コード例 #1
ファイル: SourceDelegate.cpp プロジェクト: AshotN/tomahawk
SourceDelegate::editorEvent( QEvent* event, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index )
    QMouseEvent* mEvent = 0;
    switch ( event->type() )
//        case QEvent::MouseTrackingChange:
        case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
        case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
        case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
        case QEvent::MouseMove:
            mEvent = static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( event );

    bool hoveringTrack = false;
    if ( m_trackRects.contains( index ) && mEvent )
        const QRect trackRect = m_trackRects[ index ];
        hoveringTrack = trackRect.contains( mEvent->pos() );

        if ( hoveringTrack )
            if ( m_trackHovered != index )
                m_trackHovered = index;
                QMetaObject::invokeMethod( m_parent, "update", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG( QModelIndex, index ) );
    if ( !hoveringTrack )
        if ( m_trackHovered.isValid() )
            QMetaObject::invokeMethod( m_parent, "update", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG( QModelIndex, m_trackHovered ) );

        m_trackHovered = QPersistentModelIndex();

    bool lockRectContainsClick = false, headphonesRectContainsClick = false;
    if ( m_headphoneRects.contains( index ) && mEvent )
        const QRect headphoneRect = m_headphoneRects[ index ];
        headphonesRectContainsClick = headphoneRect.contains( mEvent->pos() );
    if ( m_lockRects.contains( index ) && mEvent )
        const QRect lockRect = m_lockRects[ index ];
        lockRectContainsClick = lockRect.contains( mEvent->pos() );

    if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove )
        if ( hoveringTrack || lockRectContainsClick || headphonesRectContainsClick )
            m_parent->setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor );
            m_parent->setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );

    if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease || event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress )
        SourcesModel::RowType type = static_cast< SourcesModel::RowType >( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt() );
        if ( type == SourcesModel::TemporaryPage || type == SourcesModel::DeletablePage || type == SourcesModel::RemovablePage )
            SourceTreeItem* gpi = index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >();
            Q_ASSERT( gpi );

            QStyleOptionViewItemV4 o = option;
            initStyleOption( &o, index );
            const int padding = m_margin / 8;
            const QRect r( o.rect.right() - padding - m_iconHeight, padding + o.rect.y(), m_iconHeight, m_iconHeight );

            if ( r.contains( mEvent->pos() ) )
                if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && mEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton )

                    // Send a new mouse event to the view, since if the mouse is now over another item's delete area we want it to show up
                    QMouseEvent* ev = new QMouseEvent( QEvent::MouseMove, m_parent->viewport()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ), Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier );
                    QApplication::postEvent( m_parent->viewport(), ev );

                return true;
        else if ( type == SourcesModel::Source )
            SourceItem* colItem = qobject_cast< SourceItem* >( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >() );
            Q_ASSERT( colItem );

            if ( hoveringTrack && colItem->source() && colItem->source()->currentTrack() )
                if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && mEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
                    ViewManager::instance()->show( colItem->source()->currentTrack() );
                    return true;
                else if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && mEvent->button() == Qt::RightButton )
                    Tomahawk::ContextMenu* contextMenu = new Tomahawk::ContextMenu( m_parent );
                    contextMenu->setQuery( colItem->source()->currentTrack() );
                    contextMenu->exec( QCursor::pos() );
                    return true;

            if ( !colItem->source().isNull() && !colItem->source()->currentTrack().isNull() && !colItem->source()->isLocal() )
                if ( headphonesRectContainsClick || lockRectContainsClick )
                    if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && mEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
                        if ( headphonesRectContainsClick )
                            if ( index.data( SourcesModel::LatchedOnRole ).toBool() )
                                // unlatch
                                emit latchOff( colItem->source() );
                                emit latchOn( colItem->source() );
                        else // it's in the lock rect
                            emit toggleRealtimeLatch( colItem->source(), !index.data( SourcesModel::LatchedRealtimeRole ).toBool() );
                    return true;
        else if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && mEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton && type == SourcesModel::StaticPlaylist )
            PlaylistItem* plItem = qobject_cast< PlaylistItem* >( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >() );
            Q_ASSERT( plItem );

            if ( plItem->canSubscribe() && !plItem->subscribedIcon().isNull() )
                const int padding = m_margin / 16;
                const int imgWidth = option.rect.height() - 2 * padding;
                const QRect subRect( option.rect.right() - padding - imgWidth, option.rect.top() + padding, imgWidth, imgWidth );

                if ( subRect.contains( mEvent->pos() ) )
                    // Toggle playlist subscription
                    plItem->setSubscribed( !plItem->subscribed() );

    // We emit our own clicked() signal instead of relying on QTreeView's, because that is fired whether or not a delegate accepts
    // a mouse press event. Since we want to swallow click events when they are on headphones other action items, here we make sure we only
    // emit if we really want to
    if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && mEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
        if ( m_lastClicked == -1 )
            m_lastClicked = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
            emit clicked( index );
            qint64 elapsed = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - m_lastClicked;
            if ( elapsed < QApplication::doubleClickInterval() )
                m_lastClicked = -1;
                emit doubleClicked( index );
            } else
                m_lastClicked = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
                emit clicked( index );

    return QStyledItemDelegate::editorEvent( event, model, option, index );
コード例 #2
ファイル: SourceDelegate.cpp プロジェクト: AshotN/tomahawk
SourceDelegate::paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const
    if ( option.rect.height() == 0 )

    QStyleOptionViewItemV4 optIndentation = option;
    QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = option;

    painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::TextAntialiasing );
    painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform );

    const bool selected = ( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) == QStyle::State_Selected;
    if ( selected )
        painter->setOpacity( 1.0 );
        painter->setOpacity( 0.7 );

    SourcesModel::RowType type = static_cast< SourcesModel::RowType >( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt() );
    SourceTreeItem* item = index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >();
    Q_ASSERT( item );

    initStyleOption( &opt, index );
    opt.icon = QIcon();

    // shrink the indentations
        int indentMult = 0;
        QModelIndex counter = index;
        while ( counter.parent().isValid() )
            counter = counter.parent();

        const int indentDelta = optIndentation.rect.x() - m_parent->viewport()->x();
        optIndentation.rect.setX( optIndentation.rect.x() - indentDelta + indentMult * TomahawkUtils::DpiScaler::scaledY( m_parent, TREEVIEW_INDENT_ADD ) );
        opt.rect.setX( 0 );

    if ( type == SourcesModel::Source || type == SourcesModel::ScriptCollection )
        paintSource( painter, optIndentation, index );
    else if ( type == SourcesModel::Group )
        paintGroup( painter, opt, index );
    else if ( type == SourcesModel::Category )
        paintCategory( painter, optIndentation, index );
    else if ( type == SourcesModel::Divider )
        const QRect middle = optIndentation.rect.adjusted( 0, m_margin / 16, 0, -m_margin / 16 );
        const QColor bgcolor = opt.palette.color( QPalette::Base );

        painter->setPen( bgcolor.darker( 120 ) );
        painter->drawLine( middle.topLeft(), middle.topRight() );
        painter->setPen( bgcolor.lighter( 120 ) );
        painter->drawLine( middle.bottomLeft(), middle.bottomRight() );
        optIndentation.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver;
        if ( !index.parent().parent().isValid() )
            optIndentation.rect.adjust( m_margin / 4, 0, 0, 0 );

        if ( type == SourcesModel::Inbox || type == SourcesModel::Queue || type == SourcesModel::Collection )
            QString count;
            if ( type == SourcesModel::Inbox )
                InboxItem* ii = qobject_cast< InboxItem* >( item );
                if ( ii && ii->unlistenedCount() )
                    count = QString::number( ii->unlistenedCount() );
            else if ( type == SourcesModel::Queue )
                QueueItem* qi = qobject_cast< QueueItem* >( item );
                if ( qi && qi->unlistenedCount() )
                    count = QString::number( qi->unlistenedCount() );
            else if ( type == SourcesModel::Collection )
                CollectionItem* ci = qobject_cast< CollectionItem* >( item );
                if ( ci )
                    count = QString::number( ci->trackCount() );

            paintStandardItem( painter, optIndentation, index, count );
        else if ( type == SourcesModel::TemporaryPage || type == SourcesModel::DeletablePage || type == SourcesModel::RemovablePage )
            if ( opt.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver )
                m_iconHeight = ( opt.rect.height() / 2 );
                paintStandardItem( painter, optIndentation, index );

                // draw close icon
                const QRect r( opt.rect.right() - m_margin / 8 - m_iconHeight, opt.rect.y() + ( opt.rect.height() - m_iconHeight ) / 2, m_iconHeight, m_iconHeight );
                painter->drawPixmap( r, TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::ListRemove, TomahawkUtils::Original, r.size() ) );
                paintStandardItem( painter, optIndentation, index );
        else if ( type == SourcesModel::StaticPlaylist )
            paintStandardItem( painter, optIndentation, index );

            PlaylistItem* plItem = qobject_cast< PlaylistItem* >( item );
            if ( plItem->canSubscribe() && !plItem->subscribedIcon().isNull() )
                const int imgWidth = optIndentation.rect.height() / 2;
                const QPixmap icon = plItem->subscribedIcon().scaled( imgWidth, imgWidth, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
                const QRect subRect( optIndentation.rect.right() - m_margin / 2 - imgWidth, optIndentation.rect.top() + ( optIndentation.rect.height() - imgWidth ) / 2, imgWidth, imgWidth );
                painter->drawPixmap( subRect, icon );

            if ( plItem->collaborative() )
                const int imgWidth = optIndentation.rect.height() / 2;
                const QRect subRect( optIndentation.rect.left(), optIndentation.rect.top(), imgWidth, imgWidth );

                painter->drawPixmap( subRect, TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::GreenDot, TomahawkUtils::Original, subRect.size() ) );
            paintStandardItem( painter, optIndentation, index );

    paintDecorations( painter, opt, index );
