void Small::saveInstance(){ QCString store; QCString temp; store.append("MAX_CID="); store.append(w->spinBox2->text()); store.append("\nMRRU="); store.append(w->spinBox3->text()); store.append("\nLARGE_CID="); if(w->checkBox1->isChecked()) store.append("YES"); else store.append("NO"); store.append("\nCONNECTION_TYPE="); // store.append(w->comboBox1->text(w->comboBox1->currentItem())); // temp = new QCString(); // temp = w->comboBox1->currentItem(); temp.setNum(w->comboBox1->currentItem()); store.append(temp); store.append("\nFEEDBACK_FREQ="); temp.setNum(w->slider2->value()); store.append(temp); store.append("\nROHC_ENABLE="); if(w->checkBox2->isChecked()) store.append("YES\n"); else store.append("NO\n"); // KMessageBox::information(this, store); editMode(false); w->pushButton2_2->setOn(false); object->writeProc(store); }
void KConfigBase::writeEntry(const char *pKey, const QSize &rSize, bool bPersistent, bool bGlobal, bool bNLS) { QStrList list; QCString tempstr; list.insert(0, tempstr.setNum(rSize.width())); list.insert(1, tempstr.setNum(rSize.height())); writeEntry(pKey, list, ',', bPersistent, bGlobal, bNLS); }
void KConfigBase::writeEntry(const char *pKey, const QRect &rRect, bool bPersistent, bool bGlobal, bool bNLS) { QStrList list; QCString tempstr; list.insert(0, tempstr.setNum(rRect.left())); list.insert(1, tempstr.setNum(rRect.top())); list.insert(2, tempstr.setNum(rRect.width())); list.insert(3, tempstr.setNum(rRect.height())); writeEntry(pKey, list, ',', bPersistent, bGlobal, bNLS); }
QCString KDevSvnd::sslPasswdDlg(QString promptMsg) { QCString passwd; int ret = KPasswordDialog::getPassword( passwd,promptMsg ); if( ret == KPasswordDialog::Accepted ){ QCString retstr; retstr.setNum(1); return retstr + passwd; } else{ QCString nullstr; nullstr.setNum(-1); return nullstr; } }
static void format_warn(const char *file,int line,const char *text) { QCString fileSubst = file==0 ? "<unknown>" : file; QCString lineSubst; lineSubst.setNum(line); QCString textSubst = text; QCString versionSubst; if (file) // get version from file name { bool ambig; FileDef *fd=findFileDef(Doxygen::inputNameDict,file,ambig); if (fd) { versionSubst = fd->getVersion(); } } // substitute markers by actual values QCString msgText = substitute( substitute( substitute( substitute( outputFormat, "$file",fileSubst ), "$text",textSubst ), "$line",lineSubst ), "$version",versionSubst )+'\n'; // print resulting message fwrite(msgText.data(),1,msgText.length(),warnFile); }
void KNNntpClient::doFetchArticle() { KNRemoteArticle *target = static_cast<KNRemoteArticle *>(job->data()); QCString cmd; sendSignal(TSdownloadArticle); errorPrefix = i18n("Article could not be retrieved.\nThe following error occurred:\n"); progressValue = 100; predictedLines = target->lines()->numberOfLines() + 10; if(target->collection()) { QString groupName = static_cast<KNGroup *>(target->collection())->groupname(); if(currentGroup != groupName) { cmd = "GROUP "; cmd += groupName.utf8(); if(!sendCommandWCheck(cmd, 211)) // 211 n f l s group selected return; currentGroup = groupName; } } if(target->articleNumber() != -1) { cmd.setNum(target->articleNumber()); cmd.prepend("ARTICLE "); } else { cmd = "ARTICLE " + target->messageID()->as7BitString(false); } if(!sendCommandWCheck(cmd, 220)) // 220 n <a> article retrieved - head and body follow { int code = atoi(getCurrentLine()); if(code == 430 || code == 423) // 430 no such article found || 423 no such article number in this group { QString msgId = target->messageID()->as7BitString(false); // strip of '<' and '>' msgId = msgId.mid(1, msgId.length() - 2); job->setErrorString(errorPrefix + getCurrentLine() + i18n("<br><br>The article you requested is not available on your news server." "<br>You could try to get it from <a href=\"http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=%1\">groups.google.com</a>.") .arg(msgId)); } return; } QStrList msg; if(!getMsg(msg)) return; progressValue = 1000; sendSignal(TSprogressUpdate); target->setContent(&msg); target->parse(); }
void KoXmlWriter::addAttributePt( const char* attrName, double value ) { QCString str; str.setNum( value, 'g', DBL_DIG ); str += "pt"; addAttribute( attrName, str.data() ); }
void UmlClass::html() { QCString s; UmlCom::message(name()); if (stereotype() == "stereotype") start_file("stereotype" + s.setNum((unsigned) getIdentifier()), "Stereotype " + name(), TRUE); else if (stereotype() == "metaclass") start_file("metaclass" + s.setNum((unsigned) getIdentifier()), "Metaclass " + name(), TRUE); else start_file("class" + s.setNum((unsigned) getIdentifier()), "Class " + name(), TRUE); define(); gen_html("", 0, 0); end_file(); unload(FALSE, FALSE); }
void FileIn::warning(QCString s) { QCString num; QCString warn = QCString("warning in ") + _path + " line " + num.setNum(_linenum) + " : " + s + "<br>"; UmlCom::trace(warn); }
QCString ConnectionHandler::makeKey(int _namespace, QCString s1, QCString s2, QCString s3) { QCString res; res.setNum(_namespace); res += "*"; res += s1 + "*" + s2 + "*" + s3; return res; }
void FileIn::error(QCString s) { QCString num; QCString err = QCString("error in ") + _path + " line " + num.setNum(_linenum) + " : " + s + "<br>"; UmlCom::trace(err); throw 0; }
void KConfigBase::writeEntry(const char *pKey, const QPoint &rPoint, bool bPersistent, bool bGlobal, bool bNLS) { QStrList list; QCString tempstr; list.insert(0, tempstr.setNum(rPoint.x())); list.insert(1, tempstr.setNum(rPoint.y())); writeEntry(pKey, list, ',', bPersistent, bGlobal, bNLS); }
void KConfigBase::writeEntry(const char *pKey, const QDateTime &rDateTime, bool bPersistent, bool bGlobal, bool bNLS) { QStrList list; QCString tempstr; QTime time = rDateTime.time(); QDate date = rDateTime.date(); list.insert(0, tempstr.setNum(date.year())); list.insert(1, tempstr.setNum(date.month())); list.insert(2, tempstr.setNum(date.day())); list.insert(3, tempstr.setNum(time.hour())); list.insert(4, tempstr.setNum(time.minute())); list.insert(5, tempstr.setNum(time.second())); writeEntry(pKey, list, ',', bPersistent, bGlobal, bNLS); }
void ConnectionHandler::sendExitCode() { if(!m_needExitCode) return; QCString buf; buf.setNum(m_exitCode); buf.prepend("OK "); buf.append("\n"); send(m_Fd, buf.data(), buf.length(), 0); }
void KJPitchText::timeUpdate(int) { QCString speed; if (!napp->player()->current()) return; Arts::PlayObject playobject = napp->player()->engine()->playObject(); Arts::PitchablePlayObject pitchable = Arts::DynamicCast(playobject); if (pitchable.isNull()) return; speed.setNum ( (int) ((float)pitchable.speed()*(float)100) ); prepareString ( speed ); }
static void do_warn(const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *fmt, va_list args) { if (!Config_getBool(tag)) return; // warning type disabled char text[40960]; vsprintf(text, fmt, args); QCString fileSubst = file==0 ? "<unknown>" : file; QCString lineSubst; lineSubst.setNum(line); QCString textSubst = text; QCString versionSubst; if (file) // get version from file name { bool ambig; FileDef *fd=findFileDef(Doxygen::inputNameDict,file,ambig); if (fd) { versionSubst = fd->getVersion(); } } // substitute markers by actual values QCString msgText = substitute( substitute( substitute( substitute( substitute( outputFormat, "$file",fileSubst ), "$text",textSubst ), "$line",lineSubst ), "$version",versionSubst ), "%","%%" )+'\n'; // print resulting message fprintf(warnFile,"%s",msgText.data()); }
bool KateSession::create(const QString &name, bool force) { if(!force && (name.isEmpty() || !m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty())) return false; delete m_writeConfig; m_writeConfig = 0; delete m_readConfig; m_readConfig = 0; m_sessionName = name; // get a usable filename int s = time(0); QCString tname; while(true) { tname.setNum(s++); KMD5 md5(tname); m_sessionFileRel = QString("%1.katesession").arg(md5.hexDigest().data()); if(!KGlobal::dirs()->exists(sessionFile())) break; } // create the file, write name to it! KSimpleConfig config(sessionFile()); config.setGroup("General"); config.writeEntry("Name", m_sessionName); config.sync(); // reinit ourselfs ;) init(); return true; }
extern "C" KDE_EXPORT int kdemain( int argc, char **argv ) { // here we go, construct the Kate version QString kateVersion = KateApp::kateVersion(); KAboutData aboutData ("kate", I18N_NOOP("Kate"), kateVersion.latin1(), I18N_NOOP( "Kate - Advanced Text Editor" ), KAboutData::License_LGPL_V2, I18N_NOOP( "(c) 2000-2005 The Kate Authors" ), 0, "http://kate.kde.org"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Christoph Cullmann", I18N_NOOP("Maintainer"), "*****@*****.**", "http://www.babylon2k.de"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Anders Lund", I18N_NOOP("Core Developer"), "*****@*****.**", "http://www.alweb.dk"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Joseph Wenninger", I18N_NOOP("Core Developer"), "*****@*****.**","http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e9925371"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Hamish Rodda",I18N_NOOP("Core Developer"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Waldo Bastian", I18N_NOOP( "The cool buffersystem" ), "*****@*****.**" ); aboutData.addAuthor ("Charles Samuels", I18N_NOOP("The Editing Commands"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Matt Newell", I18N_NOOP("Testing, ..."), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Michael Bartl", I18N_NOOP("Former Core Developer"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Michael McCallum", I18N_NOOP("Core Developer"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Jochen Wilhemly", I18N_NOOP( "KWrite Author" ), "*****@*****.**" ); aboutData.addAuthor ("Michael Koch",I18N_NOOP("KWrite port to KParts"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Christian Gebauer", 0, "*****@*****.**" ); aboutData.addAuthor ("Simon Hausmann", 0, "*****@*****.**" ); aboutData.addAuthor ("Glen Parker",I18N_NOOP("KWrite Undo History, Kspell integration"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Scott Manson",I18N_NOOP("KWrite XML Syntax highlighting support"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor ("John Firebaugh",I18N_NOOP("Patches and more"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor ("Dominik Haumann", I18N_NOOP("Developer & Highlight wizard"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit ("Matteo Merli",I18N_NOOP("Highlighting for RPM Spec-Files, Perl, Diff and more"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit ("Rocky Scaletta",I18N_NOOP("Highlighting for VHDL"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit ("Yury Lebedev",I18N_NOOP("Highlighting for SQL"),""); aboutData.addCredit ("Chris Ross",I18N_NOOP("Highlighting for Ferite"),""); aboutData.addCredit ("Nick Roux",I18N_NOOP("Highlighting for ILERPG"),""); aboutData.addCredit ("Carsten Niehaus", I18N_NOOP("Highlighting for LaTeX"),""); aboutData.addCredit ("Per Wigren", I18N_NOOP("Highlighting for Makefiles, Python"),""); aboutData.addCredit ("Jan Fritz", I18N_NOOP("Highlighting for Python"),""); aboutData.addCredit ("Daniel Naber","",""); aboutData.addCredit ("Roland Pabel",I18N_NOOP("Highlighting for Scheme"),""); aboutData.addCredit ("Cristi Dumitrescu",I18N_NOOP("PHP Keyword/Datatype list"),""); aboutData.addCredit ("Carsten Pfeiffer", I18N_NOOP("Very nice help"), ""); aboutData.addCredit (I18N_NOOP("All people who have contributed and I have forgotten to mention"),"",""); aboutData.setTranslator(I18N_NOOP2("NAME OF TRANSLATORS","Your names"), I18N_NOOP2("EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS","Your emails")); // command line args init and co KCmdLineArgs::init (argc, argv, &aboutData); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions (options); KCmdLineArgs::addTempFileOption(); KateApp::addCmdLineOptions (); // get our command line args ;) KCmdLineArgs* args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); // now, first try to contact running kate instance if needed if ( args->isSet("use") || (::getenv("KATE_PID")!=0) ) { DCOPClient client; client.attach (); // get all attached clients ;) QCStringList allClients = client.registeredApplications(); // search for a kate app client, use the first found QCString kateApp; if ( args->isSet("start") ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i < allClients.count(); i++) { if (allClients[i] == "kate" || allClients[i].left(5) == "kate-") { DCOPRef ref( allClients[i], "KateApplication" ); QString s = ref.call( "session" ); if ( QString(args->getOption("start")) == s ) { kateApp = allClients[i]; break; } } } } else if ( (args->isSet("pid")) || (::getenv("KATE_PID") !=0 ) ) { QCString tryApp; if ( args->isSet("pid") ) tryApp = args->getOption("pid"); else tryApp = ::getenv("KATE_PID"); if ( client.isApplicationRegistered( tryApp.prepend("kate-") ) ) kateApp = tryApp; } else { for (unsigned int i=0; i < allClients.count(); ++i) { if (allClients[i] == "kate" || allClients[i].left(5) == "kate-") { kateApp = allClients[i]; break; } } } // found a matching kate client ;) if (!kateApp.isEmpty()) { kdDebug () << "kate app: " << kateApp << endl; // make kdeinit happy client.registerAs( "kate" ); DCOPRef kRef (kateApp, "KateApplication"); if (args->isSet ("start")) kRef.call( "activateSession", QString (args->getOption("start")) ); QString enc = args->isSet("encoding") ? args->getOption("encoding") : QCString(""); bool tempfileSet = KCmdLineArgs::isTempFileSet(); for (int z=0; z<args->count(); z++) kRef.call( "openURL", args->url(z), enc, tempfileSet ); if( args->isSet( "stdin" ) ) { QTextIStream input(stdin); // set chosen codec QTextCodec *codec = args->isSet("encoding") ? QTextCodec::codecForName(args->getOption("encoding")) : 0; if (codec) input.setCodec (codec); QString line; QString text; do { line = input.readLine(); text.append( line + "\n" ); } while( !line.isNull() ); kRef.call( "openInput", text ); } int line = 0; int column = 0; bool nav = false; if (args->isSet ("line")) { line = args->getOption ("line").toInt(); nav = true; } if (args->isSet ("column")) { column = args->getOption ("column").toInt(); nav = true; } if (nav) kRef.call( "setCursor", line, column ); // since the user tried to open a document, let us assume [s]he // wants to see that document. // ### what to do about the infamous focus stealing prevention? uint mwn = kRef.call("activeMainWindowNumber"); QCString smwn; DCOPRef wRef( kateApp, QCString( "__KateMainWindow#") + smwn.setNum(mwn) ); if ( wRef.call("minimized") ) { if ( wRef.call( "maximized" ) ) wRef.call( "maximize" ); else wRef.call("restore"); } wRef.call( "raise" ); // stop startup notification KStartupInfo::appStarted( ); return 0; } } // construct the real kate app object ;) KateApp app (args); // app execution should already end :) if (app.shouldExit()) { return 0; } // execute ourself ;) return app.exec(); }
bool KSshProcess::setOptions(const SshOptList &opts) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::setOptions()" << endl; mArgs.clear(); SshOptListConstIterator it; QString cmd, subsystem; mPassword = mUsername = mHost = QString::null; QCString tmp; for(it = opts.begin(); it != opts.end(); ++it) { // kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "opt.opt = " << (*it).opt << endl; // kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "opt.str = " << (*it).str << endl; // kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "opt.num = " << (*it).num << endl; switch((*it).opt) { case SSH_VERBOSE: mArgs.append("-v"); break; case SSH_SUBSYSTEM: subsystem = (*it).str; break; case SSH_PORT: mArgs.append("-p"); tmp.setNum((*it).num); mArgs.append(tmp); mPort = (*it).num; break; case SSH_HOST: mHost = (*it).str; break; case SSH_USERNAME: mArgs.append("-l"); mArgs.append((*it).str.latin1()); mUsername = (*it).str; break; case SSH_PASSWD: mPassword = (*it).str; break; case SSH_PROTOCOL: if(mVersion <= OPENSSH) { tmp = "Protocol="; tmp += QString::number((*it).num).latin1(); mArgs.append("-o"); mArgs.append(tmp); } else if(mVersion <= SSH) { if((*it).num == 1) { mArgs.append("-1"); } // else uses version 2 by default } break; case SSH_FORWARDX11: tmp = "ForwardX11="; tmp += (*it).boolean ? "yes" : "no"; mArgs.append("-o"); mArgs.append(tmp); break; case SSH_FORWARDAGENT: tmp = "ForwardAgent="; tmp += (*it).boolean ? "yes" : "no"; mArgs.append("-o"); mArgs.append(tmp); break; case SSH_ESCAPE_CHAR: if((*it).num == -1) tmp = "none"; else tmp = (char)((*it).num); mArgs.append("-e"); mArgs.append(tmp); break; case SSH_OPTION: // don't allow NumberOfPasswordPrompts or StrictHostKeyChecking // since KSshProcess depends on specific setting of these for // preforming authentication correctly. tmp = (*it).str.latin1(); if(tmp.contains("NumberOfPasswordPrompts") || tmp.contains("StrictHostKeyChecking")) { mError = ERR_INVALID_OPT; return false; } else { mArgs.append("-o"); mArgs.append(tmp); } break; case SSH_COMMAND: cmd = (*it).str; break; default: kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::setOptions(): " "unrecognized ssh opt " << (*it).opt << endl; } } if(!subsystem.isEmpty() && !cmd.isEmpty()) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::setOptions(): " "cannot use a subsystem and command at the same time" << endl; mError = ERR_CMD_SUBSYS_CONFLICT; mErrorMsg = i18n("Cannot specify a subsystem and command at the same time."); return false; } // These options govern the behavior of ssh and // cannot be defined by the user // mArgs.append("-o"); // mArgs.append("StrictHostKeyChecking=ask"); mArgs.append("-v"); // So we get a message that the // connection was successful if(mVersion <= OPENSSH) { // nothing } else if(mVersion <= SSH) { mArgs.append("-o"); // So we can check if the connection was successful mArgs.append("AuthenticationSuccessMsg=yes"); } if(mHost.isEmpty()) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::setOptions(): " "a host name must be supplied" << endl; return false; } else { mArgs.append(mHost.latin1()); } if(!subsystem.isEmpty()) { mArgs.append("-s"); mArgs.append(subsystem.latin1()); } if(!cmd.isEmpty()) { mArgs.append(cmd.latin1()); } return true; }
QCString File::context() { QCString s; return QCString(name()) + " line " + s.setNum(line_number); }
void UmlDiagram::html(QCString, unsigned int, unsigned int) { UmlCom::message(name()); define(); QCString s; s.setNum(getIdentifier()); s = "fig" + s + ((svg) ? ".svg" : ".png"); saveIn(directory + s); if (svg) { fw.write("<p align=\"center\"><embed src=\""); fw.write(s); fw.write('"'); s = directory + s; FILE * fp = fopen((const char *) s, "r"); if (fp != 0) { char line[256]; (void) fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp); // <?xml version="1.0" ... (void) fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp); // <!-- Created with Bouml ... (void) fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp); // <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC ... (void) fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp); // <svg width="495" height="560" version=... fclose(fp); char * p = strstr(line, " version="); if (p != 0) { *p = 0; fw.write(line+4); } } fw.write("/></p>\n"); } else { fw.write("<p align=\"center\"><img src=\""); fw.write(s); fw.write("\" alt=\"\" /></p>\n"); } fw.write(" <p align=\"center\"><b>"); writeq(name()); fw.write("</b></p><p><br /></p><p><br /></p>\n"); s = description(); if (!s.isEmpty()) { fw.write("<p>"); writeq(description()); fw.write("<br /></p>"); } write_properties(); unload(FALSE, FALSE); }