コード例 #1
ファイル: HiLab.cpp プロジェクト: assutech/isis3
  //! Constructs a HiLab Object                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  HiLab::HiLab(Cube *cube){ 
    PvlGroup group = cube->GetGroup("Instrument");
    p_cpmmNumber = group["CpmmNumber"];
    p_channel = group["ChannelNumber"];

    if (group.HasKeyword("Summing")) {
       p_bin = group["Summing"];
    else {
      std::string msg = "Cannot find required Summing keyword in label";
      throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);

    if (group.HasKeyword("Tdi")) {
      p_tdi = group["Tdi"];
    else {
      std::string msg = "Cannot find required Tdi keyword in label";
      throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);
コード例 #2
ファイル: hipical.cpp プロジェクト: assutech/isis3
void IsisMain() {
  // We will be processing by brick
  ProcessByBrick p;
  Isis::Cube *amatrixCube=NULL; 
  Isis::Cube *bmatrixCube=NULL; 

  // Setup the user input for the input/output files and the option
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  // Setup the input HiRise cube
  Isis::Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  if (icube->Bands() != 1) {
    std::string msg = "Only single-band HiRise cubes can be calibrated";
    throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  //Get pertinent label information to determine which band of matrix cube to use
  HiLab hilab(icube);

  int ccd = hilab.getCcd();

  int channel = hilab.getChannel();

  if (channel != 0  && channel != 1) {
    std::string msg = "Only unstitched cubes can be calibrated";
    throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  int band = 1 + ccd*2 + channel;

  string option = ui.GetString("OPTION");

  // Set attributes (input band number) for the matrix cube(s);
  CubeAttributeInput att("+" + iString(band));

  // Determine the file specification to the matrix file(s) if defaulted
  // and open 
  if (ui.WasEntered ("MATRIX") ) {
    if (option == "GAIN") {
      string matrixFile = ui.GetFilename("MATRIX");
      amatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(matrixFile, att);
    else if (option == "OFFSET") {
      string matrixFile = ui.GetFilename("MATRIX");
      bmatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(matrixFile, att);
    else { //(option == "BOTH")
        msg = "The BOTH option cannot be used if a MATRIX is entered";
      throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  else {
    int tdi = hilab.getTdi();
    int bin = hilab.getBin();

    if (option == "OFFSET" || option == "BOTH") {
      std::string bmatrixFile = "$mro/calibration";
      bmatrixFile += "/B_matrix_tdi";
      bmatrixFile += iString(tdi) + "_bin" + iString(bin);
      bmatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(bmatrixFile, att);
    if (option == "GAIN" || option == "BOTH") {
       std::string amatrixFile = "$mro/calibration";
       amatrixFile += "/A_matrix_tdi";
       amatrixFile += iString(tdi) + "_bin" + iString(bin);
       amatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(amatrixFile, att);

  // Open the output file and set processing parameters
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube ("TO");
  p.SetWrap (true);
  p.SetBrickSize ( icube->Samples(), 1, 1);

  // Add the radiometry group if it is not there yet.  Otherwise
  // read the current value of the keyword CalibrationParameters.
  // Then delete the keyword and rewrite it after appending the
  // new value to it.  Do it this way to avoid multiple Calibration
  // Parameter keywords.
  PvlGroup calgrp;
  PvlKeyword calKey;

  if (ocube->HasGroup("Radiometry")) {
    calgrp = ocube->GetGroup ("Radiometry");

    if (calgrp.HasKeyword("CalibrationParameters")) {
      calKey = calgrp.FindKeyword("CalibrationParameters");
      calgrp.DeleteKeyword( "CalibrationParameters" );
    else {
      calKey.SetName ("CalibrationParameters");
  else {
    calKey.SetName ("CalibrationParameters");

  string keyValue = option;
  if (option == "GAIN") {
    keyValue += ":" + amatrixCube->Filename();
  else if (option == "OFFSET") {
    keyValue += ":" + bmatrixCube->Filename();
  else { // "BOTH"
    keyValue += ":"+bmatrixCube->Filename()+":"+amatrixCube->Filename();

  calKey += keyValue;
  calgrp += calKey;

  // Start the processing based on the option
  if (option == "GAIN") {
  else if (option == "OFFSET") {
  else { //(option == "BOTH") 

  // Cleanup
コード例 #3
ファイル: isis2fits.cpp プロジェクト: assutech/isis3
// Main program
void IsisMain(){
  // Create an object for exporting Isis data
  ProcessExport p;
  // Open the input cube
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
  // Conform to the Big-Endian format for FITS
  if(IsLsb()) p.SetOutputEndian(Isis::Msb);

  // Generate the name of the fits file and open it
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  // specify the bits per pixel
  string bitpix;
  if (ui.GetString ("BITTYPE") == "8BIT") bitpix = "8";
  else if (ui.GetString ("BITTYPE") == "16BIT") bitpix = "16";
  else if (ui.GetString ("BITTYPE") == "32BIT") bitpix = "-32";
  else {
    string msg = "Pixel type of [" + ui.GetString("BITTYPE") + "] is unsupported"; 
    throw iException::Message(iException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  //  Determine bit size and calculate number of bytes to write
  //  for each line.
  if (bitpix == "8") p.SetOutputType(Isis::UnsignedByte);
  if (bitpix == "16") p.SetOutputType(Isis::SignedWord);
  if (bitpix == "-32") p.SetOutputType(Isis::Real);
  // determine core base and multiplier, set up the stretch
  PvlGroup pix = icube->Label()->FindObject("IsisCube").FindObject("Core").FindGroup("Pixels");
  double scale = pix["Multiplier"][0].ToDouble();
  double base = pix["Base"][0].ToDouble();

  if (ui.GetString("STRETCH") != "NONE" && bitpix != "-32") {
    if (ui.GetString("STRETCH") == "LINEAR") {
    else if (ui.GetString("STRETCH") == "MANUAL") {
       p.SetInputRange(ui.GetDouble("MINIMUM"), ui.GetDouble("MAXIMUM"));
    // create a proper scale so pixels look like 32bit data.
    scale = ((p.GetInputMaximum() - p.GetInputMinimum()) *
            (p.GetOutputMaximum() - p.GetOutputMinimum()));

    // round off after 14 decimals to avoid system architecture differences
    scale = ((floor(scale * 1e14)) / 1e14);

    // create a proper zero point so pixels look like 32bit data.
    base = -1.0 * (scale * p.GetOutputMinimum()) + p.GetInputMinimum();
    // round off after 14 decimals to avoid system architecture differences
    base = ((floor(base * 1e14)) / 1e14);

  // Write the minimal fits header	  //
  string header;
  // specify that this file conforms to simple fits standard
  header += FitsKeyword("SIMPLE", true, "T");  
  // specify the bits per pixel
  header += FitsKeyword("BITPIX", true, bitpix);
  // specify the number of data axes (2: samples by lines)
  int axes = 2;
  if (icube->Bands() > 1) {
    axes = 3;
  header += FitsKeyword("NAXIS", true, iString(axes));
  // specify the limit on data axis 1 (number of samples)
  header += FitsKeyword("NAXIS1", true, iString(icube->Samples()));

  // specify the limit on data axis 2 (number of lines)
  header += FitsKeyword("NAXIS2", true, iString(icube->Lines()));
  if (axes == 3){
    header += FitsKeyword("NAXIS3", true, iString(icube->Bands()));

  header += FitsKeyword("BZERO", true,  base);

  header += FitsKeyword("BSCALE", true, scale);
  // Sky and All cases  
  if (ui.GetString("INFO") == "SKY" || ui.GetString("INFO") == "ALL") {  
    iString msg = "cube has not been skymapped";
    PvlGroup map;

    if (icube->HasGroup("mapping")) {
      map = icube->GetGroup("mapping");   
      msg = (string)map["targetname"];
    // If we have sky we want it
    if (msg == "Sky") {
      double midRa = 0, midDec = 0;
      midRa = ((double)map["MaximumLongitude"] +
      midDec = ((double)map["MaximumLatitude"] +
      header += FitsKeyword("OBJCTRA", true, iString(midRa));
      // Specify the Declination
      header += FitsKeyword("OBJCTDEC", true, iString(midDec));

    if (ui.GetString("INFO") == "ALL") {
      header += WritePvl("INSTRUME","Instrument","InstrumentId", icube, true);  
      header += WritePvl("OBSERVER","Instrument","SpacecraftName", icube, true);
      header += WritePvl("OBJECT  ","Instrument","TargetName", icube, true);
      // StartTime is sometimes middle of the exposure and somtimes beginning, 
      // so StopTime can't be calculated off of exposure reliably.
      header += WritePvl("DATE-OBS","Instrument","StartTime", icube, true);
      // Some cameras don't have StopTime
      if (icube->HasGroup("Instrument")) {
        PvlGroup inst = icube->GetGroup("Instrument");
        if (inst.HasKeyword("StopTime")) {
          header += WritePvl("TIME_END","Instrument","StopTime", icube, true);
        if (inst.HasKeyword("ExposureDuration")) {
          header += WritePvl("EXPTIME","Instrument","ExposureDuration", icube, false);
    // If we were set on SKY and Sky doesn't exist
    else if (msg != "Sky") {  
      throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  // signal the end of the header
  header += FitsKeyword("END", false, "");

  // fill the rest of the fits header with space so to conform with the fits header
  // size of 2880 bytes
  for (int i = header.length() % 2880 ; i < 2880 ; i++) header += " ";

  // open the cube for writing
  string to = ui.GetFilename("TO","fits");
  ofstream fout;  
  fout.open (to.c_str (), ios::out|ios::binary);
  if (!fout.is_open ()) {
    string msg = "Cannot open fits output file";
    throw iException::Message(iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  // write the raw cube data
  p.StartProcess (fout);

  // Finish off data area to a number n % 2880 == 0 is true
  // 2880 is the size of the data blocks
  int count = 2880 - (fout.tellp() % 2880);
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    // Write nul characters as needed. ascii 0, hex 00...
    fout.write("\0", 1);  
コード例 #4
ファイル: spiceinit.cpp プロジェクト: assutech/isis3
bool TryKernels(Cube *icube, Process &p,
                Kernel lk, Kernel pck, 
                Kernel targetSpk, Kernel ck,
                Kernel fk, Kernel ik, Kernel sclk, 
                Kernel spk, Kernel iak, 
                Kernel dem, Kernel exk) {
  Pvl lab = *icube->Label();

  // Add the new kernel files to the existing kernels group
  PvlKeyword lkKeyword("LeapSecond");
  PvlKeyword pckKeyword("TargetAttitudeShape");
  PvlKeyword targetSpkKeyword("TargetPosition");
  PvlKeyword ckKeyword("InstrumentPointing");
  PvlKeyword ikKeyword("Instrument");
  PvlKeyword sclkKeyword("SpacecraftClock");
  PvlKeyword spkKeyword("InstrumentPosition");
  PvlKeyword iakKeyword("InstrumentAddendum");
  PvlKeyword demKeyword("ShapeModel");
  PvlKeyword exkKeyword("Extra");

  for (int i=0; i<lk.size(); i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<pck.size(); i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<targetSpk.size(); i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<ck.size(); i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<ik.size(); i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<sclk.size(); i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<spk.size(); i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<iak.size(); i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<dem.size(); i++) {
  for (int i=0; i<exk.size(); i++) {

  PvlGroup originalKernels = icube->GetGroup("Kernels");
  PvlGroup currentKernels = originalKernels;
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(lkKeyword, Pvl::Replace);
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(pckKeyword, Pvl::Replace);
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(targetSpkKeyword, Pvl::Replace);
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(ckKeyword, Pvl::Replace);
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(ikKeyword, Pvl::Replace);
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(sclkKeyword, Pvl::Replace);
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(spkKeyword, Pvl::Replace);
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(iakKeyword, Pvl::Replace);
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(demKeyword, Pvl::Replace);

  // report qualities
  PvlKeyword spkQuality("InstrumentPositionQuality");
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(spkQuality, Pvl::Replace);

  PvlKeyword ckQuality("InstrumentPointingQuality");
  currentKernels.AddKeyword(ckQuality, Pvl::Replace);

  if (!exkKeyword.IsNull()) {
    currentKernels.AddKeyword(exkKeyword, Pvl::Replace);
  else if( currentKernels.HasKeyword("EXTRA") ) {
    currentKernels.DeleteKeyword( "EXTRA" );

  // Get rid of old keywords from previously inited cubes
  if (currentKernels.HasKeyword("SpacecraftPointing")) {
  if (currentKernels.HasKeyword("SpacecraftPosition")) {
  if (currentKernels.HasKeyword("ElevationModel")) {
  if (currentKernels.HasKeyword("Frame")) {
  if (currentKernels.HasKeyword("StartPadding")) {
  if (currentKernels.HasKeyword("EndPadding")) {

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  // Add any time padding the user specified to the spice group
  if(ui.GetDouble("STARTPAD") > DBL_EPSILON) {
     currentKernels.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("StartPadding", ui.GetDouble("STARTPAD"), "seconds"));

  if(ui.GetDouble("ENDPAD") > DBL_EPSILON) {
     currentKernels.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("EndPadding", ui.GetDouble("ENDPAD"), "seconds"));

  currentKernels.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("CameraVersion",CameraFactory::CameraVersion(lab)), Pvl::Replace);

  // Add the modified Kernels group to the input cube labels

  // Create the camera so we can get blobs if necessary
  try {
    Camera *cam;
    try {
      cam = icube->Camera();
    } catch (iException &e) {
      Pvl errPvl = e.PvlErrors();

      if(errPvl.Groups() > 0) {
        currentKernels += PvlKeyword("Error", errPvl.Group(errPvl.Groups()-1)["Message"][0]); 
      throw e;
    if (ui.GetBoolean("ATTACH")) {
      Table ckTable = cam->InstrumentRotation()->Cache("InstrumentPointing");
      ckTable.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by spiceinit");
      ckTable.Label() += PvlKeyword("Kernels");

      for (int i=0; i<ckKeyword.Size(); i++) {

      Table spkTable = cam->InstrumentPosition()->Cache("InstrumentPosition");
      spkTable.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by spiceinit");
      spkTable.Label() += PvlKeyword("Kernels");
      for (int i=0; i<spkKeyword.Size(); i++) {

      Table bodyTable = cam->BodyRotation()->Cache("BodyRotation");
      bodyTable.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by spiceinit");
      bodyTable.Label() += PvlKeyword("Kernels");
      for (int i=0; i<targetSpkKeyword.Size(); i++) {
      for (int i=0; i<pckKeyword.Size(); i++) {
      bodyTable.Label() += PvlKeyword("SolarLongitude", cam->SolarLongitude());

      Table sunTable = cam->SunPosition()->Cache("SunPosition");
      sunTable.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by spiceinit");
      sunTable.Label() += PvlKeyword("Kernels");
      for (int i=0; i<targetSpkKeyword.Size(); i++) {

      //  Save original kernels in keyword before changing to Table
      PvlKeyword origCk = currentKernels["InstrumentPointing"];
      PvlKeyword origSpk = currentKernels["InstrumentPosition"];
      PvlKeyword origTargPos = currentKernels["TargetPosition"];

      currentKernels["InstrumentPointing"] = "Table";
      for (int i=0; i<origCk.Size(); i++) {
      currentKernels["InstrumentPosition"] = "Table";
      for (int i=0; i<origSpk.Size(); i++) {
      currentKernels["TargetPosition"] = "Table";
      for (int i=0; i<origTargPos.Size(); i++) {
    //modify Kernels group only
    else {
      Pvl *label = icube->Label();
      int i=0;
      while (i < label->Objects()) {
        PvlObject currObj = label->Object(i);
        if (currObj.IsNamed("Table")) {
          if (currObj["Name"][0] == iString("InstrumentPointing")) {
          } else if (currObj["Name"][0] == iString("InstrumentPosition")) {
          } else if (currObj["Name"][0] == iString("BodyRotation")) {
          } else if (currObj["Name"][0] == iString("SunPosition")) {
          } else {
        } else {

  } catch (iException &e) {
    return false;

  return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: map2map.cpp プロジェクト: assutech/isis3
void IsisMain() {
  // We will be warping a cube
  ProcessRubberSheet p;

  // Get the map projection file provided by the user
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  Pvl userPvl(ui.GetFilename("MAP"));
  PvlGroup &userMappingGrp = userPvl.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse);

  // Open the input cube and get the projection
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube ("FROM");

  // Get the mapping group
  PvlGroup fromMappingGrp = icube->GetGroup("Mapping");
  Projection *inproj = icube->Projection();
  PvlGroup outMappingGrp = fromMappingGrp;

  // If the default range is FROM, then wipe out any range data in user mapping file
  if(ui.GetString("DEFAULTRANGE").compare("FROM") == 0 && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("MinimumLatitude")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("MaximumLatitude")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("MinimumLongitude")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("MaximumLongitude")) {

  // Deal with user overrides entered in the GUI. Do this by changing the user's mapping group, which
  // will then overlay anything in the output mapping group.
  if(ui.WasEntered("MINLAT") && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    userMappingGrp.AddKeyword( PvlKeyword("MinimumLatitude", ui.GetDouble("MINLAT")), Pvl::Replace );

  if(ui.WasEntered("MAXLAT") && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    userMappingGrp.AddKeyword( PvlKeyword("MaximumLatitude", ui.GetDouble("MAXLAT")), Pvl::Replace );

  if(ui.WasEntered("MINLON") && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    userMappingGrp.AddKeyword( PvlKeyword("MinimumLongitude", ui.GetDouble("MINLON")), Pvl::Replace );

  if(ui.WasEntered("MAXLON") && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    userMappingGrp.AddKeyword( PvlKeyword("MaximumLongitude", ui.GetDouble("MAXLON")), Pvl::Replace );

   * If the user is changing from positive east to positive west, or vice-versa, the output minimum is really
   * the input maximum. However, the user mapping group must be left unaffected (an input minimum must be the
   * output minimum). To accomplish this, we swap the minimums/maximums in the output group ahead of time. This
   * causes the minimums and maximums to correlate to the output minimums and maximums. That way when we copy
   * the user mapping group into the output group a mimimum overrides a minimum and a maximum overrides a maximum.
  bool sameDirection = true;
  if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("LongitudeDirection")) {
    if(((string)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDirection"]).compare(fromMappingGrp["LongitudeDirection"]) != 0) {
      sameDirection = false;

  // Since the out mapping group came from the from mapping group, which came from a valid cube,
  // we can assume both min/max lon exists if min longitude exists.
  if(!sameDirection && outMappingGrp.HasKeyword("MinimumLongitude")) {
    double minLon = outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"];
    double maxLon = outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"];

    outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"] = minLon;
    outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] = maxLon;

  if(ui.GetString("PIXRES").compare("FROM") == 0 && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    // Resolution will be in fromMappingGrp and outMappingGrp at this time
    //   delete from user mapping grp
    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {
  else if(ui.GetString("PIXRES").compare("MAP") == 0 || ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    // Resolution will be in userMappingGrp - delete all others
    if(outMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(outMappingGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    if(fromMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")); {

    if(fromMappingGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {
  else if(ui.GetString("PIXRES").compare("MPP") == 0) {
    // Resolution specified - delete all and add to outMappingGrp
    if(outMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(outMappingGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    if(fromMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(fromMappingGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    outMappingGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("PixelResolution", ui.GetDouble("RESOLUTION"), "meters/pixel"), Pvl::Replace);
  else if(ui.GetString("PIXRES").compare("PPD") == 0) {
    // Resolution specified - delete all and add to outMappingGrp
    if(outMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(outMappingGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    if(fromMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(fromMappingGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    outMappingGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("Scale", ui.GetDouble("RESOLUTION"), "pixels/degree"), Pvl::Replace);

  // Rotation will NOT Propagate
  if(outMappingGrp.HasKeyword("Rotation")) {

   * The user specified map template file overrides what ever is in the
   * cube's mapping group.
  for(int keyword = 0; keyword < userMappingGrp.Keywords(); keyword ++) {
    outMappingGrp.AddKeyword(userMappingGrp[keyword], Pvl::Replace);

   * Now, we have to deal with unit conversions. We convert only if the following are true:
   *   1) We used values from the input cube
   *   2) The values are longitudes or latitudes
   *   3) The map file or user-specified information uses a different measurement system than
   *        the input cube for said values.
   * The data is corrected for:
   *   1) Positive east/positive west
   *   2) Longitude domain
   *   3) planetographic/planetocentric.

  // First, the longitude direction
  if(!sameDirection) {
    PvlGroup longitudes = inproj->MappingLongitudes();

    for(int index = 0; index < longitudes.Keywords(); index ++) {
      if(!userMappingGrp.HasKeyword(longitudes[index].Name())) {
        // use the from domain because that's where our values are coming from
        if(((string)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDirection"]).compare("PositiveEast") == 0) {
          outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].Name()] =
            Projection::ToPositiveEast(outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].Name()], outMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"]);
        else {
          outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].Name()] =
            Projection::ToPositiveWest(outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].Name()], outMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"]);

  // The minimum/maximum longitudes should be in order now. However, if the user entered a
  // maximum that was lower than the minimum, or a minimum that was higher than the maximum this
  // may still fail. Let it throw an error when we instantiate the projection.

  // Second, longitude domain
  if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("LongitudeDomain")) { // user set a new domain?
    if((int)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] != (int)fromMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"]) { // new domain different?

      PvlGroup longitudes = inproj->MappingLongitudes();

      for(int index = 0; index < longitudes.Keywords(); index ++) {
        if(!userMappingGrp.HasKeyword(longitudes[index].Name())) {
          if((int)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] == 180) {
            outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].Name()] = Projection::To180Domain(outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].Name()]);
          else {
            outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].Name()] = Projection::To360Domain(outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].Name()]);


  // Third, planetographic/planetocentric
  if(userMappingGrp.HasKeyword("LatitudeType")) { // user set a new domain?
    if(((string)userMappingGrp["LatitudeType"]).compare(fromMappingGrp["LatitudeType"]) != 0) { // new lat type different?

      PvlGroup latitudes = inproj->MappingLatitudes();

      for(int index = 0; index < latitudes.Keywords(); index ++) {
        if(!userMappingGrp.HasKeyword(latitudes[index].Name())) {
          if(((string)userMappingGrp["LatitudeType"]).compare("Planetographic") == 0) {
            outMappingGrp[latitudes[index].Name()] = Projection::ToPlanetographic(
          else {
            outMappingGrp[latitudes[index].Name()] = Projection::ToPlanetocentric(


  // If MinLon/MaxLon out of order, we weren't able to calculate the correct values
  if((double)outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] >= (double)outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"]) {
    if(!ui.WasEntered("MINLON") || !ui.WasEntered("MAXLON")) {
      string msg = "Unable to determine the correct [MinimumLongitude,MaximumLongitude].";
      msg += " Please specify these values in the [MINLON,MAXLON] parameters";
      throw iException::Message(iException::Pvl,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  int samples,lines;
  Pvl mapData;
  // Copy to preserve cube labels so we can match cube size
  if (userPvl.HasObject("IsisCube")) {
    mapData = userPvl;
  else {

  // *NOTE: The UpperLeftX,UpperLeftY keywords will not be used in the CreateForCube
  //   method, and they will instead be recalculated. This is correct.
  Projection *outproj = ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(mapData,samples,lines,

  // Set up the transform object which will simply map
  // output line/samps -> output lat/lons -> input line/samps
  Transform *transform = new map2map (icube->Samples(),

  // Allocate the output cube and add the mapping labels
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube ("TO", transform->OutputSamples(),

  PvlGroup cleanOutGrp = outproj->Mapping();

  // ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube updated mapData to have the correct
  //   upperleftcornerx, upperleftcornery, scale and resolution. Use these
  //   updated numbers.
  cleanOutGrp.AddKeyword(mapData.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse)["UpperLeftCornerX"], Pvl::Replace);
  cleanOutGrp.AddKeyword(mapData.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse)["UpperLeftCornerY"], Pvl::Replace);
  cleanOutGrp.AddKeyword(mapData.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse)["Scale"], Pvl::Replace);
  cleanOutGrp.AddKeyword(mapData.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse)["PixelResolution"], Pvl::Replace);


  // Set up the interpolator
  Interpolator *interp;
  if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "NEARESTNEIGHBOR") {
    interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::NearestNeighborType);
  else if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "BILINEAR") {
    interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::BiLinearType);
  else if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "CUBICCONVOLUTION") {
    interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::CubicConvolutionType);
  else {
    string msg = "Unknow value for INTERP [" + ui.GetString("INTERP") + "]";
    throw iException::Message(iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  // Warp the cube
  p.StartProcess(*transform, *interp);


  // Cleanup
  delete transform;
  delete interp;
コード例 #6
ファイル: himos.cpp プロジェクト: assutech/isis3
void IsisMain() {

  // Get the list of cubes to mosaic

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  FileList flist(ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST"));

  vector<Cube *> clist;
  try {
    if (flist.size() < 1) {
      string msg = "the list file [" +ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST") +
                   "does not contain any data";
      throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

    // open all the cube and place in vector clist  

    for (int i=0; i<(int)flist.size(); i++) {
      Cube *c = new Cube();

    // run the compair function here.  This will conpair the 
    // labels of the first cube to the labels of each following cube. 
    PvlKeyword sourceProductId("SourceProductId");
    string ProdId;
    for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Pvl *pmatch = clist[0]->Label();
      Pvl *pcomp = clist[i]->Label();
      CompareLabels(*pmatch, *pcomp);
      PvlGroup g = pcomp->FindGroup("Instrument",Pvl::Traverse);
      if (g.HasKeyword("StitchedProductIds")) {
        PvlKeyword k = g["StitchedProductIds"];
        for (int j=0; j<(int)k.Size(); j++) {
          sourceProductId += g["stitchedProductIds"][j];
      ProdId = (string)pmatch->FindGroup("Archive",Pvl::Traverse)["ObservationId"];
      iString bandname = (string)pmatch->FindGroup("BandBin",Pvl::Traverse)["Name"];
      bandname = bandname.UpCase();
      ProdId = ProdId + "_" + bandname;
    bool runXY=true;

    //calculate the min and max lon
    double minLat = DBL_MAX;
    double maxLat = -DBL_MAX;
    double minLon = DBL_MAX;
    double maxLon = -DBL_MAX;
    double avgLat;
    double avgLon;
    for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Projection *proj = clist[i]->Projection();
      if (proj->MinimumLatitude() < minLat) minLat = proj->MinimumLatitude();
      if (proj->MaximumLatitude() > maxLat) maxLat = proj->MaximumLatitude();
      if (proj->MinimumLongitude() < minLon) minLon = proj->MinimumLongitude();
      if (proj->MaximumLongitude() > maxLon) maxLon = proj->MaximumLongitude();
    avgLat = (minLat + maxLat) / 2;
    avgLon = (minLon + maxLon) / 2;
    Projection *proj = clist[0]->Projection();
    avgLat = proj->UniversalLatitude();
    avgLon = proj->UniversalLongitude();

    // Use camera class to get Inc., emi., phase, and other values
    double Cemiss;
    double Cphase;
    double Cincid;
    double ClocalSolTime;
    double CsolarLong;
    double CsunAzimuth;
    double CnorthAzimuth;
    for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Camera *cam = clist[i]->Camera();
      if (cam->SetUniversalGround(avgLat,avgLon)) {
        Cemiss = cam->EmissionAngle();
        Cphase = cam->PhaseAngle();
        Cincid = cam->IncidenceAngle();
        ClocalSolTime = cam->LocalSolarTime();
        CsolarLong = cam->SolarLongitude();
        CsunAzimuth = cam->SunAzimuth();
        CnorthAzimuth = cam->NorthAzimuth();
        runXY = false;

    //The code within the if runXY was added in 10/07 to find an intersect with
    //pole images that would fail when using projection set universal ground.  
    // This is run if no intersect is found when using lat and lon in 
    // projection space.
    if (runXY) {
      double startX = DBL_MAX;
      double endX = DBL_MIN;
      double startY = DBL_MAX;
      double endY =  DBL_MIN;
      for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) {
        Projection *proj = clist[i]->Projection();
        if (i==0) {
          startX = proj->XCoord();
          endY = proj->YCoord();
        else {
          if (proj->XCoord() < startX) startX =  proj->XCoord();
          if (proj->YCoord() > endY) endY = proj->YCoord();
        Pvl *p = clist[i]->Label();
        double nlines = p->FindGroup("Dimensions",Pvl::Traverse)["Lines"];
        double nsamps = p->FindGroup("Dimensions",Pvl::Traverse)["Samples"];

        if (i==0) {
          endX = proj->XCoord();
          startY = proj->YCoord();
        else {
          if (proj->XCoord() > endX) endX =  proj->XCoord();
          if (proj->YCoord() < startY) startY = proj->YCoord();

      double avgX = (startX + endX) / 2;
      double avgY = (startY + endY) / 2;
      double sample = proj->ToWorldX(avgX);
      double line = proj->ToWorldY(avgY);

      for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) {
        Camera *cam = clist[i]->Camera();
        if (cam->SetImage(sample,line)) {
          Cemiss = cam->EmissionAngle();
          Cphase = cam->PhaseAngle();
          Cincid = cam->IncidenceAngle();
          ClocalSolTime = cam->LocalSolarTime();
          CsolarLong = cam->SolarLongitude();
          CsunAzimuth = cam->SunAzimuth();
          CnorthAzimuth = cam->NorthAzimuth();
          runXY = false;
    if (runXY) {
      string msg = "Camera did not intersect images to gather stats";
      throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

    // get the min and max SCLK values ( do this with string comp.)
    // get the value from the original label blob
    string startClock;
    string stopClock;
    string startTime;
    string stopTime;
    for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) {
      OriginalLabel origLab;
      PvlGroup timegrp = origLab.ReturnLabels().FindGroup("TIME_PARAMETERS",Pvl::Traverse);
      if (i==0) {
        startClock = (string)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStartCount"];
        stopClock = (string)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStopCount"];
        startTime = (string)timegrp["StartTime"];
        stopTime = (string)timegrp["StopTime"];
      else {
        string testStartTime = (string)timegrp["StartTime"];
        string testStopTime = (string)timegrp["StopTime"];
        if (testStartTime < startTime) {
          startTime = testStartTime;
          startClock = (string)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStartCount"];
        if (testStopTime > stopTime) {
          stopTime = testStopTime;
          stopClock = (string)timegrp["spacecraftClockStopCount"];

    //  Concatenate all TDI's and summing and specialProcessingFlat into one keyword 
    PvlKeyword cpmmTdiFlag("cpmmTdiFlag");
    PvlKeyword cpmmSummingFlag("cpmmSummingFlag");
    PvlKeyword specialProcessingFlag("SpecialProcessingFlag");
    for (int i=0; i<14; i++) {
      cpmmTdiFlag +=(string)"";
      cpmmSummingFlag +=(string)"";
      specialProcessingFlag +=(string)"";

    for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Pvl *clab = clist[i]->Label();
      PvlGroup cInst = clab->FindGroup("Instrument",Pvl::Traverse);
      OriginalLabel cOrgLab;
      PvlGroup cGrp = cOrgLab.ReturnLabels().FindGroup("INSTRUMENT_SETTING_PARAMETERS",Pvl::Traverse);
      cpmmTdiFlag[(int)cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (string) cGrp["MRO:TDI"];
      cpmmSummingFlag[(int)cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (string) cGrp["MRO:BINNING"];

      if (cInst.HasKeyword("Special_Processing_Flag")) {
        specialProcessingFlag[cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (string) cInst["Special_Processing_Flag"];
      else {
        // there may not be the keyword Special_Processing_Flag if no
        //keyword then set the output to NOMINAL
        specialProcessingFlag[cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = "NOMINAL";

    // Get the blob of original labels from first image in list
    OriginalLabel org;

    //close all cubes
    for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) {
      delete clist[i];

    // automos step
    string list = ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST");
    string toMosaic = ui.GetFilename("TO");
    string MosaicPriority = ui.GetString("PRIORITY");

    string parameters = "FROMLIST=" + list + " MOSAIC=" + toMosaic + " PRIORITY=" + MosaicPriority;
    Isis::iApp ->Exec("automos",parameters);

    // write out new information to new group mosaic 

    PvlGroup mos("Mosaic");
    mos += PvlKeyword("ProductId ", ProdId);
    mos += PvlKeyword(sourceProductId); 
    mos += PvlKeyword("StartTime ", startTime);
    mos += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftClockStartCount ", startClock);
    mos += PvlKeyword("StopTime ", stopTime);
    mos += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftClockStopCount ", stopClock);
    mos += PvlKeyword("IncidenceAngle ", Cincid, "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("EmissionAngle ", Cemiss, "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("PhaseAngle ", Cphase, "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("LocalTime ", ClocalSolTime, "LOCALDAY/24");
    mos += PvlKeyword("SolarLongitude ", CsolarLong, "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("SubSolarAzimuth ", CsunAzimuth, "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("NorthAzimuth ", CnorthAzimuth, "DEG");
    mos += cpmmTdiFlag;
    mos += cpmmSummingFlag;
    mos += specialProcessingFlag;

    Cube mosCube;
    mosCube.Open(ui.GetFilename("TO"), "rw");
    PvlObject &lab=mosCube.Label()->FindObject("IsisCube");
    //add orginal label blob to the output cube

  catch (iException &e) {
    for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) {
      delete clist[i];
    string msg = "The mosaic [" + ui.GetFilename("TO") + "] was NOT created";
    throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);
} // end of isis main