コード例 #1
Trace a tree around it to construct particles representing vertices of a straight polygon.
The implementation is not pretty and may be simplified. But I am not sure at this time.
_trace(Vertex<CParticleF>* u, Vertex<CParticleF>*prev, vector<MovingParticle*>& points)
	ParticleFactory* factory = ParticleFactory::getInstance();
	MovingParticle* particle = factory->makeParticle(u->key, Initial, 0.0f);
	u->color = Black;
	CParticleF pu = u->key;
	CParticleF qu = prev == NULL ? CParticleF(pu.m_X - 1.0, pu.m_Y) : prev->key;
	int count = 1;
	while (true)
		Vertex<CParticleF>* v = NULL;
		float minAngle = 3 * PI;
		//Walk in clock-wise  order.
		for (int i = 0; i < u->aList.size(); ++i)
			Vertex<CParticleF>* w = u->aList[i]->v;
			if (w->color == White)
				float ang = GetVisualAngle2(qu.m_X, qu.m_Y, w->key.m_X, w->key.m_Y, pu.m_X, pu.m_Y);
				if (ang <= 0) ang += 2 * PI;
				if (ang < minAngle)
					minAngle = ang;
					v = w;
		if (v != NULL)
			_trace(v, u, points);
			MovingParticle* particle2 = factory->makeParticle(u->key, Initial, 0.0f);
			points.push_back(particle2); //every branch will result in a new particle.
		qu = v->key; //update where we are coming from
	//at a leaf, we need to provide additional one to account for two corners
	if (count < 2)
		MovingParticle* particle2 = factory->makeParticle(u->key, Initial, 0.0f);
	//When this is the first node of the trace, the last one is extra unless this is also a leaf node.
	if (prev == NULL && count > 2)
		MovingParticle* p = *(points.end() - 1);
		points.erase(points.end() - 1);
コード例 #2
ParticleSimulator::LoadParticles(vector<float>& F, const int* dims)
	ParticleFactory* factory = ParticleFactory::getInstance();
	this->time = 0.0f;
	map<int, MovingParticle*> id2particle;
	vector<int> vchild1;
	vector<int> vchild2;
	vector<int> vparent1;
	vector<int> vparent2;
	vector<int> vprev;
	vector<int> vnext;
	vector<int> veq;
	vector<int> ver;
	for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; ++i)
		int id = (int)GetData2(F, i, 0, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f);
		float x0 = GetData2(F, i, 1, dims[0], dims[1], std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
		float y0 = GetData2(F, i, 2, dims[0], dims[1], std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
		float x = GetData2(F, i, 3, dims[0], dims[1], std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
		float y = GetData2(F, i, 4, dims[0], dims[1], std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
		float vx = GetData2(F, i, 5, dims[0], dims[1], std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
		float vy = GetData2(F, i, 6, dims[0], dims[1], std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
		int pid = (int)GetData2(F, i, 7, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f);
		int nid = (int)GetData2(F, i, 8, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f);
		MovingParticleType type = int2ParticleType((int)GetData2(F, i, 9, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f));
		float created = GetData2(F, i, 10, dims[0], dims[1], 0.0f);
		float time = GetData2(F, i, 11, dims[0], dims[1], 0.0f);
		float ref = GetData2(F, i, 12, dims[0], dims[1], 0.0f);
		bool bActive = GetData2(F, i, 13, dims[0], dims[1], 0.0f)>0.0f ? true : false;
		bool bInitialized = (bool)GetData2(F, i, 14, dims[0], dims[1], 0.0f)>0.0f ? true : false;
		bool bUnstable = (bool)GetData2(F, i, 15, dims[0], dims[1], 0.0f)>0.0f ? true : false;
		int parent1 = (int)GetData2(F, i, 16, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f);
		int parent2 = (int)GetData2(F, i, 17, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f);
		int child1 = (int)GetData2(F, i, 18, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f);
		int child2 = (int)GetData2(F, i, 19, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f);
		EventType etype = int2EventType((int)GetData2(F, i, 20, dims[0], dims[1], 0.0f));
		int eq = (int)GetData2(F, i, 21, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f);
		int er = (int)GetData2(F, i, 22, dims[0], dims[1], -1.0f);
		float etime = GetData2(F, i, 23, dims[0], dims[1], 0.0f);
		MovingParticle* p = factory->makeParticle(CParticleF(x0, y0), type, created);
		p->p.m_X = x;
		p->p.m_Y = y;
		p->v[0] = vx;
		p->v[1] = vy;
		p->time = time;
		p->bActive = bActive;
		//p->bInitialized = bInitialized;
		p->bUnstable = bUnstable;
		p->event.type = etype;
		p->event.t = etime;
		p->reflexive = ref;
		p->event.p = p;
		id2particle[p->id] = p;
		if (p->bActive==false)
		if (p->time > this->time)
			this->time = p->time;
	//now  set prev, next, etc.
	for (int i = 0; i < factory->particles.size(); ++i)
		MovingParticle* p = factory->particles[i];
		p->prev = vprev[i] >= 0 ? id2particle[vprev[i]] : NULL;
		p->next = vnext[i] >= 0 ? id2particle[vnext[i]] : NULL;
		p->event.q = veq[i] >= 0 ? id2particle[veq[i]] : NULL;
		p->event.r = ver[i] >= 0 ? id2particle[ver[i]] : NULL;
		p->parents[0] = vparent1[i] >= 0 ? id2particle[vparent1[i]] : NULL;
		p->parents[1] = vparent2[i] >= 0 ? id2particle[vparent2[i]] : NULL;
		p->children[0] = vchild1[i] >= 0 ? id2particle[vchild1[i]] : NULL;
		p->children[1] = vchild2[i] >= 0 ? id2particle[vchild2[i]] : NULL;
		if (p->id >= MovingParticle::_id)
			MovingParticle::_id = p->id + 1;

	return true;