static void raiseError(QXmlStreamReader &reader, const QString &error, Settings::ParseMode parseMode) { if (parseMode == Settings::StrictParseMode) { reader.raiseError(error); } else { QFile *xmlFile = qobject_cast<QFile*>(reader.device()); if (xmlFile) { qWarning().noquote().nospace() << "Ignoring following settings reader error in " << xmlFile->fileName() << ", line " << reader.lineNumber() << ", column " << reader.columnNumber() << ": " << error; } else { qWarning("Ignoring following settings reader error: %s", qPrintable(error)); } } }
static QString findScript(const QString& jsFilePath, const QString& libraryPath) { if (!jsFilePath.isEmpty()) { QFile jsFile; // Is file in the PWD? jsFile.setFileName(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(jsFilePath)); //< Normalise User-provided path if (!jsFile.exists()) { // File is not in the PWD. Is it in the lookup directory? jsFile.setFileName(libraryPath + '/' + QDir::fromNativeSeparators(jsFilePath)); } return jsFile.fileName(); } return QString(); }
void ThumbnailPicker::slotUnsetImage() { QFile file; if ( KSUtils::openDataFile( file, "noimage.png" ) ) { file.close(); Image->load( file.fileName(), "PNG" ); } else { *Image = Image->scaled( dd->thumbnail()->width(), dd->thumbnail()->height() ); Image->fill( dd->palette().color( QPalette::Window ) ); } ui->EditButton->setEnabled( false ); ui->CurrentImage->setPixmap( *Image ); ui->CurrentImage->update(); bImageFound = false; }
bool PNGAImageWriter::Export(QFile& file) { QImage pixmap = buildImage(); assert(pixmap.isGrayscale()); png::image<png::gray_pixel> image(pixmap.width(), pixmap.height()); for (size_t y = 0; y < image.get_height(); ++y) { for (size_t x = 0; x < image.get_width(); ++x) { QRgb pix = pixmap.pixel(x, y); assert(qIsGray(pix)); image[y][x] = png::gray_pixel(qAlpha(pix)); } } image.write(file.fileName().toStdString()); return true; }
bool ftpInterface::downloadFile(QString sourceFileName,QString destinationFilename) { delSrc=FALSE; aborting=FALSE; addToLog("FTP downloadFile",LOGFTP); QFile *destFn; destFn=new QFile(destinationFilename); if(!destFn->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { addToLog(QString("FTP unable to open destinationFilename %1").arg(destinationFilename),LOGFTP); return FALSE; } if (sourceFileName.isNull() ) return FALSE; ftpDone=TRUE; if(isUnconnected()) { ftpDone=FALSE; connectToHost(); } while(!ftpDone) { if(aborting) return FALSE; qApp->processEvents(); } if(isUnconnected()) { addToLog("FTP connection failed",LOGFTP); return FALSE; } ftpDone=FALSE; ftpCommandSuccess=FALSE; ftp->get( sourceFileName, destFn,QFtp::Binary); addToLog(QString("FTP get sourcefile %1 destination %2").arg(sourceFileName).arg(destFn->fileName()),LOGFTP); while(!ftpDone) { if(aborting) return FALSE; qApp->processEvents(); } if(!ftpCommandSuccess) return FALSE; addToLog(QString("FTP file: %1 bytes: %2").arg(destinationFilename).arg(QFile(destinationFilename).size()),LOGFTP); return TRUE; }
static qint64 open_file(QFile & fp, BooL & ro) { QString filename = fp.fileName(); while (! { if (QMessageBox::critical(0, "Uml", filename + "\ncannot be opened for read, retry ?\n", "yes", "no", 0, 0, 0) != 0) return -1; } QFileInfo fi(fp); ro = !fi.isWritable(); return fi.size(); }
/** * Updates the widget from a xml document (of a test) * @param root */ void NMGNetperfXMLInterpret::updateWidgetFromXMLDocument ( const QString & fileName ) { widget->txtTestName->setText ( "" ); widget->txtTestId->setText ( "" ); QString testType = ""; NMGMetaData * metadata = new NMGMetaData(); QFile file ( fileName ); if ( ! ( QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text ) ) cerr << "File " << qPrintable( fileName ) << " couldn't be read"; else { NMGMetaDataParser metaParser ( *metadata ); if ( ! ( &file ) ) cerr << "Parse error reading metadata in file " << qPrintable ( file.fileName() ) << ":\n" << qPrintable( metaParser.errorString() ); else { testType = metadata->getTypeOfTest().toLower(); //Backward compatibility with older test files that doesn't have <type> tag if ( testType.isEmpty() ) { if ( metadata->isSetUncommonElement ( TAG_CONF_NETPERF ) ) metadata->setTypeOfTest ( TYPE_TPUT ); testType = metadata->getTypeOfTest().toLower(); } } } if ( testType == TYPE_TPUT ) { widget->txtTestName->setText ( metadata->getTestName() ); widget->txtTestId->setText ( metadata->getTestIdentifier() ); //TODO result Path? //updateWidgetFromXMLNodeSource ( elem ); NMGHostInformationComboWidget * combo = widget->hostSourceCombo; combo->setAddressOfStation ( metadata->getSourceAddress() ); //updateWidgetFromXMLNodeDestination ( elem ); combo = widget->hostDestinationCombo; combo->setAddressOfStation ( metadata->getDestinationAddress() ); updateWidgetFromXMLNodeConfNetperf ( metadata->getUncommonElement ( TAG_CONF_NETPERF ) ); delete metadata; } }
void MainWindow::on_openIncoming_clicked() { if (ClientReceiveSetup() == 0) { QFile *file = new QFile(QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save song as"), 0, tr("Music (*.wav)"))); if (file->fileName() != NULL) { ui->openIncoming->setEnabled(false); ui->disconnectIncoming->setEnabled(true); file->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); ClientListen((HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(file->handle())); } else { ClientCleanup(); } } }
bool UBImportCFF::addFileToDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocument, const QFile& pFile) { QFileInfo fi(pFile); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Importing file %1...").arg(fi.baseName()), true); // first unzip the file to the correct place //TODO create temporary path for iwb file content QString path = QDir::tempPath(); QString documentRootFolder = expandFileToDir(pFile, path); QString contentFile; if (documentRootFolder.isEmpty()) //if file has failed to unzip it is probably just xml file contentFile = pFile.fileName(); else //get path to content xml (according to iwbcff specification) contentFile = documentRootFolder.append("/content.xml"); if(!contentFile.length()){ UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import of file %1 failed.").arg(fi.baseName())); return false; } else{ //TODO convert expanded CFF file content to the destination document //create destination document proxy //fill metadata and save UBDocumentProxy* destDocument = new UBDocumentProxy(UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->generateUniqueDocumentPath()); QDir dir; dir.mkdir(destDocument->persistencePath()); //try to import cff to document if (UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::ConvertCFFFileToUbz(contentFile, destDocument)) { UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->addDirectoryContentToDocument(destDocument->persistencePath(), pDocument); UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(destDocument->persistencePath()); delete destDocument; UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import successful.")); return true; } else { UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(destDocument->persistencePath()); delete destDocument; UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import failed.")); return false; } } }
void PhoneInfoWidget::saveScreenshot() { QFile plik; plik.setFileName(QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File..."), "./screenshot.png", tr("Png file")+" (*.png)")); if (plik.fileName().isEmpty()) return; if ( { QMatrix matrix; matrix.rotate(this->rotation); QImage image; image = this->screenshot.toImage(); image = image.transformed(matrix);, "PNG"); plik.close(); } }
/** The clients are free to not call this function if they know the avatar is * already stored. That means that we should be beware of this when implementing * caching, if we'd ever do. * * See EntryBase::SetVCard() for example. */ void AvatarsStorage::StoreAvatar (const QImage& image, const QByteArray& hash) { QFile file (AvatarsDir_.absoluteFilePath (hash)); if (file.exists () && file.size ()) return; if (! (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unable to open file" << file.fileName () << "for writing"; return; } (&file, "PNG", 100); }
void MetaInfoParser::errorHandling(QXmlStreamReader &reader, QFile &file) { if (!reader.hasError()) return; qDebug() << QString("Error at %1, %2:%3: %4") .arg(file.fileName()) .arg(reader.lineNumber()) .arg(reader.columnNumber()) .arg(reader.errorString()); file.reset(); QString fileString = file.readAll(); QString snippetString; int lineCount = 0; int position = reader.characterOffset(); while (position >= 0) { if (fileString[position] == '\n') { if (lineCount > 3) break; lineCount++; } snippetString.prepend(fileString[position]); position--; } lineCount = 0; position = reader.characterOffset(); while (position >= 0) { position++; if (fileString[position] == '\n') { if (lineCount > 1) break; lineCount++; } snippetString.append(fileString[position]); } qDebug() << snippetString; }
/*! \internal */ bool QImageReaderPrivate::initHandler() { // check some preconditions if (!device || (!deleteDevice && !device->isOpen() && !device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))) { imageReaderError = QImageReader::DeviceError; errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(QImageReader, "Invalid device")); return false; } // probe the file extension if (deleteDevice && !device->isOpen() && !device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) && autoDetectImageFormat) { QList<QByteArray> extensions = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); if (!format.isEmpty()) { // Try the most probable extension first int currentFormatIndex = extensions.indexOf(format.toLower()); if (currentFormatIndex > 0) extensions.swap(0, currentFormatIndex); } int currentExtension = 0; QFile *file = static_cast<QFile *>(device); QString fileName = file->fileName(); do { file->setFileName(fileName + QLatin1Char('.') + QString::fromLatin1(; file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); } while (!file->isOpen() && currentExtension < extensions.size()); if (!device->isOpen()) { imageReaderError = QImageReader::FileNotFoundError; errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(QImageReader, "File not found")); file->setFileName(fileName); // restore the old file name return false; } } // assign a handler if (!handler && (handler = createReadHandlerHelper(device, format, autoDetectImageFormat, ignoresFormatAndExtension)) == 0) { imageReaderError = QImageReader::UnsupportedFormatError; errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(QImageReader, "Unsupported image format")); return false; } return true; }
TrackList::TrackList(QFile &input) { if (!input.exists()) { throw new Exception(QString("File not found: <%1>").arg(input.fileName())); } QDomDocument d; d.setContent(&input); QDomElement root = d.documentElement(); QDomElement pointNode, segmentNode, trackNode; Track t; // <gpx // <trk><name>АВГ-30-09 14:15:47</name> // <trkseg> // <trkpt lat="54.11111" lon="37.11111"><ele>112.13</ele><time>2009-08-29T15:36:42Z</time></trkpt> tracks.clear(); trackNode = root.firstChildElement("trk"); for (; !trackNode.isNull(); trackNode = trackNode.nextSiblingElement("trk")) { = trackNode.firstChildElement("name").text(); segmentNode = trackNode.firstChildElement("trkseg"); for (; !segmentNode.isNull(); segmentNode = segmentNode.nextSiblingElement("trkseg")) { t.points.clear(); pointNode = segmentNode.firstChildElement("trkpt"); for (; !pointNode.isNull(); pointNode = pointNode.nextSiblingElement("trkpt")) { t.points.append(TrackPoint( pointNode.attribute("lat").toFloat(), pointNode.attribute("lon").toFloat(), QDateTime::fromString(pointNode.firstChildElement("time").text(), Qt::ISODate) )); } qSort(t.points); if (t.points.length()) { tracks.append(t); } } } }
void MainWindow::saveData(DecodeChannel *decode, const char *err) { QByteArray &buf = decode->buf; QFile *file = decode->file; if (buf.size() > 0) { QDate date = QDate::currentDate(); QTime time = QTime::currentTime(); if (file->isOpen()) { if (file->size() > (64 * 1024 * 1024)) file->close(); QStringList gzipArgs; gzipArgs << "-1"; gzipArgs << file->fileName(); QProcess::startDetached("gzip", gzipArgs); } if (!file->isOpen()) { QString suffix("-"); suffix += date.toString("MMdd"); suffix += time.toString("-hhmmss"); QString filename = QString(decode->basename).arg(suffix); file->setFileName(filename); file->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate); } QString prefix; prefix += date.toString("MM/dd-"); prefix += time.toString("hh:mm:ss ("); if (err) prefix += err; prefix += ") >>> "; QByteArray stream; stream.reserve(4096); stream.append(prefix); char str[4]; for (int i = 0; i < buf.size(); i++) { qsnprintf(str, 4, "%02x ", (unsigned char); stream.append(str, 3); } stream.append('\n'); file->write(stream); } }
bool KTPackageHandler::compress(QuaZip *zip, const QString &path) { QFile inFile; QuaZipFile outFile(zip); char c; QFileInfoList files= QDir(path).entryInfoList(); foreach(QFileInfo file, files) { QString filePath = path+"/"+file.fileName(); if ( file.fileName().startsWith(".") ) continue; if ( file.isDir() ) { compress(zip, file.path()+"/"+file.fileName()); continue; } inFile.setFileName(filePath); if(! { dError() << "Error opening file " << inFile.fileName() << " : " << inFile.errorString(); return false; } if(!, QuaZipNewInfo(stripRepositoryFromPath(filePath), stripRepositoryFromPath(filePath) ))) { return false; } while(inFile.getChar(&c) && outFile.putChar(c)); if(outFile.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { return false; } outFile.close(); if(outFile.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { return false; } inFile.close(); }
void KinotifyWidget::LoadTheme (const QString& themePath) { Theme_.clear (); QFile content (themePath + "/tmp.html"); if (! (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << "could not open theme file at" << content.fileName () << content.errorString (); return; } Theme_ = content.readAll (); const QPalette& palette = QApplication::palette (); #define REPLACE1(a) { const QColor& c = palette.color (QPalette::a); \ Theme_.replace ("{Color"#a "}", QString ("%1, %2, %3").arg ( ()).arg ( ()).arg ( ())); } REPLACE1 (Window); REPLACE1 (WindowText); REPLACE1 (Base); REPLACE1 (AlternateBase); REPLACE1 (ToolTipBase); REPLACE1 (ToolTipText); REPLACE1 (Text); REPLACE1 (Button); REPLACE1 (ButtonText); REPLACE1 (BrightText); REPLACE1 (Light); REPLACE1 (Midlight); REPLACE1 (Dark); REPLACE1 (Mid); REPLACE1 (Shadow); REPLACE1 (Link); REPLACE1 (LinkVisited); REPLACE1 (Highlight); REPLACE1 (HighlightedText); #undef REPLACE1 QDir imgDir (themePath + "/img"); Q_FOREACH (QString elem, imgDir.entryList (QStringList ("*.png"))) Theme_.replace (QString ("{%1}").arg (elem.left (elem.size () - 4)), MakeImage (themePath + "/img/" + elem)); }
bool ImageThread::getNextImage(QString* s) { int i; bool ret; _IMAGE tmp; QFile f; QRegExp rx(__IMAGEFILE_REGEXP__, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QStringList res; int pos; ret = false; if (_downloading) { for (i=0; i<images.length(); i++) { if (! && ! { tmp =; tmp.requested = true; images.replace(i,tmp); // Check if file already exists in destination dir pos = 0; pos = rx.indexIn(tmp.largeURI); res = rx.capturedTexts(); if (pos != -1) { f.setFileName(getSavepath() +; } if (f.exists()) { tmp.downloaded = true; images.replace(i, tmp); setCompleted(tmp.largeURI, f.fileName()); } else { *s = tmp.largeURI; ret = true; break; } } } } return ret; }
// Constructor with QFile GLC_Texture::GLC_Texture(const QFile &file) : m_pQGLContext(NULL) , m_FileName(file.fileName()) , m_GlTextureID(0) , m_textureImage() , m_TextureSize() , m_HasAlphaChannel(m_textureImage.hasAlphaChannel()) { m_textureImage.load(const_cast<QFile*>(&file), QFileInfo(m_FileName).suffix().toLocal8Bit()); if (m_textureImage.isNull()) { QString ErrorMess("GLC_Texture::GLC_Texture open image : "); ErrorMess.append(m_FileName).append(" Failed"); qDebug() << ErrorMess; GLC_Exception e(ErrorMess); throw(e); } }
bool FstReader::addPart(const QString &path, const QString& name) { QFile* file = new QFile(path); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "[ERROR] Couldn't open " << file->fileName(); return false; } QHttpPart part; part.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, "form-data;" " name=\"" + name.toUtf8() + "\";" " filename=\"" + QFileInfo(*file).fileName().toUtf8() + "\""); part.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/octet-stream"); part.setBodyDevice(file); _dataMultiPart->append(part); file->setParent(_dataMultiPart); return true; }
bool CZipper::pack_prepared() { if (archive_fullpath.isEmpty()) return false; QString zipname (archive_fullpath); QuaZip zip (zipname, settings->value ("zip_charset_out", "UTF-8").toString().trimmed()); if (! (QuaZip::mdCreate)) return false; QFile inFile; QuaZipFile outFile (&zip); foreach (QString fi, files_list) { QFileInfo file (fi); if (! file.isFile()) continue; inFile.setFileName (file.absoluteFilePath()); if (! (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return false; QString outfname (archive_name); outfname.append ("/").append (file.fileName()); if (! (QIODevice::WriteOnly, QuaZipNewInfo (outfname, inFile.fileName()))) return false; QByteArray ba = inFile.readAll(); outFile.write (ba); outFile.close(); if (outFile.getZipError() != UNZ_OK) return false; inFile.close(); emit new_iteration (file); }
void Snapshot::uploadSnapshot(const QString& filename, const QUrl& href) { const QString SNAPSHOT_UPLOAD_URL = "/api/v1/snapshots"; QUrl url = href; if (url.isEmpty()) { SnapshotMetaData* snapshotData = Snapshot::parseSnapshotData(filename); if (snapshotData) { url = snapshotData->getURL(); } delete snapshotData; } if (url.isEmpty()) { url = QUrl(DependencyManager::get<AddressManager>()->currentShareableAddress()); } SnapshotUploader* uploader = new SnapshotUploader(url, filename); QFile* file = new QFile(filename); Q_ASSERT(file->exists()); file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QHttpPart imagePart; if (filename.right(3) == "gif") { imagePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("image/gif")); } else { imagePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("image/jpeg")); } imagePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; name=\"image\"; filename=\"" + file->fileName() + "\"")); imagePart.setBodyDevice(file); QHttpMultiPart* multiPart = new QHttpMultiPart(QHttpMultiPart::FormDataType); file->setParent(multiPart); // we cannot delete the file now, so delete it with the multiPart multiPart->append(imagePart); auto accountManager = DependencyManager::get<AccountManager>(); JSONCallbackParameters callbackParams(uploader, "uploadSuccess", uploader, "uploadFailure"); accountManager->sendRequest(SNAPSHOT_UPLOAD_URL, AccountManagerAuth::Required, QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation, callbackParams, nullptr, multiPart); }
LocalFileStream(const QUrl& _url) { QString fileName = _url.toString(); if (fileName.startsWith("qrc:/")) fileName.remove(0, 3); else if (fileName.startsWith("file://")) fileName.remove(0, 7); m_file.setFileName(fileName); m_data.resize(PAGE_SIZE);; if (m_file.error() != QFile::NoError) { throw m_file.fileName() + ": " + m_file.errorString(); } }
Template::Template(QFile& file, QTextCodec* textCodec) { this->warnings=false; sourceName=QFileInfo(file.fileName()).baseName(); if ( | QFile::Text)) { QByteArray data=file.readAll(); file.close(); if(textCodec) append(textCodec->toUnicode(data)); else append(fromUtf8(data)); } else { qCritical("Template: cannot read from %s, %s",qPrintable(sourceName),qPrintable(file.errorString())); } }
// ######################################################################### // Loads the XML settings file and stores the settings. bool loadXmlSettings (void) { bool result = true; QFile file (QDir::homeDirPath()+QDir::convertSeparators ("/.qucs/filterrc")); if (! result = false; // settings file doesn't exist else { QDomDocument doc; QString errmsg; int line, col; if (!doc.setContent(&file, true, &errmsg, &line, &col)) { cerr << (const char*)file.fileName().toUtf8() << ":" << line << ":" << col << ": " << (const char*)errmsg.toUtf8() << endl; cerr << (const char*)doc.toString ().toUtf8(); file.close(); return false; } QucsSettings.x = getInteger (&doc, "Window", "x"); QucsSettings.y = getInteger (&doc, "Window", "y"); QucsSettings.type = getInteger (&doc, "Type", "Type", "LC"); QucsSettings.form = getInteger (&doc, "Type", "Class", "LC"); QucsSettings.specify = getInteger (&doc, "Type", "SpecifyOrder", "LC"); QucsSettings.ord = getInteger (&doc, "Type", "Order", "LC"); QucsSettings.subord = getInteger (&doc, "Type", "SubOrder", "LC"); QucsSettings.cutoff = getDouble (&doc, "Cutoff", "Value", "LC"); QucsSettings.cutoff_unit = getInteger (&doc, "Cutoff", "Unit", "LC"); QucsSettings.zin = getDouble (&doc, "Impedance", "Zin", "LC"); QucsSettings.zout = getDouble (&doc, "Impedance", "Zout", "LC"); = getDouble (&doc, "Bandwidth", "Value", "LC"); QucsSettings.bw_unit = getInteger (&doc, "Bandwidth", "Unit", "LC"); = getDouble (&doc, "Stopband", "Value", "LC"); QucsSettings.sb_unit = getInteger (&doc, "Stopband", "Unit", "LC"); QucsSettings.ripple = getDouble (&doc, "Ripple", "Value", "LC"); QucsSettings.angle = getDouble (&doc, "Angle", "Value", "LC"); QucsSettings.atten = getDouble (&doc, "Attenuation", "Value", "LC"); } return result; }
void SnapshotShareDialog::uploadSnapshot() { if (AccountManager::getInstance().getAccountInfo().getDiscourseApiKey().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "", "Your Discourse API key is missing, you cannot share snapshots. Please try to relog."); return; } if (!_networkAccessManager) { _networkAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); } QHttpMultiPart* multiPart = new QHttpMultiPart(QHttpMultiPart::FormDataType); QHttpPart apiKeyPart; apiKeyPart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; name=\"api_key\"")); apiKeyPart.setBody(AccountManager::getInstance().getAccountInfo().getDiscourseApiKey().toLatin1()); QFile* file = new QFile(_fileName); file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QHttpPart imagePart; imagePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("image/jpeg")); imagePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"" + file->fileName() +"\"")); imagePart.setBodyDevice(file); file->setParent(multiPart); // we cannot delete the file now, so delete it with the multiPart multiPart->append(apiKeyPart); multiPart->append(imagePart); QUrl url(FORUM_UPLOADS_URL); QNetworkRequest request(url); QNetworkReply* reply = _networkAccessManager->post(request, multiPart); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SnapshotShareDialog::uploadRequestFinished); QEventLoop loop; connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); loop.exec(); }
QString MainWindow::uniqueFilename(const QString &basePrefix, const QString &suffix) { QFile targetFile; QString basePath = m_currentProject->projectUrl().path(); QString fullSuffix = '.' + suffix; QString fullPrefix = basePrefix; if (fullPrefix.isNull()) { fullPrefix = m_currentProject->projectUrl().fileName().remove(QRegExp(".rocs*$")); } else if (fullPrefix.endsWith(fullSuffix)) { fullPrefix.remove(QRegExp(fullSuffix + '$')); } targetFile.setFileName(basePath + fullPrefix + fullSuffix); for(int i = 1; targetFile.exists(); i++) { targetFile.setFileName(basePath + fullPrefix + QString::number(i) + fullSuffix); } return targetFile.fileName(); }
bool EventModel::loadEventData(QFile& qFile) { beginResetModel(); clearModel(); // Read events MatrixXi events; if(!MNE::read_events(qFile, events)) { qDebug() << "Error while reading events."; return false; } //std::cout << events << endl; qDebug() << QString("Events read from %1").arg(qFile.fileName()); //set loaded fiff event data for(int i = 0; i < events.rows(); i++) { m_dataSamples.append(events(i,0)); m_dataTypes.append(events(i,2)); m_dataIsUserEvent.append(0); } //Set filtered events to original m_dataSamples_Filtered = m_dataSamples; m_dataTypes_Filtered = m_dataTypes; m_dataIsUserEvent_Filtered = m_dataIsUserEvent; //Create type string list m_eventTypeList.clear(); for(int i = 0; i<m_dataTypes.size(); i++) if(!m_eventTypeList.contains(QString().number(m_dataTypes[i]))) m_eventTypeList<<QString().number(m_dataTypes[i]); emit updateEventTypes("All"); endResetModel(); m_bFileloaded = true; return true; }
RatpPrivate::RatpPrivate(Ratp *q): q_ptr(q) { QFile file (":/data/backward/stations.txt"); if (! { debug("ratp-plugin") << "Failed to read" << file.fileName().constData(); return; } QTextStream fileStream (&file); while (!fileStream.atEnd()) { QString line = fileStream.readLine().trimmed(); if (!line.isEmpty()) { stations.append(line); } } file.close(); }
/** This method should load the specified image file as a texture in video memory and return its texture id. @TODO: Finish filling this in! **/ GLuint GLWidget::loadTexture(const QFile &file) { QImage image, texture; if(!file.exists()) return -1; image.load(file.fileName()); texture = QGLWidget::convertToGLFormat(image); GLuint textureID; //Put your code here glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glGenTextures(1, &textureID); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, texture.width(), texture.height(), 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture.bits()); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); return textureID; /* return something meaningful */ }