コード例 #1
bool AcquireImages()
    // Create a GEV Device finder dialog
    PvDeviceFinderWnd lDeviceFinderWnd;

    // Prompt the user to select a GEV Device

    // Get the connectivity information for the selected GEV Device
    PvDeviceInfo* lDeviceInfo = lDeviceFinderWnd.GetSelected();

    // If no device is selected, abort
    if( lDeviceInfo == NULL )
        cout << "No device selected." << endl;
        return false;

    PvString lMACAddress = lDeviceInfo->GetMACAddress();
    PvString lIPAddress = lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress();

    // Connect to the GEV Device
    PvDevice lDevice;
    cout << "Connecting to " << lMACAddress.GetAscii() << endl;
    // if ( !lDevice.Connect( lDeviceInfo ).IsOK() )
    if ( !lDevice.Connect( lDeviceInfo ).IsOK() )
        cout << "Unable to connect to " << lMACAddress.GetAscii() << endl;
        return false;
    cout << "Successfully connected to " << lMACAddress.GetAscii() << endl;

    cout << endl;

    SourceList lSources;

    // Get source selector
    PvGenEnum *lSourceSelector = lDevice.GetGenParameters()->GetEnum( "SourceSelector" );
    if ( lSourceSelector != NULL )
        // Go through all sources, create source objects
        PvInt64 lCount = 0;
        lSourceSelector->GetEntriesCount( lCount );
        for ( PvInt64 i = 0; i < lCount; i++ )
            // Get source enum entry
            const PvGenEnumEntry *lEE = NULL;
            lSourceSelector->GetEntryByIndex( i, &lEE );

            // If available, create source
            if ( ( lEE != NULL ) && lEE->IsAvailable() )
                // Get source name
                PvString lSourceName;
                lEE->GetName( lSourceName );

                // Create source
                Source *lSource = new Source( &lDevice, lIPAddress, lSourceName );

                // Add to sources list
                lSources.push_back( lSource );

                cout << endl;
        // If no source selector, just create a single source
        Source *lSource = new Source( &lDevice, lIPAddress, "" );

        // Add to sources list
        lSources.push_back( lSource );

        cout << endl;

    // Start the acquisiton on all sources
    SourceList::iterator lIt = lSources.begin();
    while ( lIt != lSources.end() )
        ( *( lIt++ ) )->StartAcquisition();
        cout << endl;

    // Aggressive initial value, will be adjusted vs frame rate
    PvUInt32 lTimeout = 1;

    // Acquire images until the user instructs us to stop
    cout << "<press a key to stop streaming>" << endl;
    while ( !PvKbHit() )
        double lNewTimeout = 1000.0;

        lIt = lSources.begin();
        while ( lIt != lSources.end() )
            ( *lIt )->RetrieveImages( lTimeout );
            ( *lIt )->PrintStatistics();

            // Always use the smallest recommended timeout
            double lRecommendedTimeout = ( *lIt )->GetRecommendedTimeout();
            if ( lRecommendedTimeout < lNewTimeout )
                lNewTimeout = lRecommendedTimeout;


        // Update timeout for next round - smallest recommended divided by number of sources
        lTimeout = static_cast<PvUInt32>( lNewTimeout / static_cast<double>( lSources.size() ) + 0.5 );

        cout << "\r";

    PvGetChar(); // Flush key buffer for next stop
    cout << endl << endl;

    // Stop the acquisiton on all sources
    lIt = lSources.begin();
    while ( lIt != lSources.end() )
        ( *( lIt++ ) )->StopAcquisition();
        cout << endl;

    // Close and delete sources
    lIt = lSources.begin();
    while ( lIt != lSources.end() )
        ( *lIt )->Close();
        cout << endl;

        delete *lIt;


    // Finally disconnect the device. Optional, still nice to have
    cout << "Disconnecting device" << endl;

    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ThermoCamSingle.cpp プロジェクト: khobbs91/16.831
bool AcquireImages()
	PvResult lResult;	
	PvDeviceInfo *lDeviceInfo = NULL;
	PvSystem lSystem;
	PvStream lStream;
	lSystem.SetDetectionTimeout( 20000 );
	lResult = lSystem.Find();
	if( !lResult.IsOK() )
		cout << "PvSystem::Find Error: " << lResult.GetCodeString().GetAscii();
		return -1;
	PvUInt32 lInterfaceCount = lSystem.GetInterfaceCount();
	for( PvUInt32 x = 0; x < lInterfaceCount; x++ )
		PvInterface * lInterface = lSystem.GetInterface( x );
		cout << "Ethernet Interface " << endl;
		cout << "IP Address: " << lInterface->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl;
		cout << "Subnet Mask: " << lInterface->GetSubnetMask().GetAscii() << endl << endl;
		PvUInt32 lDeviceCount = lInterface->GetDeviceCount();
		for( PvUInt32 y = 0; y < lDeviceCount ; y++ )
			lDeviceInfo = lInterface->GetDeviceInfo( y );
			cout << "ThermoCam " << endl;
			cout << "IP Address: " << lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl;
	if( lDeviceInfo != NULL )
		cout << "Connecting to " << lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl;
		PvDevice lDevice;
		lResult = lDevice.Connect( lDeviceInfo );
		if ( !lResult.IsOK() )
			cout << "Unable to connect to " << lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl;
			cout << "Successfully connected to " << lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl;
    			lResult = lDevice.NegotiatePacketSize( );
    			if ( !lResult.IsOK() )
				cout << endl;
        			cout << " Failed to negotiate a packet size setting GevSCPSPacketSize to original value";
        			PvSleepMs( 2500 );
			cout << endl;
    			cout << "3. Open stream......";
			lResult = lStream.Open( lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress() );
			if ( !lResult.IsOK() )
				cout << endl;
				cout << "  Failed to open stream";
				return 0;
			lDevice.SetStreamDestination( lStream.GetLocalIPAddress(), lStream.GetLocalPort() );
			PvInt64 lPayloadSize;
			lDevice.GetGenParameters()->GetIntegerValue( "PayloadSize", lPayloadSize );
			PvBuffer * lBuffer = new PvBuffer();
			lBuffer->Alloc( static_cast<PvUInt32>( lPayloadSize ) );
			PvBuffer *lPtr = NULL; 
			PvImage *lImage = NULL;
			cout << endl;
			cout << "5. Grab one image" << endl;
			lStream.QueueBuffer( lBuffer );
			lDevice.GetGenParameters()->SetIntegerValue( "TLParamsLocked", 1 );
			lDevice.GetGenParameters()->ExecuteCommand( "AcquisitionStart" );
			PvResult lStreamResult;
			lResult = lStream.RetrieveBuffer( &lPtr, &lStreamResult, 10000 );
			lDevice.GetGenParameters()->ExecuteCommand( "AcquisitionStop" );
			lDevice.GetGenParameters()->SetIntegerValue( "TLParamsLocked", 0 );
			PvInt64 lWidth = 0, lHeight = 0;
			PvGenParameterArray *lDeviceParams = lDevice.GetGenParameters();	
			lDeviceParams->GetIntegerValue( "Width", lWidth);
			lDeviceParams->GetIntegerValue( "Height", lHeight);			
			cvNamedWindow("OpenCV: ThermoCam",CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);
			cv::Mat raw_lImage(cv::Size(lWidth,lHeight),CV_8U);
			if ( lResult.IsOK() )
				if ( lStreamResult.IsOK() )
					cout << endl;
					cout << "6. Using RGB Filter";		
					cout << "  a. Save the original image into ImageOriginal.bmp";			
					PvBufferWriter lBufferWriter;			
				//cv::imshow("OpenCV: ThermoCam",raw_lImage);
				cv::FileStorage fs("ThermoCam.xml",cv::FileStorage::WRITE);		
				fs << "raw_lImage" << raw_lImage;
				//if(cv::waitKey(1000) >= 0) break;
			return true;
		cout << "No device found" << endl;
	return 0;