void SessionServer::Private::onNewLocalConnection() { QLocalServer * server = dynamic_cast< QLocalServer * >( this->sender() ); assert( server || !"QLocalServer casting failed" ); while( server->hasPendingConnections() ) { QLocalSocket * socket = server->nextPendingConnection(); ServerSession * session = new ServerSession( socket, this ); this->pendingSessions.push( session ); } emit this->newConnection(); }
void MobilityConnection::connectToSimulator() { // 1. check availability QLocalSocket *socket = new QLocalSocket; QString simVersion = SimulatorConnection::instance()->simulatorVersion().toString(); socket->connectToServer(QLatin1String(SIMULATOR_MOBILITY_SERVERNAME) + simVersion, QLocalSocket::ReadWrite); if (!socket->waitForConnected(1000)) { qFatal("Could not connect to mobility server"); socket->deleteLater(); return; } mSendSocket = socket; // 2. Create the local server used for initiating the backchannel. const qint64 pid = QCoreApplication::applicationPid(); QLocalServer *server = new QLocalServer(this); if (!server->listen(qt_mobilityServerName(simVersion, pid))) qFatal("Can't create local mobility server for this application."); // 3. Send initial application connect command. ApplicationConnectCommand command; ApplicationConnectCommand::Request &request = command.request; request.applicationPid = pid; request.applicationName[0] = 0; request.version = mobilityVersion; qt_sendAndReceiveApplicationConnect(socket, command); mSimulatorVersion = command.reply.version; // We usually want to get the initial state from the simulator directly, probably // before the event loop is started up. Hence we block until the simulator has established // the back channel. if (!server->waitForNewConnection(1000)) qFatal("Simulator didn't establish mobility-backchannel on time"); mReceiveSocket = server->nextPendingConnection(); server->close(); connect(mReceiveSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(onReadyRead())); }
/*! \internal Called with an incoming connection */ void QJsonServer::handleLocalConnection() { QLocalServer *server = qobject_cast<QLocalServer *>(sender()); if (!server) return; if (QLocalSocket *socket = server->nextPendingConnection()) { socket->setReadBufferSize(64*1024); Q_D(QJsonServer); QJsonAuthority *authority = d->m_localServers.value(server); QJsonServerClient *client = new QJsonServerClient(this); client->setAuthority(authority); client->setSocket(socket); connect(client, SIGNAL(authorized(const QString&)), this, SLOT(handleClientAuthorized(const QString&))); connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected(const QString&)), this, SLOT(clientDisconnected(const QString&))); connect(client, SIGNAL(messageReceived(const QString&, const QJsonObject&)), this, SLOT(receiveMessage(const QString&, const QJsonObject&))); connect(client, SIGNAL(authorizationFailed()), this, SLOT(handleAuthorizationFailed())); client->start(); }
void Server::start() { QString sockPath = "/tmp/qeventloop_test"; QLocalServer* server = new QLocalServer(); QFile sockFile(sockPath); if (sockFile.exists()) { sockFile.remove(); } server->listen(sockPath); QObject::connect(server, &QLocalServer::newConnection, [this, server]() { m_sock = server->nextPendingConnection(); QObject::connect(m_sock, &QLocalSocket::disconnected, m_sock, &QLocalSocket::deleteLater); QObject::connect(m_sock, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, this, &Server::onReadyRead, Qt::QueuedConnection); sendData(m_sock, 1); QEventLoop loop; QObject::connect(&m_result1, &Result::ready, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); qDebug("start event loop to wait for 1"); loop.exec(); qDebug("end event loop to wait for 1"); }); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Local a(argc, argv); int single; if ((single = Config::getValue("/Interface/Single", 1))){ QLocalSocket socket; socket.connectToServer("BiliLocalInstance"); if (socket.waitForConnected()){ QDataStream s(&socket); s << a.arguments().mid(1); socket.waitForBytesWritten(); return 0; } } loadTranslator(); setDefaultFont(); setToolTipBase(); Interface w; Plugin::loadPlugins(); if (!w.testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_ExplicitShowHide)){ w.show(); } w.tryLocal(a.arguments().mid(1)); QLocalServer *server = nullptr; if (single){ server = new QLocalServer(lApp); server->listen("BiliLocalInstance"); QObject::connect(server, &QLocalServer::newConnection, [&](){ QLocalSocket *r = server->nextPendingConnection(); r->waitForReadyRead(); QDataStream s(r); QStringList args; s >> args; delete r; w.tryLocal(args); }); }
RunControl *WinRtDebugSupport::createDebugRunControl(WinRtRunConfiguration *runConfig, Core::Id mode, QString *errorMessage) { // FIXME: This is just working for local debugging; using namespace Debugger; DebuggerStartParameters params; params.startMode = AttachExternal; // The first Thread needs to be resumed manually. params.commandsAfterConnect = "~0 m"; QFileInfo debuggerHelper(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/winrtdebughelper.exe")); if (!debuggerHelper.isExecutable()) { *errorMessage = tr("The WinRT debugging helper is missing from your Qt Creator " "installation. It was assumed to be located at %1").arg( debuggerHelper.absoluteFilePath()); return 0; } if (useQmlDebugging(runConfig)) { quint16 qmlDebugPort = 0; if (!getFreePort(qmlDebugPort, errorMessage)) return 0; runConfig->setArguments(runConfig->arguments() + QLatin1Char(' ') + QmlDebug::qmlDebugTcpArguments(QmlDebug::QmlDebuggerServices, qmlDebugPort)); params.qmlServerAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost; params.qmlServerPort = qmlDebugPort; } WinRtRunnerHelper *runner = new WinRtRunnerHelper(runConfig, errorMessage); if (!errorMessage->isEmpty()) return 0; QLocalServer server; server.listen(QLatin1String("QtCreatorWinRtDebugPIDPipe")); runner->debug(debuggerHelper.absoluteFilePath()); if (!runner->waitForStarted()) { *errorMessage = tr("Cannot start the WinRT Runner Tool."); return 0; } if (!server.waitForNewConnection(10000)) { *errorMessage = tr("Cannot establish connection to the WinRT debugging helper."); return 0; } while (server.hasPendingConnections()) { QLocalSocket *connection = server.nextPendingConnection(); if (connection->waitForReadyRead(1000)) { const QByteArray &output = connection->readAll(); QList<QByteArray> arg = output.split(':'); if (arg.first() == "PID") { bool ok =false; params.attachPID = arg.last().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { *errorMessage = tr("Cannot extract the PID from the WinRT debugging helper. " "(output: %1)").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(output)); return 0; } server.close(); Debugger::DebuggerRunControl *debugRunControl = createDebuggerRunControl(params, runConfig, errorMessage, mode); runner->setDebugRunControl(debugRunControl); new WinRtDebugSupport(debugRunControl, runner); return debugRunControl; } } } server.close(); *errorMessage = tr("Cannot create an appropriate run control for " "the current run configuration."); return 0; }
RunControl *WinRtDebugSupport::createDebugRunControl(WinRtRunConfiguration *runConfig, RunMode mode, QString *errorMessage) { // FIXME: This is just working for local debugging; using namespace Debugger; DebuggerStartParameters params; params.startMode = AttachExternal; params.languages |= CppLanguage; params.breakOnMain = mode == DebugRunModeWithBreakOnMain; // The first Thread needs to be resumed manually. params.commandsAfterConnect = "~0 m"; Kit *kit = runConfig->target()->kit(); params.debuggerCommand = DebuggerKitInformation::debuggerCommand(kit).toString(); if (ToolChain *tc = ToolChainKitInformation::toolChain(kit)) params.toolChainAbi = tc->targetAbi(); QFileInfo debuggerHelper(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/winrtdebughelper.exe")); if (!debuggerHelper.isExecutable()) { *errorMessage = tr("The WinRT debugging helper is missing from your Qt Creator " "installation. It was assumed to be located at %1").arg( debuggerHelper.absoluteFilePath()); return 0; } WinRtRunnerHelper *runner = new WinRtRunnerHelper(runConfig, errorMessage); if (!errorMessage->isEmpty()) return 0; QLocalServer server; server.listen(QLatin1String("QtCreatorWinRtDebugPIDPipe")); runner->debug(debuggerHelper.absoluteFilePath()); if (!runner->waitForStarted()) { *errorMessage = tr("Cannot start the WinRT Runner Tool."); return 0; } if (!server.waitForNewConnection(10000)) { *errorMessage = tr("Cannot establish connection to the WinRT debugging helper."); return 0; } while (server.hasPendingConnections()) { QLocalSocket *connection = server.nextPendingConnection(); if (connection->waitForReadyRead(1000)) { const QByteArray &output = connection->readAll(); QList<QByteArray> arg = output.split(':'); if (arg.first() == "PID") { bool ok =false; params.attachPID = arg.last().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { *errorMessage = tr("Cannot extract the PID from the WinRT debugging helper. " "(output: %1)").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(output)); return 0; } server.close(); params.runConfiguration = runConfig; Debugger::DebuggerRunControl *debugRunControl = createDebuggerRunControl(params, errorMessage); runner->setRunControl(debugRunControl); new WinRtDebugSupport(debugRunControl, runner); return debugRunControl; } } } server.close(); *errorMessage = tr("Cannot create an appropriate run control for " "the current run configuration."); return 0; }