bool SessionManager::registerDBus() { QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); // Start the D-Bus service (void)new SessionAdaptor(this); if (!bus.registerObject(objectPath, this)) { qWarning() << "Couldn't register /U2TSession D-Bus object:" << qPrintable(bus.lastError().message()); return false; } if (!bus.registerService(interfaceName)) { qWarning() << "Couldn't register io.u2t.session D-Bus service:" << qPrintable(bus.lastError().message()); return false; } qDebug() << "Registered" << interfaceName << "D-Bus interface"; // Register process launcher service if (!m_launcher->registerInterface()) return false; // // // Register screen saver interface // if (!m_screenSaver->registerInterface()) // return false; return true; }
bool registerInstance(Gui::MainWindow *window, QString &error) { QDBusConnection conn = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); if (!conn.isConnected()) { error = conn.lastError().message(); return false; } bool serviceOk = conn.registerService(service()); if (!serviceOk) { error = conn.lastError().message(); return false; } MainWindowBridge *object = new MainWindowBridge(window); bool objectOk = conn.registerObject(path, object, QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots); if (!objectOk) { error = conn.lastError().message(); delete object; conn.unregisterService(service()); return false; } return true; }
FakeAccounts::FakeAccounts(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_lastUid(1000) { QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); if (!bus.registerObject(QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/Accounts"), this)) qFatal("Unable to register object: %s", qPrintable(bus.lastError().message())); if (!bus.registerService(QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.Accounts"))) qFatal("Unable to register service: %s", qPrintable(bus.lastError().message())); }
void NetctlHelper::createInterface() { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG; QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::systemBus(); if (!bus.registerService(DBUS_HELPER_SERVICE)) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not register service"; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << bus.lastError().message(); return quitHelper(); } if (!bus.registerObject(DBUS_LIB_PATH, new NetctlAdaptor(this, debug, configuration), QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents)) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not register library object"; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << bus.lastError().message(); return quitHelper(); } if (!bus.registerObject(DBUS_CTRL_PATH, new ControlAdaptor(this, debug, configuration), QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents)) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not register control object"; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << bus.lastError().message(); return quitHelper(); } if (!bus.registerObject(DBUS_INTERFACE_PATH, new InterfaceAdaptor(this, debug, configuration), QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents)) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not register interface object"; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << bus.lastError().message(); return quitHelper(); } // session bus if (!session) return; QDBusConnection sessionBus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); if (!sessionBus.registerService(DBUS_HELPER_SERVICE)) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not register session service"; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << sessionBus.lastError().message(); } if (!sessionBus.registerObject(DBUS_LIB_PATH, new NetctlAdaptor(this, debug, configuration), QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents)) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not register session library object"; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << sessionBus.lastError().message(); } if (!sessionBus.registerObject(DBUS_CTRL_PATH, new ControlAdaptor(this, debug, configuration), QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents)) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not register session control object"; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << sessionBus.lastError().message(); } if (!sessionBus.registerObject(DBUS_INTERFACE_PATH, new InterfaceAdaptor(this, debug, configuration), QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents)) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not register session interface object"; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << bus.lastError().message(); return quitHelper(); } }
/*! Destroy this QCop service handling object. */ QtopiaAbstractService::~QtopiaAbstractService() { #if defined(QTOPIA_DBUS_IPC) QDBusConnection dbc = QDBus::sessionBus(); if (!dbc.isConnected()) { qWarning() << "Unable to connect to D-BUS:" << dbc.lastError(); return; } qLog(Services) << "Unregistering service" << m_data->m_service; QString path = dbusPathBase; path.append(m_data->m_service); dbc.unregisterObject(path); QDBusConnectionInterface *iface = dbc.interface(); QString service = dbusInterface; service.append("."); service.append(m_data->m_service); iface->unregisterService(service); #endif if (m_data) delete m_data; }
bool QNetworkManagerSettingsConnection::setConnections() { if(!isValid() ) return false; QDBusConnection dbusConnection = QDBusConnection::systemBus(); bool allOk = false; if(!dbusConnection.connect(d->service, d->path, QLatin1String(NM_DBUS_IFACE_SETTINGS_CONNECTION), QLatin1String("Updated"), this, SIGNAL(updated(QNmSettingsMap)))) { allOk = true; } else { QDBusError error = dbusConnection.lastError(); } delete nmDBusHelper; nmDBusHelper = new QNmDBusHelper(this); connect(nmDBusHelper, SIGNAL(pathForSettingsRemoved(QString)), this,SIGNAL(removed(QString))); if (!dbusConnection.connect(d->service, d->path, QLatin1String(NM_DBUS_IFACE_SETTINGS_CONNECTION), QLatin1String("Removed"), nmDBusHelper, SIGNAL(slotSettingsRemoved()))) { allOk = true; } return allOk; }
void Launcher::startup(const QString &app) { QDBusConnection dbc = QDBus::sessionBus(); if (!dbc.isConnected()) { fprintf(stderr, "QtopiaLauncher: Could not connect to DBUS bus\n"); exit(1); } bool r = dbc.connect(QString(), // Service "/DBusLauncher", // Path "com.trolltech.qtopia.DBusLauncher", // Interface "launched", // Name this, SLOT(handleSignalReceived(QString,QDBusMessage))); QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::methodCall("com.trolltech.qtopia.DBusLauncher", "/DBusLauncher", "com.trolltech.qtopia.DBusLauncher", "launch", dbc); message << app; bool ret = dbc.send(message); if (!ret) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to send message: %s", dbc.lastError().message().toAscii().constData()); m_app = app; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool detail::service_to_register_with_dbus::at_system_bus() { QDBusConnection con = dbus().system_bus(); if ( !con.isConnected() ) { qWarning() << "not connected to system bus"; return false; } if ( _M_op == REGISTER ) { bool result = con.registerService ( _M_service ); if ( result == false ) { qDebug() << "something went wrong when trying to register the DBUS service: " << _M_service; qDebug() << con.lastError(); return false; } return true; } else { if ( con.interface()->isServiceRegistered ( _M_service ) ) { return con.unregisterService ( _M_service ); } } return true; }
void DeclarativeDBusAdaptor::componentComplete() { QDBusConnection conn = DeclarativeDBus::connection(m_bus); // Register service name only if it has been set. if (!m_service.isEmpty()) { if (!conn.registerService(m_service)) { qmlInfo(this) << "Failed to register service" << m_service; qmlInfo(this) << conn.lastError().message(); } } // It is still valid to publish an object on the bus without first registering a service name, // a remote process would have to connect directly to the DBus address. if (!conn.registerVirtualObject(m_path, this)) { qmlInfo(this) << "Failed to register object" << m_path; qmlInfo(this) << conn.lastError().message(); } }
static QDBusConnectionInterface *tryToInitDBusConnection() { // Check the D-Bus connection health QDBusConnectionInterface *dbusService = 0; QDBusConnection sessionBus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); if (!sessionBus.isConnected() || !(dbusService = sessionBus.interface())) { kError() << "KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server: " << sessionBus.lastError().message() << endl; ::exit(255); } return dbusService; }
void MainController::creatDBusService() { // 用于建立到session bus的连接 QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); // 在session bus上注册名为"com.fcitx_qimpanel.hotel"的service if (!bus.registerService("com.fcitx_qimpanel.hotel")) { //注意命名规则-和_ qDebug() << bus.lastError().message(); exit(1); } // "QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots"表示把类Hotel的所有Slot都导出为这个Object的method bus.registerObject("/", mSelf ,QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots);//可以优化只导出需要的 }
SailorgramInterface::SailorgramInterface(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { new SailorgramAdaptor(this); QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); if(!connection.isConnected()) { qWarning("Cannot connect to the D-Bus session bus."); return; } if(!connection.registerService(SailorgramInterface::INTERFACE_NAME)) { qWarning() << connection.lastError().message(); return; } if(!connection.registerObject("/", this)) qWarning() << connection.lastError().message(); }
Callbacks::Callbacks() { new MediaCallbacksAdaptor( this ); QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::systemBus(); if ( !connection.isConnected() ) { qFatal( "Cannot connect to the D-Bus system bus" ); exit( 1 ); } connection.registerObject( "/Media", this ); if ( !connection.registerService( "org.opensuse.MediaCallbacks" ) ) { qDebug() << qPrintable( connection.lastError().message() ); exit( 1 ); } }
FakeUser::FakeUser(const QString &path, qlonglong uid, const QString &name, const QString &fullName, int accountType, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , cached(false) , m_uid(uid) , m_name(name) , m_fullName(fullName) , m_accountType(accountType) , m_path(QDBusObjectPath(path)) { QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); if (!bus.registerObject(path, this)) qFatal("Unable to register object: %s", qPrintable(bus.lastError().message())); }
void Timed::init_backup_object() { backup_object = new QObject ; new backup_t(this, backup_object) ; // XXX: what if we're using system bus: how should backup know this? // TODO: if using system bus, keep track of started/terminated sessions? (omg!) QDBusConnection conn = Maemo::Timed::bus() ; const char * const path = "/com/nokia/timed/backup" ; if (conn.registerObject(path, backup_object)) log_info("backup interface object registered on path '%s'", path) ; else { log_critical("failed to register backup object on path '%s': %s", path, conn.lastError().message().toStdString().c_str()) ; log_critical("backup/restore not available") ; } }
/** * main */ int main(int argc, char ** argv) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); DBusWatcher * watcher = new DBusWatcher; QDBusConnection conn = QDBusConnection::connectToBus( QDBusConnection::SystemBus, "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"); if(!conn.isConnected()) { qDebug() << "Oh. Connection failed:" << conn.lastError(); return -1; } conn.connect("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager", "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager", "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager", "StateChanged", "u", watcher, SLOT(watch(uint))); return app.exec(); }
void DeclarativeDBusInterface::call(const QString &method, const QJSValue &arguments) { QVariantList dbusArguments = argumentsFromScriptValue(arguments); QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall( m_service, m_path, m_interface, method); message.setArguments(dbusArguments); QDBusConnection conn = DeclarativeDBus::connection(m_bus); if (!conn.send(message)) qmlInfo(this) << conn.lastError(); }
void Timed::init_backup_dbus_name() { // We're using an another name for backup interface // to avoid mess while switching to system bus and back again (later) // XXX: But for now it's just the same connection as QDBusConnection conn = Maemo::Timed::bus() ; const char * const name = "" ; const string conn_name = ; if (conn.registerService(name)) log_info("service name '%s' registered on bus '%s'", name, conn_name.c_str()) ; else { const string msg = conn.lastError().message().toStdString() ; log_critical("can't register service '%s' on bus '%s': '%s'", name, conn_name.c_str(), msg.c_str()) ; log_critical("backup/restore not available") ; } }
ConnectionManager::SocketConnectionStatus ConnectionManager::setupSocketConnection() { QProcessEnvironment environment = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); QLatin1String one("1"); if (environment.value(QLatin1String("SSO_USE_PEER_BUS"), one) != one) { return SocketConnectionUnavailable; } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) QString runtimeDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::RuntimeLocation); #else QString runtimeDir = environment.value(QLatin1String("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")); #endif if (runtimeDir.isEmpty()) return SocketConnectionUnavailable; QString socketFileName = QString::fromLatin1("unix:path=%1/" SIGNOND_SOCKET_FILENAME).arg(runtimeDir); static int count = 0; QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::connectToPeer(socketFileName, QString(QLatin1String("libsignon-qt%1")).arg(count++)); if (!connection.isConnected()) { QDBusError error = connection.lastError(); QString name =; BLAME() << "p2p error:" << error << error.type(); if (name == QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound") && m_serviceStatus != ServiceActivated) { return SocketConnectionNoService; } else { return SocketConnectionUnavailable; } } m_connection = connection; m_connection.connect(QString(), QLatin1String("/org/freedesktop/DBus/Local"), QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.DBus.Local"), QLatin1String("Disconnected"), this, SLOT(onDisconnected())); return SocketConnectionOk; }
QBluetoothPasskeyAgent_Private::QBluetoothPasskeyAgent_Private(QBluetoothPasskeyAgent *parent, const QString &name) : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent) { m_parent = parent; m_name = name; m_error = QBluetoothPasskeyAgent::NoError; QDBusConnection dbc = QDBusConnection::systemBus(); if (!dbc.isConnected()) { qWarning() << "Unable to connect to D-BUS:" << dbc.lastError(); return; } QString path = "/" + m_name; if(dbc.registerObject(path, parent)) qLog(Bluetooth) << "Registered pairing agent object on dbus path=" << path; else qWarning() << "Registering BT pairing agent object on dbus failed"; }
QBluetoothPasskeyAgent_Private::QBluetoothPasskeyAgent_Private(QBluetoothPasskeyAgent *parent, const QString &name) : QObject(parent) { m_parent = parent; m_name = name; m_error = QBluetoothPasskeyAgent::NoError; QDBusConnection dbc = QDBusConnection::systemBus(); if (!dbc.isConnected()) { qWarning() << "Unable to connect to D-BUS:" << dbc.lastError(); return; } QString path = m_name; path.prepend('/'); new PasskeyAgentDBusAdaptor(this); dbc.registerObject(path, this, QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableSlots); }
/*! Publishes all slots on this object within subclasses of QtopiaAbstractService. This is typically called from a subclass constructor. */ void QtopiaAbstractService::publishAll() { #if defined(QTOPIA_DBUS_IPC) QDBusConnection dbc = QDBus::sessionBus(); if (!dbc.isConnected()) { qWarning() << "Unable to connect to D-BUS:" << dbc.lastError(); return; } qLog(Services) << "Registering service" << m_data->m_service; QDBusConnectionInterface *iface = dbc.interface(); QString service = dbusInterface; service.append("."); service.append(m_data->m_service); if (iface->registerService(service) == QDBusConnectionInterface::ServiceNotRegistered) { qWarning() << "WARNING: could not request name" << service; return; } new QtopiaDBusAdaptor(this); QString path = dbusPathBase; path.append(m_data->m_service); dbc.registerObject(path, this, QDBusConnection::ExportNonScriptableSlots); #else const QMetaObject *meta = metaObject(); if ( !m_data->m_publishAllCalled ) { int count = meta->methodCount(); int index = QtopiaAbstractService::staticMetaObject.methodCount(); for ( ; index < count; ++index ) { QMetaMethod method = meta->method( index ); if ( method.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot && method.access() == QMetaMethod::Public) { QByteArray name = method.signature(); QtopiaIpcAdaptor::connect(m_data->m_copobject, "3" + name, this, "1" + name); } } m_data->m_publishAllCalled = true; } #endif }
Kandas::Daemon::Engine::Engine() : QObject() , m_clean(true) , m_clientCount(0) , m_system(Kandas::SystemUnchecked) { //auto refresh connect(&m_autoRefreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refreshData())); //D-Bus new KandasAdaptor(this); QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::systemBus(); if (!bus.registerService("org.kandas")) { kError() << "Could not register service. D-Bus returned:" << bus.lastError().message(); m_clean = false; } else bus.registerObject("/", this); //schedule initial data updates QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(refreshData())); }
HomeApplication::HomeApplication(int &argc, char **argv, const QString &qmlPath) : QGuiApplication(argc, argv) , _mainWindowInstance(0) , _qmlPath(qmlPath) , originalSigIntHandler(signal(SIGINT, quitSignalHandler)) , originalSigTermHandler(signal(SIGTERM, quitSignalHandler)) , updatesEnabled(true) , homeReadySent(false) , onUpdatesDisabledUnfocusedWindowId(0) { setApplicationName("Lipstick"); // TODO: autogenerate this from tags setApplicationVersion(VERSION); QTranslator *engineeringEnglish = new QTranslator(this); engineeringEnglish->load("lipstick_eng_en", "/usr/share/translations"); installTranslator(engineeringEnglish); QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(this); translator->load(QLocale(), "lipstick", "-", "/usr/share/translations"); installTranslator(translator); // Initialize the QML engine qmlEngine = new QQmlEngine(this); // Initialize the notification manager NotificationManager::instance(); new NotificationPreviewPresenter(this); // Create screen lock logic - not parented to "this" since destruction happens too late in that case screenLock = new ScreenLock; LipstickSettings::instance()->setScreenLock(screenLock); new ScreenLockAdaptor(screenLock); deviceLock = new DeviceLock(this); new DeviceLockAdaptor(deviceLock); volumeControl = new VolumeControl; new BatteryNotifier(this); new DiskSpaceNotifier(this); new ThermalNotifier(this); usbModeSelector = new USBModeSelector(this); connect(usbModeSelector, SIGNAL(dialogShown()), screenLock, SLOT(unlockScreen())); shutdownScreen = new ShutdownScreen(this); new ShutdownScreenAdaptor(shutdownScreen); connectionSelector = new ConnectionSelector(this); // MCE and usb-moded expect services to be registered on the system bus QDBusConnection systemBus = QDBusConnection::systemBus(); if (!systemBus.registerService(LIPSTICK_DBUS_SERVICE_NAME)) { qWarning("Unable to register D-Bus service %s: %s", LIPSTICK_DBUS_SERVICE_NAME, systemBus.lastError().message().toUtf8().constData()); } new HomeApplicationAdaptor(this); registerDBusObject(systemBus, LIPSTICK_DBUS_PATH, this); registerDBusObject(systemBus, LIPSTICK_DBUS_SCREENLOCK_PATH, screenLock); registerDBusObject(systemBus, LIPSTICK_DBUS_DEVICELOCK_PATH, deviceLock); registerDBusObject(systemBus, LIPSTICK_DBUS_SHUTDOWN_PATH, shutdownScreen); ScreenshotService *screenshotService = new ScreenshotService(this); new ScreenshotServiceAdaptor(screenshotService); QDBusConnection sessionBus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); registerDBusObject(sessionBus, LIPSTICK_DBUS_SCREENSHOT_PATH, screenshotService); connect(this, SIGNAL(homeReady()), this, SLOT(sendStartupNotifications())); }
static void registerDBusObject(QDBusConnection &bus, const char *path, QObject *object) { if (!bus.registerObject(path, object)) { qWarning("Unable to register object at path %s: %s", path, bus.lastError().message().toUtf8().constData()); } }
/** * Constructive constructor takes no parameters. */ StratumsphereTrayIcon::StratumsphereTrayIcon() : QObject(0), nam_(0), trayMenu_(0), trayIcon_(0), status_(UNDEFINED), lastStatus_(UNDEFINED), lastStatusBeforeUndefined_(UNDEFINED), timeoutTimer_(0), toggleNotifyAction_(0) { // set up network connection stuff nam_ = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); connect(nam_, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(reply(QNetworkReply*))); #ifdef HAVE_DBUS QDBusConnection conn = QDBusConnection::connectToBus( QDBusConnection::SystemBus, "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"); if(!conn.isConnected()) { qDebug() << "Oh. Connection failed:" << conn.lastError(); } else { conn.connect("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager", "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager", "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager", "StateChanged", "u", this, SLOT(networkStateChanged(uint))); } #endif // HAVE_DBUS // set up icons int sizes[] = {16, 22, 32, 64, 128, 256}; for(const int size : sizes) { openIcon_.addFile(QString(":/res/open-%1.png").arg(size)); closedIcon_.addFile(QString(":/res/closed-%1.png").arg(size)); undefinedIcon_.addFile(QString(":/res/undefined-%1.png").arg(size)); } // set up menu trayMenu_ = new QMenu; toggleNotifyAction_ = new QAction(tr("Show ¬ifications"), this); toggleNotifyAction_->setCheckable(true); toggleNotifyAction_->setChecked(true); trayMenu_->addAction(toggleNotifyAction_); updateAction_ = new QAction(tr("&Update status"), trayMenu_); connect(updateAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(updateStatus())); trayMenu_->addAction(updateAction_); QAction * exitAction = new QAction(tr("&Exit"), trayMenu_); connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); trayMenu_->addAction(exitAction); // set up tray icon trayIcon_ = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); trayIcon_->setContextMenu(trayMenu_); trayIcon_->setIcon(undefinedIcon_); trayIcon_->show(); // fire up a timer to poll the status every n minutes startTimer(updateInterval_ * 1000); // also set up the timeout timer timeoutTimer_ = new QTimer(this); connect(timeoutTimer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout())); updateStatus(); }
void KSMServer::shutdown(KApplication::ShutdownConfirm confirm, KApplication::ShutdownType sdtype, KApplication::ShutdownMode sdmode) { pendingShutdown.stop(); if(dialogActive) return; if(state >= Shutdown) // already performing shutdown return; if(state != Idle) // performing startup { // perform shutdown as soon as startup is finished, in order to avoid saving partial session if(!pendingShutdown.isActive()) { pendingShutdown.start(1000); pendingShutdown_confirm = confirm; pendingShutdown_sdtype = sdtype; pendingShutdown_sdmode = sdmode; } return; } KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); config->reparseConfiguration(); // config may have changed in the KControl module config->setGroup("General"); bool logoutConfirmed = (confirm == KApplication::ShutdownConfirmYes) ? false : (confirm == KApplication::ShutdownConfirmNo) ? true : !config->readBoolEntry("confirmLogout", true); bool mayShutdown = (config->readBoolEntry("offerShutdown", true) && DM().canShutdown()); bool maySuspend = config->readBoolEntry("offerSuspend", true); bool mayHibernate = config->readBoolEntry("offerHibernate", true); bool lockBeforeSuspendHibernate = config->readBoolEntry("lockBeforeSuspendHibernate", true); // FIXME At this moment we can't query for SuspendAllowed/HibernateAllowed because // we haven't support for ConsoleKit yet // query upower for suspend/hibernate capability QDBusConnection dbusConnection; if(maySuspend || mayHibernate) { dbusConnection = QDBusConnection::addConnection(QDBusConnection::SystemBus); if(dbusConnection.isConnected()) { // can suspend? if(maySuspend) { #ifdef WITH_LOGIND QDBusMessage dbusMessage = QDBusMessage::methodCall(DBUS_UPOWER_SERVICE, DBUS_UPOWER_PATH, DBUS_UPOWER_INTERFACE, "CanSuspend"); #else QDBusMessage dbusMessage = QDBusMessage::methodCall(DBUS_UPOWER_SERVICE, DBUS_UPOWER_PATH, DBUS_PROPERTIES_INTERFACE, "Get"); dbusMessage << QDBusData::fromString(DBUS_UPOWER_INTERFACE) << QDBusData::fromString("CanSuspend"); #endif QDBusMessage dbusReply = dbusConnection.sendWithReply(dbusMessage); if(dbusReply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage && dbusReply.count() == 1) #ifdef WITH_LOGIND maySuspend = ("yes" == dbusReply[0].toString()); #else maySuspend = dbusReply[0].toVariant().value.toBool(); #endif else { maySuspend = false; kdDebug() << "[dbus/upower] CanSuspend: " << dbusConnection.lastError().message() << "\n"; } } // can hibernate? if(mayHibernate) { #ifdef WITH_LOGIND QDBusMessage dbusMessage = QDBusMessage::methodCall(DBUS_UPOWER_SERVICE, DBUS_UPOWER_PATH, DBUS_UPOWER_INTERFACE, "CanHibernate"); #else QDBusMessage dbusMessage = QDBusMessage::methodCall(DBUS_UPOWER_SERVICE, DBUS_UPOWER_PATH, DBUS_PROPERTIES_INTERFACE, "Get"); dbusMessage << QDBusData::fromString(DBUS_UPOWER_INTERFACE) << QDBusData::fromString("CanHibernate"); #endif QDBusMessage dbusReply = dbusConnection.sendWithReply(dbusMessage); if(dbusReply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage && dbusReply.count() == 1) #ifdef WITH_LOGIND mayHibernate = ("yes" == dbusReply[0].toString()); #else mayHibernate = dbusReply[0].toVariant().value.toBool(); #endif else { mayHibernate = false; kdDebug() << "[dbus/upower] CanHibernate: " << dbusConnection.lastError().message() << "\n"; } }
void Timed::send_next_bootup_event(int value) { #if HAVE_DSME QDBusConnection dsme = QDBusConnection::systemBus() ; QString path = Maemo::Timed::objpath() ; QString iface = Maemo::Timed::interface() ; QString signal = "next_bootup_event" ; QDBusMessage m = QDBusMessage::createSignal(path, iface, signal) ; m << value ; if(dsme.send(m)) log_info("signal %s(%d) sent", string_q_to_std(signal).c_str(), value) ; else log_error("Failed to send the signal %s(%d) on system bus: %s", string_q_to_std(signal).c_str(), value, dsme.lastError().message().toStdString().c_str()) ; #endif }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); //check whether another MoonPlayer instance is running #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX std::cout << "Checking another instance..." << std::endl; QDBusInterface iface("com.moonsoft.MoonPlayer", "/", "local.Playlist"); if (iface.isValid()) { if (argc == 1) { qDebug("Another instance is running. Quit.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } QString f = QString::fromUtf8(argv[1]); if (f.startsWith("http://"))"addUrl", f); else if (f.endsWith(".m3u") || f.endsWith("m3u8") || f.endsWith(".xspf")) //playlist"addList", f); else"addFileAndPlay", f.section('/', -1), f); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } QDBusConnection conn = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); if (!conn.registerService("com.moonsoft.MoonPlayer")) { qDebug() << conn.lastError().message(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif //init #ifdef Q_OS_WIN Settings::path = QString(argv[0]).section('\\', 0, -2); #endif std::cout << "Initialize settings..." << std::endl; Settings::initSettings(); std::cout << "Initialize API for Python..." << std::endl; initAPI(); //translate moonplayer std::cout << "Initialize language support..." << std::endl; QTranslator translator; QDir path(Settings::path); translator.load(path.filePath("moonplayer_" + QLocale::system().name())); a.installTranslator(&translator); Player w;; if (argc > 1) { std::cout << "Loading file..." << std::endl; QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); QString file = codec->toUnicode(argv[1]); if (file.startsWith("http://")) w.playlist->addUrl(file); else if (file.endsWith(".m3u") || file.endsWith("m3u8") || file.endsWith(".xspf")) //playlist w.playlist->addList(file); else w.playlist->addFileAndPlay(file.section('/', -1), file); } a.exec(); Py_Finalize(); return 0; }
HomeApplication::HomeApplication(int &argc, char **argv, const QString &qmlPath) : QGuiApplication(argc, argv) , _mainWindowInstance(0) , _qmlPath(qmlPath) , originalSigIntHandler(signal(SIGINT, quitSignalHandler)) , originalSigTermHandler(signal(SIGTERM, quitSignalHandler)) { setApplicationName("Lipstick"); // TODO: autogenerate this from tags setApplicationVersion(VERSION); QTranslator *engineeringEnglish = new QTranslator(this); engineeringEnglish->load("lipstick_eng_en", "/usr/share/translations"); installTranslator(engineeringEnglish); QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(this); translator->load(QLocale(), "lipstick", "-", "/usr/share/translations"); installTranslator(translator); // launch a timer for sending a dbus-signal upstart when basic construct is done QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sendStartupNotifications())); // Initialize the QML engine qmlEngine = new QQmlEngine(this); // Initialize the notification manager NotificationManager::instance(); new NotificationPreviewPresenter(this); new NotificationFeedbackPlayer(this); // Create screen lock logic - not parented to "this" since destruction happens too late in that case screenLock = new ScreenLock; LipstickSettings::instance()->setScreenLock(screenLock); new ScreenLockAdaptor(screenLock); volumeControl = new VolumeControl; batteryNotifier = new BatteryNotifier(this); usbModeSelector = new USBModeSelector(this); connect(usbModeSelector, SIGNAL(dialogShown()), screenLock, SLOT(unlockScreen())); shutdownScreen = new ShutdownScreen(this); connectionSelector = new ConnectionSelector(this); // MCE expects the service to be registered on the system bus static const char *SCREENLOCK_DBUS_SERVICE = "org.nemomobile.lipstick"; static const char *SCREENLOCK_DBUS_PATH = "/screenlock"; QDBusConnection systemBus = QDBusConnection::systemBus(); if (!systemBus.registerService(SCREENLOCK_DBUS_SERVICE)) { qWarning("Unable to register screen lock D-Bus service %s: %s", SCREENLOCK_DBUS_SERVICE, systemBus.lastError().message().toUtf8().constData()); } if (!systemBus.registerObject(SCREENLOCK_DBUS_PATH, screenLock)) { qWarning("Unable to register screen lock object at path %s: %s", SCREENLOCK_DBUS_PATH, systemBus.lastError().message().toUtf8().constData()); } }