T GetParam(PvGenParameterArray* params, const char* name) { typedef typename PleoraParamTraits<T>::PvType PvType; PvType* param = dynamic_cast<PvType*>( params->Get(name) ); if(!param) { throw std::runtime_error("Incorrect type"); } T ret; PvResult res = param->GetValue(ret); if(res.IsFailure()) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot get value: " + std::string(res.GetCodeString().GetAscii()) ); } return ret; }
bool SetParam(PvGenParameterArray* params, const char* name, T val) { typedef typename PleoraParamTraits<T>::PvType PvType; PvType* param = dynamic_cast<PvType*>( params->Get(name) ); if(!param) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to get parameter handle: " + std::string(name) ); } if(!param->IsWritable()) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot set value for " + std::string(name) ); } PvResult res = param->SetValue(val); if(res.IsFailure()) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot set value: " + std::string(res.GetCodeString().GetAscii()) ); } return true; }
PleoraVideo::PleoraVideo(const char* model_name, const char* serial_num, size_t index, size_t bpp, size_t binX, size_t binY, size_t buffer_count, size_t desired_size_x, size_t desired_size_y, size_t desired_pos_x, size_t desired_pos_y) : lPvSystem(0), lDevice(0), lStream(0) { lPvSystem = new PvSystem(); if ( !lPvSystem ) { throw pangolin::VideoException("Pleora: Unable to create PvSystem"); } const PvDeviceInfo *lDeviceInfo = SelectDevice(*lPvSystem, model_name, serial_num, index); if ( !lDeviceInfo ) { throw pangolin::VideoException("Pleora: Unable to select device"); } PvResult lResult; lDevice = PvDevice::CreateAndConnect( lDeviceInfo, &lResult ); if ( !lDevice ) { throw pangolin::VideoException("Pleora: Unable to connect to device", lResult.GetDescription().GetAscii() ); } lStream = PvStream::CreateAndOpen( lDeviceInfo->GetConnectionID(), &lResult ); if ( !lStream ) { lDevice->Disconnect(); PvDevice::Free(lDevice); throw pangolin::VideoException("Pleora: Unable to open stream", lResult.GetDescription().GetAscii() ); } lDeviceParams = lDevice->GetParameters(); lStart = dynamic_cast<PvGenCommand*>( lDeviceParams->Get( "AcquisitionStart" ) ); lStop = dynamic_cast<PvGenCommand*>( lDeviceParams->Get( "AcquisitionStop" ) ); if( bpp == 8) { lDeviceParams->SetEnumValue("PixelFormat", PvString("Mono8") ); }else if(bpp == 10) { lDeviceParams->SetEnumValue("PixelFormat", PvString("Mono10p") ); }else if(bpp == 12) { lDeviceParams->SetEnumValue("PixelFormat", PvString("Mono12p") ); } // Height and width will fail if not multiples of 8. lDeviceParams->SetIntegerValue("Height", desired_size_y ); if(lResult.IsFailure()){ pango_print_error("Height %zu fail\n", desired_size_y); int64_t max, min; lDeviceParams->GetIntegerRange("Height", max, min ); lDeviceParams->SetIntegerValue("Height", max ); } lDeviceParams->SetIntegerValue("Width", desired_size_x ); if(lResult.IsFailure()){ pango_print_error("Width %zu fail\n", desired_size_x); int64_t max, min; lDeviceParams->GetIntegerRange("Width", max, min ); lDeviceParams->SetIntegerValue("Width", max ); } lDeviceParams = lDevice->GetParameters(); const int w = DeviceParam<int64_t>("Width"); const int h = DeviceParam<int64_t>("Height"); // Offset will fail if not multiple of 8. lDeviceParams->SetIntegerValue("OffsetX", desired_pos_x ); if(lResult.IsFailure()){ pango_print_error("OffsetX %zu fail\n", desired_pos_x); } lDeviceParams->SetIntegerValue("OffsetX", desired_pos_y ); if(lResult.IsFailure()){ pango_print_error("OffsetY %zu fail\n", desired_pos_y); } lResult =lDeviceParams->SetIntegerValue("BinningHorizontal", binX ); if(lResult.IsFailure()){ pango_print_error("BinningHorizontal %zu fail\n", binX); } lResult =lDeviceParams->SetIntegerValue("BinningVertical", binY ); if(lResult.IsFailure()){ pango_print_error("BinningVertical %zu fail\n", binY); } lStreamParams = lStream->GetParameters(); // Reading payload size from device const uint32_t lSize = lDevice->GetPayloadSize(); // Use buffer_count or the maximum number of buffers, whichever is smaller const uint32_t lBufferCount = ( lStream->GetQueuedBufferMaximum() < buffer_count ) ? lStream->GetQueuedBufferMaximum() : buffer_count; // Allocate buffers and queue for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < lBufferCount; i++ ) { PvBuffer *lBuffer = new PvBuffer; lBuffer->Alloc( static_cast<uint32_t>( lSize ) ); lBufferList.push_back( lBuffer ); } // Setup pangolin for stream PvGenEnum* lpixfmt = dynamic_cast<PvGenEnum*>( lDeviceParams->Get("PixelFormat") ); const VideoPixelFormat fmt = PleoraFormat(lpixfmt); streams.push_back(StreamInfo(fmt, w, h, (w*fmt.bpp)/8)); size_bytes = lSize; Start(); }