void NewsSite::parseAtom(QDomDocument domDoc) { QDomNodeList entries = domDoc.elementsByTagName("entry"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned) entries.count(); i++) { QDomNode itemNode = entries.item(i); QString title = ReplaceHtmlChar(itemNode.namedItem("title").toElement() .text().simplified()); QDomNode summNode = itemNode.namedItem("summary"); QString description = QString::null; if (!summNode.isNull()) { description = ReplaceHtmlChar( summNode.toElement().text().simplified()); } QDomNode linkNode = itemNode.namedItem("link"); QString url = QString::null; if (!linkNode.isNull()) { QDomAttr linkHref = linkNode.toElement().attributeNode("href"); if (!linkHref.isNull()) url = linkHref.value(); } insertNewsArticle(NewsArticle(title, description, url)); } }
// Recursively add all devices and embedded devices to the deviceServices_ map void RootService::addDeviceServices(const QDomNode &device) { qDebug() << "UPnP discovered device " << XmlFunctions::getNodeValue(device, "/UDN") << endl; if(XmlFunctions::getNodeValue(device, "/deviceType") == InternetGatewayDeviceType) { QString description; description = XmlFunctions::getNodeValue(device, "/friendlyName"); if(description.isNull()) description = XmlFunctions::getNodeValue(device, "/modelDescription"); if(description.isNull()) description = XmlFunctions::getNodeValue(device, "/modelName") + " " + XmlFunctions::getNodeValue(device, "/modelNumber"); if(description.isNull()) description = __tr2qs("Unknown"); qDebug() << "Model: " << description << endl; g_pApp->activeConsole()->output(KVI_OUT_GENERICSTATUS,__tr2qs_ctx("[UPNP]: found gateway device: %s","upnp"), description.toUtf8().data()); } // Insert the given device node // The "key" is the device/UDN tag, the value is a list of device/serviceList/service nodes m_deviceServices.insert(XmlFunctions::getNodeValue(device, "/UDN"), device.namedItem("serviceList").childNodes()); // Find all embedded device nodes QDomNodeList embeddedDevices = device.namedItem("deviceList").childNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < embeddedDevices.count(); i++) { if(embeddedDevices.item(i).nodeName() != "device") continue; addDeviceServices(embeddedDevices.item(i)); } }
void QgsMapSettings::readXml( QDomNode &node ) { // set destination CRS QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs; QDomNode srsNode = node.namedItem( QStringLiteral( "destinationsrs" ) ); if ( !srsNode.isNull() ) { srs.readXml( srsNode ); } setDestinationCrs( srs ); // set extent QDomNode extentNode = node.namedItem( QStringLiteral( "extent" ) ); QgsRectangle aoi = QgsXmlUtils::readRectangle( extentNode.toElement() ); setExtent( aoi ); // set rotation QDomNode rotationNode = node.namedItem( QStringLiteral( "rotation" ) ); QString rotationVal = rotationNode.toElement().text(); if ( ! rotationVal.isEmpty() ) { double rot = rotationVal.toDouble(); setRotation( rot ); } //render map tile QDomElement renderMapTileElem = node.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "rendermaptile" ) ); if ( !renderMapTileElem.isNull() ) { setFlag( QgsMapSettings::RenderMapTile, renderMapTileElem.text() == QLatin1String( "1" ) ); } }
bool BasicmLearningEditor::loadBundleData(const QString &bundle_data) { QDomDocument bundle_document; bundle_document.setContent(bundle_data); QDomNodeList items = bundle_document.documentElement().elementsByTagName("item"); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { QDomNode item = items.at(i); if (item.isElement()) { QString title = item.namedItem("item_title").toElement().text(); QString description = item.namedItem("item_description").toElement().text(); if (title.isEmpty() || description.isEmpty()) { // TODO: error continue; } else { addNewItem(title, description); } } else { continue; } } // Load author & name. m_ui->m_txtAuthor->lineEdit()->setText(bundle_document.documentElement().namedItem("author").namedItem("name").toElement().text()); m_ui->m_txtName->lineEdit()->setText(bundle_document.documentElement().namedItem("title").toElement().text()); return true; }
static QgsOldSymbolMeta readSymbolMeta( const QDomNode& synode ) { QgsOldSymbolMeta meta; QDomNode lvalnode = synode.namedItem( "lowervalue" ); if ( ! lvalnode.isNull() ) { QDomElement lvalelement = lvalnode.toElement(); if ( lvalelement.attribute( "null" ).toInt() == 1 ) { meta.lowerValue = QString::null; } else { meta.lowerValue = lvalelement.text(); } } QDomNode uvalnode = synode.namedItem( "uppervalue" ); if ( ! uvalnode.isNull() ) { QDomElement uvalelement = uvalnode.toElement(); meta.upperValue = uvalelement.text(); } QDomNode labelnode = synode.namedItem( "label" ); if ( ! labelnode.isNull() ) { QDomElement labelelement = labelnode.toElement(); meta.label = labelelement.text(); } return meta; }
// Helper function, get a specific node QDomNode XmlFunctions::getNode( const QDomNode &rootNode, const QString &path ) { QStringList pathItems = path.split( "/", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); QDomNode childNode = rootNode.namedItem( pathItems[0] ); // can be a null node int i = 1; while( i < pathItems.count() ) { if( childNode.isNull() ) { break; } childNode = childNode.namedItem( pathItems[ i ] ); i++; // not using for loop so i is always correct for kdDebug() below. } if( childNode.isNull() ) { qDebug() << "XmlFunctions::getNode() - Notice: node '" << pathItems[ i - 1 ] << "'" << " does not exist (root=" << rootNode.nodeName() << " path=" << path << ")." << endl; } return childNode; }
bool KOfficePlugin::writeTextNode(QDomDocument & doc, QDomNode & parentNode, const QString &nodeName, const QString &value) const { if (parentNode.toElement().isNull()){ kdDebug(7034) << "Parent node is Null or not an Element, cannot write node " << nodeName << endl; return false; } // If the node does not exist, we create it... if (parentNode.namedItem(nodeName).isNull()) QDomNode ex = parentNode.appendChild(doc.createElement(nodeName)); // Now, we are sure we have a node QDomElement nodeA = parentNode.namedItem(nodeName).toElement(); // Ooops... existing node were not of the good type... if (nodeA.isNull()){ kdDebug(7034) << "Wrong type of node " << nodeName << ", should be Element" << endl; return false; } QDomText txtNode = doc.createTextNode(value); // If the node has already Text Child, we replace it. if (nodeA.firstChild().isNull()) nodeA.appendChild(txtNode); else nodeA.replaceChild( txtNode, nodeA.firstChild()); return true; }
int QgsUniqueValueRenderer::readXML( const QDomNode& rnode, QgsVectorLayer& vl ) { mGeometryType = vl.geometryType(); QDomNode classnode = rnode.namedItem( "classificationfield" ); QString classificationField = classnode.toElement().text(); QgsVectorDataProvider* theProvider = vl.dataProvider(); if ( !theProvider ) { return 1; } int classificationId = vl.fieldNameIndex( classificationField ); if ( classificationId == -1 ) { //go on. Because with joins, it might be the joined layer is not loaded yet } setClassificationField( classificationId ); QDomNode symbolnode = rnode.namedItem( "symbol" ); while ( !symbolnode.isNull() ) { QgsSymbol* msy = new QgsSymbol( mGeometryType ); msy->readXML( symbolnode, &vl ); insertValue( msy->lowerValue(), msy ); symbolnode = symbolnode.nextSibling(); } updateSymbolAttributes(); vl.setRenderer( this ); return 0; }
void RegistrationImplService::parseXml(QDomNode& dataNode) { QString fixedData = dataNode.namedItem("fixedDataUid").toElement().text(); this->setFixedData(fixedData); QString movingData = dataNode.namedItem("movingDataUid").toElement().text(); this->setMovingData(movingData); }
void Search::process() { Parse parse; m_videoList = parse.parseRSS(m_document); QDomNodeList entries = m_document.elementsByTagName("channel"); if (entries.count() == 0) { m_numResults = 0; m_numReturned = 0; m_numIndex = 0; return; } QDomNode itemNode = entries.item(0); QDomNode Node = itemNode.namedItem(QString("numresults")); if (!Node.isNull()) { m_numResults = Node.toElement().text().toUInt(); } else { QDomNodeList count = m_document.elementsByTagName("item"); if (count.count() == 0) m_numResults = 0; else m_numResults = count.count(); } Node = itemNode.namedItem(QString("returned")); if (!Node.isNull()) { m_numReturned = Node.toElement().text().toUInt(); } else { QDomNodeList entries = m_document.elementsByTagName("item"); if (entries.count() == 0) m_numReturned = 0; else m_numReturned = entries.count(); } Node = itemNode.namedItem(QString("startindex")); if (!Node.isNull()) { m_numIndex = Node.toElement().text().toUInt(); } else m_numIndex = 0; }
configInfo::configInfo(DomCfgItem *item,QWidget * parent , Qt::WindowFlags f ): QDialog(parent,f),node(item) { setupUi(this); node = item; QDomNode info = node->root()->node().namedItem(md_root).namedItem(md_info); editInfo->setText(info.namedItem(md_info_name).toElement().text()); autorEdit->setText(info.namedItem(md_info_author).toElement().text()); dateEdit->setDate(QDate::fromString(info.namedItem(md_info_date).toElement().text())); commentEdit->setText(info.namedItem(md_info_remark).toElement().text()); }
void YoutubeModel::parseResults(KJob *job) { if (!m_datas.contains(static_cast<KIO::Job*>(job))) { return; } QDomDocument document; document.setContent(m_datas[static_cast<KIO::Job*>(job)]); QDomNodeList entries = document.elementsByTagName("entry"); for (int i = 0; i < entries.count(); i++) { QString id = entries.at(i).namedItem("id").toElement().text().split(':').last(); QString title = entries.at(i).namedItem("title").toElement().text(); QDomNode mediaNode = entries.at(i).namedItem("media:group"); QString description = mediaNode.namedItem("media:description").toElement().text(); QString keywords = mediaNode.namedItem("media:keywords").toElement().text(); QString mediaUrl = mediaNode.namedItem("media:player").toElement().attribute("url"); uint mediaDuration = mediaNode.namedItem("yt:duration").toElement().attribute("seconds").toInt(); // FIXME: more than one media:thumbnail exists QString thumbnail = mediaNode.namedItem("media:thumbnail").toElement().attribute("url"); QDomNode n = mediaNode.firstChild(); QString MEDIA_CONTENT_URL; QString MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE; do { if (n.nodeName() == "media:content" && n.toElement().attribute("yt:format") == "5") { MEDIA_CONTENT_URL = n.toElement().attribute("url"); MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE = n.toElement().attribute("type"); break; } n = n.nextSibling(); } while (n != mediaNode.lastChild()); QString embeddedHTML = QString( "<object width=\"425\" height=\"350\">\n" "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"%1\"></param>\n" "<embed src=\"%2\"\n" "type=\"%3\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">\n" "</embed>\n" "</object>\n").arg(MEDIA_CONTENT_URL, MEDIA_CONTENT_URL, MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE); VideoPackage video; video.title = title; video.description = description; video.keywords = keywords.split(", "); video.id = id; video.duration = mediaDuration; video.embeddedHTML = embeddedHTML; video.thumbnail = thumbnail; video.url = mediaUrl; m_videos << video; reset(); } }
/** \param formula \param valoract \param valorant \return **/ bool BcCuentasAnualesImprimirView::valorItem ( const QDomNode &formula, QString &valoract, QString &valorant ) { BL_FUNC_DEBUG QDomElement valor = formula.namedItem ( "VALORACT" ).toElement(); if ( valor.isNull() ) { return false; } // end if valoract = valor.text(); valorant = formula.namedItem ( "VALORANT" ).toElement().text(); return true; }
bool QgsCoordinateTransform::readXML( QDomNode & theNode ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Reading Coordinate Transform from xml ------------------------!" ); QDomNode mySrcNode = theNode.namedItem( "sourcesrs" ); mSourceCRS.readXML( mySrcNode ); QDomNode myDestNode = theNode.namedItem( "destinationsrs" ); mDestCRS.readXML( myDestNode ); initialise(); return true; }
QString RegexpHandler::handleResponse(const QString &raw, QDomNode arguments) const { QString result; QRegExp e(arguments.namedItem("match").toElement().text()); if (e.exactMatch(raw.trimmed())) { result = arguments.namedItem("display").toElement().text(); for (int i = 1; i <= e.numCaptures(); i++) { result.replace(QString("\\%1").arg(i), e.cap(i)); } } return result; }
QDomNode QDomNodeProto:: namedItem(const QString& name) const { QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->namedItem(name); return QDomNode(); }
void Parser3::UserRecived( BasePtr bInfo, QDomDocument Page ) { if( !bInfo ) { Error( "Null Pointer to Info!" ); return; } if( bInfo->getType() != IT_UserInfo ) { Error( "Info is not UserInfo!" ); return; } UserPtr Info = bInfo->cast_UserInfo(); QDomNode Entry = Page.namedItem("entry"); if( Entry.isNull() ) { Error( "Entry is null!, maybe page is not a userEntry?" ); return; } QStringList IDString = Entry.namedItem("id").namedItem("#text").nodeValue().split(':', QString::SkipEmptyParts ); if( IDString.size() != 4 || IDString.at(2) != "user" ) { Error( "Page is not a user Entry!!" ); return; } ParseUserEntry(Entry, Info ); const_cast<QString&>(Info->ID) = Info->Author.toLower(); UserParsed( Info ); return; }
void Parser3::VideoRecived( BasePtr bInfo, QDomDocument Page ) { if( !bInfo ) { Error( "Null pointer to Info!"); return; } if( bInfo->getType() != IT_VideoInfo ) { Error( "Info is not videoInfo! type("+QString::number(bInfo->getType())+")" ); return; } VideoPtr Info = bInfo->cast_VideoInfo(); QDomNode Entry = Page.namedItem("entry"); if( Entry.isNull() ) { Error( "Entry is null!, maybe page is not a videoEntry?" ); return; } QStringList IDString = Entry.namedItem("id").namedItem("#text").nodeValue().split(':', QString::SkipEmptyParts ); if( IDString.size() != 4 || IDString.at(2) != "video" ) { Error( "Page is not a video Entry!!" ); return; } ParseVideoEntry(Entry, Info); //(*Info) = vInfo; VideoParsed( Info ); return; }
void PathMapper::addHistory(const QString &localpath, const QString &serverpath, bool saveinproject) { bool exists = false; for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < m_serverlist.count() && !exists; cnt++ ) if(m_serverlist[cnt] == serverpath && m_locallist[cnt] == localpath) exists = true; if(!exists) { if(saveinproject) { QDomNode node = pathMapperNode(); QDomNode newnode = Project::ref()->dom()->createElement("mapping"); QDomAttr serverattr = Project::ref()->dom()->createAttribute("serverpath"); serverattr.setValue(serverpath); QDomAttr localattr = Project::ref()->dom()->createAttribute("localpath"); localattr.setValue(localpath); newnode.attributes().setNamedItem(serverattr); newnode.attributes().setNamedItem(localattr); node = node.namedItem("mappings"); node.insertAfter(newnode, node.lastChild()); } m_serverlist.append(serverpath); m_locallist.append(localpath); } }
bool QgsMeshLayer::readXml( const QDomNode &layer_node, QgsReadWriteContext &context ) { Q_UNUSED( context ); QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Datasource in QgsMeshLayer::readXml: %1" ).arg( mDataSource.toLocal8Bit().data() ), 3 ); //process provider key QDomNode pkeyNode = layer_node.namedItem( QStringLiteral( "provider" ) ); if ( pkeyNode.isNull() ) { mProviderKey.clear(); } else { QDomElement pkeyElt = pkeyNode.toElement(); mProviderKey = pkeyElt.text(); } QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions providerOptions; if ( !setDataProvider( mProviderKey, providerOptions ) ) { return false; } return mValid; // should be true if read successfully }
bool QgsCoordinateTransform::readXml( const QDomNode &node ) { d.detach(); QgsDebugMsg( "Reading Coordinate Transform from xml ------------------------!" ); QDomNode mySrcNode = node.namedItem( QStringLiteral( "sourcesrs" ) ); d->mSourceCRS.readXml( mySrcNode ); QDomNode myDestNode = node.namedItem( QStringLiteral( "destinationsrs" ) ); d->mDestCRS.readXml( myDestNode ); d->mSourceDatumTransform = node.toElement().attribute( QStringLiteral( "sourceDatumTransform" ), QStringLiteral( "-1" ) ).toInt(); d->mDestinationDatumTransform = node.toElement().attribute( QStringLiteral( "destinationDatumTransform" ), QStringLiteral( "-1" ) ).toInt(); return d->initialize(); }
int QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::readXML( const QDomNode& rnode, QgsVectorLayer& vl ) { mGeometryType = vl.geometryType(); QDomNode modeNode = rnode.namedItem( "mode" ); QString modeValue = modeNode.toElement().text(); QDomNode classnode = rnode.namedItem( "classificationfield" ); QString classificationField = classnode.toElement().text(); QgsVectorDataProvider* theProvider = vl.dataProvider(); if ( !theProvider ) { return 1; } if ( modeValue == "Empty" ) { mMode = QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::Empty; } else if ( modeValue == "Quantile" ) { mMode = QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::Quantile; } else //default { mMode = QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::EqualInterval; } int classificationId = vl.fieldNameIndex( classificationField ); if ( classificationId == -1 ) { //go on. Because with joins, it might be the joined layer is not loaded yet } setClassificationField( classificationId ); QDomNode symbolnode = rnode.namedItem( "symbol" ); while ( !symbolnode.isNull() ) { QgsSymbol* sy = new QgsSymbol( mGeometryType ); sy->readXML( symbolnode, &vl ); addSymbol( sy ); symbolnode = symbolnode.nextSibling(); } updateSymbolAttributes(); vl.setRenderer( this ); return 0; }
int QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::readXML( const QDomNode& rnode, QgsVectorLayer& vl ) { mGeometryType = vl.geometryType(); QDomNode modeNode = rnode.namedItem( "mode" ); QString modeValue = modeNode.toElement().text(); QDomNode classnode = rnode.namedItem( "classificationfield" ); QString classificationField = classnode.toElement().text(); QgsVectorDataProvider* theProvider = vl.dataProvider(); if ( !theProvider ) { return 1; } if ( modeValue == "Empty" ) { mMode = QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::Empty; } else if ( modeValue == "Quantile" ) { mMode = QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::Quantile; } else //default { mMode = QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::EqualInterval; } int classificationId = theProvider->fieldNameIndex( classificationField ); if ( classificationId == -1 ) { return 2; //@todo: handle gracefully in gui situation where user needs to nominate field } setClassificationField( classificationId ); QDomNode symbolnode = rnode.namedItem( "symbol" ); while ( !symbolnode.isNull() ) { QgsSymbol* sy = new QgsSymbol( mGeometryType ); sy->readXML( symbolnode, &vl ); addSymbol( sy ); symbolnode = symbolnode.nextSibling(); } updateSymbolAttributes(); vl.setRenderer( this ); return 0; }
ImgSource* ColorSchemeParser::parseFilters(QDomNode filt) { // TODO: Move this code into ImgSource if (!filt.hasChildNodes()) { return 0; } ImgSource * ret = new ImgLoader(); QDomNode f = filt.firstChild(); while (!f.isNull()) { QString name = f.nodeName().toLower(); if (name == "invert") { ret = new ImgInvert(ret); } else if (name == "hueinv") { ret = new ImgHueInv(ret); } else if (name == "add") { ret = new ImgAdd(ret, XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "Amount")); } else if (name == "scalewhite") { ret = new ImgScaleWhite(ret, XmlParse::selectNodeFloat(f, "Amount")); } else if (name == "hsvtweak") { int hmin = 0; int hmax = 359; int smin = 0; int smax = 255; int vmin = 0; int vmax = 255; float hfact = 1.0f; float sfact = 1.0f; float vfact = 1.0f; int hconst = 0; int sconst = 0; int vconst = 0; if (!f.namedItem("HMin").isNull()) { hmin = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "HMin"); } if (!f.namedItem("HMax").isNull()) { hmax = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "HMax"); } if (!f.namedItem("SMin").isNull()) { smin = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "SMin"); } if (!f.namedItem("SMax").isNull()) { smax = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "SMax"); } if (!f.namedItem("VMin").isNull()) { vmin = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "VMin"); } if (!f.namedItem("VMax").isNull()) { vmax = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "VMax"); } if (!f.namedItem("HConst").isNull()) { hconst = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "HConst"); } if (!f.namedItem("SConst").isNull()) { sconst = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "SConst"); } if (!f.namedItem("VConst").isNull()) { vconst = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "VConst"); } if (!f.namedItem("HFact").isNull()) { hfact = XmlParse::selectNodeFloat(f, "HFact"); } if (!f.namedItem("SFact").isNull()) { sfact = XmlParse::selectNodeFloat(f, "SFact"); } if (!f.namedItem("VFact").isNull()) { vfact = XmlParse::selectNodeFloat(f, "VFact"); } ret = new ImgHSVTweak(ret, hmin, hmax, smin, smax, vmin, vmax, hfact, hconst, sfact, sconst, vfact, vconst); } else { qDebug() << "Unkown image filter:" << name; } f = f.nextSibling(); } return ret; }
static QColor readSymbolColor( const QDomNode& synode, bool fillColor ) { QDomNode cnode = synode.namedItem( fillColor ? "fillcolor" : "outlinecolor" ); QDomElement celement = cnode.toElement(); int red = celement.attribute( "red" ).toInt(); int green = celement.attribute( "green" ).toInt(); int blue = celement.attribute( "blue" ).toInt(); return QColor( red, green, blue ); }
bool QgsCoordinateTransform::readXML( QDomNode & theNode ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Reading Coordinate Transform from xml ------------------------!" ); QDomNode mySrcNode = theNode.namedItem( "sourcesrs" ); mSourceCRS.readXML( mySrcNode ); QDomNode myDestNode = theNode.namedItem( "destinationsrs" ); mDestCRS.readXML( myDestNode ); mSourceDatumTransform = theNode.toElement().attribute( "sourceDatumTransform", "-1" ).toInt(); mDestinationDatumTransform = theNode.toElement().attribute( "destinationDatumTransform", "-1" ).toInt(); initialise(); return true; }
QString SubstituteHandler::handleResponse(const QString &raw, QDomNode arguments) const { QString text = arguments.namedItem("text").toElement().text(); if (text.contains("%1")) return text.arg(raw); return text; }
bool GroupDavGlobals::getFolderHasSubs(const QDomNode &folderNode) { // a folder is identified by the collection item in the resourcetype: // <a:resourcetype xmlns:a="DAV:"><a:collection xmlns:a="DAV:"/>...</a:resourcetype> QDomElement e = folderNode.namedItem("resourcetype").toElement(); if(!e.namedItem("collection").isNull()) return true; else return false; }
static float readMarkerSymbolSize( const QDomNode& synode ) { QDomNode psizenode = synode.namedItem( "pointsize" ); if ( ! psizenode.isNull() ) { QDomElement psizeelement = psizenode.toElement(); return psizeelement.text().toFloat(); } return DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE; }
static QString readMarkerSymbolName( const QDomNode& synode ) { QDomNode psymbnode = synode.namedItem( "pointsymbol" ); if ( ! psymbnode.isNull() ) { QDomElement psymbelement = psymbnode.toElement(); return psymbelement.text(); } return QString( "hard:circle" ); }