コード例 #1
bool PNS_LINE_PLACER::FixRoute( const VECTOR2I& aP, PNS_ITEM* aEndItem )
    bool realEnd = false;
    int lastV;

    PNS_LINE pl = Trace();

    if( m_currentMode == RM_MarkObstacles &&
        !Settings().CanViolateDRC() &&
        m_world->CheckColliding( &pl ) )
            return false;

    const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& l = pl.CLine();

    if( !l.SegmentCount() )
        if( pl.EndsWithVia() )
            m_lastNode->Add( pl.Via().Clone() );
            Router()->CommitRouting( m_lastNode );

            m_lastNode = NULL;
            m_currentNode = NULL;

            m_idle = true;

        return true;

    VECTOR2I p_pre_last = l.CPoint( -1 );
    const VECTOR2I p_last = l.CPoint( -1 );
    DIRECTION_45 d_last( l.CSegment( -1 ) );

    if( l.PointCount() > 2 )
        p_pre_last = l.CPoint( -2 );

    if( aEndItem && m_currentNet >= 0 && m_currentNet == aEndItem->Net() )
        realEnd = true;

    if( realEnd || m_placingVia )
        lastV = l.SegmentCount();
        lastV = std::max( 1, l.SegmentCount() - 1 );

    PNS_SEGMENT* lastSeg = NULL;

    for( int i = 0; i < lastV; i++ )
        const SEG& s = pl.CSegment( i );
        PNS_SEGMENT* seg = new PNS_SEGMENT( s, m_currentNet );
        seg->SetWidth( pl.Width() );
        seg->SetLayer( m_currentLayer );
        m_lastNode->Add( seg );
        lastSeg = seg;

    if( pl.EndsWithVia() )
        m_lastNode->Add( pl.Via().Clone() );

    if( realEnd )
        simplifyNewLine( m_lastNode, lastSeg );

    Router()->CommitRouting( m_lastNode );

    m_lastNode = NULL;
    m_currentNode = NULL;

    if( !realEnd )
        setInitialDirection( d_last );
        m_currentStart = m_placingVia ? p_last : p_pre_last;
        m_startItem = NULL;
        m_placingVia = false;
        m_chainedPlacement = !pl.EndsWithVia();
        m_splitSeg = false;
        m_idle = true;

    return realEnd;
コード例 #2
bool PNS_LINE_PLACER::optimizeTailHeadTransition()
    PNS_LINE tmp = Trace();

    if( PNS_OPTIMIZER::Optimize( &tmp, PNS_OPTIMIZER::FANOUT_CLEANUP, m_currentNode ) )
        if( tmp.SegmentCount() < 1 )
            return false;

        m_head = tmp;
        m_p_start = tmp.CLine().CPoint( 0 );
        m_direction = DIRECTION_45( tmp.CSegment( 0 ) );

        return true;

    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& head = m_head.Line();
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& tail = m_tail.Line();

    int tailLookbackSegments = 3;

    //if(m_currentMode() == RM_Walkaround)
    //    tailLookbackSegments = 10000;

    int threshold = std::min( tail.PointCount(), tailLookbackSegments + 1 );

    if( tail.SegmentCount() < 3 )
        return false;

    // assemble TailLookbackSegments tail segments with the current head
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN opt_line = tail.Slice( -threshold, -1 );

    int end = std::min(2, head.PointCount() - 1 );

    opt_line.Append( head.Slice( 0, end ) );

    PNS_LINE new_head( m_tail, opt_line );

    // and see if it could be made simpler by merging obtuse/collnear segments.
    // If so, replace the (threshold) last tail points and the head with
    // the optimized line

    if( PNS_OPTIMIZER::Optimize( &new_head, PNS_OPTIMIZER::MERGE_OBTUSE, m_currentNode ) )
        PNS_LINE tmp( m_tail, opt_line );

        TRACE( 0, "Placer: optimize tail-head [%d]", threshold );

        tail.Replace( -threshold, -1, new_head.CLine() );

        m_p_start = new_head.CLine().CPoint( -1 );
        m_direction = DIRECTION_45( new_head.CSegment( -1 ) );

        return true;

    return false;