コード例 #1
ファイル: FileChannelTest.cpp プロジェクト: beneon/MITK
void FileChannelTest::testRotateAtTimeMinLocal()
	std::string name = filename();
		AutoPtr<FileChannel> pChannel = new FileChannel(name);
		pChannel->setProperty(FileChannel::PROP_TIMES, "local");
		pChannel->setProperty(FileChannel::PROP_ROTATION, rotation<LocalDateTime>(MIN));
		Message msg("source", "This is a log file entry", Message::PRIO_INFORMATION);
		int min = DateTime().minute();
		while (DateTime().minute() == min)
		File f(name + ".0");
		assert (f.exists());
	catch (...)
コード例 #2
ファイル: DateTimeTest.cpp プロジェクト: 119/vdc
void DateTimeTest::testArithmetics()
    DateTime dt1(2005, 1, 1, 0, 15, 30);
    DateTime dt2(2005, 1, 2, 0, 15, 30);
    Timespan s = dt2 - dt1;
    assert (s.days() == 1);
    DateTime dt3 = dt1 + s;
    assert (dt3 == dt2);
    dt3 -= s;
    assert (dt3 == dt1);
    dt1 += s;
    assert (dt1 == dt2);

    static const struct 
        int lineNum;		// source line number
        int year1;			// operand/result date1 year
        int month1;			// operand/result date1 month
        unsigned int day1;	// operand/result date1 day
        int numDays;		// operand/result 'int' number of days
        int year2;			// operand/result date2 year
        int month2;			// operand/result date2 month
        unsigned int day2;	// operand/result date2 day
    } data[] = 
        //          - - - -first- - - -           - - - second - - - 
        //line no.  year   month   day   numDays  year   month   day
        //-------   -----  -----  -----  -------  -----  -----  ----- 
        { __LINE__,       1,     1,     1,      1,      1,     1,     2 },
        { __LINE__,      10,     2,    28,      1,     10,     3,     1 },
        { __LINE__,     100,     3,    31,      2,    100,     4,     2 },
        { __LINE__,    1000,     4,    30,      4,   1000,     5,     4 },
        { __LINE__,    1000,     6,     1,    -31,   1000,     5,     1 },
        { __LINE__,    1001,     1,     1,   -365,   1000,     1,     1 },
        { __LINE__,    1100,     5,    31,     30,   1100,     6,    30 },
        { __LINE__,    1200,     6,    30,     32,   1200,     8,     1 },
        { __LINE__,    1996,     2,    28,    367,   1997,     3,     1 },
        { __LINE__,    1997,     2,    28,    366,   1998,     3,     1 },
        { __LINE__,    1998,     2,    28,    365,   1999,     2,    28 },
        { __LINE__,    1999,     2,    28,    364,   2000,     2,    27 },
        { __LINE__,    1999,     2,    28,   1096,   2002,     2,    28 },
        { __LINE__,    2002,     2,    28,  -1096,   1999,     2,    28 },

    const int num_data = sizeof data / sizeof *data;
    for (int di = 0; di < num_data; ++di) 
        const int line     = data[di].lineNum;
        const int num_days = data[di].numDays;
        DateTime x = DateTime(data[di].year1, data[di].month1, data[di].day1);
        const DateTime& X = x;
        x += Timespan(num_days, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].year2 == X.year());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].month2 == X.month());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].day2 == X.day());
コード例 #3
ファイル: DateTimeTest.cpp プロジェクト: 119/vdc
void DateTimeTest::testDayOfWeek()
    typedef DateTime::DaysOfWeek DOW;

    static const struct 
        int d_lineNum;	// source line number
        int d_year;		// year under test
        int d_month;	// month under test
        int d_day;		// day under test
        DOW d_expDay;	// number of days to be added
    } data[] = 
		//Line no.    year   month   day    expDay
		//-------   -----  -----  -----   -------
		{ __LINE__,  1600,   1,       1,   DateTime::SATURDAY  },
		{ __LINE__,  1600,   1,       2,   DateTime::SUNDAY    },         
		{ __LINE__,  1600,   1,       3,   DateTime::MONDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  1600,   1,       4,   DateTime::TUESDAY   },
		{ __LINE__,  1600,   1,       5,   DateTime::WEDNESDAY },     
		{ __LINE__,  1600,   1,       6,   DateTime::THURSDAY  },
		{ __LINE__,  1600,   1,       7,   DateTime::FRIDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  1600,   1,       8,   DateTime::SATURDAY  },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   8,      27,   DateTime::SUNDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   8,      28,   DateTime::MONDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   8,      29,   DateTime::TUESDAY   },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   8,      30,   DateTime::WEDNESDAY },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   8,      31,   DateTime::THURSDAY  },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   9,       1,   DateTime::FRIDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   9,       2,   DateTime::SATURDAY  },         
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   9,      14,   DateTime::THURSDAY  },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   9,      15,   DateTime::FRIDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   9,      16,   DateTime::SATURDAY  },     
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   9,      17,   DateTime::SUNDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   9,      18,   DateTime::MONDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  1752,   9,      19,   DateTime::TUESDAY   },
		{ __LINE__,  1999,  12,      28,   DateTime::TUESDAY   },
		{ __LINE__,  1999,  12,      29,   DateTime::WEDNESDAY },         
		{ __LINE__,  1999,  12,      30,   DateTime::THURSDAY  },
		{ __LINE__,  1999,  12,      31,   DateTime::FRIDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  2000,   1,       1,   DateTime::SATURDAY  },     
		{ __LINE__,  2000,   1,       2,   DateTime::SUNDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  2000,   1,       3,   DateTime::MONDAY    },
		{ __LINE__,  2000,   1,       4,   DateTime::TUESDAY   },
    const int num_data = sizeof data / sizeof *data;
    for (int di = 0; di < num_data ; ++di) 
        const int line = data[di].d_lineNum;
        DateTime x = DateTime(data[di].d_year, data[di].d_month, data[di].d_day);
        const DateTime& X = x;
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].d_expDay == X.dayOfWeek());
コード例 #4
ファイル: DateTimeTest.cpp プロジェクト: 119/vdc
void DateTimeTest::testJulian()
	DateTime dt(2440587.5); // unix epoch as Julian day
	assert (dt.year() == 1970);
	assert (dt.month() == 1);
	assert (dt.day() == 1);
	assert (dt.hour() == 0);
	assert (dt.minute() == 0);
	assert (dt.second() == 0);
	assert (dt.millisecond() == 0);
	assert (dt.dayOfWeek() == 4);
	assert (dt.julianDay() == 2440587.5);
	assert (dt.timestamp() == 0);
	dt = 2299160.5; // 1582-10-15 00:00:00 (first day of Gregorian reform, UTC base)
	assert (dt.year() == 1582);
	assert (dt.month() == 10);
	assert (dt.day() == 15);
	assert (dt.hour() == 0);
	assert (dt.minute() == 0);
	assert (dt.second() == 0);
	assert (dt.millisecond() == 0);
	assert (dt.dayOfWeek() == 5);
	assert (dt.julianDay() == 2299160.5);

	dt = 0.0; // -4713-11-24 12:00:00 (Gregorian date of Julian day reference)
	assert (dt.year() == -4713);
	assert (dt.month() == 11);
	assert (dt.day() == 24);
	assert (dt.hour() == 12);
	assert (dt.minute() == 0);
	assert (dt.second() == 0);
	assert (dt.millisecond() == 0);
	assert (dt.dayOfWeek() == 1);
	assert (dt.julianDay() == 0);

    // Test that we can represent down to the microsecond.
    dt = DateTime(2010, 1, 31, 17, 30, 15, 800, 3);

    assert (dt.year() == 2010);
    assert (dt.month() == 1);
    assert (dt.day() == 31);
    assert (dt.hour() == 17);
    assert (dt.minute() == 30);
    assert (dt.second() == 15);
    assert (dt.millisecond() == 800);
    assert (dt.microsecond() == 3);
コード例 #5
void PatternFormatterTest::testPatternFormatter()
	Message msg;
	PatternFormatter fmt;
	msg.setText("Test message text");
	msg.setTime(DateTime(2005, 1, 1, 14, 30, 15, 500).timestamp());
	msg["testParam"] = "Test Parameter";
	std::string result;
	fmt.setProperty("pattern", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S [%s] %p: %t");
	fmt.format(msg, result);
	assert (result == "2005-01-01T14:30:15 [TestSource] Error: Test message text");
	fmt.setProperty("pattern", "%w, %e %b %y %H:%M:%S.%i [%s:%I:%T] %q: %t");
	fmt.format(msg, result);
	assert (result == "Sat, 1 Jan 05 14:30:15.500 [TestSource:1:TestThread] E: Test message text");

	fmt.setProperty("pattern", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S [%N:%P:%s]%l-%t");
	fmt.format(msg, result);
	assert (result.find("2005-01-01 14:30:15 [") == 0);
	assert (result.find(":TestSource]3-Test message text") != std::string::npos);
	assert (fmt.getProperty("times") == "UTC");
	fmt.setProperty("times", "local");
	fmt.format(msg, result);
	assert (result.find("2005-01-01 ") == 0);
	assert (result.find(":TestSource]3-Test message text") != std::string::npos);
	fmt.setProperty("pattern", "%[testParam]");
	fmt.format(msg, result);
	assert (result == "Test Parameter");

	fmt.setProperty("pattern", "%[testParam] %p");
	fmt.format(msg, result);
	assert (result == "Test Parameter Error");
コード例 #6
void LocalDateTimeTest::testTimezone()
	std::time_t   tINCREMENT = (30 * 24 * 60 * 60); // 30 days
	Timespan      tsINCREMENT(30*Timespan::DAYS);
	LocalDateTime now;
	std::time_t   t = std::time(NULL);
	std::tm       then;
	bool          foundDST = false;

	then = *std::localtime(&t);
	if (then.tm_isdst >= 0)
		std::string tzNow, tzThen;
		char tzBuf[12];
		int iterations = 0;
		std::strftime(&tzBuf[0], sizeof(tzBuf), "%z", &then);
		tzNow = tzThen = tzBuf;
		while (iterations < 14)
			// Add one month until the timezone changes or we roll
			// over 13 months.
			t += tINCREMENT;
			then = *std::localtime(&t);
			std::strftime(&tzBuf[0], sizeof(tzBuf), "%z", &then);
			tzThen = tzBuf;
			foundDST = (tzNow == tzThen);
			if (foundDST)
		if (foundDST)
			// We found a timezone change that was induced by changing
			// the month, so we crossed a DST boundary. Now we can
			// actually do the test...
			// Start with the current time and add 30 days for 13
			// iterations. Do this with both a LocalDateTime object and
			// a ANSI C time_t. Then create a LocalDateTime based on the
			// time_t and verify that the time_t calculated value is equal
			// to the LocalDateTime value. The comparision operator
			// verifies the _dateTime and _tzd members.
			LocalDateTime dt2;
			t = std::time(NULL);
			for (iterations = 0; iterations < 14; ++iterations)
				t += tINCREMENT;
				dt2 += tsINCREMENT;
				then = *std::localtime(&t);

				// This is the tricky part. We have to use the constructor
				// from a UTC DateTime object that is constructed from the
				// time_t. The LocalDateTime constructor with integer
				// arguments, LocalDateTime(yr, mon, day, ...), assumes that
				// the time is already adjusted with respect to the time
				// zone. The DateTime conversion constructor, however, does
				// not. So we want to construct from the UTC time.
				// The second tricky part is that we want to use the
				// sub-second information from the LocalDateTime object
				// since ANSI C time routines are not sub-second accurate.
				then = *std::gmtime(&t);
				LocalDateTime calcd(DateTime((then.tm_year + 1900),
											 (then.tm_mon + 1),
				assert (dt2 == calcd);

	if (!foundDST)
			<< __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__
			<< " - failed to locate DST boundary, timezone test skipped."
			<< std::endl;
コード例 #7
ファイル: DateTimeTest.cpp プロジェクト: 119/vdc
void DateTimeTest::testIncrementDecrement()
    static const struct 
        int lineNum;		// source line number
        int year1;			// (first) date year
        int month1;			// (first) date month
        unsigned int day1;	// (first) date day
        int year2;			// (second) date year
        int month2;			// (second) date month
        unsigned int day2;	// (second) date day
    } data[] = 
       //          - - - -first- - - -    - - - second - - - 
       //line no.  year   month   day     year   month   day
       //-------   -----  -----  -----    -----  -----  ----- 
      { __LINE__,       1,     1,     1,       1,     1,     2 },
      { __LINE__,      10,     2,    28,      10,     3,     1 },
      { __LINE__,     100,     3,    31,     100,     4,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1000,     4,    30,    1000,     5,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1100,     5,    31,    1100,     6,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1200,     6,    30,    1200,     7,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1300,     7,    31,    1300,     8,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1400,     8,    31,    1400,     9,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1500,     9,    30,    1500,    10,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1600,    10,    31,    1600,    11,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1700,    11,    30,    1700,    12,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1800,    12,    31,    1801,     1,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1996,     2,    28,    1996,     2,    29 },
      { __LINE__,    1997,     2,    28,    1997,     3,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1998,     2,    28,    1998,     3,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    1999,     2,    28,    1999,     3,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    2000,     2,    28,    2000,     2,    29 },
      { __LINE__,    2001,     2,    28,    2001,     3,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    2004,     2,    28,    2004,     2,    29 },
      { __LINE__,    2100,     2,    28,    2100,     3,     1 },
      { __LINE__,    2400,     2,    28,    2400,     2,    29 },

    const int num_data = sizeof data / sizeof *data;
    int di;

    for (di = 0; di < num_data; ++di) 
        const int line = data[di].lineNum;
        DateTime x = DateTime(data[di].year1, data[di].month1, 
        // Would do pre-increment of x here.
        const DateTime& X = x;
        x = x + Timespan(1,0,0,0,0);  
        DateTime y = x; const DateTime& Y = y;

        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].year2  == X.year());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].month2 == X.month());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].day2   == X.day());

        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].year2  == Y.year());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].month2 == Y.month());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].day2   == Y.day());

    for (di = 0; di < num_data; ++di) 
        const int line = data[di].lineNum;
        DateTime x = DateTime(data[di].year1, data[di].month1, data[di].day1);
        DateTime x1 = DateTime(data[di].year1, data[di].month1, data[di].day1);
        DateTime x2 = DateTime(data[di].year2, data[di].month2, data[di].day2);
        DateTime y = x; const DateTime& Y = y;

        // Would do post increment of x here.
        const DateTime& X = x;
        x = x + Timespan(1,0,0,0,0);  

        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].year2  == X.year());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].month2 == X.month());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].day2   == X.day());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].year1  == Y.year());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].month1 == Y.month());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].day1   == Y.day());
    for (di = 0; di < num_data; ++di) 
        const int line = data[di].lineNum;
        DateTime x = DateTime(data[di].year2, data[di].month2, data[di].day2);
        const DateTime& X = x;
        x = x - Timespan(1,0,0,0,0);  
        DateTime y = x; DateTime Y = y;

        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].year1  == X.year());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].month1 == X.month());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].day1   == X.day());

        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].year1  == Y.year());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].month1 == Y.month());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].day1   == Y.day());

    for (di = 0; di < num_data; ++di) 
        const int line = data[di].lineNum;
        DateTime x1 = DateTime(data[di].year1, data[di].month1, data[di].day1);
        DateTime x = DateTime(data[di].year2, data[di].month2, data[di].day2);
        DateTime y = x; DateTime Y = y;
        const DateTime& X = x;
        // would post-decrement x here.
        x = x - Timespan(1,0,0,0,0);  

        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].year1  == X.year());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].month1 == X.month());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].day1   == X.day());

        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].year2  == Y.year());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].month2 == Y.month());
        loop_1_assert(line, data[di].day2   == Y.day());
コード例 #8
ファイル: TypeHandler.cpp プロジェクト: Denisss025/poco
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	// create a session
	Session session("SQLite", "sample.db");

	// drop sample table, if it exists
	session << "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Person", now;
	// (re)create table
	session << "CREATE TABLE Person (Name VARCHAR(30), Address VARCHAR, Age INTEGER(3), Birthday DATE)", now;
	// insert some rows
	Person person = 
		"Bart Simpson",
		DateTime(1980, 4, 1)
	Statement insert(session);
	insert << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",
	person.name    = "Lisa Simpson";
	person.address = "Springfield";
	person.age     = 8;
	person.birthday = DateTime(1982, 5, 9);

	// a simple query
	Statement select(session);
	select << "SELECT Name, Address, Age, Birthday FROM Person",
		range(0, 1); //  iterate over result set one row at a time
	while (!select.done())
		std::cout << person.name << "\t"
			<< person.address << "\t"
			<< person.age << "\t"
			<< DateTimeFormatter::format(person.birthday, "%b %d %Y") 
		<< std::endl;
	// another query - store the result in a container
	std::vector<Person> persons;
	session << "SELECT Name, Address, Age, Birthday FROM Person",
	for (std::vector<Person>::const_iterator it = persons.begin(); it != persons.end(); ++it)
		std::cout << it->name << "\t"
			<< it->address << "\t"
			<< it->age << "\t"
			<< DateTimeFormatter::format(it->birthday, "%b %d %Y") 
		<< std::endl;
	return 0;