コード例 #1
 * Unit tests of PluralFormat class.
void PluralFormatTest::pluralFormatUnitTest(/*char *par*/)
    UnicodeString patternTestData[PLURAL_PATTERN_DATA] = {
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("odd {# is odd.} other{# is even.}"),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("other{# is odd or even.}"),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("odd{The number {0, number, #.#0} is odd.}other{The number {0, number, #.#0} is even.}"),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("odd{The number {1, number, #} is odd.}other{The number {2, number, #} is even.}"),
    UnicodeString patternOddTestResult[PLURAL_PATTERN_DATA] = {
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE(" is odd."),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE(" is odd or even."),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("The number {0, number, #.#0} is odd."),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("The number {1, number, #} is odd."),
    UnicodeString patternEvenTestResult[PLURAL_PATTERN_DATA] = {
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE(" is even."),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE(" is odd or even."),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("The number {0, number, #.#0} is even."),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("The number {2, number, #} is even."),
    UnicodeString checkSyntaxtData[PLURAL_SYNTAX_DATA] = {
        // ICU 4.8 does not check for duplicate keywords any more.
        //UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("odd{foo} odd{bar} other{foobar}"),
        //UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("odd{foo} other{bar} other{foobar}"),
        // ICU 4.8 does not check for unknown keywords any more.
        //UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("otto{foo} other{bar}"),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("*odd{foo} other{bar}"),
        UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("od d{foo} other{bar}"),

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UnicodeString oddAndEvenRule = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("odd: n mod 2 is 1");
    PluralRules*  plRules = PluralRules::createRules(oddAndEvenRule, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        dataerrln("ERROR:  create PluralRules instance failed in unit tests.- exitting");
    // ======= Test PluralRules pattern syntax.
    logln("Testing PluralRules pattern syntax.");
    for (int32_t i=0; i<PLURAL_SYNTAX_DATA; ++i) {
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        PluralFormat plFmt=PluralFormat(*plRules, status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            dataerrln("ERROR:  PluralFormat constructor failed in unit tests.- exitting");
        plFmt.applyPattern(checkSyntaxtData[i], status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            errln("ERROR:  PluralFormat failed to detect syntax error with pattern: "+checkSyntaxtData[i]);

    // ======= Test applying various pattern
    logln("Testing various patterns");
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    NumberFormat *numFmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
    UnicodeString message=UnicodeString("ERROR: PluralFormat tests various pattern ...");
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        dataerrln("ERROR: Could not create NumberFormat instance with default locale ");
    for(int32_t i=0; i<PLURAL_PATTERN_DATA; ++i) {
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        PluralFormat plFmt=PluralFormat(*plRules, status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            dataerrln("ERROR:  PluralFormat constructor failed in unit tests.- exitting");
        plFmt.applyPattern(patternTestData[i], status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            errln("ERROR:  PluralFormat failed to apply pattern- "+patternTestData[i]);
        numberFormatTest(&plFmt, numFmt, 1, 10, (UnicodeString *)&patternOddTestResult[i], 
                         (UnicodeString *)&patternEvenTestResult[i], overwrite[i], &message);
    delete plRules;
    delete numFmt;
    // ======= Test set locale
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    plRules = PluralRules::createRules(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("odd: n mod 2 is 1"), status);  
    PluralFormat pluralFmt = PluralFormat(*plRules, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        dataerrln("ERROR: Could not create PluralFormat instance in setLocale() test - exitting. ");
        delete plRules;
    pluralFmt.applyPattern(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("odd{odd} other{even}"), status);
    pluralFmt.setLocale(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        dataerrln("ERROR: Could not setLocale() with English locale ");
        delete plRules;
    message = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Error set locale: pattern is not reset!");
    // Check that pattern gets deleted.
    logln("\n Test setLocale() ..\n");
    numFmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        dataerrln("ERROR: Could not create NumberFormat instance with English locale ");
    numberFormatTest(&pluralFmt, numFmt, 5, 5, NULL, NULL, FALSE, &message);
    pluralFmt.applyPattern(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("odd__{odd} other{even}"), status);
    if (pluralFmt.format((int32_t)1, status) != UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("even")) {
        errln("SetLocale should reset rules but did not.");
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    pluralFmt.applyPattern(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("one{one} other{not one}"), status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        errln("SetLocale should reset rules but did not.");
    UnicodeString one = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("one");
    UnicodeString notOne = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("not one");
    UnicodeString plResult, numResult;
    for (int32_t i=0; i<20; ++i) {
        plResult = pluralFmt.format(i, status);
        if ( i==1 ) {
            numResult = one;
        else {
            numResult = notOne;
        if ( numResult != plResult ) {
            errln("Wrong ruleset loaded by setLocale() - got:"+plResult+ UnicodeString("  expecting:")+numResult);
    // =========== Test copy constructor
    logln("Test copy constructor and == operator of PluralFormat");
    PluralFormat dupPFmt = PluralFormat(pluralFmt);
    if (pluralFmt != dupPFmt) {
        errln("Failed in PluralFormat copy constructor or == operator");
    delete plRules;
    delete numFmt;
コード例 #2
 * Test various generic API methods of PluralFormat for Basic usage.
void PluralFormatTest::pluralFormatBasicTest(/*char *par*/)
    UErrorCode status[8];
    PluralFormat* plFmt[8];
    Locale        locale = Locale::getDefault();
    UnicodeString otherPattern = UnicodeString("other{#}");
    UnicodeString message=UnicodeString("ERROR: PluralFormat basic test");

    // ========= Test constructors
    logln(" Testing PluralFormat constructors ...");
    status[0] = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    PluralRules*  plRules = PluralRules::createDefaultRules(status[0]);
    status[0] = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    NumberFormat *numFmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status[0]);
    if (U_FAILURE(status[0])) {
        dataerrln("ERROR: Could not create NumberFormat instance with default locale ");
    for (int32_t i=0; i< 8; ++i) {
        status[i] = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    plFmt[0] = new PluralFormat(status[0]);
    plFmt[1] = new PluralFormat(*plRules, status[1]);
    plFmt[2] = new PluralFormat(locale, status[2]);
    plFmt[3] = new PluralFormat(locale, *plRules, status[3]);
    plFmt[4] = new PluralFormat(otherPattern, status[4]);
    plFmt[5] = new PluralFormat(*plRules, otherPattern, status[5]);
    plFmt[6] = new PluralFormat(locale, otherPattern, status[6]);
    plFmt[7] = new PluralFormat(locale, *plRules, otherPattern, status[7]);
    for (int32_t i=0; i< 8; ++i) {
        if (U_SUCCESS(status[i])) {
            numberFormatTest(plFmt[i], numFmt, 1, 12, NULL, NULL, FALSE, &message);
            numberFormatTest(plFmt[i], numFmt, 100, 112, NULL, NULL, FALSE, &message);
        else {
            dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat constructor failed!");
       delete plFmt[i];
    // ======= Test clone, assignment operator && == operator.
    plFmt[0]= new PluralFormat(status[0]);
    UnicodeString us = UnicodeString("");
    plFmt[1]= new PluralFormat(locale, status[1]);
    if ( U_SUCCESS(status[0]) && U_SUCCESS(status[1]) ) {
        *plFmt[1] = *plFmt[0];
        if (plFmt[1]!=NULL) {
            if ( *plFmt[1] != *plFmt[0] ) {
                errln("ERROR:  clone plural format test failed!");
    else {
         dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat constructor failed! - [0]%s [1]%s", u_errorName(status[0]), u_errorName(status[1]));
    delete plFmt[0];

    status[0] = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    plFmt[0]= new PluralFormat(locale, status[0]);
    if ( U_SUCCESS(status[0]) ) {
        *plFmt[1] = *plFmt[0];
        if (plFmt[1]!=NULL) {
            if ( *plFmt[1] != *plFmt[0] ) {
                errln("ERROR:  assignment operator test failed!");
    else {
         dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat constructor failed! - %s", u_errorName(status[1]));

    if ( U_SUCCESS(status[1]) ) {
        plFmt[2] = (PluralFormat*) plFmt[1]->clone();

        if (plFmt[1]!=NULL) {
            if ( *plFmt[1] != *plFmt[2] ) {
                errln("ERROR:  clone function test failed!");
        delete plFmt[1];
        delete plFmt[2];
    else {
         dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat clone failed! - %s", u_errorName(status[1]));

    delete plFmt[0];
    delete numFmt;
    delete plRules;

    // Tests parseObject
    UErrorCode stat = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    PluralFormat *pf = new PluralFormat(stat);
    Formattable *f = new Formattable();
    ParsePosition *pp = new ParsePosition();
    if(U_FAILURE(stat)) {
        dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat::parseObject: %s", u_errorName(stat));
    delete pf;
    delete f;
    delete pp;
コード例 #3
static void PluralFormatExample() {
	u_printf(" PluralFormatExample()\n");
    u_printf(" Use PluralFormat and Messageformat to get Plural Form for languages below:\n");
    u_printf(" English, Slovenian\n");
	//! [PluralFormatExample] 
	UErrorCode status =U_ZERO_ERROR; 
	Locale locEn = Locale("en");
    Locale locSl = Locale("sl");

    UnicodeString patEn = UnicodeString("one{dog} other{dogs}");                      // English 'dog'
    UnicodeString patSl = UnicodeString("one{pes} two{psa} few{psi} other{psov}");    // Slovenian translation of dog in Plural Form

    // Create a new PluralFormat for a given locale locale and pattern string
    PluralFormat plfmtEn = PluralFormat(locEn, patEn,status);
    PluralFormat plfmtSl = PluralFormat(locSl, patSl,status);
    // Constructs a MessageFormat for given pattern and locale.
    MessageFormat* msgfmtEn =  new MessageFormat("{0,number} {1}", locEn,status);
    MessageFormat* msgfmtSl =  new MessageFormat("{0,number} {1}", locSl,status);

	int numbers[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 100, 101, 102};
	u_printf("Output by using PluralFormat and MessageFormat API\n");
    u_printf("%-16s%-16s%-16s\n","Number", "English","Slovenian");
    // Use MessageFormat.format () to format the objects and append to the given StringBuffer
    for (int i=0;i<sizeof(numbers)/sizeof(int);i++) {
	      UnicodeString msgEn,msgSl;
		  FieldPosition fpos = 0;
		  Formattable argEn[]={Formattable(numbers[i]), Formattable(plfmtEn.format(numbers[i],status))};
		  Formattable argSl[]={Formattable(numbers[i]), Formattable(plfmtSl.format(numbers[i],status))};
  		  u_printf("%-16d%-16S%-16S\n", numbers[i], msgEn.getTerminatedBuffer(),msgSl.getTerminatedBuffer());


      // Equivalent code with message format pattern
      UnicodeString msgPatEn = "{0,plural, one{# dog} other{# dogs}}";
      UnicodeString msgPatSl = "{0,plural, one{# pes} two{# psa} few{# psi} other{# psov}}";
	  MessageFormat* altMsgfmtEn = new MessageFormat(msgPatEn, locEn,status);
      MessageFormat* altMsgfmtSl = new MessageFormat(msgPatSl, locSl,status);
      u_printf("Same Output by using MessageFormat API only\n");
      u_printf("%-16s%-16s%-16s\n","Number", "English","Slovenian");
      for (int i=0;i<sizeof(numbers)/sizeof(int);i++) {
          UnicodeString msgEn,msgSl;
		  Formattable arg[] = {numbers[i]};
		  FieldPosition fPos =0;
		  altMsgfmtEn->format(arg, 1, msgEn, fPos, status);
          altMsgfmtSl->format(arg, 1, msgSl, fPos,status);
          u_printf("%-16d%-16S%-16S\n", numbers[i], msgEn.getTerminatedBuffer(), msgSl.getTerminatedBuffer());

 	delete msgfmtEn;
	delete msgfmtSl;
	delete altMsgfmtEn;
	delete altMsgfmtSl;
	//! [PluralFormatExample]

	  /*  output of the sample code:
        Number			English			Slovenian
        0				0 dogs			0 psov
        1				1 dog			1 pes
        2				2 dogs			2 psa
        3				3 dogs			3 psi
        4				4 dogs			4 psi
        5				5 dogs			5 psov
        10				10 dogs			10 psov
        100				100 dogs		100 psov
        101				101 dogs		101 pes
        102				102 dogs		102 psa
