コード例 #1
ファイル: qttestplugin.cpp プロジェクト: anchowee/QtCreator
void QtTestPlugin::extensionsInitialized()
    ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance();
    Core::ICore *core = Core::ICore::instance();
    Core::ActionManager *am = core->actionManager();

    m_messageOutputWindow = new TestOutputWindow();

    m_testResultsWindow = TestResultsWindow::instance();
    connect(m_testResultsWindow, SIGNAL(stopTest()), this, SLOT(stopTesting()));
    connect(m_testResultsWindow, SIGNAL(retryFailedTests(QStringList)),
        this, SLOT(retryTests(QStringList)));
    connect(TestExecuter::instance(), SIGNAL(testStarted()),
        m_testResultsWindow, SLOT(onTestStarted()));
    connect(TestExecuter::instance(), SIGNAL(testStop()),
        m_testResultsWindow, SLOT(onTestStopped()));
    connect(TestExecuter::instance(), SIGNAL(testFinished()),
        m_testResultsWindow, SLOT(onTestFinished()));
    connect(testResultsPane(), SIGNAL(defectSelected(TestCaseRec)),
        this, SLOT(onDefectSelected(TestCaseRec)));

    // Add context menu to CPP editor
    Core::ActionContainer *mcontext = am->actionContainer(CppEditor::Constants::M_CONTEXT);
    m_contextMenu->init(mcontext->menu(), 2, this);

    // Add context menu to JS editor
    mcontext = am->actionContainer(QmlJSEditor::Constants::M_CONTEXT);
    m_contextMenu->init(mcontext->menu(), 2, this);

    // Add a Test menu to the menu bar
    Core::ActionContainer* ac = am->createMenu("QtTestPlugin.TestMenu");
    m_contextMenu->init(ac->menu(), 0, 0);

    // Insert the "Test" menu between "Window" and "Help".
    QMenu *windowMenu = am->actionContainer(Core::Constants::M_TOOLS)->menu();
    QMenuBar *menuBar = am->actionContainer(Core::Constants::MENU_BAR)->menuBar();
    menuBar->insertMenu(windowMenu->menuAction(), ac->menu());

    ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin *explorer =

    connect(explorer->session(), SIGNAL(startupProjectChanged(ProjectExplorer::Project*)),
        this, SLOT(onStartupProjectChanged(ProjectExplorer::Project *)));

    connect(core->progressManager(), SIGNAL(allTasksFinished(QString)),
        this, SLOT(onAllTasksFinished(QString)));

    connect(explorer->session(), SIGNAL(aboutToRemoveProject(ProjectExplorer::Project *)),
        this, SLOT(onProjectRemoved(ProjectExplorer::Project *)));

    m_contextMenu->init(0, 3, this);
コード例 #2
ファイル: DoNothingPlugin.cpp プロジェクト: Kakadu/Triss
void DoNothingPlugin::createMenus()
    // Fetch the action manager
    Core::ActionManager* am = Core::ICore::instance()->actionManager();

    // Create a DoNothing menu
    Core::ActionContainer* ac = am->createMenu("DoNothingPlugin.DoNothingMenu");

    // Create a command for "About DoNothing".
    Core::Command* cmd = am->registerAction(new QAction(this), "DoNothingPlugin.AboutDoNothing", QList<int>() << 0);
    cmd->action()->setText("About DoNothing");

    // Add DoNothing menu to the beginning of the menu bar

    // Add the "About DoNothing" action to the DoNothing menu

    // Connect the action
    connect(cmd->action(), SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(about()));

    // Create a DoNothing2 menu
    Core::ActionContainer* ac2 = am->createMenu("DoNothingPlugin.DoNothing2Menu");

    // Create a command for "About DoNothing 2".
    Core::Command* cmd2 = am->registerAction(new QAction(this), "DoNothingPlugin.AboutDoNothing2", QList<int>() << 0);
    cmd2->action()->setText("About DoNothing 2");

    // Insert the "DoNothing" menu between "Window" and "Help".
    QMenu* helpMenu = am->actionContainer(Core::Constants::M_HELP)->menu();
    QMenuBar* menuBar = am->actionContainer(Core::Constants::MENU_BAR)->menuBar();
    menuBar->insertMenu(helpMenu->menuAction(), ac2->menu());

    // Add the "About DoNothing 2" action to the DoNothing2 menu

    // Connect the action
    connect(cmd2->action(), SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(about()));
コード例 #3
// ========================================================
int init1 (  )

    PluginBl_Report *mcont = new PluginBl_Report;

    QMenu *pPluginMenu = NULL;
    /// Miramos si existe un menu Informes
    pPluginMenu = g_pluginbl_report->menuBar()->findChild<QMenu *> ( "menuInformes" );
    QMenu *pPluginVer = g_pluginbl_report->menuBar()->findChild<QMenu *> ( "menuVentana" );

    /// Buscamos ficheros adecuados
    QDir dir ( g_confpr->value( CONF_DIR_OPENREPORTS ) );
    dir.setFilter ( QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks );
    dir.setSorting ( QDir::Size | QDir::Reversed );
    /// Hacemos un filtrado de busqueda
    QStringList filters;
    filters << "inf_*.txt";
    dir.setNameFilters ( filters );

    QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList();

    for ( int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i ) {
        QFileInfo fileInfo = list.at ( i );

        QFile file;
        file.setFileName ( g_confpr->value( CONF_DIR_OPENREPORTS ) + fileInfo.fileName() );
        file.open ( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
        QTextStream stream ( &file );
        QString buff = stream.readAll();

        /// Buscamos el titulo
        QString titulo = fileInfo.fileName();
        QRegExp rx3 ( " title\\s*=\\s*\"(.*)\"" );
        rx3.setMinimal ( true );
        if ( rx3.indexIn ( buff, 0 )  != -1 ) {
            titulo = rx3.cap ( 1 );
        } // end while

        QString pathtitulo = fileInfo.fileName();
        QRegExp rx1 ( "pathtitle\\s*=\\s*\"(.*)\"" );
        rx1.setMinimal ( true );
        if ( rx1.indexIn ( buff, 0 )  != -1 ) {
            pathtitulo = rx1.cap ( 1 );
        } else {
	    pathtitulo = titulo;
	} // end while

        /// Buscamos el icono
        QString icon = ":/Images/template2rml.png";
        QRegExp rx6 ( " icon\\s*=\\s*\"(.*)\"" );
        rx6.setMinimal ( true );
        if ( rx6.indexIn ( buff, 0 )  != -1 ) {
            icon = rx6.cap ( 1 );
        } // end while

	QMenuBar *menubar =g_pluginbl_report->menuBar();
	QMenu *menu = NULL;
	QStringList path = pathtitulo.split("\\");

	if (path.size() > 1) {
		    QList<QMenu *> allPButtons = menubar->findChildren<QMenu *>();
		    bool encontrado = false;
		    for (int j = 0; j < allPButtons.size(); ++j) {
			if (allPButtons.at(j)->title() == path[0]) {
			    encontrado = true;
			    menu = allPButtons.at(j);
			} // end if
		    } // end for

		    if (!encontrado) {
			QMenu *pPluginMenu1 = new QMenu (path[0] , menubar );
                        menubar->insertMenu ( pPluginVer->menuAction(), pPluginMenu1 );
			menu = pPluginMenu1;
		    } // end if
	} else {

		    if (!pPluginMenu) {
			    pPluginMenu = new QMenu ( _ ( "Informes" ), g_pluginbl_report->menuBar() );
			    pPluginMenu->setObjectName ( QString::fromUtf8 ( "menuInformes" ) );
			    g_pluginbl_report->menuBar()->insertMenu ( pPluginVer->menuAction(), pPluginMenu );
		    } // end if
		    menu = pPluginMenu;
	} // end if

	for (int i = 1; i < path.size()-1; ++i) {
	    QList<QMenu *> allPButtons = menu->findChildren<QMenu *>();
	    bool encontrado = false;
	    for (int j = 0; j < allPButtons.size(); ++j) {
		if (allPButtons.at(j)->title() == path[i]) {
		    encontrado = true;
		    menu = allPButtons.at(j);
		} // end if
	    } // end for

	    if (!encontrado) {
		QMenu *pPluginMenu1 = new QMenu ( path[i] , menu );
		menu->addMenu (  pPluginMenu1 );
		menu = pPluginMenu1;
	    } // end if

	} // end for

        /// Creamos el men&uacute;.
        QAction *accion = new QAction ( path[path.size()-1], 0 );
        accion->setObjectName ( fileInfo.fileName() );
        accion->setStatusTip ( titulo);
        accion->setWhatsThis ( titulo );
        mcont->connect ( accion, SIGNAL ( activated() ), mcont, SLOT ( elslot2() ) );
        menu->addAction ( accion );
    } // end for

    return 0;