コード例 #1
ファイル: batchbuilddlg.cpp プロジェクト: 05storm26/codelite
void BatchBuildDlg::DoInitialize()
    // load the previously saved batch build file
    wxFileName fn(WorkspaceST::Get()->GetWorkspaceFileName());

    wxString content;
    wxArrayString arr;
    if (ReadFileWithConversion(fn.GetFullPath(), content)) {
        arr = wxStringTokenize(content, wxT("\n"), wxTOKEN_STRTOK);
        for (size_t i=0; i<arr.GetCount(); i++) {
            int idx = m_checkListConfigurations->Append(arr.Item(i));
            m_checkListConfigurations->Check((unsigned int)idx);

    // loop over all projects, for each project collect all available
    // build configurations and add them to the check list control
    wxArrayString projects;
    for (size_t i=0; i<projects.GetCount(); i++) {
        ProjectPtr p = ManagerST::Get()->GetProject(projects.Item(i));
        if (p) {
            ProjectSettingsPtr settings = p->GetSettings();
            if (settings) {
                ProjectSettingsCookie cookie;
                BuildConfigPtr bldConf = settings->GetFirstBuildConfiguration(cookie);
                while (bldConf) {
                    wxString item(p->GetName() + wxT(" | ") + bldConf->GetName());

                    int where = arr.Index(item);
                    if (where == wxNOT_FOUND) {
                        // append this item
                    } else {
                        // this item already been added,
                        // remove it from the arr and continue

                    bldConf = settings->GetNextBuildConfiguration(cookie);

    // check to see which configuration was left in 'arr'
    // and remove them from the checklistbox
    for (size_t i=0; i<arr.GetCount(); i++) {
        int where = m_checkListConfigurations->FindString(arr.Item(i));
        if (where != wxNOT_FOUND) {
            m_checkListConfigurations->Delete((unsigned int)where);

    if (m_checkListConfigurations->GetCount()>0) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: workspace.cpp プロジェクト: capturePointer/codelite
BuildConfigPtr clCxxWorkspace::GetProjBuildConf(const wxString& projectName, const wxString& confName) const
    BuildMatrixPtr matrix = GetBuildMatrix();
    if(!matrix) {
        return NULL;

    wxString projConf(confName);

    if(projConf.IsEmpty()) {
        wxString workspaceConfig = matrix->GetSelectedConfigurationName();
        projConf = matrix->GetProjectSelectedConf(workspaceConfig, projectName);

    // Get the project setting and retrieve the selected configuration
    wxString errMsg;
    ProjectPtr proj = FindProjectByName(projectName, errMsg);
    if(proj) {
        ProjectSettingsPtr settings = proj->GetSettings();
        if(settings) {
            return settings->GetBuildConfiguration(projConf, true);
    return NULL;
コード例 #3
void MacBundler::showSettingsDialogFor(ProjectPtr project)
    // project->GetSettings()->GetGlobalSettings();
    // project->GetSettings()->GetBuildConfiguration(name);

    ProjectSettingsCookie cookie;

    ProjectSettingsPtr settings = project->GetSettings();
    if(not settings) {
        wxMessageBox(_("Cannot continue, impossible to access project settings."));

    std::map<wxString, BuildConfigPtr> configs;
    wxArrayString choices;

    // TODO: allow putting the rules in the config root and not in every target
    BuildConfigPtr buildConfig = settings->GetFirstBuildConfiguration(cookie);
    while(buildConfig) {

        configs[buildConfig->GetName()] = buildConfig;

        buildConfig = settings->GetNextBuildConfiguration(cookie);

    bool accepted = false;
    bool generateInfoPlistFile = false;
    bool generateIcon = false;

    wxArrayString targetsToSet;

    wxString iconName(wxT("icon.icns"));

        BundleConfigDialog configDlg(project, m_mgr->GetTheApp()->GetTopWindow(), choices, m_mgr);
        accepted = configDlg.getResults(targetsToSet, &generateInfoPlistFile, &generateIcon);
        iconName = configDlg.getIconDestName();

        if(accepted and generateInfoPlistFile) {
            wxFileName projPath = project->GetFileName();
            const wxString projectDirName = projPath.GetFullPath();
            const wxString infoPlistFile = projectDirName + wxT("/Info.plist");

            if(wxFileExists(infoPlistFile)) {
                int out = wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("The following file:\n%s\nalready exists, overwrite it?\n"),
                if(out == wxYES) {
                    wxTextFile file;
            } else {
                wxTextFile file;
                if(not file.Create(infoPlistFile)) {
                    wxMessageBox(_("Could not create Info.plist file\n") + infoPlistFile);
                } else {

            if(wxFileExists(infoPlistFile)) {
                // FIXME: if the file was already present, it will be added again and appear twice in the file tree
                wxArrayString paths;
                m_mgr->CreateVirtualDirectory(project->GetName(), wxT("osx"));
                m_mgr->AddFilesToVirtualFolder(project->GetName() + wxT(":osx"), paths);
        } // nend if create info.plist

        if(accepted and generateIcon) {
            wxString iconSourcePath = configDlg.getIconSource();
            if(not iconSourcePath.IsEmpty()) {
                // sips doesn't like double slashes in path names
                iconSourcePath.Replace(wxT("//"), wxT("/"));

                wxFileName projPath = project->GetFileName();
                const wxString projectDirName = projPath.GetFullPath();
                wxString iconFileDest = projectDirName + wxT("/") + configDlg.getIconDestName();

                // sips doesn't like double slashes in path names
                iconFileDest.Replace(wxT("//"), wxT("/"));

                std::cout << "Copying icon '" << iconSourcePath.mb_str() << "' to project\n";

                if(iconSourcePath.EndsWith(wxT(".icns"))) {
                    if(not wxCopyFile(iconSourcePath, iconFileDest)) {
                        wxMessageBox(_("Sorry, could not copy icon"));
                } else {
                    wxString cmd =
                        wxT("sips -s format icns '") + iconSourcePath + wxT("' --out '") + iconFileDest + wxT("'");
                    std::cout << cmd.mb_str() << std::endl;
                    wxExecute(cmd, wxEXEC_SYNC);
                    if(not wxFileExists(iconFileDest)) {
                        wxMessageBox(_("Sorry, could not convert selected icon to icns format"));

                // FIXME: if the file was already present, it will be added again and appear twice in the file tree
                if(wxFileExists(iconFileDest)) {
                    wxArrayString paths;
                    m_mgr->CreateVirtualDirectory(project->GetName(), wxT("osx"));
                    m_mgr->AddFilesToVirtualFolder(project->GetName() + wxT(":osx"), paths);
            } // end if icon not null
        }     // end if generate icon
    if(!accepted) return;

    for(int n = 0; n < targetsToSet.GetCount(); n++) {
        BuildConfigPtr buildConfig = configs[targetsToSet[n]];

        wxString outputFileName = buildConfig->GetOutputFileName();
        wxString output = wxT("$(ProjectName).app/Contents/MacOS/$(ProjectName)");
        buildConfig->SetOutputFileName(wxT("$(IntermediateDirectory)/") + output);
        buildConfig->SetCommand(wxT("./") + output);

        if(generateInfoPlistFile or generateIcon) {
            // get existing custom makefile targets, if any
            wxString customPreBuild = buildConfig->GetPreBuildCustom();

            wxString deps, rules;
            deps = customPreBuild.BeforeFirst(wxT('\n'));
            rules = customPreBuild.AfterFirst(wxT('\n'));

            rules = rules.Trim();
            rules = rules.Trim(false);

            deps = deps.Trim();
            deps = deps.Trim(false);

            if(generateInfoPlistFile) {
                // augment existing rules with new rules to manage Info.plist file
                deps.Append(wxT(" $(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName).app/Contents/Info.plist"));
                rules.Append(wxString(wxT("\n## rule to copy the Info.plist file into the bundle\n")) +
                             wxT("$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName).app/Contents/Info.plist: Info.plist\n") +
                             wxT("\tmkdir -p '$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName).app/Contents' && cp -f "
                                 "Info.plist '$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName).app/Contents/Info.plist'"));
            if(generateIcon) {
                // augment existing rules with new rules to manage Info.plist file
                deps.Append(wxT(" $(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName).app/Contents/Resources/") + iconName);
                    wxT("\n## rule to copy the icon file into the "
                        "bundle\n$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName).app/Contents/Resources/") +
                    iconName + wxT(": ") + iconName +
                    wxT("\n\tmkdir -p '$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName).app/Contents/Resources/' && cp -f ") +
                    iconName + wxT(" '$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName).app/Contents/Resources/") + iconName +

            // set the new rules
            rules = rules.Trim();
            rules = rules.Trim(false);
            deps = deps.Trim();
            deps = deps.Trim(false);

            wxString prebuilstep;
            prebuilstep << deps << wxT("\n");
            prebuilstep << rules;
            prebuilstep << wxT("\n");

            // Set the content only if there is real content to add
            wxString tmpPreBuildStep(prebuilstep);
        } // end if


    } // end for

コード例 #4
ファイル: workspace.cpp プロジェクト: capturePointer/codelite
bool clCxxWorkspace::RemoveProject(const wxString& name, wxString& errMsg)
    ProjectPtr proj = FindProjectByName(name, errMsg);
    if(!proj) {
        return false;

    // remove the associated build configuration with this
    // project

    // remove the project from the internal map
    std::map<wxString, ProjectPtr>::iterator iter = m_projects.find(proj->GetName());
    if(iter != m_projects.end()) {

    // update the xml file
    wxXmlNode* root = m_doc.GetRoot();
    wxXmlNode* child = root->GetChildren();
    while(child) {
        if(child->GetName() == wxT("Project") && child->GetPropVal(wxT("Name"), wxEmptyString) == name) {
            if(child->GetPropVal(wxT("Active"), wxEmptyString).CmpNoCase(wxT("Yes")) == 0) {
                // the removed project was active,
                // select new project to be active
                if(!m_projects.empty()) {
                    std::map<wxString, ProjectPtr>::iterator iter = m_projects.begin();
                    SetActiveProject(iter->first, true);
            delete child;
        child = child->GetNext();

    // go over the dependencies list of each project and remove the project
    iter = m_projects.begin();
    for(; iter != m_projects.end(); iter++) {
        ProjectPtr p = iter->second;
        if(p) {
            wxArrayString configs;
            // populate the choice control with the list of available configurations for this project
            ProjectSettingsPtr settings = p->GetSettings();
            if(settings) {
                ProjectSettingsCookie cookie;
                BuildConfigPtr bldConf = settings->GetFirstBuildConfiguration(cookie);
                while(bldConf) {
                    bldConf = settings->GetNextBuildConfiguration(cookie);

            // update each configuration of this project
            for(size_t i = 0; i < configs.GetCount(); i++) {

                wxArrayString deps = p->GetDependencies(configs.Item(i));
                int where = deps.Index(name);
                if(where != wxNOT_FOUND) {

                // update the configuration
                p->SetDependencies(deps, configs.Item(i));
    return SaveXmlFile();
コード例 #5
ファイル: workspace.cpp プロジェクト: capturePointer/codelite
void clCxxWorkspace::AddProjectToBuildMatrix(ProjectPtr prj)
    if(!prj) {
        wxMessageBox(_("AddProjectToBuildMatrix was called with NULL project"), _("CodeLite"), wxICON_WARNING | wxOK);

    BuildMatrixPtr matrix = GetBuildMatrix();
    wxString selConfName = matrix->GetSelectedConfigurationName();

    std::list<WorkspaceConfigurationPtr> wspList = matrix->GetConfigurations();
    std::list<WorkspaceConfigurationPtr>::iterator iter = wspList.begin();
    for(; iter != wspList.end(); iter++) {
        WorkspaceConfigurationPtr workspaceConfig = (*iter);
        WorkspaceConfiguration::ConfigMappingList prjList = workspaceConfig->GetMapping();
        wxString wspCnfName = workspaceConfig->GetName();

        ProjectSettingsCookie cookie;

        // getSettings is a bit misleading, since it actually create new instance which represents the layout
        // of the XML
        ProjectSettingsPtr settings = prj->GetSettings();
        BuildConfigPtr prjBldConf = settings->GetFirstBuildConfiguration(cookie);
        BuildConfigPtr matchConf;

        if(!prjBldConf) {
            // the project does not have any settings, create new one and add it

            settings = prj->GetSettings();
            prjBldConf = settings->GetFirstBuildConfiguration(cookie);
            matchConf = prjBldConf;

        } else {

            matchConf = prjBldConf;

            // try to locate the best match to add to the workspace
            while(prjBldConf) {
                wxString projBldConfName = prjBldConf->GetName();
                if(wspCnfName == projBldConfName) {
                    // we found a suitable match use it instead of the default one
                    matchConf = prjBldConf;
                prjBldConf = settings->GetNextBuildConfiguration(cookie);

        ConfigMappingEntry entry(prj->GetName(), matchConf->GetName());

    // and set the configuration name

    // this will also reset the build matrix pointer