コード例 #1
ファイル: subassign.cpp プロジェクト: jeffreyhorner/cxxr
static int SubAssignArgs(PairList* args, SEXP *x, PairList** s, SEXP *y)
    if (CDR(args) == R_NilValue)
	Rf_error(_("SubAssignArgs: invalid number of arguments"));
    *x = args->car();
    if(CDDR(args) == R_NilValue) {
	*s = nullptr;
	*y = args->tail()->car();
	return 0;
    else {
	int nsubs = 1;
	PairList* p = args->tail();
	*s = p;
	PairList* ptail = p->tail();
	while (ptail->tail()) {
	    p = ptail;
	    ptail = p->tail();
	*y = ptail->car();
	return nsubs;
コード例 #2
ファイル: RObject.cpp プロジェクト: csilles/cxxr
// This follows CR in adding new attributes at the end of the list,
// though it would be easier to add them at the beginning.
void RObject::setAttribute(const Symbol* name, RObject* value)
    if (!name)
	Rf_error(_("attributes must be named"));
    // Update 'has class' bit if necessary:
    if (name == R_ClassSymbol) {
	if (value == 0)
	    m_type &= static_cast<signed char>(~s_class_mask);
	else m_type |= static_cast<signed char>(s_class_mask);
    // Find attribute:
    PairList* prev = 0;
    PairList* node = m_attrib;
    while (node && node->tag() != name) {
	prev = node;
	node = node->tail();
    if (node) {  // Attribute already present
	// Update existing attribute:
	if (value)
	// Delete existing attribute:
	else if (prev)
	else m_attrib = node->tail();
    } else if (value) {  
	// Create new node:
	PairList* newnode = PairList::cons(value, 0, name);
	if (prev)
	else { // No preexisting attributes at all:
	    m_attrib = newnode;
コード例 #3
ファイル: RObject.cpp プロジェクト: csilles/cxxr
RObject* RObject::getAttribute(const Symbol* name) const
    for (PairList* node = m_attrib; node; node = node->tail())
	if (node->tag() == name)
	    return node->car();
    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ArgList.cpp プロジェクト: jwills/cxxr
void ArgList::merge(const ConsCell* extraargs)
    if (m_status != PROMISED)
	Rf_error("Internal error: ArgList::merge() requires PROMISED ArgList");
    // Convert extraargs into a doubly linked list:
    typedef std::list<pair<const RObject*, RObject*> > Xargs;
    Xargs xargs;
    for (const ConsCell* cc = extraargs; cc; cc = cc->tail())
	xargs.push_back(make_pair(cc->tag(), cc->car()));
    // Apply overriding arg values supplied in extraargs:
    PairList* last = 0;
    for (PairList* pl = mutable_list(); pl; pl = pl->tail()) {
	last = pl;
	const RObject* tag = pl->tag();
	if (tag) {
	    Xargs::iterator it = xargs.begin();
	    while (it != xargs.end() && (*it).first != tag)
	    if (it != xargs.end()) {
    // Append remaining extraargs:
    for (Xargs::const_iterator it = xargs.begin(); it != xargs.end(); ++it) {
	PairList* cell = PairList::cons((*it).second, 0, (*it).first);
	last = append(cell, last);
コード例 #5
ファイル: ArgMatchertest.cpp プロジェクト: jreeseue/cxxr
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    Evaluator evalr;
    if (argc < 3 || argc > 4)
    // Set up error reporting:
    ptr_R_WriteConsoleEx = WriteConsoleEx;
    ptr_R_ResetConsole = ptr_R_FlushConsole = 
        ptr_R_ClearerrConsole = DoNothing;
    // Set up Environments:
    GCStackRoot<Frame> ff(CXXR_NEW(ListFrame));
    GCStackRoot<Environment> fenvrt(CXXR_NEW(Environment(0, ff)));
    fenv = fenvrt;
    // Process formals:
    cout << "Formal arguments:\n\n";
    GCStackRoot<PairList> formals(getArgs(argv[1]));
    GCStackRoot<ArgMatcher> matcher;
    try {
    	matcher = GCNode::expose(new ArgMatcher(formals));
    } catch (CommandTerminated) {
	cerr << "ArgMatchertest: Error encountered while processing formals" << endl;
	return 0;
    // Process supplied arguments:
    cout << "\nSupplied arguments:\n\n";
    ArgList supplied(getArgs(argv[2]), ArgList::RAW);
    // Set up frame and prior bindings (if any):
    Frame* frame = fenv->frame();
    if (argc == 4) {
	cout << "\nPrior bindings:\n\n";
	GCStackRoot<PairList> prior_bindings(getArgs(argv[3]));
	for (PairList* pb = prior_bindings; pb; pb = pb->tail()) {
	    const Symbol* tag = static_cast<const Symbol*>(pb->tag());
	    Frame::Binding* bdg = frame->obtainBinding(tag);
	    bdg->setValue(pb->car(), Frame::Binding::EXPLICIT);
    // Perform match and show result:
    try {
	matcher->match(fenv, &supplied);
    } catch (CommandTerminated) {
    	cerr << "ArgMatchertest: Error encountered while matching arguments" << endl;
	return 0;
    cout << "\nMatch result:\n\n";
    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ArgList.cpp プロジェクト: jwills/cxxr
void ArgList::stripTags()
    for (PairList* p = mutable_list(); p; p = p->tail())
コード例 #7
ファイル: subassign.cpp プロジェクト: jeffreyhorner/cxxr
SEXP attribute_hidden
do_subassign2_dflt(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP argsarg, SEXP rho)
    PairList* args = SEXP_downcast<PairList*>(argsarg);
    SEXP dims, indx, names, newname, x, xtop, xup, y, thesub = R_NilValue, xOrig = R_NilValue;
    int i, ndims, nsubs, which, len = 0 /* -Wall */;
    R_xlen_t  stretch, offset, off = -1; /* -Wall */
    Rboolean S4, recursed=FALSE;


    PairList* subs;
    nsubs = SubAssignArgs(args, &x, &subs, &y);
    S4 = CXXRCONSTRUCT(Rboolean, IS_S4_OBJECT(x));

    /* Handle NULL left-hand sides.  If the right-hand side */
    /* is NULL, just return the left-hand size otherwise, */
    /* convert to a zero length list (VECSXP). */

    if (isNull(x)) {
	if (isNull(y)) {
	    return x;
	if (Rf_length(y) == 1)
	    SETCAR(args, x = allocVector(TYPEOF(y), 0));
	    SETCAR(args, x = allocVector(VECSXP, 0));

    /* Ensure that the LHS is a local variable. */
    /* If it is not, then make a local copy. */

    if (MAYBE_SHARED(x)) {
	x = shallow_duplicate(x);
	SETCAR(args, x);

    xtop = xup = x; /* x will be the element which is assigned to */

    dims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol);
    ndims = Rf_length(dims);

    /* code to allow classes to extend ENVSXP */
    if(TYPEOF(x) == S4SXP) {
	xOrig = x; /* will be an S4 object */
        x = R_getS4DataSlot(x, ANYSXP);
	if(TYPEOF(x) != ENVSXP)
	  errorcall(call, _("[[<- defined for objects of type \"S4\" only for subclasses of environment"));

    /* ENVSXP special case first */
    if( TYPEOF(x) == ENVSXP) {
	if( nsubs!=1 || !isString(CAR(subs)) || Rf_length(CAR(subs)) != 1 )
	    error(_("wrong args for environment subassignment"));
	defineVar(installTrChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(subs), 0)), y, x);
	return(S4 ? xOrig : x);

    /* new case in 1.7.0, one vector index for a list,
       more general as of 2.10.0 */
    if (nsubs == 1) {
	thesub = CAR(subs);
	len = Rf_length(thesub); /* depth of recursion, small */
	if (len > 1) {
	    xup = vectorIndex(x, thesub, 0, len-2, /*partial ok*/TRUE, call,
	    /* OneIndex sets newname, but it will be overwritten before being used. */
	    off = OneIndex(xup, thesub, xlength(xup), 0, &newname, len-2, R_NilValue);
	    x = vectorIndex(xup, thesub, len-2, len-1, TRUE, call, TRUE);
	    recursed = TRUE;

    stretch = 0;
    if (isVector(x)) {
	if (!isVectorList(x) && LENGTH(y) == 0)
	    error(_("replacement has length zero"));
	if (!isVectorList(x) && LENGTH(y) > 1)
	    error(_("more elements supplied than there are to replace"));
	if (nsubs == 0 || CAR(subs) == R_MissingArg)
	    error(_("[[ ]] with missing subscript"));
	if (nsubs == 1) {
	    offset = OneIndex(x, thesub, Rf_length(x), 0, &newname,
			      recursed ? len-1 : -1, R_NilValue);
	    if (isVectorList(x) && isNull(y)) {
		x = DeleteOneVectorListItem(x, offset);
		if(recursed) {
		    if(isVectorList(xup)) SET_VECTOR_ELT(xup, off, x);
		    else xup = SimpleListAssign(call, xup, subs, x, len-2);
		else xtop = x;
		return xtop;
	    if (offset < 0)
		error(_("[[ ]] subscript out of bounds"));
	    if (offset >= XLENGTH(x))
		stretch = offset + 1;
	else {
	    if (ndims != nsubs)
		error(_("[[ ]] improper number of subscripts"));
	    PROTECT(indx = allocVector(INTSXP, ndims));
	    names = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol);
	    for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
		INTEGER(indx)[i] = int(
		    get1index(CAR(subs), isNull(names) ?
			      R_NilValue : VECTOR_ELT(names, i),
			      /*partial ok*/FALSE, -1, call));
		subs = subs->tail();
		if (INTEGER(indx)[i] < 0 ||
		    INTEGER(indx)[i] >= INTEGER(dims)[i])
		    error(_("[[ ]] subscript out of bounds"));
	    offset = 0;
	    for (i = (ndims - 1); i > 0; i--)
		offset = (offset + INTEGER(indx)[i]) * INTEGER(dims)[i - 1];
	    offset += INTEGER(indx)[0];

	which = SubassignTypeFix(&x, &y, 2, call);
	if (stretch) {
	    x = EnlargeVector(x, stretch);

	switch (which) {
	    /* as from 2.3.0 'which' is after conversion */

	case 1010:	/* logical   <- logical	  */
	case 1310:	/* integer   <- logical	  */
	/* case 1013:	   logical   <- integer	  */
	case 1313:	/* integer   <- integer	  */

	    INTEGER(x)[offset] = INTEGER(y)[0];

	case 1410:	/* real	     <- logical	  */
	case 1413:	/* real	     <- integer	  */

	    if (INTEGER(y)[0] == NA_INTEGER)
		REAL(x)[offset] = NA_REAL;
		REAL(x)[offset] = INTEGER(y)[0];
	/* case 1014:	   logical   <- real	  */
	/* case 1314:	   integer   <- real	  */
	case 1414:	/* real	     <- real	  */

	    REAL(x)[offset] = REAL(y)[0];

	case 1510:	/* complex   <- logical	  */
	case 1513:	/* complex   <- integer	  */

	    if (INTEGER(y)[0] == NA_INTEGER) {
		COMPLEX(x)[offset].r = NA_REAL;
		COMPLEX(x)[offset].i = NA_REAL;
	    else {
		COMPLEX(x)[offset].r = INTEGER(y)[0];
		COMPLEX(x)[offset].i = 0.0;

	case 1514:	/* complex   <- real	  */

	    if (ISNA(REAL(y)[0])) {
		COMPLEX(x)[offset].r = NA_REAL;
		COMPLEX(x)[offset].i = NA_REAL;
	    else {
		COMPLEX(x)[offset].r = REAL(y)[0];
		COMPLEX(x)[offset].i = 0.0;

	/* case 1015:	   logical   <- complex	  */
	/* case 1315:	   integer   <- complex	  */
	/* case 1415:	   real	     <- complex	  */
	case 1515:	/* complex   <- complex	  */

	    COMPLEX(x)[offset] = COMPLEX(y)[0];

	case 1610:	/* character <- logical	  */
	case 1613:	/* character <- integer	  */
	case 1614:	/* character <- real	  */
	case 1615:	/* character <- complex	  */
	case 1616:	/* character <- character */
	/* case 1016:	   logical   <- character */
	/* case 1316:	   integer   <- character */
	/* case 1416:	   real	     <- character */
	/* case 1516:	   complex   <- character */

	    SET_STRING_ELT(x, offset, STRING_ELT(y, 0));

	case 1019:      /* logical    <- vector     */
	case 1319:      /* integer    <- vector     */
	case 1419:      /* real       <- vector     */
	case 1519:      /* complex    <- vector     */
	case 1619:      /* character  <- vector     */

	case 1901:  /* vector     <- symbol     */
	case 1902:  /* vector	  <- pairlist   */
	case 1904:  /* vector     <- environment*/
	case 1905:  /* vector     <- promise    */
	case 1906:  /* vector     <- language   */
	case 1910:  /* vector     <- logical    */
	case 1913:  /* vector     <- integer    */
	case 1914:  /* vector     <- real       */
	case 1915:  /* vector     <- complex    */
	case 1916:  /* vector     <- character  */
	case 1919:  /* vector     <- vector     */
	case 1920:  /* vector     <- expression */
	case 1921:  /* vector     <- bytecode   */
	case 1922:  /* vector     <- external pointer */
	case 1923:  /* vector     <- weak reference */
	case 1924:  /* vector     <- raw */
	case 1925:  /* vector     <- S4 */
	case 1903: case 1907: case 1908: case 1999: /* functions */

	    if( NAMED(y) ) y = duplicate(y);
	    SET_VECTOR_ELT(x, offset, y);

	case 2002:	/* expression <- pairlist   */
	case 2006:	/* expression <- language   */
	case 2010:	/* expression <- logical    */
	case 2013:	/* expression <- integer    */
	case 2014:	/* expression <- real	    */
	case 2015:	/* expression <- complex    */
	case 2016:	/* expression <- character  */
	case 2024:      /* expression     <- raw */
	case 2025:      /* expression     <- S4 */
	case 2020:	/* expression <- expression */

	    SET_XVECTOR_ELT(x, offset, R_FixupRHS(x, y));

	case 2424:      /* raw <- raw */

	   RAW(x)[offset] = RAW(y)[0];

	    error(_("incompatible types (from %s to %s) in [[ assignment"),
		  type2char(CXXRCONSTRUCT(SEXPTYPE, which%100)), type2char(CXXRCONSTRUCT(SEXPTYPE, which/100)));
	/* If we stretched, we may have a new name. */
	/* In this case we must create a names attribute */
	/* (if it doesn't already exist) and set the new */
	/* value in the names attribute. */
	if (stretch && newname != R_NilValue) {
	    names = getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol);
	    if (names == R_NilValue) {
		PROTECT(names = allocVector(STRSXP, Rf_length(x)));
		SET_STRING_ELT(names, offset, newname);
		setAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol, names);
		SET_STRING_ELT(names, offset, newname);
    else if (isPairList(x)) {
	y = R_FixupRHS(x, y);
	if (nsubs == 1) {
	    if (isNull(y)) {
		x = listRemove(x, CAR(subs), len-1);
	    else {
		x = SimpleListAssign(call, x, subs, y, len-1);
	else {
	    if (ndims != nsubs)
		error(_("[[ ]] improper number of subscripts"));
	    PROTECT(indx = allocVector(INTSXP, ndims));
	    names = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol);
	    for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
		INTEGER(indx)[i] = int(
		    get1index(CAR(subs), VECTOR_ELT(names, i),
			      /*partial ok*/FALSE, -1, call));
		subs = subs->tail();
		if (INTEGER(indx)[i] < 0 ||
		    INTEGER(indx)[i] >= INTEGER(dims)[i])
		    error(_("[[ ]] subscript (%d) out of bounds"), i+1);
	    offset = 0;
	    for (i = (ndims - 1); i > 0; i--)
		offset = (offset + INTEGER(indx)[i]) * INTEGER(dims)[i - 1];
	    offset += INTEGER(indx)[0];
	    SEXP slot = nthcdr(x, (int) offset);
	    SETCAR(slot, duplicate(y));
	    /* FIXME: add name */
    else error(R_MSG_ob_nonsub, type2char(TYPEOF(x)));

    if(recursed) {
	if (isVectorList(xup)) {
	    SET_VECTOR_ELT(xup, off, x);
	} else {
	    xup = SimpleListAssign(call, xup, subs, x, len-2);
	if (len == 2)
	    xtop = xup;
    else xtop = x;

    SET_NAMED(xtop, 0);
    if(S4) SET_S4_OBJECT(xtop);
    return xtop;