/** @brief Called when the processing is ready to be stopped */ WRAPPER_OPENMAX_API OMX_ERRORTYPE OpenMax_Proxy::stop() //************************************************************************************************************* {// Call Deinstantiation of component IN0("\n"); m_pNmfProcWrp->stop(); #if 0 //ER355733 Try to fix ens bug that doesn't reset bufferSupplier type PortVideo* pPort; for (unsigned int Index=0; Index< mENSComponent.getPortCount(); ++Index) { pPort = (PortVideo*)mENSComponent.getPort(Index); if (pPort->getBufferSupplier() !=OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified) { MSG3("wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww %s.port[%d] reset state(%d) to OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified\n", GetComponentName(), Index, pPort->getBufferSupplier()); pPort->setBufferSupplier(OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified); } } #endif OUT0("\n"); return OMX_ErrorNone; }
/** brief Instantiate the nmf component and bind interfaces Called during Loaded to Idle transition */ WRAPPER_OPENMAX_API OMX_ERRORTYPE OpenMax_Proxy::instantiate() //************************************************************************************************************* { //binding all interfaces OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_error=OMX_ErrorNone; IN0("\n"); // Init Components // Bind of arm nmf components MSG1("OpenMax_Proxy(%s) Instantiating arm nmf component\n", GetComponentName()); openmax_processor *pProcessor=NULL; if (m_pProcessor != NULL) pProcessor = m_pProcessor; else if (m_fnCreateNmfComponent !=NULL) { m_pProcessor= m_fnCreateNmfComponent(); pProcessor = m_pProcessor; } m_pNmfProcWrp = openmax_processor_wrpCreate(pProcessor); m_pNmfProcWrp->priority = m_nmfPriority; if (m_pNmfProcWrp->construct() != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC - Construct Error\n") ; t_nmf_error error ; // bindFromUser --> Asynchronous // getInterface --> Synchronous error = m_pNmfProcWrp->bindFromUser("sendcommand", 2, &mIsendCommand) ; if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC - bindFromUser sendCommand\n") ; #if (SYNCHRONOUS ==0) error = m_pNmfProcWrp->bindFromUser("Param", 2*mENSComponent.getPortCount()+1, &m_IParam) ; // One setparam per port + 1 if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC - bindFromUser Param\n") ; error = m_pNmfProcWrp->bindFromUser("Config", 2*mENSComponent.getPortCount()+1, &m_IConfig) ; // One setparam per port + 1 if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC - bindFromUser Config\n") ; #else //Bind synchronous interfaces //interfaces are binded in a synchronous way error = m_pNmfProcWrp->getInterface("Param", &m_IParam); if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC - getInterface Param\n") ; error = m_pNmfProcWrp->getInterface("Config", &m_IConfig); if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC - getInterface Config\n") ; #endif error = m_pNmfProcWrp->bindFromUser("fsminit", 1 , &mIfsmInit); if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("Error: unable to bind fsminit!...\n"); error = EnsWrapper_bindToUser(mENSComponent.getOMXHandle(), m_pNmfProcWrp, "proxy", getEventHandlerCB(), 8); if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("Error: unable to bind proxy!...\n"); error = EnsWrapper_bindToUser(mENSComponent.getOMXHandle(), m_pNmfProcWrp, "ToOMXComponent", mConfigCB, 1); if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("Error: unable to bind ToOMXComponent!...\n"); char name[20]; //reserve some char for formatting callback name size_t iNbInput =0; size_t iNbOutput=0; PortVideo* pPort; for (unsigned int Index=0; Index< mENSComponent.getPortCount(); ++Index) { pPort = (PortVideo*)mENSComponent.getPort(Index); MSG3("\n %s Port %d : direction =%d\n", GetComponentName(), Index, pPort->getDirection()); //reset port info at this point //NO it's too late! #if 0 if (pPort->getBufferSupplier() !=OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified) { printf("wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww %s.port[%d] reset state(%d) to OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified\n", GetComponentName(), Index, pPort->getBufferSupplier()); pPort->setBufferSupplier(OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified); } #endif switch(pPort->getDirection()) { case OMX_DirInput: //bind emptythisbuffer, emptybufferdone for each input port if (iNbInput < MAX_PORTS_COUNT) { sprintf(name, "emptythisbuffer[%d]", Index); error = m_pNmfProcWrp->bindFromUser(name, pPort->getBufferCountActual(), &mIemptyThisBuffer[Index]); if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC %s->bindFromUser %s\n", GetComponentName(), name) ; sprintf(name, "emptybufferdone[%d]", Index); error = EnsWrapper_bindToUser(mENSComponent.getOMXHandle(), m_pNmfProcWrp, name , this->getEmptyBufferDoneCB(), pPort->getBufferCountActual()); if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC %s->bindToUser %s\n", GetComponentName(), name) ; ++iNbInput; } else { // ReportError( } break; case OMX_DirOutput://bind fillthisbuffer, fillbufferdone for each output port if (iNbOutput < MAX_PORTS_COUNT) { sprintf(name, "fillthisbuffer[%d]", Index); error = m_pNmfProcWrp->bindFromUser(name, pPort->getBufferCountActual(), &mIfillThisBuffer[Index]); if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC %s->bindFromUser %s\n", GetComponentName(), name) ; sprintf(name, "fillbufferdone[%d]", Index); error = EnsWrapper_bindToUser(mENSComponent.getOMXHandle(), m_pNmfProcWrp, name, this->getFillBufferDoneCB(), pPort->getBufferCountActual()); if (error != NMF_OK) NMF_PANIC("PANIC %s->bindToUser %s\n", GetComponentName(), name) ; ++iNbOutput; } else { // ReportError( } break; default: break; } } // Configure the number of ports m_IConfig.setTargetComponent(mENSComponent.getPortCount() , &mENSComponent); OUTR(" ", (omx_error)); return omx_error; }