void Instance::Language::Load(wcstring const path) { if (!path || !*path) { Paths paths; EnumerateResources( paths ); if (paths.empty()) throw Exception( L"language\\english.nlg file not found!" ); Paths::const_iterator it( paths.begin() ); for (Paths::const_iterator end(paths.end()); it != end; ++it) { if (it->File() == L"english.nlg") break; } if (it == paths.end()) it = paths.begin(); if (!resource.Load( it->Ptr() )) throw Exception( L"Failed to load language plugin file!" ); } else if (!resource.Load( path )) { Load( NULL ); } }
static VALUE rbclipper_execute_internal(VALUE self, ClipType cliptype, VALUE subjfill, VALUE clipfill, VALUE resulttype) { if (NIL_P(subjfill)) { subjfill = ID2SYM(id_even_odd); } if (NIL_P(clipfill)) { clipfill = ID2SYM(id_even_odd); } if (NIL_P(resulttype)) { resulttype = ID2SYM(id_polygons); } double inv_multiplier = 1.0 / NUM2LONG(rb_iv_get(self, "@multiplier")); VALUE r = rb_ary_new(); if (resulttype == ID2SYM(id_polygons)) { Paths solution; XCLIPPER(self)->Execute((ClipType) cliptype, solution, sym_to_filltype(subjfill), sym_to_filltype(clipfill)); for(Paths::iterator i = solution.begin(); i != solution.end(); ++i) { VALUE sub = rb_ary_new(); for(Path::iterator p = i->begin(); p != i->end(); ++p) { rb_ary_push(sub, rb_ary_new3(2, DBL2NUM(p->X * inv_multiplier), DBL2NUM(p->Y * inv_multiplier))); } rb_ary_push(r, sub); } } return r; }
static VALUE rbclipper_offset_polygons(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) { double multiplier = NUM2DBL(rb_iv_get(self, "@multiplier")); double inv_multiplier = 1.0 / multiplier; VALUE polygonsValue, deltaValue, joinTypeValue, endTypeValue; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "31", &polygonsValue, &deltaValue, &joinTypeValue, &endTypeValue); Paths polygons; for(long i = 0; i != RARRAY_LEN(polygonsValue); i++) { VALUE sub = rb_ary_entry(polygonsValue, i); Check_Type(sub, T_ARRAY); ClipperLib::Path tmp; ary_to_polygon(sub, &tmp, multiplier); polygons.push_back(tmp); } Paths resultPaths; XCLIPPEROFFSET(self)->AddPaths(polygons, sym_to_jointype(joinTypeValue), sym_to_endtype(endTypeValue)); XCLIPPEROFFSET(self)->Execute(resultPaths, NUM2DBL(deltaValue) * multiplier); VALUE r = rb_ary_new(); for(Paths::iterator i = resultPaths.begin(); i != resultPaths.end(); ++i) { VALUE sub = rb_ary_new(); for(Path::iterator p = i->begin(); p != i->end(); ++p) { rb_ary_push(sub, rb_ary_new3(2, DBL2NUM(p->X * inv_multiplier), DBL2NUM(p->Y * inv_multiplier))); } rb_ary_push(r, sub); } return r; }
/// Compute total number of edges static size_t computeNumberOfEdges(const Paths& paths) { size_t count=0; for (Paths::const_iterator i = paths.begin(), e = paths.end(); i != e; ++i) { count += i->size(); } return count; }
void Application::_parseCommandLine() { typedef boost::filesystem::path Path; typedef std::vector<std::string> Paths; boost::program_options::options_description baseOptions ( "Options" ); baseOptions.add_options() ( "cache-directory", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Specify the cache directory file." ); boost::program_options::options_description hidden ( "Hidden options" ); hidden.add_options() ( "files", boost::program_options::value<Paths>(), "files"); boost::program_options::options_description allOptions; allOptions.add ( baseOptions ).add ( hidden ); boost::program_options::positional_options_description p; p.add("files", -1); // Get the command line arguments. using Usul::CommandLine::Arguments; boost::program_options::variables_map vm; boost::program_options::store ( boost::program_options::command_line_parser ( Arguments::instance().argc(), Arguments::instance().argv() ). options ( allOptions ).positional(p).allow_unregistered().run(), vm ); // Check for the cache directory. if ( vm.count ( "cache-directory" ) ) { const std::string cacheDirectory ( vm["cache-directory"].as<std::string>() ); std::cout << "Setting cache directory to " << cacheDirectory << std::endl; Minerva::Core::DiskCache::instance().cacheDirectory ( cacheDirectory ); } Paths filenames; if ( vm.count ( "files" ) ) { filenames = vm["files"].as<Paths>(); } // Have to load the config files now. Remove them from the arguments. Paths configs; Path ext ( ".jconf" ); std::remove_copy_if ( filenames.begin(), filenames.end(), std::back_inserter ( configs ), boost::lambda::bind ( static_cast<Path::string_type (*) ( const Path& )> ( &boost::filesystem::extension ), boost::lambda::_1 ) != ext ); this->_loadConfigFiles ( configs ); // Load the model files. this->_loadModelFiles ( filenames ); }
/** Find every pair of overlapping paths. */ static Overlaps findOverlaps(const Graph& g, const Paths& paths) { SeedMap seedMap = makeSeedMap(paths); Overlaps overlaps; for (Paths::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { unsigned i = it - paths.begin(); findOverlaps(g, paths, seedMap, Vertex(i, false), overlaps); findOverlaps(g, paths, seedMap, Vertex(i, true), overlaps); } return overlaps; }
/** Add the path overlap edges to the specified graph. */ static void addPathOverlapEdges(Graph& g, const Paths& paths, const vector<string>& pathIDs, const Overlaps& overlaps) { typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor V; const bool allowParallelEdge = opt::mode == opt::ASSEMBLE; // Add the path vertices. g_contigNames.unlock(); for (Paths::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { const ContigPath& path = *it; const string& id = pathIDs[it - paths.begin()]; if (!path.empty()) { V u = merge(g, path.begin(), path.end()); put(vertex_name, g, u, id); } } g_contigNames.lock(); // Remove the single-end contigs that are in paths. for (Paths::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) remove_vertex_if(g, it->begin(), it->end(), not1(std::mem_fun_ref(&ContigNode::ambiguous))); // Add the path edges. for (Overlaps::const_iterator it = overlaps.begin(); it != overlaps.end(); ++it) { V u = it->source.descriptor(); V v = it->target.descriptor(); if (allowParallelEdge || !edge(u, v, g).second) add_edge(u, v, it->distance, static_cast<DG&>(g)); else if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "ambiguous overlap: " << get(vertex_name, g, u) << " -> " << get(vertex_name, g, v) << '\n'; } }
void visit(const char* name, const EntityClassScanner& table) const { Paths paths; EntityClassQuake3_constructDirectory(baseDirectory, table.getExtension(), paths); if(!string_equal(baseDirectory, gameDirectory)) { EntityClassQuake3_constructDirectory(gameDirectory, table.getExtension(), paths); } for(Paths::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) { EntityClassesLoadFile(table, (*i).second)((*i).first.c_str()); } }
/** Assemble overlapping paths. */ static void assembleOverlappingPaths(Graph& g, Paths& paths, vector<string>& pathIDs) { if (paths.empty()) return; // Find overlapping paths. Overlaps overlaps = findOverlaps(g, paths); addPathOverlapEdges(g, paths, pathIDs, overlaps); // Create a property map of path overlaps. OverlapMap overlapMap; for (Overlaps::const_iterator it = overlaps.begin(); it != overlaps.end(); ++it) overlapMap.insert(OverlapMap::value_type( OverlapMap::key_type( it->source.descriptor(), it->target.descriptor()), it->overlap)); // Assemble unambiguously overlapping paths. Paths merges; assemble_if(g, back_inserter(merges), IsPathOverlap(g, overlapMap, IsPositive<Graph>(g))); // Merge overlapping paths. g_contigNames.unlock(); assert(!pathIDs.empty()); setNextContigName(pathIDs.back()); for (Paths::const_iterator it = merges.begin(); it != merges.end(); ++it) { string name = createContigName(); if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << name << '\t' << *it << '\n'; Vertex u(paths.size(), false); put(vertex_name, g, u.descriptor(), name); pathIDs.push_back(name); paths.push_back(mergePaths(paths, overlapMap, *it)); // Remove the merged paths. for (ContigPath::const_iterator it2 = it->begin(); it2 != it->end(); ++it2) { if (isPath(*it2)) paths[it2->id() - Vertex::s_offset].clear(); } } g_contigNames.lock(); }
/** Index the first and last contig of each path to facilitate finding * overlaps between paths. */ static SeedMap makeSeedMap(const Paths& paths) { SeedMap seedMap; for (Paths::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { if (it->empty()) continue; assert(!it->front().ambiguous()); seedMap.insert(make_pair(it->front(), Vertex(it - paths.begin(), false))); assert(!it->back().ambiguous()); seedMap.insert(make_pair(it->back() ^ 1, Vertex(it - paths.begin(), true))); } return seedMap; }
/** Find the largest overlap for each contig and remove it. */ static void trimOverlaps(Paths& paths, const Overlaps& overlaps) { vector<unsigned> removed[2]; removed[0].resize(paths.size()); removed[1].resize(paths.size()); for (Overlaps::const_iterator it = overlaps.begin(); it != overlaps.end(); ++it) { unsigned& a = removed[!it->source.sense][it->source.id]; unsigned& b = removed[it->target.sense][it->target.id]; a = max(a, it->overlap); b = max(b, it->overlap); } for (Paths::iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) removeContigs(*it, removed[0][it - paths.begin()], it->size() - removed[1][it - paths.begin()]); }
Path Grasp_Calculator::calc_poly_centroid(Paths polygons) { std::vector<IntPoint> sums; for (std::vector<Path>::iterator poly = polygons.begin(); poly != polygons.end(); ++poly) { IntPoint sum; sum.X = 0; sum.Y = 0; cInt fuck_u_Cpp = 0; for (std::vector<IntPoint>::iterator ip = poly->begin(); ip != poly->end(); ++ip, fuck_u_Cpp++) { sum.X += ip->X; sum.Y += ip->Y; } sum.X = sum.X / fuck_u_Cpp; sum.Y = sum.Y / fuck_u_Cpp; sums.push_back(sum); } return sums; }
void PathManager::init() { /// Search for the OGRE plugin folder ogre_plugin_dir = ""; // Use environment variable, if present char *plugindir = getenv("OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR"); if (plugindir) { ogre_plugin_dir = plugindir; return; } #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows: we assume the ogre plugins are in the directory the program is run from (".") ogre_plugin_dir = "."; #else // Linux: Check a list of common path names typedef std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> Paths; Paths dirs; #if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib64"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib64"); #else dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib32"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib32"); #endif dirs.push_back("/usr/local"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib"); // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contains a plugin for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { if (boost::filesystem::exists(*p / "OGRE/RenderSystem_GL.so")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "OGRE").string(); break; } else if (boost::filesystem::exists(*p / "ogre/RenderSystem_GL.so")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "ogre").string(); break; } } #endif }
void PATHMANAGER::Init(std::ostream & info_output, std::ostream & error_output) { typedef std::vector<fs::path> Paths; // Set Ogre plugins dir { ogre_plugin_dir = ""; char *plugindir = getenv("OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR"); if (plugindir) { ogre_plugin_dir = plugindir; #ifndef _WIN32 } else if (fs::exists(fs::path(OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR) / "RenderSystem_GL.so")) { ogre_plugin_dir = OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR; #endif } else { #ifdef _WIN32 ogre_plugin_dir = "."; #else Paths dirs; #if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib64"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib64"); #else dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib32"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib32"); #endif dirs.push_back("/usr/local"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib"); // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contain a plugin for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { if (fs::exists(*p / "OGRE/RenderSystem_GL.so")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "OGRE").string(); break; } else if (fs::exists(*p / "ogre/RenderSystem_GL.so")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "ogre").string(); break; } } #endif } } fs::path shortDir = "stuntrally"; // Figure out the user's home directory { home_dir = ""; #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX char *homedir = getenv("HOME"); if (homedir == NULL) { home_dir = "/home/"; homedir = getenv("USER"); if (homedir == NULL) { homedir = getenv("USERNAME"); if (homedir == NULL) { error_output << "Could not find user's home directory!" << std::endl; home_dir = "/tmp/"; } } } #else // Windows char *homedir = getenv("USERPROFILE"); if (homedir == NULL) homedir = "data"; // WIN 9x/Me #endif home_dir += homedir; } // Find user's config dir #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX { char const* conf = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (conf) user_config_dir = (fs::path(conf) / "stuntrally").string(); else user_config_dir = (fs::path(home_dir) / ".config" / "stuntrally").string(); } #else // Windows { // Open AppData directory std::string str; ITEMIDLIST* pidl; char AppDir[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hRes = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE , &pidl); if (hRes == NOERROR) { SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, AppDir); int i; for (i = 0; AppDir[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (AppDir[i] == '\\') str += '/'; else str += AppDir[i]; } user_config_dir = (fs::path(str) / "stuntrally").string(); } } #endif // Create user's config dir CreateDir(user_config_dir, error_output); // Find user's data dir (for additional data) #ifdef _WIN32 user_data_dir = user_config_dir; // APPDATA/stuntrally #else { fs::path shareDir = SHARED_DATA_DIR; char const* xdg_data_home = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); user_data_dir = (xdg_data_home ? xdg_data_home / shortDir : fs::path(home_dir) / ".local" / shareDir).string(); } #endif // Create user's data dir and its children CreateDir(user_data_dir, error_output); CreateDir(GetTrackRecordsPath(), error_output); CreateDir(GetScreenShotDir(), error_output); CreateDir(GetTrackPathUser(), error_output); // user tracks CreateDir(GetTrackPathUser()+"/_previews", error_output); CreateDir(GetReplayPath(), error_output); CreateDir(GetGhostsPath(), error_output); // Find game data dir and defaults config dir char *datadir = getenv("STUNTRALLY_DATA_ROOT"); if (datadir) game_data_dir = std::string(datadir); else { fs::path shareDir = SHARED_DATA_DIR; Paths dirs; // Adding users data dir // TODO: Disabled for now until this is handled properly //dirs.push_back(user_data_dir); // Adding relative path from installed executable dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / shareDir); // Adding relative path for running from sources dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path()); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path()); #ifndef _WIN32 // Adding XDG_DATA_DIRS { char const* xdg_data_dirs = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); std::istringstream iss(xdg_data_dirs ? xdg_data_dirs : "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"); for (std::string p; std::getline(iss, p, ':'); dirs.push_back(p / shortDir)) {} } #endif // TODO: Adding path from config file // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contain some data for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { // Data dir if (fs::exists(*p / "hud")) game_data_dir = p->string(); // Config dir if (fs::exists(*p / "config")) game_config_dir = (*p / "config").string(); // Check if both are found if (!game_data_dir.empty() && !game_config_dir.empty()) break; } } // Find cache dir #ifdef _WIN32 cache_dir = user_config_dir + "/cache"; // APPDATA/stuntrally/cache #else char const* xdg_cache_home = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); cache_dir = (xdg_cache_home ? xdg_cache_home / shortDir : fs::path(home_dir) / ".cache" / shortDir).string(); #endif // Create cache dir CreateDir(cache_dir, error_output); CreateDir(GetShaderCacheDir(), error_output); // Print diagnostic info std::stringstream out; out << "--- Directories: ---" << ogre_plugin_dir << std::endl; out << "Ogre plugin: " << ogre_plugin_dir << std::endl; out << "Home: " << home_dir << std::endl; out << "Default cfg: " << GetGameConfigDir() << std::endl; out << "User cfg: " << GetUserConfigDir() << std::endl; out << "Data: " << GetDataPath() << std::endl; out << "User data: " << GetUserDataDir() << std::endl; out << "Cache: " << GetCacheDir() << std::endl; out << "Shader cache: " << GetShaderCacheDir() << std::endl; out << "Log: " << GetLogDir() << std::endl; info_output << out.str(); }
void PSP(Paths&ps) { PSI psi; for(psi=ps.begin(); psi!=ps.end(); ++psi) { PP(*psi); } }
void PATHMANAGER::Init(bool log_paths) { typedef vector<fs::path> Paths; // Set Ogre plugins dir { ogre_plugin = ""; char *plugindir = getenv("OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR"); if (plugindir) { ogre_plugin = plugindir; } else { #ifdef _WIN32 ogre_plugin = "."; #else ogre_plugin = OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_REL; #endif } } fs::path stuntrally = "stuntrally"; // Figure out the user's home directory { home_dir = ""; #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX char *homedir = getenv("HOME"); if (homedir == NULL) { home_dir = "/home/"; homedir = getenv("USER"); if (homedir == NULL) { homedir = getenv("USERNAME"); if (homedir == NULL) { cerr << "Could not find user's home directory!" << endl; home_dir = "/tmp/"; } } } #else // Windows char *homedir = getenv("USERPROFILE"); if (homedir == NULL) homedir = "data"; // WIN 9x/Me #endif home_dir += homedir; } // Find user's config dir #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX { char const* conf = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (conf) user_config = (fs::path(conf) / stuntrally).string(); else user_config = (fs::path(home_dir) / ".config" / stuntrally).string(); } #else // Windows { // Open AppData directory string str; ITEMIDLIST* pidl; char AppDir[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hRes = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, &pidl); if (hRes == NOERROR) { SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, AppDir); int i; for (i = 0; AppDir[i] != '\0'; ++i) { if (AppDir[i] == '\\') str += '/'; else str += AppDir[i]; } user_config = (fs::path(str) / stuntrally).string(); } } #endif // Create user's config dir CreateDir(user_config); // Find user's data dir (for additional data) #ifdef _WIN32 user_data = user_config; // APPDATA/stuntrally #else { char const* xdg_data_home = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); user_data = (xdg_data_home ? xdg_data_home / stuntrally : fs::path(home_dir) / ".local/share" / stuntrally).string(); } #endif // Create user's data dir and its children ///-------------------------------------------------- CreateDir(user_data); CreateDir(Records()); CreateDir(Ghosts()); CreateDir(Replays()); CreateDir(Screenshots()); CreateDir(TracksUser()); // user tracks CreateDir(DataUser()); // user data // Find game data dir and defaults config dir char *datadir = getenv("STUNTRALLY_DATA_ROOT"); if (datadir) game_data = string(datadir); else { fs::path shareDir = SHARED_DATA_DIR; Paths dirs; // Adding users data dir // TODO: Disabled for now until this is handled properly //dirs.push_back(user_data_dir); // Adding relative path for running from sources dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path()); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path()); // Adding relative path from installed executable dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / shareDir); #ifndef _WIN32 // Adding XDG_DATA_DIRS { char const* xdg_data_dirs = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); istringstream iss(xdg_data_dirs ? xdg_data_dirs : "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"); for (string p; getline(iss, p, ':'); dirs.push_back(p / stuntrally)) {} } #endif // TODO: Adding path from config file // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contain some data for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { // Data dir if (fs::exists(*p / "hud")) game_data = p->string(); // Config dir if (fs::exists(*p / "config")) game_config = (*p / "config").string(); // Check if both are found if (!game_data.empty() && !game_config.empty()) break; } } // Subdirs for each sim_mode ///-------------------------------------------------- list <string> li; PATHMANAGER::DirList(PATHMANAGER::CarSim(), li); for (list <string>::iterator i = li.begin(); i != li.end(); ++i) { CreateDir(Records()+"/"+*i); CreateDir(Ghosts()+"/"+*i); } // Find cache dir #ifdef _WIN32 cache_dir = user_config + "/cache"; // APPDATA/stuntrally/cache #else char const* xdg_cache_home = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); cache_dir = (xdg_cache_home ? xdg_cache_home / stuntrally : fs::path(home_dir) / ".cache" / stuntrally).string(); #endif // Create cache dir CreateDir(CacheDir()); CreateDir(CacheDir()+"/tracks"); CreateDir(ShaderDir()); // Print diagnostic info if (log_paths) { info << "Paths info" << endl; info << "-------------------------" << endl; info << "Ogre plugin: " << ogre_plugin << endl; info << "Data: " << Data() << endl; //info << "Default cfg: " << GetGameConfigDir() << endl; info << "Home: " << home_dir << endl; info << "User cfg,log: " << UserConfigDir() << endl; info << "User data: " << user_data << endl; info << "Cache: " << CacheDir() << endl; info << "-------------------------"; } }
LatexGenerator::LatexGenerator(const Paths &paths, const Cordinate maxValues, const vector<char> &pieces, const vector<Cordinate> &obstacles, const string &outputFilename) { ofstream out(outputFilename.c_str()); out << "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}" << endl; out << "\\usepackage{chessboard}" << endl; out << "\\usepackage{chessfss}" << endl; out << "\\begin{document}" << endl; out << "\\chessboard[setpieces={"; int numPieces(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { if (pieces.at(i) == ' ' || pieces.at(i) == 'X') continue; if (numPieces != 0) out << ','; out << pieces.at(i); out << _Alphabets.at(i%maxValues.first); out << (i/maxValues.first + 1); numPieces++; } out << "}"; if (!obstacles.empty()) { out << ",pgfstyle={text},text=X,markfields={"; for (size_t i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) { if (i!=0) out << ','; out << _Alphabets.at(obstacles.at(i).first-1) << obstacles.at(i).second; } out << "}"; } if (!paths.empty()) { system("mkdir -p lg_temp"); int offset(0); cout << "Generating temp files" << endl; for (Paths::const_iterator itr = paths.begin(); itr != paths.end(); ++itr) { stringstream ss; ss << "./lg_temp/" << offset; ofstream out(ss.str().c_str()); const string ¤tPath(*itr); for (size_t j = 0; j < currentPath.size(); j++) { if (isdigit(currentPath.at(j))) out << currentPath.at(j); else if (currentPath.at(j) == ',') out << ' '; else if (currentPath.at(j) == ')') out << endl; } out.close(); offset++; } cout << "DONE Generating temp files" << endl; out << ",pgfstyle={straightmove},"; out << "markmoves={"; cout << "Generating moves" << endl; bool isFirst(true); for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { cout << "Generating move " << i << endl; stringstream ss; ss << "./lg_temp/" << i; ifstream in(ss.str().c_str()); int a1(0), a2(0); int b1(0), b2(0); bool isNewFile(true); while (!in.eof()) { if (isNewFile) { in >> a1; in >> a2; } in >> b1; in >> b2; if (in.eof()) break; if(!isFirst) { out << ','; } out << _Alphabets.at(a1-1) << a2 << "-" << _Alphabets.at(b1-1) << b2; a1 = b1; a2 = b2; isFirst = false; isNewFile = false; } cout << "DONE Generating move " << i << endl; } cout << "DONE Generating moves" << endl; out << "}, arrow=to, linewidth=0.1em" << endl; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { string commandLine; { ostringstream ss; char** last = argv + argc - 1; copy(argv, last, ostream_iterator<const char *>(ss, " ")); ss << *last; commandLine = ss.str(); } if (!opt::db.empty()) opt::metaVars.resize(3); bool die = false; for (int c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1;) { istringstream arg(optarg != NULL ? optarg : ""); switch (c) { case '?': die = true; break; case 'g': arg >> opt::graphPath; break; case 'k': arg >> opt::k; break; case 'r': arg >> opt::repeatContigs; break; case 'v': opt::verbose++; break; case OPT_HELP: cout << USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_VERSION: cout << VERSION_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_DB: arg >> opt::db; break; case OPT_LIBRARY: arg >> opt::metaVars[0]; break; case OPT_STRAIN: arg >> opt::metaVars[1]; break; case OPT_SPECIES: arg >> opt::metaVars[2]; break; } if (optarg != NULL && !arg.eof()) { cerr << PROGRAM ": invalid option: `-" << (char)c << optarg << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (opt::k <= 0) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing -k,--kmer option\n"; die = true; } if (argc - optind < 2) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing arguments\n"; die = true; } else if (argc - optind > 2) { cerr << PROGRAM ": too many arguments\n"; die = true; } if (die) { cerr << "Try `" << PROGRAM << " --help' for more information.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const char *adjPath = argv[optind++]; if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Reading `" << adjPath << "'..." << endl; ifstream fin(adjPath); assert_good(fin, adjPath); Graph g; fin >> g; Vertex::s_offset = g.num_vertices() / 2; string pathsFile(argv[optind++]); vector<string> pathIDs; Paths paths = readPaths(g, pathsFile, pathIDs); switch (opt::mode) { case opt::OVERLAP: // Find overlapping paths, do not assemble. addPathOverlapEdges(g, paths, pathIDs, findOverlaps(g, paths)); paths.clear(); if (opt::graphPath.empty()) opt::graphPath = "-"; break; case opt::ASSEMBLE: // Assemble overlapping paths. assembleOverlappingPaths(g, paths, pathIDs); break; case opt::TRIM: // Trim overlapping paths. trimOverlaps(g, paths); // Remove paths consisting of a single contig. for_each_if(paths.begin(), paths.end(), mem_fun_ref(&ContigPath::clear), compose1( bind2nd(equal_to<ContigPath::size_type>(), 1), mem_fun_ref(&ContigPath::size))); // Add the paths to the graph. addPathOverlapEdges(g, paths, pathIDs, Overlaps()); break; } // Output the paths. for (Paths::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { if (it->empty()) continue; assert(it->size() != 1); cout << pathIDs[it - paths.begin()] << '\t' << *it << '\n'; } assert(cout.good()); // Output the graph. if (!opt::graphPath.empty()) { ofstream fout; ostream& out = opt::graphPath == "-" ? cout : (fout.open(opt::graphPath.c_str()), fout); assert_good(out, opt::graphPath); write_graph(out, g, PROGRAM, commandLine); assert_good(out, opt::graphPath); } // Output the repeat contigs. if (!opt::repeatContigs.empty()) { sort(s_trimmedContigs.begin(), s_trimmedContigs.end()); s_trimmedContigs.erase( unique(s_trimmedContigs.begin(), s_trimmedContigs.end()), s_trimmedContigs.end()); ofstream out(opt::repeatContigs.c_str()); assert_good(out, opt::repeatContigs); for (vector<ContigID>::const_iterator it = s_trimmedContigs.begin(); it != s_trimmedContigs.end(); ++it) out << get(g_contigNames, *it) << '\n'; assert_good(out, opt::repeatContigs); } if (!opt::db.empty()) { init(db, opt::db, opt::verbose, PROGRAM, opt::getCommand(argc, argv), opt::metaVars); addToDb(db, "SS", opt::ss); addToDb(db, "K", opt::k); } return 0; }
Plot::Plot(const Paths &paths, const Cordinate maxValues, const Cordinate start, const Cordinate end, const std::vector<Cordinate> &obstacles, const string &outputFilename) { cout << "Plotting start : " << start.first << "," << start.second << " to end : " << end.first << "," << end.second << endl; system("mkdir -p temp"); int offset(0); for (Paths::const_iterator itr = paths.begin(); itr != paths.end(); ++itr) { stringstream ss; ss << "./temp/" << offset; ofstream out(ss.str().c_str()); const string ¤tPath(*itr); for (size_t j = 0; j < currentPath.size(); j++) { if (isdigit(currentPath.at(j))) out << currentPath.at(j); else if (currentPath.at(j) == ',') out << ' '; else if (currentPath.at(j) == ')') out << endl; } out.close(); offset++; } ofstream profile("profile.gnu"); profile << "set term jpeg" << endl; profile << "set out \'" << outputFilename << "'" << endl; profile << "set xrange[0.5:" << float(maxValues.first) +0.5 << "]" << endl; profile << "set yrange[0.5:" << float(maxValues.second) +0.5 << "]" << endl; profile << "set grid" << endl; // profile << "set object circle at " << start.first << "," << start.second << " size 0.2 fillcolor rgbcolor \'red\' fill solid" << endl; // profile << "set object circle at " << end.first << "," << end.second << " size 0.2 fillcolor rgbcolor \'red\' fill solid" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) { const pair<int,int> &ob(obstacles.at(i)); profile << "set object rect from " << ob.first-0.5 << "," << ob.second - 0.5 << " to " << ob.first+0.5 << "," << ob.second + 0.5 << " fc rgbcolor \'gray\'" << endl; } profile << "set xtics ("; for (int i = 0; i < maxValues.first; i++) { if (i!=0) profile << ','; profile << "'" << i+1 << "'" << (float(i)+0.5); } profile << ")" << endl; profile << "set ytics ("; for (int i = 0; i < maxValues.second; i++) { if (i!=0) profile << ','; profile << "'" << i+1 << "'" << (float(i)+0.5); } profile << ")" << endl; profile << "plot "; for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { if (i !=0) profile << ","; profile << "'" << "temp/" << i << "\' w linespoints lc \'red\' title \'\' "; } profile.close(); system("gnuplot < profile.gnu"); string openJpeg = "gnome-open " + outputFilename; system(openJpeg.c_str()); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Parse any command-line options. namespace po = boost::program_options; po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "show help") ("debug-httpd", po::value<bool>(&mp3d_debug_httpd), "show httpd debug output") ("root", po::value<std::string>(&mp3d_music_root), "root of file system mp3 tree") ("port", po::value<int>(&mp3d_port), "httpd port number") ; po::variables_map args; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), args); po::notify(args); if (args.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 1; } // Index all the mp3s. Paths paths; find_mp3_files(mp3d_music_root, paths); std::cerr << ".mp3 files found: " << paths.size() << std::endl; int old_percentage = -1; size_t id = 0; for (Paths::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { Mp3Info mp3; mp3.filename = (*it).string(); const ID3_Tag tag(mp3.filename.c_str()); ID3_Tag::ConstIterator* it = tag.CreateIterator(); for (size_t i = 0; i < tag.NumFrames(); ++i) { const ID3_Frame* frame = it->GetNext(); if (frame != 0) { std::string* dst; switch (frame->GetID()) { case ID3FID_ALBUM: dst = &mp3.album; break; case ID3FID_LEADARTIST: dst = &mp3.artist; break; case ID3FID_TITLE: dst = &mp3.title; break; default: continue; } char* text = ID3_GetString(frame, ID3FN_TEXT); dst->assign(text); ID3_FreeString(text); } } // FIXME: maybe a hash, to enable bookmarks? mp3.id = id++; all_mp3s.push_back(mp3); // Show progress. Not really useful when we're not debugging. // FIXME: start the web server straight away, and say "Indexing..." there. const int new_percentage = (100*all_mp3s.size())/paths.size(); if (new_percentage != old_percentage) { std::cout << "\rScanned: " << new_percentage << "%" << std::flush; old_percentage = new_percentage; } } std::cout << "\r.mp3 files scanned: " << all_mp3s.size() << std::endl; // Set up the static files we need to serve. read_static_file("/static/add.png", "/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/actions/gtk-add.png"); read_static_file("/static/play.png", "/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/actions/gtk-media-play-ltr.png"); read_static_file("/static/remove.png", "/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/actions/gtk-remove.png"); static_file_map["/static/site.css"] = make_css(); // Start the mp3 player thread. boost::thread mp3_player_thread(mp3_play_loop); // Start the HTTP server. std::cerr << "Starting HTTP server on port " << mp3d_port << "..." << std::endl; const int mhd_flags = MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY; MHD_Daemon* daemon = MHD_start_daemon(mhd_flags, mp3d_port, 0, 0, &handle_request, 0, MHD_OPTION_END); if (daemon == 0) { fail("MHD_start_daemon failed!"); } getchar(); // Wait for the user to hit enter. MHD_stop_daemon(daemon); //mp3_player_thread.join(); return 0; }