コード例 #1
//! Merge all segments triangle's height of which bigger or equal than minTriangleHeight
// http://www.math.ru/dic/276
void Polygon3::MergeFlatPolygonSegments(const Polygon3 &srcPolygon, Polygon3 &destPolygon, float32 minTriangleHeight)
    float mh2	= minTriangleHeight * minTriangleHeight;


    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < srcPolygon.pointCount - 2; ++i0)

        Vector3 v0 = srcPolygon.points[i0];

        for (int i2 = i0 + 2; i2 < srcPolygon.pointCount; ++i2)
            Vector3	v2	= srcPolygon.points[i2];
            float	c	= (v2 - v0).Length();
            float	hc2	= 0.0f;

            for (int i1 = i0 + 1; i1 < i2; ++i1)
                Vector3	v1 = srcPolygon.points[i1];
                float	a	= (v1 - v0).Length();
                float	b	= (v2 - v1).Length();
                float	p	= (a + b + c) / 2.0f;
                hc2			= 4.0f * p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c) / (c * c);

                if (hc2 >= mh2)

            if (hc2 >= mh2)
                i0 = i2 - 1 - 1;

コード例 #2
void RenderHelper::DrawCylinder(const Vector3 & center, float32 radius, bool useFilling)
	Polygon3 pts;
    float32 angle = SEGMENT_LENGTH / radius;
	int32 ptsCount = (int32)(PI_2 / (DegToRad(angle))) + 1;

	Vector<Vector2> vertexes;
	for(int32 i = 0; i <= ptsCount; i++)
		float32 seta = i * 360.0f / (float32)ptsCount;
  		float32 x = sin(DegToRad(seta)) * radius;
  		float32 y = cos(DegToRad(seta)) * radius;

		vertexes.push_back(Vector2(x, y));
	for(int32 i = 0; i < ptsCount; ++i)
		pts.AddPoint((Vector3(vertexes[i].x,  vertexes[i].y,  1) * radius) + center);
		pts.AddPoint((Vector3(vertexes[i].x,  vertexes[i].y,  -1) * radius) + center);
		pts.AddPoint((Vector3(vertexes[i+1].x, vertexes[i+1].y,  -1) * radius) + center);
		pts.AddPoint((Vector3(vertexes[i].x,  vertexes[i].y,  1) * radius) + center);
		pts.AddPoint((Vector3(vertexes[i+1].x, vertexes[i+1].y,  1) * radius) + center);
		pts.AddPoint((Vector3(vertexes[i+1].x, vertexes[i+1].y,  -1) * radius) + center);
	if (useFilling)
		DrawPolygon(pts, true);
コード例 #3
void RenderHelper::DrawCircle3D(const Vector3 & center, const Vector3 &emissionVector, float32 radius, bool useFilling)
	Polygon3 pts;
    float32 angle = SEGMENT_LENGTH / radius;
	int ptsCount = (int)(PI_2 / (DegToRad(angle))) + 1;

	for (int k = 0; k < ptsCount; ++k)
		float32 angleA = ((float)k / (ptsCount - 1)) * PI_2;
		float sinAngle = 0.0f;
		float cosAngle = 0.0f;
		SinCosFast(angleA, sinAngle, cosAngle);

		Vector3 directionVector(radius * cosAngle,
								radius * sinAngle,
		// Rotate the direction vector according to the current emission vector value.
		Vector3 zNormalVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		Vector3 curEmissionVector = emissionVector;
		// This code rotates the (XY) plane with the particles to the direction vector.
		// Taking into account that a normal vector to the (XY) plane is (0,0,1) this
		// code is very simplified version of the generic "plane rotation" code.
		float32 length = curEmissionVector.Length();
		if (FLOAT_EQUAL(length, 0.0f) == false)
			float32 cosAngleRot = curEmissionVector.z / length;
			float32 angleRot = acos(cosAngleRot);
			Vector3 axisRot(curEmissionVector.y, -curEmissionVector.x, 0);

			Matrix3 planeRotMatrix;
			planeRotMatrix.CreateRotation(axisRot, angleRot);
			Vector3 rotatedVector = directionVector * planeRotMatrix;
			directionVector = rotatedVector;
		Vector3 pos = center - directionVector;
	if (useFilling)
    	DrawPolygon(pts, false);
コード例 #4
void RenderHelper::DrawCircle(const Vector3 & center, float32 radius)
	Polygon3 pts;
    float32 angle = SEGMENT_LENGTH / radius;
	int ptsCount = (int)(2 * PI / (DegToRad(angle))) + 1;

	for (int k = 0; k < ptsCount; ++k)
		float32 angle = ((float)k / (ptsCount - 1)) * 2 * PI;
		float32 sinA = sinf(angle);
		float32 cosA = cosf(angle);
		Vector3 pos = center - Vector3(sinA * radius, cosA * radius, 0);

    DrawPolygon(pts, false);