コード例 #1
// Get the aggregate member based on the top of the projection stack.
static SILValue getMember(SILInstruction *inst, ProjectionPath &projStack) {
  if (!projStack.empty()) {
    const Projection &proj = projStack.back();
    return proj.getOperandForAggregate(inst);
  return SILValue();
コード例 #2
SILValue ConstantTracker::getStoredValue(SILInstruction *loadInst,
                                         ProjectionPath &projStack) {
  SILInstruction *store = links[loadInst];
  if (!store && callerTracker)
    store = callerTracker->links[loadInst];
  if (!store) return SILValue();

  assert(isa<LoadInst>(loadInst) || isa<CopyAddrInst>(loadInst));

  // Push the address projections of the load onto the stack.
  SmallVector<Projection, 4> loadProjections;
  scanProjections(loadInst->getOperand(0), &loadProjections);
  for (const Projection &proj : loadProjections) {

  //  Pop the address projections of the store from the stack.
  SmallVector<Projection, 4> storeProjections;
  scanProjections(store->getOperand(1), &storeProjections);
  for (auto iter = storeProjections.rbegin(); iter != storeProjections.rend();
       ++iter) {
    const Projection &proj = *iter;
    // The corresponding load-projection must match the store-projection.
    if (projStack.empty() || projStack.back() != proj)
      return SILValue();

  if (isa<StoreInst>(store))
    return store->getOperand(0);

  // The copy_addr instruction is both a load and a store. So we follow the link
  // again.
  return getStoredValue(store, projStack);