コード例 #1
// Note we only support 8bpp DIBs here, and..
// there is no regard for color table matching between the DIBs
void CDib::DibBlt(PDIB pdibDst, int dstLeft, int dstTop, int dstWidth, int dstHeight,
				  int srcLeft, int srcTop, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
				  BOOL bTransparent, LPRGBTRIPLE lpRGB, LPTR lpLut, HPALETTE hPal )
HPTR pSrc, pDst;
int iScanS, iScanD, iOverrun;

if ( !pdibDst )
if ( GetBitCount() != 8 )
if ( pdibDst->GetBitCount() != 8 )

// Check the coordinate bounds, to avoid an out of range pointer
if ( srcLeft < 0 )	{ dstLeft -= srcLeft; srcWidth	+= srcLeft; dstWidth  += srcLeft; srcLeft = 0; }
if ( srcTop	 < 0 )	{ dstTop  -= srcTop;  srcHeight += srcTop;	dstHeight += srcTop;  srcTop  = 0; }
if ( dstLeft < 0 )	{ srcLeft -= dstLeft; srcWidth	+= dstLeft; dstWidth  += dstLeft; dstLeft = 0; }
if ( dstTop	 < 0 )	{ srcTop  -= dstTop;  srcHeight += dstTop;	dstHeight += dstTop;  dstTop  = 0; }

if ( srcWidth <= 0 || srcHeight <= 0 || dstWidth <= 0 || dstHeight <= 0 )

if ( srcLeft - GetWidth()	   >= 0 )	return;
if ( srcTop	 - abs(GetHeight()) >= 0 )	return;
if ( dstLeft - pdibDst->GetWidth()		   >= 0 )	return;
if ( dstTop	 - abs(pdibDst->GetHeight()) >= 0 ) return;

if ( (iOverrun = srcLeft + srcWidth	 - GetWidth())		> 0 )	{ srcWidth	-= iOverrun; dstWidth  -= iOverrun; }
if ( (iOverrun = srcTop	 + srcHeight - abs(GetHeight())) > 0 )	{ srcHeight -= iOverrun; dstHeight -= iOverrun; }
if ( (iOverrun = dstLeft + dstWidth	 - pdibDst->GetWidth())		> 0 )	{ dstWidth	-= iOverrun; srcWidth  -= iOverrun; }
if ( (iOverrun = dstTop	 + dstHeight - abs(pdibDst->GetHeight())) > 0 ) { dstHeight -= iOverrun; srcHeight -= iOverrun; }

if ( srcWidth <= 0 || srcHeight <= 0 || dstWidth <= 0 || dstHeight <= 0 )

// Get pointers to the start points in the source and destination
if ( !(pSrc = GetXY( srcLeft, srcTop )) )
if ( !(pDst = pdibDst->GetXY( dstLeft, dstTop )) )

// Get the scan line widths of each DIB.
iScanS = GetWidthBytes();
iScanD = pdibDst->GetWidthBytes();

// Upside down DIBs have to move backwards
if ( GetHeight() > 0 )
	 iScanS = -iScanS;
if ( pdibDst->GetHeight() > 0 )
	 iScanD = -iScanD;

if ( !bTransparent )
	{ // Copy the lines.
	while ( --srcHeight >= 0 )
		hmemcpy( pDst, pSrc, srcWidth );
		pSrc += iScanS;
		pDst += iScanD;
if (lpRGB)
	{ // Copy lines with transparency mask
	WORD src, dst, wMini;
	BYTE dstPixel, srcColor, red, green, blue;
	int iSinc, iDinc, iCount;
	LPRGBQUAD pTable = GetColors();
	if (lpLut)
		wMini = RGB3toMiniRGB(lpRGB->rgbtRed, lpRGB->rgbtGreen, lpRGB->rgbtBlue);
		srcColor = lpLut[wMini];				
	if (hPal)
		srcColor = (BYTE)GetNearestPaletteIndex( hPal, RGB(lpRGB->rgbtRed, lpRGB->rgbtGreen, lpRGB->rgbtBlue) );
		srcColor = 0;

	iSinc = iScanS - srcWidth; // Source increment value
	iDinc = iScanD - srcWidth; // Destination increment value
	while ( --srcHeight >= 0 )
		iCount = srcWidth;	  // Number of pixels to scan.
		while ( --iCount >= 0 )
			src = (WORD)(*pSrc++);
			// Copy pixel only if it isn't transparent.
			if (src == 0)
			if (src == 255)
				*pDst++ = srcColor;
				if (src > 127)
				dst = 256-src;
				dstPixel = *pDst;
				red = (BYTE)((((WORD)lpRGB->rgbtRed * src) + ((WORD)pTable[dstPixel].rgbRed * dst)) >> 8);
				green = (BYTE)((((WORD)lpRGB->rgbtGreen * src) + ((WORD)pTable[dstPixel].rgbGreen * dst)) >> 8);
				blue = (BYTE)((((WORD)lpRGB->rgbtBlue * src) + ((WORD)pTable[dstPixel].rgbBlue * dst)) >> 8);
				if (lpLut)
					wMini = RGB3toMiniRGB(red, green, blue);
					*pDst++ = lpLut[wMini];					
				if (hPal)
					*pDst++ = (BYTE)GetNearestPaletteIndex( hPal, RGB(red, green, blue) );

		pSrc += iSinc;
		pDst += iDinc;
	{ // Copy lines with transparency.
コード例 #2
BOOL CAliasApp::AntiAliasDib(PDIB pForeDib, PDIB pCompDib)
#ifndef CPO
	if (pForeDib->GetHeight() != pCompDib->GetHeight() ||
		pForeDib->GetWidth() != pCompDib->GetWidth())
		MessageBox(NULL, "Bitmaps are different sizes", "Error", MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK);
	if (pForeDib->GetBitCount() != 24 ||
		pCompDib->GetBitCount() != 24)
		MessageBox(NULL, "Bitmaps must both be 24-bits", "Error", MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK);

	RGBS rgb;
	BOOL fColor;

	LPTR lpFore = pForeDib->GetPtr();
	if (FALSE)
		rgb.red = rgb.green = rgb.blue = 148;
		rgb = *((LPRGB)pForeDib->GetXY(0, 0));
	BYTE r = rgb.red;
	BYTE g = rgb.green;
	BYTE b = rgb.blue;
	fColor = ((r == 255 && g == 0 && b == 0) ||	// red
		(r == 0 && g == 255 && b == 0) ||	// green
		(r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 255) ||	// blue
		(r == 0 && g == 255 && b == 255) ||	// cyan
		(r == 255 && g == 0 && b == 255) ||	// magenta
		(r == 255 && g == 255 && b == 0));	// yellow
	if (!fColor)
		m_rgbTrans.red = 255;
		m_rgbTrans.green = 0;
		m_rgbTrans.blue = 255;
		m_rgbTrans = rgb;
	LPTR lpComp = pCompDib->GetPtr();
	UINT uWidthBytes = pCompDib->GetWidthBytes();
	int iHeight = abs(pCompDib->GetHeight());
	while (--iHeight >= 0)
		int iWidth = pCompDib->GetWidth();
		LPRGB lpC = (LPRGB)lpComp;
		m_Quantize.CountFrequencies((LPRGBTRIPLE)lpComp, iWidth);

		#ifndef CPO
		LPRGB lpF = (LPRGB)lpFore;
		while (--iWidth >= 0)
			if (lpF->red != r || lpF->green != g || lpF->blue != b)
				*lpF++ = *lpC++;
				if (!fColor)
					lpF->red = 255;
					lpF->green = 0;
					lpF->blue = 255;
		lpFore += uWidthBytes;
		lpComp += uWidthBytes;
