コード例 #1
 * Saves the contacts to the Etel store. Only part of the contact's details
 * can be saved, and some fields may be trimmed to fit to the SIM card.
 * \param contacts Contact to be saved.
 * \param qtError Qt error code.
 * \return Error status.
bool CntSymbianSimEngine::saveContacts(QList<QContact>* contacts, QMap<int, QContactManager::Error>* errorMap, QContactManager::Error* error)
    if (!contacts) {
        *error = QContactManager::BadArgumentError;
        return false;
    QContactSaveRequest req;
    executeRequest(&req, error);
    if (errorMap)
        *errorMap = req.errorMap();
    *contacts = req.contacts();
    return (*error == QContactManager::NoError );