void Qt_pointset_summary::init( const Geostat_grid* grid ) { const Point_set* pset = dynamic_cast<const Point_set*>( grid ); if( !pset ) return; geostat_grid_ = pset; int points_count = pset->size(); QString count; count.setNum( points_count ); desc_widget_ = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal ); QGroupBox* groupbox = (QGroupBox*) desc_widget_; groupbox->setInsideSpacing( 4 ); new QLabel( QString("# of points: ")+count, groupbox ); GsTLPoint min, max; bounding_box( min, max, pset ); QFont font; font.setBold(true); groupbox->addSpace( 8 ); QLabel* bboxlabel = new QLabel( "Bounding Box", groupbox ); bboxlabel->setFont( font ); std::ostringstream minlabel; minlabel << "Min: ( " << min.x() << " , " << min.y() << " , " << min.z() << " )"; new QLabel( QString( minlabel.str() ), groupbox ); std::ostringstream maxlabel; maxlabel << "Max: ( " << max.x() << " , " << max.y() << " , " << max.z() << " )"; new QLabel( QString( maxlabel.str() ), groupbox ); }
void Qt_cartesian_grid_summary::init( const Geostat_grid* grid ) { //TL modified const Cartesian_grid* cgrid = dynamic_cast<const Cartesian_grid*>( grid ); if( !cgrid ) return; geostat_grid_ = cgrid; GsTLCoordVector cell_dims = cgrid->cell_dimensions(); GsTLPoint origin = cgrid->origin(); desc_widget_ = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal ); QGroupBox* groupbox = (QGroupBox*) desc_widget_; groupbox->setInsideSpacing( 4 ); QString count; QFont font; font.setBold(true); // number of cells QLabel* dimslabel; dimslabel = new QLabel( "Number of cells", groupbox ); dimslabel->setFont( font ); count.setNum( cgrid->nx() ); new QLabel( QString("X: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( cgrid->ny() ); new QLabel( QString("Y: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( cgrid->nz() ); new QLabel( QString("Z: ")+count, groupbox ); QLabel * num; // cell dimensions groupbox->addSpace( 8 ); QLabel* sizelabel = new QLabel( "Cells dimensions", groupbox ); sizelabel->setFont( font ); count.setNum( cell_dims.x() ); new QLabel( QString("X: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( cell_dims.y() ); new QLabel( QString("Y: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( cell_dims.z() ); new QLabel( QString("Z: ")+count, groupbox ); // Origin groupbox->addSpace( 8 ); QLabel* originlabel = new QLabel( "Origin (center of origin cell)", groupbox ); originlabel->setFont( font ); count.setNum( origin.x() ); new QLabel( QString("X: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( origin.y() ); new QLabel( QString("Y: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( origin.z() ); new QLabel( QString("Z: ")+count, groupbox ); };
void K3bIsoImageWritingDialog::setupGui() { QWidget* frame = mainWidget(); // image // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QGroupBox* groupImageUrl = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Image to Burn"), frame ); m_editImagePath = new KURLRequester( groupImageUrl ); m_editImagePath->setMode( KFile::File|KFile::ExistingOnly ); m_editImagePath->setCaption( i18n("Choose Image File") ); m_editImagePath->setFilter( i18n("*.iso *.ISO|ISO9660 Image Files") + "\n" + i18n("*|All Files") ); connect( m_editImagePath->lineEdit(), SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotWriterChanged() ) ); // image info // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- m_infoView = new K3bListView( frame ); m_infoView->addColumn( "key" ); m_infoView->addColumn( "value" ); m_infoView->header()->hide(); m_infoView->setNoItemText( i18n("No image file selected") ); m_infoView->setSorting( -1 ); m_infoView->setAlternateBackground( QColor() ); m_infoView->setFullWidth(true); m_infoView->setSelectionMode( QListView::NoSelection ); connect( m_infoView, SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(slotContextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)) ); m_writerSelectionWidget = new K3bWriterSelectionWidget( frame ); // options // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QTabWidget* optionTabbed = new QTabWidget( frame ); QWidget* optionTab = new QWidget( optionTabbed ); QGridLayout* optionTabLayout = new QGridLayout( optionTab ); optionTabLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); optionTabLayout->setSpacing( spacingHint() ); optionTabLayout->setMargin( marginHint() ); QGroupBox* writingModeGroup = new QGroupBox( 1, Vertical, i18n("Writing Mode"), optionTab ); writingModeGroup->setInsideMargin( marginHint() ); m_writingModeWidget = new K3bWritingModeWidget( writingModeGroup ); // copies -------- QGroupBox* groupCopies = new QGroupBox( 2, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Copies"), optionTab ); groupCopies->setInsideSpacing( spacingHint() ); groupCopies->setInsideMargin( marginHint() ); QLabel* pixLabel = new QLabel( groupCopies ); pixLabel->setPixmap( SmallIcon( "cdcopy", KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); pixLabel->setScaledContents( false ); m_spinCopies = new QSpinBox( groupCopies ); m_spinCopies->setMinValue( 1 ); m_spinCopies->setMaxValue( 999 ); // -------- copies QGroupBox* optionGroup = new QGroupBox( 3, Vertical, i18n("Settings"), optionTab ); optionGroup->setInsideMargin( marginHint() ); optionGroup->setInsideSpacing( spacingHint() ); m_checkDummy = K3bStdGuiItems::simulateCheckbox( optionGroup ); m_checkVerify = K3bStdGuiItems::verifyCheckBox( optionGroup ); optionTabLayout->addWidget( writingModeGroup, 0, 0 ); optionTabLayout->addWidget( groupCopies, 1, 0 ); optionTabLayout->addMultiCellWidget( optionGroup, 0, 1, 1, 1 ); optionTabLayout->setRowStretch( 1, 1 ); optionTabLayout->setColStretch( 1, 1 ); optionTabbed->addTab( optionTab, i18n("Settings") ); QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout( frame ); grid->setSpacing( spacingHint() ); grid->setMargin( 0 ); grid->addWidget( groupImageUrl, 0, 0 ); grid->addWidget( m_infoView, 1, 0 ); grid->addWidget( m_writerSelectionWidget, 2, 0 ); grid->addWidget( optionTabbed, 3, 0 ); grid->setRowStretch( 1, 1 ); }
void Qt_masked_grid_summary::init( const Geostat_grid* grid ) { //TL modified const Reduced_grid * rgrid = dynamic_cast<const Reduced_grid*>(grid); if( !rgrid ) return; //geostat_grid_ = cgrid; GsTLCoordVector cell_dims = rgrid->cell_dimensions(); GsTLPoint origin = rgrid->origin(); desc_widget_ = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal ); QGroupBox* groupbox = (QGroupBox*) desc_widget_; groupbox->setInsideSpacing( 4 ); QString count; QFont font; font.setBold(true); QLabel * title; title = new QLabel(QString("Grid with inactive cells"),groupbox); title->setFont(font); // number of cells QLabel* dimslabel; dimslabel = new QLabel ("Bounding box", groupbox); dimslabel->setFont( font ); count.setNum( rgrid->nx() ); new QLabel( QString("X: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( rgrid->ny() ); new QLabel( QString("Y: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( rgrid->nz() ); new QLabel( QString("Z: ")+count, groupbox ); //TL modified QLabel * num; num = new QLabel(QString("# of active cells: ")+count.setNum(rgrid->numActive()), groupbox); num->setFont(font); // cell dimensions groupbox->addSpace( 8 ); QLabel* sizelabel = new QLabel( "Cells dimensions", groupbox ); sizelabel->setFont( font ); count.setNum( cell_dims.x() ); new QLabel( QString("X: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( cell_dims.y() ); new QLabel( QString("Y: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( cell_dims.z() ); new QLabel( QString("Z: ")+count, groupbox ); // Origin groupbox->addSpace( 8 ); QLabel* originlabel = new QLabel( "Origin (center of origin cell)", groupbox ); originlabel->setFont( font ); count.setNum( origin.x() ); new QLabel( QString("X: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( origin.y() ); new QLabel( QString("Y: ")+count, groupbox ); count.setNum( origin.z() ); new QLabel( QString("Z: ")+count, groupbox ); }
SecurityDlg::SecurityDlg(CICQDaemon *s, CSignalManager *_sigman, QWidget *parent) : LicqDialog(parent, "SecurityDialog", false, WStyle_ContextHelp | WDestructiveClose ) { server = s; sigman = _sigman; eSecurityInfo = 0; ePasswordChange = 0; unsigned long nUin = gUserManager.OwnerUin(); QString strUin; if (nUin) strUin.setNum(nUin); QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout(this, 8); QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox(1, QGroupBox::Horizontal, tr("Options"), this); lay->addWidget(box); QGroupBox *passwordBox = new QGroupBox(2, QGroupBox::Horizontal, tr("Password/UIN settings"), this); #if QT_VERSION > 300 box->setInsideSpacing(1); passwordBox->setInsideSpacing(1); #endif lay->addWidget(passwordBox); // Password boxes lblUin = new QLabel(tr("&Uin:"), passwordBox); edtUin = new QLineEdit(passwordBox); QWhatsThis::add(edtUin, tr("Enter the UIN which you want to use. " "Only available if \"Local changes only\" is " "checked.")); lblPassword = new QLabel(tr("&Password:"******"Enter your ICQ password here.")); lblVerify = new QLabel(tr("&Verify:"), passwordBox); edtSecond = new QLineEdit(passwordBox); QWhatsThis::add(edtSecond, tr("Verify your ICQ password here.")); chkOnlyLocal = new QCheckBox(tr("&Local changes only"), passwordBox); QWhatsThis::add(chkOnlyLocal, tr("If checked, password/UIN changes will apply" " only on your local computer. Useful if " "your password is incorrectly saved in Licq.")); edtUin->setEnabled(false); edtFirst->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); edtSecond->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); lblUin->setBuddy(edtUin); lblPassword->setBuddy(edtFirst); lblVerify->setBuddy(edtSecond); // UIN edtUin->setValidator(new QIntValidator(10000, 2147483647, edtUin)); if (nUin) edtUin->setText(strUin); // Owner password ICQOwner *o = gUserManager.FetchOwner(LOCK_R); if (o != NULL) { edtFirst->setText(o->Password()); edtSecond->setText(o->Password()); } else { edtFirst->setEnabled(false); edtSecond->setEnabled(false); } QVBoxLayout *blay = new QVBoxLayout; chkAuthorization = new QCheckBox(tr("Authorization Required"), box); QWhatsThis::add(chkAuthorization, tr("Determines whether regular ICQ clients " "require your authorization to add you to " "their contact list.")); chkWebAware = new QCheckBox(tr("Web Presence"), box); QWhatsThis::add(chkWebAware, tr("Web Presence allows users to see if you are online " "through your web indicator.")); chkHideIp = new QCheckBox(tr("Hide IP"), box); QWhatsThis::add(chkHideIp, tr("Hide IP stops users from seeing your IP address. It doesn't guarantee it will be hidden though.")); blay->addWidget(chkAuthorization); blay->addWidget(chkWebAware); blay->addWidget(chkHideIp); btnUpdate = new QPushButton(tr("&Update"), this); btnUpdate->setDefault(true); btnUpdate->setMinimumWidth(75); btnCancel = new QPushButton(tr("&Cancel"), this); btnCancel->setMinimumWidth(75); QHBoxLayout *hlay = new QHBoxLayout; hlay->addWidget(QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton(this), 0, AlignLeft); hlay->addSpacing(20); hlay->addStretch(1); hlay->addWidget(btnUpdate, 0, AlignRight); hlay->addSpacing(20); hlay->addWidget(btnCancel, 0, AlignLeft); lay->addLayout(hlay); connect (btnUpdate, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(ok()) ); connect (btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(close()) ); connect (chkOnlyLocal, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slot_chkOnlyLocalToggled(bool))); // do some magic ;) // if we are offline, we enable the checkbox "Only local changes" // this saves one click :) if (o != NULL) // Make sure we exist { slot_chkOnlyLocalToggled( (o->Status() == ICQ_STATUS_OFFLINE) ); chkAuthorization->setChecked(o->GetAuthorization()); chkWebAware->setChecked(o->WebAware()); chkHideIp->setChecked(o->HideIp()); gUserManager.DropOwner(); } else { slot_chkOnlyLocalToggled(true); chkOnlyLocal->setEnabled(false); chkAuthorization->setChecked(false); chkWebAware->setChecked(false); chkHideIp->setChecked(false); } setCaption(tr("ICQ Security Options")); // remember the initial values // later we use these to apply only what has been changed by the user initAuthorization = chkAuthorization->isChecked(); initWebAware = chkWebAware->isChecked(); initHideIp = chkHideIp->isChecked(); initEdtUin = edtUin->text(); initEdtFirst = edtFirst->text(); initEdtSecond = edtSecond->text(); // Set Tab Order setTabOrder(chkAuthorization, chkWebAware); setTabOrder(chkWebAware, chkHideIp); setTabOrder(chkHideIp, edtUin); setTabOrder(edtUin, edtFirst); setTabOrder(edtFirst, edtSecond); setTabOrder(edtSecond, chkOnlyLocal); setTabOrder(chkOnlyLocal, btnUpdate); setTabOrder(btnUpdate, btnCancel); show(); }