void MainWindow::on_about() { QCoreApplication * app = QCoreApplication::instance(); QMessageBox::about(this, app->applicationName(), app->applicationName() + ": example of Qt using marnav\n\nVersion: " + app->applicationVersion() + "\n\nSee file: LICENSE"); }
KPluginInfo::List PluginLoader::listAppletInfoForUrl(const QUrl &url) { QString parentApp; QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app) { parentApp = app->applicationName(); } auto filter = [&parentApp](const KPluginMetaData &md) -> bool { const QString pa = md.value(QStringLiteral("X-KDE-ParentApp")); return (pa.isEmpty() || pa == parentApp) && !md.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-DropUrlPatterns")).isEmpty(); }; KPluginInfo::List allApplets = KPluginInfo::fromMetaData(KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->findPackages("Plasma/Applet", QString(), filter).toVector()); KPluginInfo::List filtered; foreach (const KPluginInfo &info, allApplets) { QStringList urlPatterns = info.property("X-Plasma-DropUrlPatterns").toStringList(); foreach (const QString &glob, urlPatterns) { QRegExp rx(glob); rx.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); if (rx.exactMatch(url.toString())) { #ifndef NDEBUG // qCDebug(LOG_PLASMA) << info.name() << "matches" << glob << url; #endif filtered << info; } }
void MainWindow::getMayaWindow() { QCoreApplication* app = qApp; if (app) { cout << "Application name is '" << app->applicationName().toStdString() << "'" << endl; } else { cout << "No maya app detected: " << app << endl; } }
void MainWindow::on_about_qt() { QCoreApplication * app = QCoreApplication::instance(); QMessageBox::aboutQt(this, app->applicationName()); }
QSqlDatabase SObjectManager::Private::connection() { if (!mConnection.isValid()) { QString databasePath; QCoreApplication *a = QCoreApplication::instance(); QString orgName = a->organizationName(); QString appName = a->applicationName(); a->setOrganizationName(QLatin1String("saesu")); a->setApplicationName(QLatin1String("clouds")); databasePath = QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation); QDir dirPath(databasePath); if (!dirPath.exists()) dirPath.mkpath(databasePath); // restore app name/org details a->setOrganizationName(orgName); a->setApplicationName(appName); mConnection = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", QLatin1String("saesu-cloud://") + mTableName); mConnection.setDatabaseName(databasePath + "/" + mTableName); if (!mConnection.open()) { // TODO: error handling sWarning() << "Couldn't open database"; return mConnection; } const int currentDbVersion = 3; // TODO: make this work with multiple ObjectManagers if (!mConnection.tables().contains("_saesu")) { QSqlQuery q(mConnection); mConnection.transaction(); // create table(s) sDebug() << "Creating tables"; q.exec("CREATE TABLE _saesu (version integer)"); q.exec("INSERT INTO _saesu VALUES (" + QString::number(currentDbVersion) + ")"); q.exec("CREATE TABLE objects (key primary key, timestamp integer, hash blob, object blob)"); q.exec("CREATE TABLE deletelist (key primary key, timestamp integer)"); mConnection.commit(); } else { QSqlQuery q(mConnection); mConnection.transaction(); sDebug() << "Checking for migration"; q.exec("SELECT version FROM _saesu"); q.next(); qint64 dbVersion = q.value(0).toLongLong(); switch (dbVersion) { case currentDbVersion: sDebug() << "Database up to date"; break; case 1: case 2: // need to add a 'deletelist' table. q.exec("CREATE TABLE deletelist (key primary key, timestamp integer)"); sDebug() << "Migrated successfully from schema v1"; break; default: qCritical("I don't understand schema version!"); } q.exec("UPDATE _saesu SET version = '" + QString::number(currentDbVersion) + "'"); mConnection.commit(); } } return mConnection; }