raw" ); string paramFileName = options.getopt( "-p|-P|--parameters", "" ); string offsetString = options.getopt( "-s|-S|--start", "" ); string durationString = options.getopt( "-d|-D|--duration", "" ); // Read the BCI2000 header. string token; int headerLength, sourceCh, stateVectorLength; SignalType dataFormat; StateList states; enum { v10, v11 } fileFormatVersion = v10; bool legalInput = in >> token; if( legalInput && token == "BCI2000V=" ) { legalInput = legalInput && in >> token; if( token == "1.1" ) fileFormatVersion = v11; else legalInput = false; legalInput = legalInput && in >> token; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { if( ToolInfo[ name ] == "" ) { size_t nameBegin = string( argv[ 0 ] ).find_last_of( "/\\" ); ToolInfo[ name ] = ( nameBegin == string::npos ? argv[ 0 ] : argv[ 0 ] + nameBegin + 1 ); size_t extensionBegin = ToolInfo[ name ].rfind( "." ); if( extensionBegin != string::npos ) ToolInfo[ name ].erase( extensionBegin ); } FunctionCall< ToolResult() > callInit( ToolInit ); bool finished = ExceptionCatcher() .SetMessage( "Aborting " + ToolInfo[ name ] ) .Run( callInit ); if( !finished ) return genericError; ToolResult result = callInit.Result(); if( result != noError ) { cerr << ToolInfo[ name ] << ": Initialization error" << endl; return result; } OptionSet toolOptions; for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) toolOptions.push_back( argv[i] ); struct options { bool execute; bool help; bool version; bool bcitest; string inputFile; string outputFile; int bufferSize; } options = { true, false, false, false, "", "", 0, }; if( toolOptions.findopt( "-h|-H|--help|-?" ) ) { = true; options.execute = false; } if( toolOptions.findopt( "-v|-V|--version" ) ) { options.version = true; options.execute = false; } options.inputFile = toolOptions.getopt( "-i|-I|--input", "" ); options.outputFile = toolOptions.getopt( "-o|-O|--output", "" ); string buffer = toolOptions.getopt( "-b|-B|--buffer", "4096" ); if( buffer.empty() ) { options.execute = false; = true; } options.bufferSize = ::atoi( buffer.c_str() ); if( !options.inputFile.empty() ) if( !::freopen( options.inputFile.c_str(), "rb", stdin ) ) { cerr << "Could not open " << options.inputFile << " for input" << endl; result = fileIOError; } if( !options.outputFile.empty() ) if( !::freopen( options.outputFile.c_str(), "wb", stdout ) ) { cerr << "Could not open " << options.outputFile << " for output" << endl; result = fileIOError; } if( result == noError ) { if( options.bufferSize < 0 ) options.bufferSize *= -1; int mode = _IOFBF; if( options.bufferSize == 0 ) { options.bufferSize = 0; mode = _IONBF; } if( ::setvbuf( stdin, NULL, mode, options.bufferSize ) ||::setvbuf( stdout, NULL, mode, options.bufferSize ) ) { cerr << "Could not set buffer size to " << options.bufferSize << endl; result = fileIOError; } } #ifdef HAVE_BIN_MODE if( result == noError ) { ::setmode( fileno( stdin ), O_BINARY ); if( ToolInfo[outputType].empty() || ToolInfo[outputType][0] != 't' ) ::setmode( fileno( stdout ), O_BINARY ); } #endif if( result == noError && options.execute ) { FunctionCall< ToolResult( OptionSet&, istream&, ostream& ) > callMain( ToolMain, toolOptions, cin, cout ); bool finished = ExceptionCatcher() .SetMessage( "Aborting " + ToolInfo[ name ] ) .Run( callMain ); if( !finished ) { result = genericError; } else { result = callMain.Result(); #if 0 if( !( in->good() || !in->eof() || result == fileIOError ) ) { cerr << "Illegal data format" << endl; result = illegalInput; } #endif } } |= ( result == illegalOption ); if( ) { ostream& out = ( result == noError ? cout : cerr ); out << "Usage: " << ToolInfo[ name ] << " [OPTION]\n" << "Options are:\n" << "\t-h, --help Display this help\n" << "\t-v, --version Output version information\n" << "\t-i<file>, --input=<file> Get input from <file>\n" << "\t-o<file>, --output=<file> Write output to <file>\n" << "\t-b<size>, --buffer=<size> Set IO buffer to <size>\n"; for( int i = firstOption; ToolInfo[ i ] != ""; ++i ) out << '\t' << ToolInfo[ i ] << '\n'; out << '\n' << ToolInfo[ description ] << '\n'; out.flush(); } if( options.version ) cout << ToolInfo[ name ] << " " << ToolInfo[ version ] << endl; if( !cout ) { cerr << "Error writing to standard output" << endl; result = genericError; } return result; }