vector< boost::tuple<string, string> > Tagger::do_sentence_tagging_map(string line) { vector< boost::tuple<string, string> > tags; PERFORM_TOKENIZATION = true; vector<Token> vt; tokenize(line, vt, PERFORM_TOKENIZATION); if (vt.size() > 990) { cerr << "warning: the sentence is too long. it has been truncated." << endl; while (vt.size() > 990) vt.pop_back(); } // convert parantheses vector<string> org_strs; for (vector<Token>::iterator i = vt.begin(); i != vt.end(); i++) { org_strs.push_back(i->str); i->str = paren_converter.Ptb2Pos(i->str); i->prd = "?"; } // tag the words vector< map<string, double> > tagp0, tagp1; crf_decode_lookahead(vt, crfm, tagp0); if (false) { assert(0); exit(1); } else { for (vector<Token>::const_iterator i = vt.begin(); i != vt.end(); i++) { map<string, double> dummy; tagp1.push_back(dummy); } } // merge the outputs (simple interpolation of probabilities) vector< map<string, double> > tagp; // merged for (size_t i = 0; i < vt.size(); i++) { const map<string, double> & crf = tagp0[i]; const map<string, double> & ef = tagp1[i]; map<string, double> m, m2; // merged double sum = 0; for (map<string, double>::const_iterator j = crf.begin(); j != crf.end(); j++) { m.insert(pair<string, double>(j->first, j->second)); sum += j->second; } for (map<string, double>::const_iterator j = ef.begin(); j != ef.end(); j++) { sum += j->second; if (m.find(j->first) == m.end()) { m.insert(pair<string, double>(j->first, j->second)); } else { m[j->first] += j->second; } } const double th = PROB_OUTPUT_THRESHOLD * sum; for (map<string, double>::iterator j = m.begin(); j != m.end(); j++) { if (j->second >= th) m2.insert(*j); } double maxp = -1; string maxtag; for (map<string, double>::iterator j = m2.begin(); j != m2.end(); j++) { const double p = j->second; if (p > maxp) { maxp = p; maxtag = j->first; } } tagp.push_back(m2); vt[i].prd = maxtag; } for (size_t i = 0; i < vt.size(); i++) { const string s = org_strs[i]; const string p = vt[i].prd; string term = ""; int dot_pos = s.find("."); if( dot_pos!= std::string::npos ) { term = s.substr(0,dot_pos); } else { term = s; } tags.push_back( boost::tuple<string, string>( term, p) ); } return tags; }
vector<string> Tagger::do_tagging(string ifilename) { vector<string> nn_vector; PERFORM_TOKENIZATION = true; istream *is(&std::cin); ifstream ifile; if (ifilename != "") {; if (!ifile) { cerr << "error: cannot open " << ifilename << endl; exit(1); } is = &ifile; } string line; int nlines = 0; while (getline(*is, line)) { nlines++; vector<Token> vt; tokenize(line, vt, PERFORM_TOKENIZATION); if (vt.size() > 990) { cerr << "warning: the sentence is too long. it has been truncated." << endl; while (vt.size() > 990) vt.pop_back(); } // convert parantheses vector<string> org_strs; for (vector<Token>::iterator i = vt.begin(); i != vt.end(); i++) { org_strs.push_back(i->str); i->str = paren_converter.Ptb2Pos(i->str); i->prd = "?"; } // tag the words vector< map<string, double> > tagp0, tagp1; crf_decode_lookahead(vt, crfm, tagp0); if (false) { assert(0); exit(1); } else { for (vector<Token>::const_iterator i = vt.begin(); i != vt.end(); i++) { map<string, double> dummy; tagp1.push_back(dummy); } } // merge the outputs (simple interpolation of probabilities) vector< map<string, double> > tagp; // merged for (size_t i = 0; i < vt.size(); i++) { const map<string, double> & crf = tagp0[i]; const map<string, double> & ef = tagp1[i]; map<string, double> m, m2; // merged double sum = 0; for (map<string, double>::const_iterator j = crf.begin(); j != crf.end(); j++) { m.insert(pair<string, double>(j->first, j->second)); sum += j->second; } for (map<string, double>::const_iterator j = ef.begin(); j != ef.end(); j++) { sum += j->second; if (m.find(j->first) == m.end()) { m.insert(pair<string, double>(j->first, j->second)); } else { m[j->first] += j->second; } } const double th = PROB_OUTPUT_THRESHOLD * sum; for (map<string, double>::iterator j = m.begin(); j != m.end(); j++) { if (j->second >= th) m2.insert(*j); } double maxp = -1; string maxtag; for (map<string, double>::iterator j = m2.begin(); j != m2.end(); j++) { const double p = j->second; if (p > maxp) { maxp = p; maxtag = j->first; } } tagp.push_back(m2); vt[i].prd = maxtag; } for (size_t i = 0; i < vt.size(); i++) { const string s = org_strs[i]; const string p = vt[i].prd; string term = ""; if( (p == "NN") || (p=="JJ") || (p=="JJR") || (p=="JJS") || (p=="NNS") || (p=="NNP") || (p=="NNPS") ) { int dot_pos = s.find("."); if( dot_pos!= std::string::npos ) { term = s.substr(0,dot_pos); } else { term = s; } nn_vector.push_back(term); } } } return nn_vector; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { string WORDNET_DIR = ""; string ifilename; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { string v = argv[i]; if ( (v == "-m" || v == "--model") && i < argc-1) { MODEL_DIR = argv[i+1]; i++; continue; } // if ( (v == "-wn" || v == "--wordnet") && i < argc-1) { // WORDNET_DIR = argv[i+1]; // i++; // continue; // } if (v.substr(0, 8) == "--model=") { MODEL_DIR = v.substr(8); continue; } if (v == "-t" || v == "--tokenize") { PERFORM_TOKENIZATION = true; continue; } if (v == "-s" || v == "--standoff") { STANDOFF = true; continue; } if (v == "-u" || v == "--uima") { UIMA = true; continue; } if (v == "-e" || v == "--enju") { ENJU = true; continue; } if ( (v == "-n" || v == "--nbest") && i < argc-1) { NBEST = atoi(argv[i+1]); i++; continue; } if (v.substr(0, 8) == "--nbest=") { NBEST = atoi(v.substr(8).c_str()); continue; } if (v == "-") { ifilename = ""; continue; } if (v == "-h" || v == "--help") print_help(); if (v == "--version") print_version(); if (v[0] == '-') { cerr << "error: unknown option " << v << endl; cerr << "Try `stepp --help' for more information." << endl; exit(1); } ifilename = v; } if (NBEST) { cerr << "error: n-best output is currently not supported" << endl; exit(1); } istream *is(&std::cin); ifstream ifile; if (ifilename != "") {; if (!ifile) { cerr << "error: cannot open " << ifilename << endl; exit(1); } is = &ifile; } if (MODEL_DIR[MODEL_DIR.size()-1] != '/') MODEL_DIR += "/"; CRF_Model crfm; if (!ENJU) { cerr << "loading the models from the directory \"" << MODEL_DIR << "\" ..."; } if (!crfm.load_from_file(MODEL_DIR + "", ENJU ? false : true)) exit(1); if (!ENJU) { cerr << "done" << endl; } // crfm.save_to_file("test"); // push_stop_watch(); string line; int nlines = 0; while (getline(*is, line)) { nlines++; vector<Token> vt; tokenize(line, vt, PERFORM_TOKENIZATION); if (vt.size() > 990) { cerr << "warning: the sentence is too long. it has been truncated." << endl; while (vt.size() > 990) vt.pop_back(); } // convert parantheses vector<string> org_strs; for (vector<Token>::iterator i = vt.begin(); i != vt.end(); i++) { org_strs.push_back(i->str); i->str = paren_converter.Ptb2Pos(i->str); i->prd = "?"; } if (STANDOFF) cout << line << endl; if (vt.size() == 0) { cout << endl; continue; } // tag the words vector< map<string, double> > tagp0, tagp1; // crf_decode_forward_backward(vt, crfm, tagp0); crf_decode_lookahead(vt, crfm, tagp0); if (false) { // ef_decode_beam(vt, vme, tagp1); assert(0); exit(1); } else { for (vector<Token>::const_iterator i = vt.begin(); i != vt.end(); i++) { map<string, double> dummy; tagp1.push_back(dummy); } } // merge the outputs (simple interpolation of probabilities) vector< map<string, double> > tagp; // merged //if(tagp0.size() > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vt.size(); i++) { const map<string, double> & crf = tagp0[i]; const map<string, double> & ef = tagp1[i]; map<string, double> m, m2; // merged double sum = 0; for (map<string, double>::const_iterator j = crf.begin(); j != crf.end(); j++) { // cout << j->first << ":" << j->second << " "; m.insert(pair<string, double>(j->first, j->second)); sum += j->second; } // cout << endl; for (map<string, double>::const_iterator j = ef.begin(); j != ef.end(); j++) { // cout << j->first << ":" << j->second << " "; sum += j->second; if (m.find(j->first) == m.end()) { m.insert(pair<string, double>(j->first, j->second)); } else { m[j->first] += j->second; } } // cout << endl; const double th = PROB_OUTPUT_THRESHOLD * sum; for (map<string, double>::iterator j = m.begin(); j != m.end(); j++) { if (j->second >= th) m2.insert(*j); } double maxp = -1; string maxtag; for (map<string, double>::iterator j = m2.begin(); j != m2.end(); j++) { const double p = j->second; if (p > maxp) { maxp = p; maxtag = j->first; } // cout << j->first << ":" << j->second << " "; } // cout << endl; tagp.push_back(m2); vt[i].prd = maxtag; } //} // print the resutls for (size_t i = 0; i < vt.size(); i++) { const string s = org_strs[i]; const string p = vt[i].prd; if (STANDOFF || OUTPUT_TAG_PROBS || UIMA || ENJU) { if (STANDOFF || UIMA || ENJU) { cout << vt[i].begin << "\t" << vt[i].end; if (!UIMA && !ENJU){ cout << "\t"; } } if (!UIMA && !ENJU){ cout << s; } if (OUTPUT_TAG_PROBS) { vector<TagProb> tp; double sum = 0; for (map<string, double>::iterator j = tagp[i].begin(); j != tagp[i].end(); j++) { tp.push_back(TagProb(j->first, j->second)); sum += j->second; } sort(tp.begin(), tp.end()); for (vector<TagProb>::iterator j = tp.begin(); j != tp.end(); j++) { const double p = j->prob / sum; // normalize if (p == 1) cout << resetiosflags(ios::fixed); else cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(3); cout << "\t" << j->tag << "\t" << p; } } else { cout << "\t" + p; if (ENJU) { cout << "\t1"; } } if (UIMA){ cout << "\t0"; } cout << endl; } else { if (i == 0) cout << s + "/" + p; else cout << " " + s + "/" + p; } } cout << endl; crfm.incr_line_counter(); } // int msec = push_stop_watch(); // cerr << "tagging time = " << msec << " msec" << endl; // cerr << 1000.0 * nlines / msec << " lines / sec" << endl; }