コード例 #1
ファイル: OgrePCZSceneQuery.cpp プロジェクト: terakuran/ogre
    void PCZPlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery::execute(SceneQueryListener* listener)
        std::set<SceneNode*> checkedSceneNodes;

        PlaneBoundedVolumeList::iterator pi, piend;
        piend = mVolumes.end();
        for (pi = mVolumes.begin(); pi != piend; ++pi)
            PCZSceneNodeList list;
            //find the nodes that intersect the Plane bounded Volume
            static_cast<PCZSceneManager*>( mParentSceneMgr ) -> findNodesIn( *pi, list, mStartZone, (PCZSceneNode*)mExcludeNode );

            //grab all moveables from the node that intersect...
            PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it, itend;
            itend = list.end();
            for (it = list.begin(); it != itend; ++it)
                // avoid double-check same scene node
                if (!checkedSceneNodes.insert(*it).second)
                SceneNode::ObjectIterator oit = (*it) -> getAttachedObjectIterator();
                while( oit.hasMoreElements() )
                    MovableObject * m = oit.getNext();
                    if( (m->getQueryFlags() & mQueryMask) && 
                        (m->getTypeFlags() & mQueryTypeMask) && 
                        m->isInScene() &&
                        (*pi).intersects( m->getWorldBoundingBox() ) )
                        listener -> queryResult( m );
                        // deal with attached objects, since they are not directly attached to nodes
                        if (m->getMovableType() == "Entity")
                            Entity* e = static_cast<Entity*>(m);
                            Entity::ChildObjectListIterator childIt = e->getAttachedObjectIterator();
                                MovableObject* c = childIt.getNext();
                                if (c->getQueryFlags() & mQueryMask &&
                                    (*pi).intersects( c->getWorldBoundingBox()))
        // reset startzone and exclude node
        mStartZone = 0;
        mExcludeNode = 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: OgrePCZSceneQuery.cpp プロジェクト: terakuran/ogre
    void PCZRaySceneQuery::execute(RaySceneQueryListener* listener)
        PCZSceneNodeList list;
        //find the nodes that intersect the Ray
        static_cast<PCZSceneManager*>( mParentSceneMgr ) -> findNodesIn( mRay, list, mStartZone, (PCZSceneNode*)mExcludeNode );

        //grab all moveables from the node that intersect...
        PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it = list.begin();
        while( it != list.end() )
            SceneNode::ObjectIterator oit = (*it) -> getAttachedObjectIterator();
            while( oit.hasMoreElements() )
                MovableObject * m = oit.getNext();
                if( (m->getQueryFlags() & mQueryMask) && 
                    (m->getTypeFlags() & mQueryTypeMask) && m->isInScene() )
                    std::pair<bool, Real> result = mRay.intersects(m->getWorldBoundingBox());

                    if( result.first )
                        listener -> queryResult( m, result.second );
                        // deal with attached objects, since they are not directly attached to nodes
                        if (m->getMovableType() == "Entity")
                            Entity* e = static_cast<Entity*>(m);
                            Entity::ChildObjectListIterator childIt = e->getAttachedObjectIterator();
                                MovableObject* c = childIt.getNext();
                                if (c->getQueryFlags() & mQueryMask)
                                    result = mRay.intersects(c->getWorldBoundingBox());
                                    if (result.first)
                                        listener->queryResult(c, result.second);
        // reset startzone and exclude node
        mStartZone = 0;
        mExcludeNode = 0;
コード例 #3
    void DefaultZone::_findNodes( const Ray &t, 
							      PCZSceneNodeList &list, 
                                  PortalList &visitedPortals,
						 	      bool includeVisitors,
							      bool recurseThruPortals,
							      PCZSceneNode *exclude )
		// if this zone has an enclosure, check against the enclosure AABB first
		if (mEnclosureNode)
			std::pair<bool, Real> nsect = t.intersects(mEnclosureNode->_getWorldAABB());
			if (!nsect.first)
				// AABB of zone does not intersect t, just return.

		// check nodes at home in this zone
	    PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it = mHomeNodeList.begin();
	    while ( it != mHomeNodeList.end() )
			PCZSceneNode * pczsn = *it;
			if ( pczsn != exclude )
				// make sure node is not already in the list (might have been added in another
				// zone it was visiting)
				PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it2 = list.find(pczsn);
				if (it2 == list.end())
					std::pair<bool, Real> nsect = t.intersects( pczsn -> _getWorldAABB() );
					if ( nsect.first )
						list.insert( pczsn );

		if (includeVisitors)
			// check visitor nodes
			PCZSceneNodeList::iterator iter = mVisitorNodeList.begin();
			while ( iter != mVisitorNodeList.end() )
				PCZSceneNode * pczsn = *iter;
				if ( pczsn != exclude )
					// make sure node is not already in the list (might have been added in another
					// zone it was visiting)
					PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it2 = list.find(pczsn);
					if (it2 == list.end())
						std::pair<bool, Real> nsect = t.intersects( pczsn -> _getWorldAABB() );
						if ( nsect.first )
							list.insert( pczsn );

		// if asked to, recurse through portals
		if (recurseThruPortals)
			PortalList::iterator pit = mPortals.begin();
			while ( pit != mPortals.end() )
				Portal * portal = *pit;
				// check portal versus bounding box
				if (portal->intersects(t))
					// make sure portal hasn't already been recursed through
					PortalList::iterator pit2 = std::find(visitedPortals.begin(), visitedPortals.end(), portal);
					if (pit2 == visitedPortals.end())
						// save portal to the visitedPortals list
						// recurse into the connected zone 

コード例 #4
ファイル: OgrePCZSceneQuery.cpp プロジェクト: terakuran/ogre
    void PCZIntersectionSceneQuery::execute(IntersectionSceneQueryListener* listener)
        typedef std::pair<MovableObject *, MovableObject *> MovablePair;
        typedef std::set
            < std::pair<MovableObject *, MovableObject *> > MovableSet;

        MovableSet set;

        // Iterate over all movable types
        Root::MovableObjectFactoryIterator factIt = 
            SceneManager::MovableObjectIterator it = 
            while( it.hasMoreElements() )

                MovableObject * e = it.getNext();
                PCZone * zone = ((PCZSceneNode*)(e->getParentSceneNode()))->getHomeZone();
                PCZSceneNodeList list;
                //find the nodes that intersect the AAB
                static_cast<PCZSceneManager*>( mParentSceneMgr ) -> findNodesIn( e->getWorldBoundingBox(), list, zone, 0 );
                //grab all moveables from the node that intersect...
                PCZSceneNodeList::iterator nit = list.begin();
                while( nit != list.end() )
                    SceneNode::ObjectIterator oit = (*nit) -> getAttachedObjectIterator();
                    while( oit.hasMoreElements() )
                        MovableObject * m = oit.getNext();

                        if( m != e &&
                            set.find( MovablePair(e,m)) == set.end() &&
                            set.find( MovablePair(m,e)) == set.end() &&
                            (m->getQueryFlags() & mQueryMask) &&
                            (m->getTypeFlags() & mQueryTypeMask) &&
                            m->isInScene() && 
                            e->getWorldBoundingBox().intersects( m->getWorldBoundingBox() ) )
                            listener -> queryResult( e, m );
                            // deal with attached objects, since they are not directly attached to nodes
                            if (m->getMovableType() == "Entity")
                                Entity* e2 = static_cast<Entity*>(m);
                                Entity::ChildObjectListIterator childIt = e2->getAttachedObjectIterator();
                                    MovableObject* c = childIt.getNext();
                                    if (c->getQueryFlags() & mQueryMask && 
                                        e->getWorldBoundingBox().intersects( c->getWorldBoundingBox() ))
                                        listener->queryResult(e, c);
                        set.insert( MovablePair(e,m) );

