コード例 #1
bool PlanetManagerImplementation::isTravelToLocationPermitted(const String& departurePoint, const String& arrivalPlanet, const String& arrivalPoint) {
	//Check to see that the departure point exists.
	if (!isExistingPlanetTravelPoint(departurePoint))
		return false;

	//Check to see that the arrival planet exists.
	ManagedReference<Zone*> arrivalZone = zone->getZoneServer()->getZone(arrivalPlanet);

	if (arrivalZone == NULL)
		return false;

	PlanetManager* arrivalPlanetManager = arrivalZone->getPlanetManager();

	//Check to see that the arrival point exists.
	if (!arrivalPlanetManager->isExistingPlanetTravelPoint(arrivalPoint))
		return false;

	//Check to see if incoming Travel is allowed
	if (!arrivalPlanetManager->isIncomingTravelAllowed(arrivalPoint))
		return false;

	//If both zones are the same, then intraplanetary travel is allowed.
	if (arrivalZone == zone)
		return true;

	//Check to see if interplanetary travel is allowed between both points.
	if (!isInterplanetaryTravelAllowed(departurePoint) || !arrivalPlanetManager->isInterplanetaryTravelAllowed(arrivalPoint))
		return false;

	return true;