int DeltaKernel::execute() { PointTable srcTable; PointTable candTable; DimIndexMap dims; PointViewPtr srcView = loadSet(m_sourceFile, srcTable); PointViewPtr candView = loadSet(m_candidateFile, candTable); PointLayoutPtr srcLayout = srcTable.layout(); PointLayoutPtr candLayout = candTable.layout(); Dimension::IdList ids = srcLayout->dims(); for (Dimension::Id dim : ids) { std::string name = srcLayout->dimName(dim); if (!m_allDims) if (name != "X" && name != "Y" && name != "Z") continue; DimIndex d; d.m_name = name; d.m_srcId = dim; dims[name] = d; } ids = candLayout->dims(); for (Dimension::Id dim : ids) { std::string name = candLayout->dimName(dim); auto di = dims.find(name); if (di == dims.end()) continue; DimIndex& d = di->second; d.m_candId = dim; } // Remove dimensions that aren't in both the source and candidate lists. for (auto di = dims.begin(); di != dims.end();) { DimIndex& d = di->second; if (d.m_candId == Dimension::Id::Unknown) dims.erase(di++); else ++di; } // Index the candidate data. KD3Index index(*candView);; MetadataNode root; if (m_detail) root = dumpDetail(srcView, candView, index, dims); else root = dump(srcView, candView, index, dims); Utils::toJSON(root, std::cout); return 0; }
inline MetadataNode toMetadata(PointTableRef table) { const PointLayoutPtr layout(table.layout()); MetadataNode root; for (const auto& id : layout->dims()) { MetadataNode dim("dimensions"); dim.add("name", layout->dimName(id)); Dimension::Type::Enum t = layout->dimType(id); dim.add("type", Dimension::toName(Dimension::base(t))); dim.add("size", layout->dimSize(id)); root.addList(dim); } return root; }
void BpfWriter::loadBpfDimensions(PointLayoutPtr layout) { // Verify that we have X, Y and Z and that they're the first three // dimensions. Dimension::IdList dims = layout->dims(); std::sort(dims.begin(), dims.end()); if (dims.size() < 3 || dims[0] != Dimension::Id::X || dims[1] != Dimension::Id::Y || dims[2] != Dimension::Id::Z) { throw pdal_error("Missing one of dimensions X, Y or Z. " "Can't write BPF."); } for (auto id : dims) { BpfDimension dim; dim.m_id = id; dim.m_label = layout->dimName(id); m_dims.push_back(dim); } }
void BpfWriter::loadBpfDimensions(PointLayoutPtr layout) { Dimension::IdList dims; if (m_outputDims.size()) { for (std::string& s : m_outputDims) { Dimension::Id::Enum id = layout->findDim(s); if (id == Dimension::Id::Unknown) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Invalid dimension '" << s << "' specified for " "'output_dims' option."; throw pdal_error(oss.str()); } dims.push_back(id); } } else dims = layout->dims(); // Verify that we have X, Y and Z and that they're the first three // dimensions. std::sort(dims.begin(), dims.end()); if (dims.size() < 3 || dims[0] != Dimension::Id::X || dims[1] != Dimension::Id::Y || dims[2] != Dimension::Id::Z) { throw pdal_error("Missing one of dimensions X, Y or Z. " "Can't write BPF."); } for (auto id : dims) { BpfDimension dim; dim.m_id = id; dim.m_label = layout->dimName(id); m_dims.push_back(dim); } }
void PointView::dump(std::ostream& ostr) const { using std::endl; PointLayoutPtr layout = m_pointTable.layout(); const Dimension::IdList& dims = layout->dims(); point_count_t numPoints = size(); ostr << "Contains " << numPoints << " points" << endl; for (PointId idx = 0; idx < numPoints; idx++) { ostr << "Point: " << idx << endl; for (auto di = dims.begin(); di != dims.end(); ++di) { Dimension::Id d = *di; const Dimension::Detail *dd = layout->dimDetail(d); ostr << Dimension::name(d) << " (" << Dimension::interpretationName(dd->type()) << ") : "; switch (dd->type()) { case Dimension::Type::Signed8: { ostr << (int)(getFieldInternal<int8_t>(d, idx)); break; } case Dimension::Type::Signed16: { ostr << getFieldInternal<int16_t>(d, idx); break; } case Dimension::Type::Signed32: { ostr << getFieldInternal<int32_t>(d, idx); break; } case Dimension::Type::Signed64: { ostr << getFieldInternal<int64_t>(d, idx); break; } case Dimension::Type::Unsigned8: { ostr << (unsigned)(getFieldInternal<uint8_t>(d, idx)); break; } case Dimension::Type::Unsigned16: { ostr << getFieldInternal<uint16_t>(d, idx); break; } case Dimension::Type::Unsigned32: { ostr << getFieldInternal<uint32_t>(d, idx); break; } case Dimension::Type::Unsigned64: { ostr << getFieldInternal<uint64_t>(d, idx); break; } case Dimension::Type::Float: { ostr << getFieldInternal<float>(d, idx); break; } case Dimension::Type::Double: { ostr << getFieldInternal<double>(d, idx); break; } default: throw; } ostr << endl; } } }