ParamList DeEncryptProcessor::paramList() { ParamList ret; ret.push_back(string_); return ret; }
int initialize() { ostringstream wnd; #if defined OIS_WIN32_PLATFORM //Create a capture window for Input Grabbing _hWnd = CreateDialog( 0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), 0,(DLGPROC)DlgProc); if( _hWnd == NULL ) OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Failed to create Win32 Window Dialog!"); ShowWindow(_hWnd, SW_SHOW); wnd << (size_t)_hWnd; #elif defined OIS_LINUX_PLATFORM //Connects to default X window if( !(_pXDisp = XOpenDisplay(0)) ) OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Error opening X!"); //Create a window _xWin = XCreateSimpleWindow(_pXDisp,DefaultRootWindow(_pXDisp), 0,0, 100,100, 0, 0, 0); //bind our connection to that window XMapWindow(_pXDisp, _xWin); //Select what events we want to listen to locally XSelectInput(_pXDisp, _xWin, StructureNotifyMask); //Wait for Window to show up XEvent event; do { XNextEvent(_pXDisp, &event); } while(event.type != MapNotify); wnd << _xWin; #endif // Create OIS input manager ParamList pl; pl.insert(make_pair(string("WINDOW"), wnd.str())); _pInputMgr = InputManager::createInputSystem(pl); cout << _pInputMgr->inputSystemName() << " created." << endl; // Create the event handler. _pEventHdlr = new EventHandler(this); // Create a simple keyboard _pKeyboard = (Keyboard*)_pInputMgr->createInputObject( OISKeyboard, true ); _pKeyboard->setEventCallback( _pEventHdlr ); // Create the joystick manager. _pJoystickMgr = new JoystickManager(_pInputMgr, _pEventHdlr); if( !_pJoystickMgr->wasFFDetected() ) { cout << "No Force Feedback device detected." << endl; _nStatus = 1; return _nStatus; } // Create force feedback effect manager. _pEffectMgr = new EffectManager(_pJoystickMgr, _nEffectUpdateFreq); // Initialize the event handler. _pEventHdlr->initialize(_pJoystickMgr, _pEffectMgr); _bIsInitialized = true; return _nStatus; }
void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e) { pl.get(e.eVars.fluidParams.vdwScale, 0.75, "scale"); }
void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e) { pl.get(e.cntrl.fluidGummel_nIterations, 10, "maxIterations"); pl.get(e.cntrl.fluidGummel_Atol, 1e-5, "Atol"); }
void ofxGamepadHandler::updatePadList() { #ifdef USE_OIS try { ParamList pl; #if defined OIS_WIN32_PLATFORM if(hWnd == 0) { HWND windowHandle = FindWindow(NULL, L"gamepadExampleApp"); std::ostringstream wnd; wnd << (size_t)windowHandle; pl.insert(std::make_pair( std::string("WINDOW"), wnd.str() )); } #endif InputManager* inputManager=InputManager::createInputSystem(pl); gamepadList padsOld=gamepads; std::vector<tempPad> sticks; //gamepads.clear(); int numPads = inputManager->getNumberOfDevices(OISJoyStick); for( int i = 0; i < numPads; i++ ) { JoyStick* js = (JoyStick*)inputManager->createInputObject(OISJoyStick, true ); sticks.push_back(tempPad(js)); } std::vector<tempPad>::iterator sIt = sticks.begin(); while(sIt!=sticks.end()) { gamepadList::iterator gIt = padsOld.begin(); while(gIt!=padsOld.end()) { if((*sIt).stick->vendor() == (*gIt)->name) { ofPtr<ofxGamepadOIS> p = *gIt; p->updateJoystick((*sIt).stick); gamepadsNew.push_back(p); padsOld.erase(gIt); (*sIt).handled = true; break; } ++gIt; } ++sIt; } sIt = sticks.begin(); while(sIt!=sticks.end()) { if(!(*sIt).handled) gamepadsNew.push_back(ofPtr<ofxGamepadOIS>(new ofxGamepadOIS((*sIt).stick))); ++sIt; } lock(); if(oisInputManager != NULL) { oisInputManager->destroyInputSystem(oisInputManager); } unlock(); oisInputManager = inputManager; } catch(OIS::Exception &ex) { stringstream msg; msg << "\nException raised on joystick creation: " << ex.eText << std::endl; ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, msg.str()); } #elif defined(TARGET_LINUX) //check for joysticks ofFile file; for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {"/dev/input/js"+ofToString(i)); if(file.exists() && find(activeIDs.begin(), activeIDs.end(), i) == activeIDs.end()) { try { gamepadsNew.push_back(ofPtr<ofxGamepad>(new ofxGamepadLinux(file.getAbsolutePath()))); activeIDs.push_back(i); } catch(std::exception& err) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "could not create new gamepad"); } } } #else ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "ofxGamepad says: sorry, looks like your system is not supported..."); #endif }
void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e) { pl.get(e.eVars.fluidInitialStateFilename, string(), "filename", true); }
void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e) { pl.get(e.coulombParams.ionMargin, 0., "margin", true); if(e.coulombParams.ionMargin < 1.) throw string("<margin> must be at least 1 bohr."); }
void CommandMinimize::process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e) { MinimizeParams& mp = target(e); while(true) { MinimizeParamsMember key; pl.get(key, MPM_Delim, mpmMap, "key"); switch(key) { case MPM_dirUpdateScheme: pl.get(mp.dirUpdateScheme, MinimizeParams::PolakRibiere, dirUpdateMap, "dirUpdateScheme", true); break; case MPM_linminMethod: pl.get(mp.linminMethod, MinimizeParams::Quad, linminMap, "linminMethod", true); break; case MPM_nIterations: pl.get(mp.nIterations, 0, "nIterations", true); break; case MPM_history: pl.get(mp.history, 0, "history", true); break; case MPM_knormThreshold: pl.get(mp.knormThreshold, 0., "knormThreshold", true); break; case MPM_energyDiffThreshold: pl.get(mp.energyDiffThreshold, 0., "energyDiffThreshold", true); break; case MPM_nEnergyDiff: pl.get(mp.nEnergyDiff, 0, "nEnergyDiff", true); break; case MPM_alphaTstart: pl.get(mp.alphaTstart, 0., "alphaTstart", true); break; case MPM_alphaTmin: pl.get(mp.alphaTmin, 0., "alphaTmin", true); break; case MPM_updateTestStepSize: pl.get(mp.updateTestStepSize, true, boolMap, "updateTestStepSize", true); break; case MPM_alphaTreduceFactor: pl.get(mp.alphaTreduceFactor, 0., "alphaTreduceFactor", true); break; case MPM_alphaTincreaseFactor: pl.get(mp.alphaTincreaseFactor, 0., "alphaTincreaseFactor", true); break; case MPM_nAlphaAdjustMax: pl.get(mp.nAlphaAdjustMax, 0, "nAlphaAdjustMax", true); break; case MPM_wolfeEnergy: pl.get(mp.wolfeEnergy, 0., "wolfeEnergy", true); break; case MPM_wolfeGradient: pl.get(mp.wolfeGradient, 0., "wolfeGradient", true); break; case MPM_fdTest: pl.get(mp.fdTest, false, boolMap, "fdTest", true); break; case MPM_Delim: return; //end of input } } }
void VCardFormatImpl::addTelephoneValue( VCARD::VCard *v, const PhoneNumber &p ) { if ( p.number().isEmpty() ) return; ContentLine cl; cl.setName(EntityTypeToParamName(EntityTelephone)); cl.setValue(new TelValue( p.number().utf8() )); ParamList params; if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Home ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "home" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Work ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "work" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Msg ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "msg" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Pref ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "pref" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Voice ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "voice" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Fax ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "fax" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Cell ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "cell" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Video ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "video" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Bbs ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "bbs" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Modem ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "modem" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Car ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "car" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Isdn ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "isdn" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Pcs ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "pcs" ) ); if( p.type() & PhoneNumber::Pager ) params.append( new Param( "TYPE", "pager" ) ); cl.setParamList( params ); v->add(cl); }
void WriteResult(const std::string &base, Result &result, Config &config, ParamList ¶ms) { const float fnorm = 2.f / sqrtf(result.npoints); const float rnorm = 1.f / sqrtf(2.f / (SQRT3 * result.npoints)); // Statistics if (!params.GetString("convert").empty()) { std::string ext = params.GetString("convert"); std::transform(ext.begin(), ext.end(), ext.begin(), ::tolower); std::string dot = (ext[0] != '.') ? "." : ""; result.points.Save(base+dot+ext); } if (params.GetBool("spatial") || params.GetBool("spectral") || params.GetBool("stats")) { static bool first = true; if (first) { #ifdef PSA_HAS_CGAL printf("%-16s\tG-MD\tA-MD\tBOO\tE-Nyq.\tOsci.\n", "File"); #else printf("%-16s\tG-MD\tA-MD\tE-Nyq.\tOsci.\n", "File"); #endif first = false; } printf("%-16s", base.c_str()); std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << std::setw(3); #ifdef PSA_HAS_CGAL if (params.GetBool("spatial") || params.GetBool("stats")) std::cout << "\t" << result.stats.mindist * rnorm << "\t" << result.stats.avgmindist * rnorm << "\t" << result.stats.orientorder; else std::cout << "\t-\t-\t-"; #else if (params.GetBool("spatial") || params.GetBool("stats")) std::cout << "\t" << result.stats.mindist * rnorm << "\t" << result.stats.avgmindist * rnorm; else std::cout << "\t-\t-"; #endif if (params.GetBool("spectral") || params.GetBool("stats")) std::cout << "\t" << result.stats.effnyquist * fnorm << "\t" << result.stats.oscillations; else std::cout << "\t-\t-"; std::cout << "\n"; } // 1D if (params.GetBool("rp")) { std::string ylabel = (result.nsets > 1) ? "power" : "amplitude"; std::string labels[2] = { "frequency", ylabel }; float yrange[2] = { config.fymin, config.fymax }; if (params.GetBool("raw")) result.rp.SaveTXT(base+"_rp.txt"); else result.rp.SaveTEX(base+"_rp.tex", labels, yrange, 1.f, fnorm); } if (params.GetBool("rdf")) { std::string labels[2] = { "distance", "rdf" }; float yrange[2] = { config.rymin, config.rymax }; if (params.GetBool("raw")) result.rdf.SaveTXT(base+"_rdf.txt"); else result.rdf.SaveTEX(base+"_rdf.tex", labels, yrange, 1.f, rnorm); } if (params.GetBool("ani")) { std::string labels[2] = { "frequency", "anisotropy" }; float yrange[2] = { std::min(-1.25f * result.nsets, -12.5f), std::max( 1.25f * result.nsets, 12.5f) }; if (params.GetBool("raw")) result.ani.SaveTXT(base+"_ani.txt"); else result.ani.SaveTEX(base+"_ani.tex", labels, yrange, (result.nsets > 1 ? -result.nsets : 0), fnorm); } // 2D if (params.GetBool("pspectrum")) result.spectrum.Save(base+"_spec.png"); }
void imgui( ParamList& plist, float cursorPos ) { static bool opendemo=true; std::string id = plist.getPath() + "_ID"; ImGui::PushID(id.c_str()); //ImGui::BeginChild(id.c_str()); //"content"); float cposyPrev = ImGui::GetCursorPosY(); bool vis; if (plist.hasOption("hidden")) vis = ImGui::CollapsingHeader(plist.getName().c_str(), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_AllowItemOverlap); //, NULL, true, true); else vis = ImGui::CollapsingHeader(plist.getName().c_str(), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_AllowItemOverlap | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen); //, NULL, true, true); float cposyNext = ImGui::GetCursorPosY(); //ImGUi::SetCursorPosY(cposyPrev); //SameLine(); //ImGui::PushItemWidth(-10); // in cm_imgui_app if (!plist.hasOption("child")) { extern ImFont * iconFont; ImGui::PushFont(iconFont); ImGui::PushID("btns"); ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetWindowWidth()-100); if(ImGui::ButtonEx("l", ImVec2(0,0), ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnClick)) // Hack default onRelease with Button does not seem to work { std::string path; if(openFileDialog(path,"xml")) plist.loadXml(path.c_str()); } //ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::SameLine(); if(ImGui::ButtonEx("s",ImVec2(0,0), ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnClick))//, ImVec2(100,20))) { std::string path; if(saveFileDialog(path,"xml")) plist.saveXml(path.c_str()); } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::PopFont(); } //ImGui::PopItemWidth(); if(!vis) { //ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::PopID(); return; } //if(!) //ImGui::OpenNextNode(true); //if(!ImGui::TreeNode(plist.getName().c_str())) for( int i = 0; i < plist.getNumParams(); i++ ) { Param * p = plist.getParam(i); if(p->hasOption("h")) continue; if(p->hasOption("sameline")) ImGui::SameLine(); imgui(p); } for( int i = 0; i < plist.getNumChildren(); i++ ) { ImGui::Indent(); imgui(*plist.getChild(i), cursorPos+10.0 ); ImGui::Unindent(); } //ImGui::TreePop(); ImGui::PopID(); //ImGui::EndChild(); }