コード例 #1
	/* Find the best (smallest) zone that contains a point
	PCZone * PCZSceneManager::findZoneForPoint(Vector3 & point)
		PCZone * zone;
		PCZone * bestZone = mDefaultZone;
		Real bestVolume = Ogre::Math::POS_INFINITY;

		ZoneMap::iterator zit = mZones.begin();

		while ( zit != mZones.end() )
			zone = zit->second;
			AxisAlignedBox aabb;
			SceneNode * enclosureNode = zone->getEnclosureNode();
			if (enclosureNode != 0)
				// since this is the "local" AABB, add in world translation of the enclosure node
				aabb.setMinimum(aabb.getMinimum() + enclosureNode->_getDerivedPosition());
				aabb.setMaximum(aabb.getMaximum() + enclosureNode->_getDerivedPosition());
			if (aabb.contains(point))
				if (aabb.volume() < bestVolume)
					// this zone is "smaller" than the current best zone, so make it
					// the new best zone
					bestZone = zone;
					bestVolume = aabb.volume();
			// proceed to next zone in the list
		return bestZone;