コード例 #1
ファイル: NWWriter_OpenDrive.cpp プロジェクト: fieryzig/sumo
NWWriter_OpenDrive::checkLaneGeometries(const NBEdge* e) {
    if (e->getNumLanes() > 1) {
        // compute 'stop line' of rightmost lane
        const PositionVector shape0 = e->getLaneShape(0);
        assert(shape0.size() >= 2);
        const Position& from = shape0[-2];
        const Position& to = shape0[-1];
        PositionVector stopLine;
        stopLine.push_back(to - PositionVector::sideOffset(from, to, -1000.0));
        // endpoints of all other lanes should be on the stop line
        for (int lane = 1; lane < e->getNumLanes(); ++lane) {
            const double dist = stopLine.distance2D(e->getLaneShape(lane)[-1]);
            if (dist > NUMERICAL_EPS) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Uneven stop line at lane '" + e->getLaneID(lane) + "' (dist=" + toString(dist) + ") cannot be represented in OpenDRIVE.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: Person.cpp プロジェクト: michele-segata/plexe-sumo
Person::moveToXY(const std::string& personID, const std::string& edgeID, const double x, const double y, double angle, const int keepRouteFlag) {
    MSPerson* p = getPerson(personID);
    bool keepRoute = (keepRouteFlag == 1);
    bool mayLeaveNetwork = (keepRouteFlag == 2);
    Position pos(x, y);
    const double origAngle = angle;
    // angle must be in [0,360] because it will be compared against those returned by naviDegree()
    // angle set to INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE is ignored in the evaluated and later set to the angle of the matched lane
    if (angle != INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE) {
        while (angle >= 360.) {
            angle -= 360.;
        while (angle < 0.) {
            angle += 360.;
    Position currentPos = p->getPosition();
    std::cout << std::endl << "begin person " << p->getID() << " lanePos:" << p->getEdgePos() << " edge:" << Named::getIDSecure(p->getEdge()) << "\n";
    std::cout << " want pos:" << pos << " edgeID:" << edgeID <<  " origAngle:" << origAngle << " angle:" << angle << " keepRoute:" << keepRoute << std::endl;

    ConstMSEdgeVector edges;
    MSLane* lane = nullptr;
    double lanePos;
    double lanePosLat = 0;
    double bestDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    int routeOffset = 0;
    bool found = false;
    double maxRouteDistance = 100;

    ConstMSEdgeVector ev;
    int routeIndex = 0;
    MSLane* currentLane = const_cast<MSLane*>(getSidewalk<MSEdge, MSLane>(p->getEdge()));
    switch (p->getStageType(0)) {
        case MSTransportable::MOVING_WITHOUT_VEHICLE: {
            MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Walking* s = dynamic_cast<MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Walking*>(p->getCurrentStage());
            assert(s != 0);
            ev = s->getEdges();
            routeIndex = (int)(s->getRouteStep() - s->getRoute().begin());
    if (keepRoute) {
        // case a): vehicle is on its earlier route
        //  we additionally assume it is moving forward (SUMO-limit);
        //  note that the route ("edges") is not changed in this case
        found = Helper::moveToXYMap_matchingRoutePosition(pos, edgeID,
                ev, routeIndex,
                bestDistance, &lane, lanePos, routeOffset);
    } else {
        double speed = pos.distanceTo2D(p->getPosition()); // !!!veh->getSpeed();
        found = Helper::moveToXYMap(pos, maxRouteDistance, mayLeaveNetwork, edgeID, angle,
                                    speed, ev, routeIndex, currentLane, p->getEdgePos(), true,
                                    bestDistance, &lane, lanePos, routeOffset, edges);
    if ((found && bestDistance <= maxRouteDistance) || mayLeaveNetwork) {
        // compute lateral offset
        if (found) {
            const double perpDist = lane->getShape().distance2D(pos, false);
            if (perpDist != GeomHelper::INVALID_OFFSET) {
                lanePosLat = perpDist;
                if (!mayLeaveNetwork) {
                    lanePosLat = MIN2(lanePosLat, 0.5 * (lane->getWidth() + p->getVehicleType().getWidth()));
                // figure out whether the offset is to the left or to the right
                PositionVector tmp = lane->getShape();
                try {
                    tmp.move2side(-lanePosLat); // moved to left
                } catch (ProcessError&) {
                    WRITE_WARNING("Could not determine position on lane '" + lane->getID() + " at lateral position " + toString(-lanePosLat) + ".");
                //std::cout << " lane=" << lane->getID() << " posLat=" << lanePosLat << " shape=" << lane->getShape() << " tmp=" << tmp << " tmpDist=" << tmp.distance2D(pos) << "\n";
                if (tmp.distance2D(pos) > perpDist) {
                    lanePosLat = -lanePosLat;
        if (found && !mayLeaveNetwork && MSGlobals::gLateralResolution < 0) {
            // mapped position may differ from pos
            pos = lane->geometryPositionAtOffset(lanePos, -lanePosLat);
        assert((found && lane != 0) || (!found && lane == 0));
        if (angle == INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE) {
            if (lane != nullptr) {
                angle = GeomHelper::naviDegree(lane->getShape().rotationAtOffset(lanePos));
            } else {
                // compute angle outside road network from old and new position
                angle = GeomHelper::naviDegree(p->getPosition().angleTo2D(pos));
        switch (p->getStageType(0)) {
            case MSTransportable::MOVING_WITHOUT_VEHICLE: {
                Helper::setRemoteControlled(p, pos, lane, lanePos, lanePosLat, angle, routeOffset, edges, MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep());
                throw TraCIException("Command moveToXY is not supported for person '" + personID + "' while " + p->getCurrentStageDescription() + ".");
    } else {
        if (lane == nullptr) {
            throw TraCIException("Could not map person '" + personID + "' no road found within " + toString(maxRouteDistance) + "m.");
        } else {
            throw TraCIException("Could not map person '" + personID + "' distance to road is " + toString(bestDistance) + ".");