コード例 #1
ファイル: source.cpp プロジェクト: Gabs48/HaloLinux_Software
PvUInt32 Source::GetPayloadSize()
	PvGenStateStack lState( mDevice->GetGenParameters() );
	if ( mMultiSource )
		// Push change on stack, will be reset when lState goes out of scope
		lState.SetEnumValue( "SourceSelector", mSourceIndex );

	// Get parameters required
	PvGenInteger *lPayloadSize = mDevice->GetGenParameters()->GetInteger("PayloadSize" );
	PvGenInteger *lWidth = mDevice->GetGenParameters()->GetInteger( "Width" );
	PvGenInteger *lHeight = mDevice->GetGenParameters()->GetInteger( "Height" );
	PvGenEnum *lPixelFormat = mDevice->GetGenParameters()->GetEnum( "PixelFormat" );

	// Try getting the payload size from the PayloadSize mandatory parameter
	PvInt64 lPayloadSizeValue = 0;
	if ( lPayloadSize != NULL )
		lPayloadSize->GetValue( lPayloadSizeValue );

        // Round up to make it mod 32 (works around an issue with some devices)
        if ((lPayloadSizeValue % 32) != 0)
            lPayloadSizeValue = ((lPayloadSizeValue / 32) + 1) * 32;
	// Compute poor man's payload size - for devices not maintaining PayloadSize properly
	PvInt64 lPoorMansPayloadSize = 0;
	if ( (lWidth != NULL ) && ( lHeight != NULL ) && ( lPixelFormat != NULL ) )
		PvInt64 lWidthValue, lHeightValue;
		lWidth->GetValue( lWidthValue );
		lHeight->GetValue( lHeightValue );

		PvInt64 lPixelFormatValue;
		lPixelFormat->GetValue( lPixelFormatValue );

		PvInt64 lPixelSizeInBits = PvImage::GetPixelSize( (PvPixelType)lPixelFormatValue );

		lPoorMansPayloadSize = ( lWidthValue * lHeightValue * lPixelSizeInBits) / 8;

	// Take max, let pipeline know what the payload size is
	PvInt64 lBestPayloadSize = ( lPayloadSizeValue >= lPoorMansPayloadSize ) ? lPayloadSizeValue : lPoorMansPayloadSize;
	if ( ( lBestPayloadSize > 0 ) && ( lBestPayloadSize < ULONG_MAX ) )
		return static_cast<PvUInt32>( lBestPayloadSize );

	// Could not compute/retrieve payload size...
	return 0;
コード例 #2
void PvDualSourceSample::Connect( PvDeviceInfo *aDeviceInfo )
    // Just in case we came here still connected...

    // Connect to device using device info
    PvResult lResult = mDevice.Connect( aDeviceInfo );
    if ( !lResult.IsOK() )
        PvMessageBox( this, lResult );

    Source *lSources[ 2 ] = { mSource1, mSource2 };

    // Open channels
    PvGenEnum *lSourceSelector = mDevice.GetGenParameters()->GetEnum( "SourceSelector" );
    PvGenInteger *lSourceStreamChannel = mDevice.GetGenParameters()->GetInteger( "SourceStreamChannel" );
    if ( lSourceSelector != NULL )
        for ( PvUInt16 i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            QString lValue;
            lValue.sprintf( "Source%d", i + 1 );

            lSourceSelector->SetValue( lValue.toAscii().data() );

            PvInt64 lChannel = 0;
            lSourceStreamChannel->GetValue( lChannel );

            lResult = lSources[i]->Open( &mDevice, aDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress(), static_cast<PvUInt16>( lChannel ) );
            if ( !lResult.IsOK() )
                PvMessageBox( this, lResult );
        // No source selector, if transmitter assume 1 on channel 0
        lResult = mSource1->Open( &mDevice, aDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress(), 0 );
        if ( !lResult.IsOK() )
            PvMessageBox( this, lResult );

    // Sync the UI with our new status
コード例 #3
bool StartSlave()
	// Let the user select the device to receive from
	PvString lDeviceIP;
	if ( !SelectDevice( lDeviceIP ) )
		return false;
	// Create the PvStream object
	PvStream lStream;

	// Create the PvPipeline object
	PvPipeline lPipeline( &lStream );

    // Create a PvPipeline event sink (used to trap buffer too small events)
    PipelineEventSink lPipelineEventSink;
    lPipeline.RegisterEventSink( &lPipelineEventSink );

	// Open stream
	printf( "Opening stream\n" );
	lStream.Open( lDeviceIP, "", 1042 );

	// IMPORTANT: the pipeline needs to be "armed", or started before 
	// we instruct the device to send us images
	printf( "Starting pipeline\n" );
    lPipeline.SetBufferCount( 16 );

	// Get stream parameters/stats
	PvGenParameterArray *lStreamParams = lStream.GetParameters();
	PvGenInteger *lCount = dynamic_cast<PvGenInteger *>( lStreamParams->Get( "ImagesCount" ) );
	PvGenFloat *lFrameRate = dynamic_cast<PvGenFloat *>( lStreamParams->Get( "AcquisitionRateAverage" ) );
	PvGenFloat *lBandwidth = dynamic_cast<PvGenFloat *>( lStreamParams->Get( "BandwidthAverage" ) );
	PvGenBoolean *lIgnoreMissingPackets = dynamic_cast<PvGenBoolean *>( lStreamParams->Get( "IgnoreMissingPackets" ) );

	// Disabling resend packets
	lIgnoreMissingPackets->SetValue( true );

	char lDoodle[] = "|\\-|-/";
	int lDoodleIndex = 0;
	PvInt64 lImageCountVal = 0;
	double lFrameRateVal = 0.0;
	double lBandwidthVal = 0.0;

	// Acquire images until the user instructs us to stop
	printf( "\n<press a key to stop receiving>\n" );
	while ( !PvKbHit() )
		// Retrieve next buffer		
		PvBuffer *lBuffer = NULL;
        PvResult  lOperationResult;
		PvResult lResult = lPipeline.RetrieveNextBuffer( &lBuffer, 1000, &lOperationResult );
        if ( lResult.IsOK() )
            if (lOperationResult.IsOK())
                // We now have a valid buffer. This is where you would typically process the buffer.
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // ...

			    lCount->GetValue( lImageCountVal );
			    lFrameRate->GetValue( lFrameRateVal );
			    lBandwidth->GetValue( lBandwidthVal );
				// If the buffer contains an image, display width and height
				PvUInt32 lWidth = 0, lHeight = 0;
				if ( lBuffer->GetPayloadType() == PvPayloadTypeImage )
					// Get image specific buffer interface
					PvImage *lImage = lBuffer->GetImage();

					// Read width, height
					lWidth = lBuffer->GetImage()->GetWidth();
					lHeight = lBuffer->GetImage()->GetHeight();
				printf( "%c BlockID: %016llX W: %i H: %i %.01f FPS %.01f Mb/s\r", 
                    lDoodle[ lDoodleIndex ],
                    lBandwidthVal / 1000000.0 ); 

            // We have an image - do some processing (...) and VERY IMPORTANT,
			// release the buffer back to the pipeline
			lPipeline.ReleaseBuffer( lBuffer );
			// Timeout
			printf( "%c Timeout\r", lDoodle[ lDoodleIndex ] );

		++lDoodleIndex %= 6;

	PvGetChar(); // Flush key buffer for next stop
	printf( "\n\n" );

	// We stop the pipeline - letting the object lapse out of 
	// scope would have had the destructor do the same, but we do it anyway
	printf( "Stop pipeline\n" );

	// Now close the stream. Also optionnal but nice to have
	printf( "Closing stream\n" );

    // Unregister pipeline event sink. Optional but nice to have.
    lPipeline.UnregisterEventSink( &lPipelineEventSink );

	return true;