コード例 #1
ファイル: skelpath_nurbs.cpp プロジェクト: Lenalal/Morfit
void skelpath::convertDisNurbs2Pixles(){

	int bid = branchIdofTemplatetoDraw ;
	int n=tempalteIdss[bid].size() ;

	std::vector<Profile2D> profiles ;
	for( int i=0; i<n; ++i ){
		Profile2D profile =  profiles2d[bid][tempalteIdss[bid][i] ] ;
		profiles.push_back(profile) ;

	Box2f box = GlobalFun::computeBox( profiles ) ;

	// convert discretized nurbs to pixels
	std::vector<Profile2D> curves ;
	for( int i=0; i<disNurbsss[bid].size(); ++i ){
		Profile2D curve =  disNurbsss[bid][i] ;
		curves.push_back(curve) ;
	disNurbsssPixels = ReconstructorUtility::cvtProf2Pixels(curves, box) ;

	double halfwdth = (std::max)(  (std::max)( fabs( box.max.X() ), fabs( box.min.X() ) ) , (std::max)( fabs( box.max.Y() ), fabs( box.min.Y() ) )    ) ;  
	Box2f box2  ;
	box2.min = Point2f(-halfwdth,-halfwdth) * 1.3;
	box2.max = Point2f(halfwdth,halfwdth) * 1.3;

	// convert control points to pixels
	std::vector<Profile2D> ctrlpoinss ;
	for( int i=0; i<Nurbsss[bid].size(); ++i ){

		Profile2D  ctrlpoints ; 
		int cvnum = Nurbsss[bid][i].CVCount() - Nurbsss[bid][i].Degree() ;
		for( int cpid = 0; cpid<cvnum + Nurbsss[bid][i].Degree(); ++cpid ){
			ON_4dPoint p ;
			Nurbsss[bid][i].GetCV(cpid, p) ;
			Point2f cvp = Point2f(p[0]/p[3], p[1]/p[3]) ;

			// correct out out boundary control points
			if( cvp.X() < box2.min.X() ){ cvp.X() = box2.min.X() ; p[0] =  box2.min.X()* p[3] ; }
			if( cvp.X() > box2.max.X() ){ cvp.X() = box2.max.X() ; p[0] =  box2.max.X()* p[3] ; }

			if( cvp.Y() < box2.min.Y() ){ cvp.Y() = box2.min.Y() ; p[1] =  box2.min.Y() * p[3] ; }
			if( cvp.Y() > box2.max.Y() ){ cvp.Y() = box2.max.Y() ; p[1] =  box2.max.Y() * p[3] ; }

			Nurbsss[bid][i].SetCV(cpid, p) ;
			if( cpid < Nurbsss[bid][i].Degree() )
				Nurbsss[bid][i].GetCV(cpid+cvnum, p) ;

			ctrlpoints.push_back( cvp  ) ;

		ctrlpoinss.push_back(ctrlpoints) ;
	NurbsCVPixels = ReconstructorUtility::cvtProf2Pixels(ctrlpoinss, box) ;

コード例 #2
ファイル: filter_waffle.cpp プロジェクト: 34985086/meshlab
bool ExtraFilter_SlicePlugin::applyFilter(QAction *filter, MeshDocument &m, RichParameterSet &parlst, vcg::CallBackPos *cb)

        case FP_WAFFLE_SLICE :
            MeshModel* base = m.mm();
            CMeshO &cmBase = base->cm;
            Box3f &bbox = m.mm()->cm.bbox;

            if (tri::Clean<CMeshO>::CountNonManifoldEdgeFF(cmBase)>0 || (tri::Clean<CMeshO>::CountNonManifoldVertexFF(cmBase,false) != 0))
                Log("Mesh is not two manifold, cannot apply filter");
                return false;
            if(parlst.getFloat("spacing") >= 1)
                Log("the selected distance between the planes is greater than 1. The filter had no effect");
                return false;

            Point3f planeAxis(0,0,0);
            Axis axis = (Axis) parlst.getEnum("planeAxis");
            planeAxis[axis] = 1.0f;

            float length = parlst.getFloat("length");

            bool hideBase = parlst.getBool("hideBase");
            bool hideEdge = parlst.getBool("hideEdge");
            bool hidePlanes = parlst.getBool("hidePlanes");
            bool hideExtrudes = parlst.getBool("hideExtrudes");

            // set common SVG Properties
            const float maxdim=m.mm()->cm.bbox.Dim()[m.mm()->cm.bbox.MaxDim()];

            Point3f sizeCm=m.mm()->cm.bbox.Dim()*(length/maxdim);
            // to check for dimensions with custom axis
            Axis axisOrthog, axisJoint;
            Point2f sizeCmOrth;
            case X:
                    axisOrthog = (Axis) Succ<X>::value;
                    axisJoint = (Axis) Succ<Succ<X>::value>::value;
                    pr.sizeCm = Point2f(sizeCm[1],sizeCm[2]);
            case Y:
                    axisOrthog = (Axis) Succ<Y>::value;
                    axisJoint = (Axis) Succ<Succ<Y>::value>::value;
                    pr.sizeCm = Point2f(sizeCm[0],sizeCm[2]);
            case Z:
                    axisOrthog = (Axis) Succ<Z>::value;
                    axisJoint = (Axis) Succ<Succ<Z>::value>::value;
                    pr.sizeCm = Point2f(sizeCm[0],sizeCm[1]);

            Log("sizecm %fx%f",pr.sizeCm[0],pr.sizeCm[1]);

            vector<CMeshO*> ev;

            const float planeDist = maxdim * parlst.getFloat("spacing");
            const int planeNum = (planeDist == 0) ? 1 : ( ((bbox.Dim()*planeAxis)/planeDist)+1 ); //evito la divisione per 0
            const float lengthDiag = bbox.Diag()/2.0;

            Segment2f lati[3]; //the rectangle is made up of three segments, the fourth side is ignored, so I never use it

            const float eps =planeDist*parlst.getFloat("eps");
            float epsTmp;
            float start;
            int rectNum;
            if(parlst.getFloat("eps") < 1)
                start = - (planeNum/2) * planeDist;   //I have to go back from the center of half the length
                epsTmp = eps/2.0;
                generateRectSeg(0, epsTmp, bbox.Diag()*2, lati);
                rectNum = planeNum;
                start = 0;
                epsTmp = bbox.Diag();
                generateRectSeg(0, bbox.Diag()*2, bbox.Diag()*2, lati);
                rectNum = 1;
                Log("thickness is greater than 1: the extrusions will overlap");

            float planeOffset = parlst.getFloat("planeOffset");

            pr.projDir = planeAxis;
            pr.projCenter =  m.mm()->cm.bbox.Center();
            pr.enumeration = true;

            MeshModel* cap, *cap2, *extr;
            QString layername;

            for(int pl = 0; pl < 2; ++pl)
//                Log("################## PLANE %i", pl);
                Plane3f slicingPlane;
                Point3f planeCenter = bbox.Center() + planeAxis*planeOffset*lengthDiag;
                int numAdd = 0;

//                int i=4;  //if I want to apply only the plan number i I decomment this variable and comment the cycle
                for(int i = 0; i < planeNum; ++i)   //cropping the plans
//                    Log("######## LAYER %i", i);
                    planeCenter[axis] = start + planeDist*i;;


                    cap= m.addNewMesh("",qPrintable(layername));
                    vcg::IntersectionPlaneMesh<CMeshO, CMeshO, float>(base->cm, slicingPlane, cap->cm );

                    if(cap->cm.edge.size()>= 3)
                        Incastri temp;

//                        int j=1;      //if I want to apply only the rectangle number j I decomment this variable and comment the cycle
                        for(int j = 0; j <rectNum ; ++j)   //clipping the rectangles
//                            Log("#### RECTANGLE %i", j);
                            float newDist = start + planeDist*j;
                            modifyOnY(lati, newDist+epsTmp, newDist-epsTmp);

                            temp = subtraction(cap->cm, lati, axis, axisOrthog, axisJoint, planeCenter[axis]);

                            if(temp == NOT_PLANE) {Log("ATTENTION! The IntersectionPlaneMesh did not return a plane silhouette in the current plane!"); m.delMesh(cap); break;}
                            if(temp== NOT_SAGOME) {Log("ATTENTION! The IntersectionPlaneMesh did not return a simple closed silhouette for the plane %i, on axis %i",i, pl); m.delMesh(cap); break;}
                        if(temp > NOT_SAGOME)
                            ev.push_back(&(cap->cm));   //add the silhouette to those for export to SVG

                            layername.sprintf("CappedSlice_%d_%d",pl,numAdd);   //add the silhouettes converted in mesh
                            cap2= m.addNewMesh("",qPrintable(layername));
                            tri::CapEdgeMesh(cap->cm, cap2->cm);

                            layername.sprintf("Extruded_%d_%d",pl,numAdd++);      //add the mesh extruded
                            extr= m.addNewMesh("",qPrintable(layername));

                            if(hideEdge) cap->visible =false;
                            if(hidePlanes) cap2->visible =false;
                            if(hideExtrudes) extr->visible =false;
                    }else m.delMesh(cap);   //if the intersection does not exist I reject the result

                QString fname;//= parlst.getSaveFileName("filename");
                if(fname=="") fname.sprintf("Slice_%d.svg",pl);
                if (!fname.endsWith(".svg")) fname+=".svg";
                tri::io::ExporterSVG<CMeshO>::Save(ev, fname.toStdString().c_str(), pr);


                planeAxis[axis] = 0.0f;
                planeAxis[axisOrthog] = 1.0f;


                pr.sizeCm = sizeCmOrth;
                pr.projDir = planeAxis;

                Axis aSwap = axis;
                axis = axisOrthog;
                axisOrthog = aSwap;

            if(hideEdge) cap->visible =false;
            if(hidePlanes) cap2->visible =false;
            if(hideExtrudes) extr->visible =false;

            if(hideBase) base->visible =false;
            if(hideBase) base->visible =false;

    return true;