コード例 #1
PxU32 physx::PxFindFaceIndex(const PxConvexMeshGeometry& convexGeom, const PxTransform& pose, 
	const PxVec3& impactPos, const PxVec3& unitDir)

	const PxVec3 impact = impactPos - unitDir * gEpsilon;

	const PxVec3 localPoint = pose.transformInv(impact);
	const PxVec3 localDir = pose.rotateInv(unitDir);

	// Create shape to vertex scale transformation matrix
	const PxMeshScale& meshScale = convexGeom.scale;
	const PxMat33 rot(meshScale.rotation);
	PxMat33 shape2VertexSkew = rot.getTranspose();
	const PxMat33 diagonal = PxMat33::createDiagonal(PxVec3(1.0f / meshScale.scale.x, 1.0f / meshScale.scale.y, 1.0f / meshScale.scale.z));
	shape2VertexSkew = shape2VertexSkew * diagonal;
	shape2VertexSkew = shape2VertexSkew * rot;

	const PxU32 nbPolys = convexGeom.convexMesh->getNbPolygons();
	PxU32 minIndex = 0;
	PxReal minD = PX_MAX_REAL;
	for (PxU32 j = 0; j < nbPolys; j++)
		PxHullPolygon hullPolygon;
		convexGeom.convexMesh->getPolygonData(j, hullPolygon);
		// transform hull plane into shape space
		PxPlane plane;
		const PxVec3 tmp = shape2VertexSkew.transformTranspose(PxVec3(hullPolygon.mPlane[0],hullPolygon.mPlane[1],hullPolygon.mPlane[2]));
		const PxReal denom = 1.0f / tmp.magnitude();
		plane.n = tmp * denom;
		plane.d = hullPolygon.mPlane[3] * denom;

		PxReal d = plane.distance(localPoint);
		if (d < 0.0f)

		const PxReal tweak = plane.n.dot(localDir) * gEpsilon;
		d += tweak;

		if (d < minD)
			minIndex = j;
			minD = d;
	return minIndex;
コード例 #2
/** Helper to transform a normal when non-uniform scale is present. */
static PxVec3 TransformNormalToShapeSpace(const PxMeshScale& meshScale, const PxVec3& nIn)
	// Uniform scale makes this unnecessary
	if (meshScale.scale.x == meshScale.scale.y &&
		meshScale.scale.x == meshScale.scale.z)
		return nIn;
	if (PxQuatIsIdentity(meshScale.rotation))
		// Inverse transpose: inverse is 1/scale, transpose = original when rotation is identity.
		const PxVec3 tmp = PxVec3(nIn.x / meshScale.scale.x, nIn.y / meshScale.scale.y, nIn.z / meshScale.scale.z);
		const PxReal denom = 1.0f / tmp.magnitude();
		return tmp * denom;
		const PxMat33 rot(meshScale.rotation);
		const PxMat33 diagonal = PxMat33::createDiagonal(meshScale.scale);
		const PxMat33 vertex2Shape = (rot.getTranspose() * diagonal) * rot;

		const PxMat33 shape2Vertex = vertex2Shape.getInverse();
		const PxVec3 tmp = shape2Vertex.transformTranspose(nIn);
		const PxReal denom = 1.0f / tmp.magnitude();
		return tmp * denom;
コード例 #3
void scalePlanes(PxPlane* scaledPlaneBuf, const Gu::ConvexHullData* convexHullData, const PxMat33& invScaling)
	PxU32 numPlanes = convexHullData->mNbPolygons;
	PxPlane* planeIt = scaledPlaneBuf; 
	const Gu::HullPolygonData* polygonIt = convexHullData->mPolygons;
	for(; numPlanes>0; --numPlanes, ++planeIt, ++polygonIt) 
		PxVec3 normal=polygonIt->mPlane.n;		
		PxF32 d=polygonIt->mPlane.d;
		normal = invScaling.transformTranspose(normal);		
		PxReal magnitude = normal.normalize();
		*planeIt = PxPlane(normal, d / magnitude);
コード例 #4
// Transform Vec4 (tangent) by PxMat33, ignoring tangent.w
PX_INLINE void transform_FLOAT4_by_PxMat33(FLOAT4_TYPE& dst, const FLOAT4_TYPE& src, const PxMat33& m)
	const PxVec4 source = (const PxVec4&)src;
	(PxVec4&)dst = PxVec4(m * source.getXYZ(), PxSign(m.getDeterminant()) * source.w);
コード例 #5
input scaledPlaneBuf needs a capacity of the number of planes in convexShape
void physx::collideWithConvex(PxPlane* scaledPlaneBuf, PxsParticleCollData* particleCollData, PxU32 numCollData, 
							  const Gu::GeometryUnion& convexShape, const PxReal proxRadius)

	const PxConvexMeshGeometryLL& convexShapeData = convexShape.get<const PxConvexMeshGeometryLL>();
	const Gu::ConvexHullData* convexHullData = convexShapeData.hullData;

	// convex bounds in local space
	PxMat33 scaling = convexShapeData.scale.toMat33(), invScaling;
	invScaling = scaling.getInverse();

	PxBounds3 shapeBounds = PxBounds3::transformFast(scaling, convexHullData->mAABB);
	bool scaledPlanes = false;	

	const Vec3V boundMin = V3LoadU(shapeBounds.minimum);
	const Vec3V boundMax = V3LoadU(shapeBounds.maximum);	
	const Vec4V boundMinX = V4SplatElement<0>(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(boundMin));
	const Vec4V boundMinY = V4SplatElement<1>(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(boundMin));
	const Vec4V boundMinZ = V4SplatElement<2>(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(boundMin));
	const Vec4V boundMaxX = V4SplatElement<0>(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(boundMax));
	const Vec4V boundMaxY = V4SplatElement<1>(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(boundMax));
	const Vec4V boundMaxZ = V4SplatElement<2>(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(boundMax));

	PxsParticleCollDataV4 collDataV4;	

	const VecU32V u4Zero = VecU32VLoadXYZW(0,0,0,0);
	const VecU32V u4One = VecU32VLoadXYZW(1,1,1,1);
	PX_ALIGN(16, PxsParticleCollData fakeCsd);
	fakeCsd.localOldPos = PxVec3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
	fakeCsd.localNewPos = PxVec3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
	PX_ALIGN(16, PxU32 overlapArray[128]);

	PxU32 start = 0;
	while(start < numCollData)
		const PxU32 batchSize = PxMin(numCollData-start, (PxU32)128);
		PxU32 v4Count = 0;
		PxsParticleCollData* particleCollDataIt = &particleCollData[start];
		for(PxU32 i=0; i<batchSize; i+=4)
			PxsParticleCollData* collData[4];
			collData[0] = particleCollDataIt++;
			collData[1] = (i+1 < numCollData) ? particleCollDataIt++ : &fakeCsd;
			collData[2] = (i+2 < numCollData) ? particleCollDataIt++ : &fakeCsd;
			collData[3] = (i+3 < numCollData) ? particleCollDataIt++ : &fakeCsd;

			Vec4V oldPosV0 = V4LoadU((PxF32*)&collData[0]->localOldPos);  
			Vec4V newPosV0 = V4LoadU((PxF32*)&collData[0]->localNewPos);
			Vec4V oldPosV1 = V4LoadU((PxF32*)&collData[1]->localOldPos);
			Vec4V newPosV1 = V4LoadU((PxF32*)&collData[1]->localNewPos);
			Vec4V oldPosV2 = V4LoadU((PxF32*)&collData[2]->localOldPos);
			Vec4V newPosV2 = V4LoadU((PxF32*)&collData[2]->localNewPos);
			Vec4V oldPosV3 = V4LoadU((PxF32*)&collData[3]->localOldPos);
			Vec4V newPosV3 = V4LoadU((PxF32*)&collData[3]->localNewPos);

			Vec4V particleMin0 = V4Min(oldPosV0, newPosV0);
			Vec4V particleMax0 = V4Max(oldPosV0, newPosV0);
			Vec4V particleMin1 = V4Min(oldPosV1, newPosV1);
			Vec4V particleMax1 = V4Max(oldPosV1, newPosV1);
			Vec4V particleMin2 = V4Min(oldPosV2, newPosV2);
			Vec4V particleMax2 = V4Max(oldPosV2, newPosV2);
			Vec4V particleMin3 = V4Min(oldPosV3, newPosV3);
			Vec4V particleMax3 = V4Max(oldPosV3, newPosV3);

			Mat44V particleMin44(particleMin0, particleMin1, particleMin2, particleMin3);
			const Mat44V particleMinTrans44 = M44Trnsps(particleMin44);
			Mat44V particleMax44(particleMax0, particleMax1, particleMax2, particleMax3);
			const Mat44V particleMaxTrans44 = M44Trnsps(particleMax44);

			BoolV mask = V4IsGrtr(boundMaxX, particleMinTrans44.col0); 
			mask = BAnd(V4IsGrtr(boundMaxY, particleMinTrans44.col1), mask); 
			mask = BAnd(V4IsGrtr(boundMaxZ, particleMinTrans44.col2), mask); 
			mask = BAnd(V4IsGrtr(particleMaxTrans44.col0, boundMinX), mask); 
			mask = BAnd(V4IsGrtr(particleMaxTrans44.col1, boundMinY), mask); 
			mask = BAnd(V4IsGrtr(particleMaxTrans44.col2, boundMinZ), mask); 

			VecU32V overlap4 = V4U32Sel(mask, u4One, u4Zero);

		particleCollDataIt = &particleCollData[start];
		for(PxU32 k=0; k<batchSize; k++, ++particleCollDataIt)
			if (overlapArray[k])
					scalePlanes(scaledPlaneBuf, convexHullData, invScaling);
					scaledPlanes = true;

				collDataV4.localOldPos[v4Count].v3 = particleCollDataIt->localOldPos;
				collDataV4.localNewPos[v4Count].v3 = particleCollDataIt->localNewPos;			
				collDataV4.localFlags[v4Count] = particleCollDataIt->localFlags;				
				collDataV4.restOffset[v4Count] = particleCollDataIt->restOffset;
				collDataV4.ccTime[v4Count] = particleCollDataIt->ccTime;
				collDataV4.collData[v4Count] = particleCollDataIt;

			if(v4Count == 4  || (v4Count > 0 && (k == batchSize-1)))
				collideWithConvexPlanesSIMD(collDataV4, scaledPlaneBuf, convexHullData->mNbPolygons, proxRadius);

				for(PxU32 j =0 ; j < v4Count; j++)
					PxsParticleCollData* collData = collDataV4.collData[j];						
					PxU32 stateFlag = collDataV4.localFlags[j];
						collData->localFlags |= stateFlag;
						collData->ccTime = collDataV4.ccTime[j];							
						collData->localSurfaceNormal = collDataV4.localSurfaceNormal[j].v3;
						collData->localSurfacePos = collDataV4.localSurfacePos[j].v3;
				v4Count = 0;
		start += batchSize;

	PxsParticleCollData* particleCollDataIt = particleCollData;
	for(PxU32 i=0; i<numCollData; ++i, ++particleCollDataIt)
		PxBounds3 particleBounds = PxBounds3::boundsOfPoints(particleCollDataIt->localOldPos, particleCollDataIt->localNewPos);

		if (particleBounds.intersects(shapeBounds))
				scalePlanes(scaledPlaneBuf, convexHullData, invScaling);
				scaledPlanes = true;

			collideWithConvexPlanes(*particleCollDataIt, scaledPlaneBuf, convexHullData->mNbPolygons, proxRadius);