コード例 #1
//! [Example of an asynchronous request slot]
void AsyncRequestExample::contactFetchRequestStateChanged(QContactAbstractRequest::State newState)
    if (newState == QContactAbstractRequest::FinishedState) {
        QContactFetchRequest *request = qobject_cast<QContactFetchRequest*>(QObject::sender());
        if (request->error() != QContactManager::NoError) {
            qDebug() << "Error" << request->error() << "occurred during fetch request!";

        QList<QContact> results = request->contacts();
        for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
            qDebug() << "Retrieved contact:" << results.at(i).displayLabel();
    } else if (newState == QContactAbstractRequest::CanceledState) {
        qDebug() << "Fetch operation canceled!";
コード例 #2
/* One of our subrequests has finished.  Go to the next step. */
void FetchByIdRequestController::handleFinishedSubRequest(QContactAbstractRequest* subReq)
    // It's possibly already finished if this function is called asynchronously and waitForFinished
    // had previously been called
    if (isFinished())

    // For a FetchByIdRequest, we know that the only subrequest is a QContactFetchRequest.
    // The next step is simply to take the results and reformat it.
    // Take the results:
    QContactFetchRequest* qcfr = qobject_cast<QContactFetchRequest*>(subReq);
    QList<QContact> contacts = qcfr->contacts();
    QContactManager::Error error = qcfr->error();

    // Build an index into the results
    QHash<QContactLocalId, QContact> idMap;
    if (error == QContactManager::NoError) {
        foreach (const QContact& contact, contacts) {
            idMap.insert(contact.localId(), contact);