コード例 #1
bool ItaniumABILanguageRuntime::GetDynamicTypeAndAddress(
    ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
    TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &dynamic_address,
    Value::ValueType &value_type) {
  // For Itanium, if the type has a vtable pointer in the object, it will be at
  // offset 0
  // in the object.  That will point to the "address point" within the vtable
  // (not the beginning of the
  // vtable.)  We can then look up the symbol containing this "address point"
  // and that symbol's name
  // demangled will contain the full class name.
  // The second pointer above the "address point" is the "offset_to_top".  We'll
  // use that to get the
  // start of the value object which holds the dynamic type.

  value_type = Value::ValueType::eValueTypeScalar;

  // Only a pointer or reference type can have a different dynamic and static
  // type:
  if (CouldHaveDynamicValue(in_value)) {
    // First job, pull out the address at 0 offset from the object.
    AddressType address_type;
    lldb::addr_t original_ptr = in_value.GetPointerValue(&address_type);
    if (original_ptr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
      return false;

    ExecutionContext exe_ctx(in_value.GetExecutionContextRef());

    Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();

    if (process == nullptr)
      return false;

    Error error;
    const lldb::addr_t vtable_address_point =
        process->ReadPointerFromMemory(original_ptr, error);

    if (!error.Success() || vtable_address_point == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
      return false;

    class_type_or_name = GetTypeInfoFromVTableAddress(in_value, original_ptr,

    if (class_type_or_name) {
      TypeSP type_sp = class_type_or_name.GetTypeSP();
      // There can only be one type with a given name,
      // so we've just found duplicate definitions, and this
      // one will do as well as any other.
      // We don't consider something to have a dynamic type if
      // it is the same as the static type.  So compare against
      // the value we were handed.
      if (type_sp) {
        if (ClangASTContext::AreTypesSame(in_value.GetCompilerType(),
                                          type_sp->GetForwardCompilerType())) {
          // The dynamic type we found was the same type,
          // so we don't have a dynamic type here...
          return false;

        // The offset_to_top is two pointers above the vtable pointer.
        const uint32_t addr_byte_size = process->GetAddressByteSize();
        const lldb::addr_t offset_to_top_location =
            vtable_address_point - 2 * addr_byte_size;
        // Watch for underflow, offset_to_top_location should be less than
        // vtable_address_point
        if (offset_to_top_location >= vtable_address_point)
          return false;
        const int64_t offset_to_top = process->ReadSignedIntegerFromMemory(
            offset_to_top_location, addr_byte_size, INT64_MIN, error);

        if (offset_to_top == INT64_MIN)
          return false;
        // So the dynamic type is a value that starts at offset_to_top
        // above the original address.
        lldb::addr_t dynamic_addr = original_ptr + offset_to_top;
        if (!process->GetTarget().GetSectionLoadList().ResolveLoadAddress(
                dynamic_addr, dynamic_address)) {
        return true;

  return class_type_or_name.IsEmpty() == false;