int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { FDPB fdpb; // instantiate CommandlineParser object CommandlineParser parpars("CalculateSolvationFreeEnergy", "calculate solvation free energy of a protein using AMBER ", VERSION, String(__DATE__), "ForceFields"); parpars.registerParameter("pdb", "input pdb file ", INFILE, true); parpars.registerParameter("epsilon_medium", "dielectric constant in medium", DOUBLE, false, fdpb.options.getReal(FDPB::Option::SOLVENT_DC)); parpars.registerParameter("epsilon_vacuum", "dielectric constant in vacuum", DOUBLE, false, 1); // the manual String man = String("This tool computes the solvation free energy of a pdb file using the Jackson-Sternberg approach (bonded energy using a force field and a non bonded energy (electrostatics only) by solving the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. Parameters are the dielectric constants for the medium (-epsilon_medium) and the vacuum (-epsilon_vacuum)."); parpars.setToolManual(man); parpars.setSupportedFormats("pdb", "pdb"); // parse the command line parpars.parse(argc, argv); PDBFile pdb;"pdb"), std::ios::in); if (!pdb) { // if file does not exist: complain and abort Log.error() << "error opening " << parpars.get("pdb") << " for input." << std::endl; exit(2); } System sys; pdb >> sys; pdb.close(); // normalize the names and build all bonds FragmentDB db(""); sys.apply(db.normalize_names); sys.apply(db.build_bonds); // TODO: Ask ResidueChecker if everything is ok! see tool CalculateEnergy // create an AMBER force field without non-bonded interactions AmberFF FF(sys); // calculate the total energy float total_energy = FF.updateEnergy(); //Log << FF.getResults() << std::endl; //Log << " total energy using force field evaluation: " << total_energy << " kJ/mol" << std::endl; //Log << "removing non bonded energy terms ..." << std::endl; FF.removeComponent("Amber NonBonded"); // calculate the internal energy (neglecting internal VdW interactions) float internal_energy = FF.updateEnergy(); //Log << FF.getResults() << std::endl; Log << " internal energy: " << internal_energy << " kJ/mol" << std::endl; // assign atom radii AssignRadiusProcessor radius_processor("radii/PARSE.siz"); sys.apply(radius_processor); // calculate the electrostatic part of the solvation energy //FDPB fdpb; float dielectric_const = fdpb.options.getReal(FDPB::Option::SOLVENT_DC); if (parpars.has("epsilon_medium")) dielectric_const = parpars.get("epsilon_medium").toFloat(); fdpb.options[FDPB::Option::SOLVENT_DC] = dielectric_const; Log << "... using dielectric constant in medium: " << fdpb.options[FDPB::Option::SOLVENT_DC].toFloat() << std::endl; fdpb.setup(sys); fdpb.solve(); float solvent_energy = fdpb.getEnergy(); dielectric_const = 1.0; if (parpars.has("epsilon_vacuum")) dielectric_const = parpars.get("epsilon_vacuum").toFloat(); fdpb.options[FDPB::Option::SOLVENT_DC] = dielectric_const; Log << "... using dielectric constant in vacuum: " << fdpb.options[FDPB::Option::SOLVENT_DC].toFloat() << std::endl; fdpb.setup(sys); fdpb.solve(); float vacuum_energy = fdpb.getEnergy(); Log << "\n electrostatic solvation free energy: " << solvent_energy - vacuum_energy << std::endl; Log << "\n total energy using a combination of force field and FDPB evaluation: " << internal_energy - vacuum_energy + solvent_energy << " kJ/mol" << std::endl; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 3) { Log << "Usage:" << argv[0] << " <PDB infile> <PDB outfile> [<amber parameter file>]" << endl; return 1; } System system; PDBFile f;[1]); if (f.bad()) { Log.error() << "cannot read PDB file " << argv[1] << endl; return 2; } f >> system; f.close(); FragmentDB db(""); // ResidueChecker check(db); // system.apply(check); db.normalize_names.setNamingStandard("Amber"); system.apply(db.normalize_names); system.apply(db.build_bonds); Size cyx_counter = 0; Size hip_counter = 0; ResidueIterator it = system.beginResidue(); for (; +it; ++it) { if (it->getFullName() == "CYS-S") { it->setName("CYX"); cyx_counter++; } if (it->getFullName() == "HIS") { it->setName("HIP"); hip_counter++; } } if (cyx_counter > 0) { << "Renamed " << cyx_counter << " residues from CYS-S to CYX" << endl; } if (hip_counter > 0) { << "Renamed " << hip_counter << " residues from HIS to HIP" << endl; } PDBFile g;[2], ios::out); if (g.bad()) { Log.error() << "cannot write PDB file " << argv[2] << endl; return 2; } g << system; g.close(); << endl << "Conversion to AMBER naming scheme done. Please note that you might" << endl << "have to edit the resulting file by hand (if there are HIS or CYS" << endl << "residues in the original file, e. g.)" << endl << endl << "Good luck." << endl; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // instantiate CommandlineParser object CommandlineParser parpars("CalculateEnergy", "calculate free energy of a protein ", VERSION, String(__DATE__), "ForceFields"); parpars.registerMandatoryInputFile("pdb", "input pdb file "); // TODO: offer upload of a distinguished fragDB file? // choice of force field parpars.registerOptionalStringParameter("force_field", "force field (AMBER, MMFF94)", "AMBER"); list<String> force_fields; force_fields.push_back("AMBER"); force_fields.push_back("MMFF94"); // TODO: shall we offer CHARM as well? parpars.setParameterRestrictions("force_field", force_fields); // TODO: shall we offer a force field parameter file upload? // TODO: check the naming! parpars.registerOptionalDoubleParameter("non_bond_cutoff", "cutoff radius in calculations of nonbonded interactions", 20.0); parpars.registerOptionalDoubleParameter("elec_stat_cuton", "electrostatic cuton", 13.0); parpars.registerOptionalDoubleParameter("elec_stat_cutoff", "electrostatic cutoff", 15.0); parpars.registerFlag("dist_dep_dielec", "apply distance dependent dielectric constant", false); // NOTE: assign is the default //parpars.registerFlag("assign_typenames","automatically assign type names to the system", false); //parpars.registerFlag("assign_types","automatically assign types to the system if missing", false); //parpars.registerFlag("assign_charges", "automatically assign charges to the system if missing", false); // TODO: if we only allow PDBFile to upload then from where do we get stuff to overwrite?? parpars.registerFlag("overwrite_types", "overwrite even non-empty type names", false); parpars.registerFlag("overwrite_charges","overwrite even non-zero charges", false); // the manual String man = String("This tool computes the free energy of a pdb file using a specified force field (-force_field) and force field parameters (-non_bond_cutoff, -elec_stat_cuton ... )."); parpars.setToolManual(man); parpars.setSupportedFormats("pdb", "pdb"); // parse the command line parpars.parse(argc, argv); PDBFile pdb;"pdb"), std::ios::in); if (!pdb) { // if file does not exist: complain and abort Log.error() << "error opening " << parpars.get("pdb") << " for input." << std::endl; exit(2); } System sys; pdb >> sys; pdb.close(); // normalize the names and build all bonds FragmentDB db(""); sys.apply(db.normalize_names); sys.apply(db.build_bonds); // check the structure << " checking residues..." << std::endl; ResidueChecker rc(db); sys.apply(rc); if (!rc.getStatus()) { Log.error() << "There are errors in the given structure. Use the ResidueChecker tool for further investigation." << std::endl; exit(2); } // create a force field AmberFF* amber_force_field = NULL; MMFF94* mmff_force_field = NULL; ForceField* force_field = NULL; if (parpars.has("force_field")) { String penalty_table = parpars.get("force_field"); if (penalty_table == "AMBER") { amber_force_field = new AmberFF(); force_field = amber_force_field; Log << " using the amber force field" << std::endl; } else if (penalty_table == "MMFF94") { mmff_force_field = new MMFF94(); force_field = mmff_force_field; Log << " using the MMFF94 force field" << std::endl; } else { Log.error() << "Unknown force field " << parpars.get("force_field") << " Abort." << std::endl; exit(2); } } if (!amber_force_field && !mmff_force_field) { Log.error() << "Invalid force field. Abort." << std::endl; exit(2); } // set the ff options according the parameters float non_bonded_cutoff = 0; if (parpars.has("non_bond_cutoff")) { non_bonded_cutoff = parpars.get("non_bond_cutoff").toFloat(); if (amber_force_field) { //TODO: something wents awfully wrong with the FF default options! // cout << "non_bond_cutoff " << amber_force_field->options.getReal(AmberFF::Option::NONBONDED_CUTOFF) << " "<< amber_force_field->options.getReal(AmberFF::Default::NONBONDED_CUTOFF) << endl; amber_force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::NONBONDED_CUTOFF] = non_bonded_cutoff; } else if (mmff_force_field) { mmff_force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::NONBONDED_CUTOFF] = non_bonded_cutoff; } Log << " used non bonded cutoff: " << non_bonded_cutoff << std::endl; } float elec_stat_cuton = 0; if (parpars.has("elec_stat_cuton")) { elec_stat_cuton = parpars.get("elec_stat_cuton").toFloat(); if (amber_force_field) { // cout << "elec_stat_cuton" << force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::ELECTROSTATIC_CUTON] << endl; amber_force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::ELECTROSTATIC_CUTON] = elec_stat_cuton; } else if (mmff_force_field) { // cout << "elec_stat_cuton" << force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::ELECTROSTATIC_CUTON] << endl; mmff_force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::ELECTROSTATIC_CUTON] = elec_stat_cuton; } Log << " used electrostatic cuton: " << elec_stat_cuton << std::endl; } float elec_stat_cutoff = 0; if (parpars.has("elec_stat_cutoff")) { elec_stat_cutoff = parpars.get("elec_stat_cutoff").toFloat(); if (amber_force_field) { amber_force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::ELECTROSTATIC_CUTOFF] = elec_stat_cutoff; } else if (mmff_force_field) { mmff_force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::ELECTROSTATIC_CUTOFF] = elec_stat_cutoff; } Log << " used electrostatic cutoff: " << elec_stat_cutoff << std::endl; } bool dist_dep_dielectric = true; if (parpars.has("dist_dep_dielec")) { dist_dep_dielectric = parpars.get("dist_dep_dielec").toBool(); if (amber_force_field) { amber_force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::DISTANCE_DEPENDENT_DIELECTRIC] = dist_dep_dielectric; } else if (mmff_force_field) { mmff_force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::DISTANCE_DEPENDENT_DIELECTRIC] = dist_dep_dielectric; } } Log << " distance dependent dielectric constant " << (dist_dep_dielectric ? "on" : "off") << std::endl; // we handle ASSIGN_TYPES and ASSIGN_TYPENAMES together bool assign_types = true; if (parpars.has("assign_types")) { assign_types = parpars.get("assign_types").toBool(); if (amber_force_field) { amber_force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::ASSIGN_TYPENAMES] = assign_types; amber_force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::ASSIGN_TYPES] = assign_types; } else if (mmff_force_field) { mmff_force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::ASSIGN_TYPENAMES] = assign_types; mmff_force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::ASSIGN_TYPES] = assign_types; } } Log << " assignment of missing types " << (assign_types ? "on" : "off") << std::endl; bool overwrite_types = true; if (parpars.has("overwrite_types")) { overwrite_types = parpars.get("overwrite_types").toBool(); if (amber_force_field) { amber_force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::OVERWRITE_TYPENAMES] = overwrite_types; } else if (mmff_force_field) { mmff_force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::OVERWRITE_TYPENAMES] = overwrite_types; } } Log << " overwrite types " << (overwrite_types ? "on" : "off") << std::endl; bool assign_charges = true; if (parpars.has("assign_charges")) { assign_charges = parpars.get("assign_charges").toBool(); if (amber_force_field) { amber_force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::ASSIGN_CHARGES] = assign_charges; } else if (mmff_force_field) { mmff_force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::ASSIGN_CHARGES] = assign_charges; } } Log << " assignment of missing charges " << (assign_charges ? "on" : "off") << std::endl; bool overwrite_charges = true; if (parpars.has("overwrite_charges")) { overwrite_charges = parpars.get("overwrite_charges").toBool(); if (amber_force_field) { amber_force_field->options[AmberFF::Option::OVERWRITE_CHARGES] = overwrite_charges; } else if (mmff_force_field) { mmff_force_field->options[MMFF94::Option::OVERWRITE_CHARGES] = overwrite_charges; } } Log << " overwrite charges " << (overwrite_charges ? "on" : "off") << std::endl; // setup the force field << " setting up the force field..." << endl; force_field->setup(sys); // setup successful? if ( (force_field->getUnassignedAtoms().size() > 0) || !force_field->isValid()) { Log.error() << "There are parameterless atoms in the structure. Use the ResidueChecker tool for further investigation." << std::endl; exit(2); } // trigger the energy computations force_field->updateEnergy(); // print the result << force_field->getResults() << endl; return 0; }