コード例 #1
ファイル: ZoneAdminRpc.cpp プロジェクト: LordGaav/sipxecs
bool ZoneAdminRpcMethod::isProcessActive(const char* command)
   bool result = false;

   OsProcessIterator ProcessIterator;
   OsProcess runningProcess;
   OsProcessInfo procInfo;
   OsStatus procStatus;

   OsStatus iter_status = ProcessIterator.findFirst( runningProcess );
   while ( (iter_status == OS_SUCCESS) && (!result) )
      procStatus = runningProcess.getInfo(procInfo);
      if (procStatus == OS_SUCCESS)
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_SUPERVISOR, PRI_DEBUG, "Process commandlines found = %s", procInfo.commandline.data());
         procInfo.name.data(), procInfo.commandline.data();
         if (procInfo.commandline.contains(command))
            result = true;
      iter_status = ProcessIterator.findNext(runningProcess);

   return result;
コード例 #2
     * Just excersizes AIP. Unclear how to create pass/fail tests
    void testIterator()
        OsStatus stat;
        OsProcess process;
        OsProcessIterator pi;

        stat = pi.findFirst(process);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("First process", stat == OS_SUCCESS);

        while (stat == OS_SUCCESS)
            UtlString name;
            #ifdef WIN32
            /*on Windows, the system process is pid 0 */
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid PID",process.getPID() >= 0);
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid PID", process.getPID() != 0);
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid Parent PID", process.getParentPID() >= 0);
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid process name", name.data() != NULL);
            stat = pi.findNext(process);
コード例 #3
     * Just excersizes AIP. Unclear how to create pass/fail tests
    void testIterator()
        OsStatus stat;
        OsProcess process;
        OsProcessIterator pi;

        stat = pi.findFirst(process);
        KNOWN_BUG("Unknown failure", "XPL-12");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("First process", stat == OS_SUCCESS);

        while (stat == OS_SUCCESS)
            UtlString name;
            #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__hpux)
            /*on Windows and HP-UX, the system process is pid 0 */
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid PID",process.getPID() >= 0);
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid PID", process.getPID() != 0);
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid Parent PID", process.getParentPID() >= 0);
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid process name", name.data() != NULL);
            stat = pi.findNext(process);
コード例 #4
ファイル: OsProcessTest.cpp プロジェクト: LordGaav/sipxecs
    void testCaptureOutput()
        OsStatus stat;

        // this command will produce a mix of stdout and stderr
        UtlString appName = "ls";
        UtlString params[10];
        params[0] = "-d";
        params[1] = "/madeUpNameDoesNotExist";
        params[2] = ".";
        params[3] = NULL;

        OsProcess process;

        OsPath startupDir = ".";

        // std::cout << "Launching process: " << appName.data() << std::endl;
        OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "launching process %s %s", appName.data(), params[0].data());
        stat = process.launch(appName, params, startupDir,
                              OsProcessBase::NormalPriorityClass, false,
                              false/* don't ignore child signals*/);

        UtlString stdoutMsg, stderrMsg;
        int rc;

        // can't guarantee in what order we'll get the output, just check for both
        bool bGotStdout = false;
        bool bGotStderr = false;

        OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "calling getOutput");
        while ( (rc = process.getOutput(&stdoutMsg, &stderrMsg)) > 0 )
           if ( stdoutMsg.length() > 0 )
              OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "got stdout: %s", stdoutMsg.data());
              bGotStdout = true;
           if ( stderrMsg.length() > 0 )
              OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "got stderr: %s", stderrMsg.data());
              bGotStderr = true;

        CPPUNIT_ASSERT(rc == 0);

        // since we forced an invalid command, we expect a non-zero return code
        rc = process.wait(0);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT(rc != 0);
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: ClydeFroq/sipxecs
/* ============================ Os Process Test Funcs ================================= */
OsStatus TestProcessIterator()
    OsProcessIterator *processIterator;
    cout << "Starting Process Iterator Test..." << endl;

    processIterator = new OsProcessIterator();

    OsStatus retval = processIterator->findFirst(process);
    while (retval == OS_SUCCESS)
        UtlString name;
        cout << "Found PID = " << process.getPID() << "  ParentPID = " << process.getParentPID() << "  Name = " <<
            name.data() << endl;
        retval = processIterator->findNext(process);

    delete processIterator;

    cout << "DONE Process Iterator Test.\n";

    retval = OS_SUCCESS;
    return retval;
コード例 #6
/* ============================ ACCESSORS ================================= */
OsStatus OsProcessWnt::getByPID(PID pid, OsProcess &rProcess)
    OsStatus retval = OS_FAILED;
    OsProcess process;
    OsProcessIterator pi;

    OsStatus findRetVal = pi.findFirst(process);

    while (findRetVal == OS_SUCCESS)
        if (process.getPID() == pid)
            rProcess.mParentPID     = process.mParentPID;
            rProcess.mPID           = process.mPID;
            rProcess.mProcessName   = process.mProcessName;
            retval = OS_SUCCESS;
        findRetVal = pi.findNext(process);

    return retval;
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: ClydeFroq/sipxecs
OsStatus  TestProcessClass()

    OsStatus retval = OS_FAILED;

    cout << "Starting Process Class Method Test...\n";

    //try to launch dir
    UtlString appName = "ping";
    UtlString params[10];
    params[0] = "";

#ifdef _WIN32  //need to do this only on win32, linux already does this by default
    params[1] = "-t";

    //try and launch IE
    UtlString envKey =   "TESTKEY1";
    UtlString envValue = "TESTVALUE1";

    envKey =  "TESTKEY2";
    envValue ="TESTVALUE2";

    envKey = "TESTKEY3";
    envValue = "TESTVALUE3";

    OsPath startupDir = ".";

    cout << "Launching process: " << appName.data() << endl;
    if (process.launch(appName,params,startupDir) == OS_SUCCESS)
        if (process.isRunning())
            cout << "Successful launch. " << endl;

            //try to set the prio to 1
            int prio;
            cout << "Current priority = " << prio << endl;

            cout << "New priority (should say 1) = " << prio << endl;

            OsProcess newProcess;

            //see if we can get the process we started by pid
            if (OsProcess::getByPID(process.getPID(),newProcess) == OS_SUCCESS)
                //wait a bit
                cout << "Waiting 5 secs before killing process..." << endl;
                //ok, now kill that bad boy...
                if (newProcess.kill() == OS_SUCCESS)
                    cout << "Killed\n";
                    cout << "ERROR: Could not kill process!\n";

                retval = OS_SUCCESS;
            cout << "ERROR: Process says it's not running!\n";
        cout << "ERROR: Could not create process " << appName.data() << endl;

    cout << "DONE Process Class Method Test.\n";

    return retval;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ZoneAdminRpc.cpp プロジェクト: LordGaav/sipxecs
bool ZoneAdminRpcExec::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                               UtlSList&                 params,
                               void*                     userData,
                               XmlRpcResponse&           response,
                               ExecutionStatus&          status)

   bool result = false;
   status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

   if (2 != params.entries())
      handleExtraExecuteParam(name(), response, status);
      if (!params.at(0) || !params.at(0)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
         handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_CALLING_HOST, response, status);
         if (!params.at(1) || !params.at(1)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
            handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_COMMAND, response, status);
            UtlString* pCallingHostname = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));
            SipxRpc* pSipxRpcImpl = ((SipxRpc *)userData);

            if(validCaller(requestContext, *pCallingHostname, response, *pSipxRpcImpl, name()))
               UtlBool   method_result(true);
               UtlString arguments[3];
               OsPath    mWorkingDirectory = ".";
               OsPath    mExec = SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LibExecDirType,"sipxzoneadmin");
               UtlString mStdOutFile;
               UtlString mStdErrFile;

               UtlString* pSubCommand = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(1));

               if ( !buildOutputFiles(*pSubCommand, mStdOutFile, mStdErrFile))
                    // Invalid request. Set a Fault.
                    response.setFault(ZoneAdminRpcMethod::FailureToLaunch, "Invalid command");
                    status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                    return result;

               OsPath    mStdOutPath = SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LogDirType, mStdOutFile.data());
               OsPath    mStdErrPath = SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LogDirType, mStdErrFile.data());

               // Pass the argumenst to sipx-zoneadmin.sh
               arguments[0] = "-n";                 // non-interactive
               arguments[1] = pSubCommand->data();  // string "<primary server> -o <secondary server>"

               // Make sure that there is no other instance running.
               if (! duplicateProcess(ZoneAdminExec, response, status))
                  // execute the command and return whether or not the launch was successful.
                  OsProcess* zoneCheck = new OsProcess();

                  // Setup the Standard Output and Standard Error files.
                  OsPath mStdInFile;   // Blank
                  int rc;
                  rc = zoneCheck->setIORedirect(mStdInFile, mStdOutPath, mStdErrPath);

                  // Launch the process but tell the parent to ignore the child's signals (especially on shutdown).
                  // It will let the system handle it to avoid a defunct process.
                  if ( (rc=zoneCheck->launch(mExec, &arguments[0], mWorkingDirectory,
                                   zoneCheck->NormalPriorityClass, FALSE,
                                   TRUE)) // Parent to ignore child signals.
                           == OS_SUCCESS )
                      // Construct and set the response.
                      UtlSList outputPaths;

                      // Add the file resources to Supervisor Process so they can be retrieved
                      FileResource::logFileResource( mStdOutPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));
                      FileResource::logFileResource( mStdErrPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));
                      status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
                      result = true;
                  }   // launch
                     // Failed to launch the command, send a fault.
                     response.setFault(ZoneAdminRpcMethod::FailureToLaunch, "Failure to launch command");
                     status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

                  delete zoneCheck;
               }  // duplicateProcess
            }  // validcaller
               status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
         }  // param 1 okay
      }  // param 0 okay
   } //number of parms check

   return result;
コード例 #9
ファイル: SwAdminRpc.cpp プロジェクト: ATHLSolutions/sipxecs
bool SwAdminRpcSnapshot::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                                 UtlSList&                 params,
                                 void*                     userData,
                                 XmlRpcResponse&           response,
                                 ExecutionStatus&          status)

   bool result = false;
   status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

   if (2 != params.entries())
      handleExtraExecuteParam(name(), response, status);
      if (!params.at(0) || !params.at(0)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
         handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_CALLING_HOST, response, status);
         UtlString* pCallingHostname = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));
         SipxRpc* pSipxRpcImpl = ((SipxRpc *)userData);

         if (!params.at(1) || !params.at(1)->isInstanceOf(UtlSList::TYPE))
            handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_COMMAND, response, status);
            if (validCaller(requestContext, *pCallingHostname, response, *pSipxRpcImpl, name()))
               UtlSList* pArgsList = dynamic_cast<UtlSList*>(params.at(1));
               UtlSListIterator argsListIterator( *pArgsList );
               UtlString * pArg;

               // Make sure that there is no other instance running.
               if (! duplicateProcess(SwAdminSnapshot, response, status))
                  UtlBool   method_result(true);
                  UtlString arguments[pArgsList->entries()+2];
                  UtlString subCommand;
                  OsPath    mWorkingDirectory = ".";
                  OsPath    mExec = SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::BinDirType, SwAdminSnapshot);

                  UtlString mStdOutFile(SwAdminSnapshot_cmd);
                  UtlString mStdErrFile(SwAdminSnapshot_cmd);


                  // Construct and set the response.
                  OsPath mStdOutPath = OsPath(SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LogDirType, mStdOutFile.data()));
                  OsPath mStdErrPath = OsPath(SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LogDirType, mStdErrFile.data()));
                  OsPath processOutPath = OsPath(SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::TmpDirType, OUTPUT_FILENAME));

                  for (int i = 0; (pArg = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(argsListIterator())); i++)
                     XmlUnEscape(arguments[i], *pArg);

                  arguments[pArgsList->entries()] = processOutPath.data();
                  arguments[pArgsList->entries()+1] = NULL;

                  // execute the command and return whether or not the launch was successful.
                  OsProcess* swCheck = new OsProcess();

                  // Setup the Standard Output and Standard Error files.
                  OsPath mStdInFile;   // Blank
                  int rc;
                  rc = swCheck->setIORedirect(mStdInFile, mStdOutPath, mStdErrPath);

                  // Launch the process but tell the parent to ignore the child's signals (especially on shutdown).
                  // It will let the system handle it to avoid a defunct process.
                  if ( (rc=swCheck->launch(mExec, &arguments[0], mWorkingDirectory,
                                   swCheck->NormalPriorityClass, FALSE,
                                   TRUE)) // Parent to ignore child signals.
                           == OS_SUCCESS )
                     // Add the file resources to Supervisor Process so they can be retrieved
                     FileResource::logFileResource( mStdOutPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));
                     FileResource::logFileResource( mStdErrPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));
                     FileResource::logFileResource( processOutPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));

                     UtlString outputFilename = processOutPath;

                     // Construct and set the response.
                     UtlSList outputPaths;

                     status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
                     result = true;
                  } // launch
                     // Failed to launch the command, send a fault.
                     response.setFault(SwAdminRpcMethod::FailureToLaunch, "Failure to launch command");
                     status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

                  delete swCheck;
               }  // duplicateProcess
            }  // validcaller
               status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
         }  // param 1 okay
      }  // param 0 okay
   } //number of parms check

   return result;
コード例 #10
ファイル: OsProcessTest.cpp プロジェクト: LordGaav/sipxecs
    void testLaunch()
        OsStatus stat;

        UtlString appName = "ping";
        UtlString params[10];
        params[0] = "";

#ifdef _WIN32  //need to do this only on win32, linux already does this by default
        params[1] = "-t";

        OsProcess process;

        UtlString envKey =   "TESTKEY1";
        UtlString envValue = "TESTVALUE1";

        envKey =  "TESTKEY2";
        envValue ="TESTVALUE2";

        envKey = "TESTKEY3";
        envValue = "TESTVALUE3";

        OsPath startupDir = ".";

        //std::cout << "Launching process: " << appName.data() << std::endl;
        stat = process.launch(appName,params,startupDir);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Launched application", stat == OS_SUCCESS);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Application running", process.isRunning());

        int priority;
        KNOWN_BUG("INTERMITTENT on F8 with 64Bit changes", "XECS-480");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Set priority ok", priority == 1);

        OsProcess newProcess;
        stat = OsProcess::getByPID(process.getPID(), newProcess);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Got process pid ok", stat == OS_SUCCESS);

        //std::cout << "Waiting 5 secs before killing process..." << std::endl;
        stat = newProcess.kill();
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Able to kill process", stat == OS_SUCCESS);
コード例 #11
ファイル: OsProcessTest.cpp プロジェクト: LordGaav/sipxecs
    void testSendInput()
        OsStatus stat;
        OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "testSendInput");

        // this command will produce a mix of stdout and stderr
        UtlString appName = "sh";
        UtlString params[10];
        params[0] = "-c";
        params[1] = "cat";
        params[2] = NULL;

        OsProcess process;

        OsPath startupDir = ".";

        // std::cout << "Launching process: " << appName.data() << std::endl;
        OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "launching process %s %s", appName.data(), params[0].data());
        stat = process.launch(appName, params, startupDir,
                              OsProcessBase::NormalPriorityClass, false,
                              false/* don't ignore child signals*/);

        UtlString stdoutMsg, stderrMsg;
        int rc;

        // send "well", then "hello", and expect "goodbye" back
        bool bGotGoodbye = false;

        OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "starting sendInput task");
        SimpleTask * pTask = new SimpleTask(&process);

        OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "calling getOutput");
        while ( !bGotGoodbye && pTask->isStarted() && (rc = process.getOutput(&stdoutMsg, &stderrMsg)) > 0 )
           if ( stdoutMsg.length() > 0 )
              // The output is sure to contain newlines, and may contain several lines.
              // Clean it up before dispatching.
              UtlTokenizer tokenizer(stdoutMsg);
              UtlString    msg;
              while ( tokenizer.next(msg, "\r\n") )
                 OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "got stdout: %s", msg.data());
                 if ( msg == "goodbye" ) {
                    OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "got goodbye command");
                    bGotGoodbye = true;

           if ( stderrMsg.length() > 0 )
              OsSysLog::add(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_DEBUG, "got stderr: %s", stderrMsg.data());

        delete pTask;