コード例 #1
ファイル: greenzone.cpp プロジェクト: BigMacStorm/NES_machine
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GREENZONE::adjustUp()
	int at = currFrameCounter - 1;		// at = the frame above currFrameCounter
	// find how many consequent lag frames there are
	int num_frames_to_erase = 0;
	while (lagLog.getLagInfoAtFrame(at++) == LAGGED_YES)

	if (num_frames_to_erase > 0)
		bool markers_changed = false;
		// delete these frames of lag
		currMovieData.eraseRecords(currFrameCounter - 1, num_frames_to_erase);
		lagLog.eraseFrame(currFrameCounter - 1, num_frames_to_erase);
		if (taseditorConfig.bindMarkersToInput)
			if (markersManager.eraseMarker(currFrameCounter - 1, num_frames_to_erase))
				markers_changed = true;
		// update movie data size, because Playback cursor must always be inside the movie
		// if movie length is less or equal to currFrame, pad it with empty frames
		if (((int)currMovieData.records.size() - 1) <= currFrameCounter)
			currMovieData.insertEmpty(-1, currFrameCounter - ((int)currMovieData.records.size() - 1));
		// update Piano Roll (reduce it if needed)
		// register changes
		int first_input_changes = history.registerAdjustLag(currFrameCounter - 1, 0 - num_frames_to_erase);
		// if Input in the frame above currFrameCounter has changed then invalidate Greenzone (rewind 1 frame back)
		// also if the frame above currFrameCounter is lag frame then rewind 1 frame (invalidate Greenzone), because maybe this frame also needs lag removal
		if ((first_input_changes >= 0 && first_input_changes < currFrameCounter) || (lagLog.getLagInfoAtFrame(currFrameCounter - 1) != LAGGED_NO))
			// custom invalidation procedure, not retriggering LostPosition/PauseFrame
			bool emu_was_paused = (FCEUI_EmulationPaused() != 0);
			int saved_pause_frame = playback.getPauseFrame();
			if (saved_pause_frame >= 0)
			if (emu_was_paused)
		} else
			// just invalidate Greenzone after currFrameCounter (this is necessary in order to force user to re-emulate everything after the point, because the lag log data after the currFrameCounter is now in unknown state and it should be collected again)
		if (markers_changed)
			selection.mustFindCurrentMarker = playback.mustFindCurrentMarker = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: greenzone.cpp プロジェクト: BigMacStorm/NES_machine
// invalidate and restore playback
void GREENZONE::invalidateAndUpdatePlayback(int after)
	if (after >= 0)
		if (after >= currMovieData.getNumRecords())
			after = currMovieData.getNumRecords() - 1;
		// clear all savestates that became irrelevant
		for (int i = savestates.size() - 1; i > after; i--)
		if (greenzoneSize > after + 1 || currFrameCounter > after)
			greenzoneSize = after + 1;
			// either set Playback cursor to be inside the Greenzone or run seeking to restore Playback cursor position
			if (currFrameCounter >= greenzoneSize)
				if (playback.getPauseFrame() >= 0 && !FCEUI_EmulationPaused())
					// emulator was running, so continue seeking, but don't follow the Playback cursor
					playback.jump(playback.getPauseFrame(), false, true, false);
				} else
					if (taseditorConfig.autoRestoreLastPlaybackPosition)
						// start seeking to the green arrow, but don't follow the Playback cursor
						playback.jump(playback.getLastPosition(), false, true, false);
	// redraw Piano Roll even if Greenzone didn't change
コード例 #3
ファイル: greenzone.cpp プロジェクト: BigMacStorm/NES_machine
void GREENZONE::adjustDown()
	int at = currFrameCounter - 1;
	bool markers_changed = false;
	// clone frame and insert lag
	currMovieData.cloneRegion(at, 1);
	lagLog.insertFrame(at, true, 1);
	if (taseditorConfig.bindMarkersToInput)
		if (markersManager.insertEmpty(at, 1))
			markers_changed = true;
	// register changes
	int first_input_changes = history.registerAdjustLag(at, +1);
	// If Input in the frame above currFrameCounter has changed then invalidate Greenzone (rewind 1 frame back)
	// This should never actually happen, because we clone the frame, so the Input doesn't change
	// But the check should remain, in case we decide to insert blank frame instead of cloning
	if (first_input_changes >= 0 && first_input_changes < currFrameCounter)
		// custom invalidation procedure, not retriggering LostPosition/PauseFrame
		bool emu_was_paused = (FCEUI_EmulationPaused() != 0);
		int saved_pause_frame = playback.getPauseFrame();
		if (saved_pause_frame >= 0)
		if (emu_was_paused)
	} else
		// just invalidate Greenzone after currFrameCounter
	if (markers_changed)
		selection.mustFindCurrentMarker = playback.mustFindCurrentMarker = true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: taseditor.cpp プロジェクト: Plombo/fceux
// this getter contains formula to decide whether to record or replay movie
bool isTaseditorRecording()
	if (movie_readonly || playback.getPauseFrame() >= 0 || (taseditorConfig.oldControlSchemeForBranching && !recorder.stateWasLoadedInReadWriteMode))
		return false;		// replay
	return true;			// record