static QMimeType mimeType(const QString &name, const QString& fallback) { QMimeDatabase mime; QMimeType type; if ( !name.isEmpty() ) type = mime.mimeTypeForName(name); if ( !type.isValid() && fallback != name ) type = mime.mimeTypeForName(fallback); return type; }
void tst_QMimeDatabase::inheritsPerformance() { // Check performance of inherits(). // This benchmark (which started in 2009 in kmimetypetest.cpp) uses 40 mimetypes. QStringList mimeTypes; mimeTypes << QLatin1String("image/jpeg") << QLatin1String("image/png") << QLatin1String("image/tiff") << QLatin1String("text/plain") << QLatin1String("text/html"); mimeTypes += mimeTypes; mimeTypes += mimeTypes; mimeTypes += mimeTypes; QCOMPARE(mimeTypes.count(), 40); QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForName(QString::fromLatin1("text/x-chdr")); QVERIFY(mime.isValid()); QBENCHMARK { QString match; foreach (const QString &mt, mimeTypes) { if (mime.inherits(mt)) { match = mt; // of course there would normally be a "break" here, but we're testing worse-case // performance here } } QCOMPARE(match, QString::fromLatin1("text/plain")); } // Numbers from 2011, in release mode: // KDE 4.7 numbers: 0.21 msec / 494,000 ticks / 568,345 instr. loads per iteration // QMimeBinaryProvider (with Qt 5): 0.16 msec / NA / 416,049 instr. reads per iteration // QMimeXmlProvider (with Qt 5): 0.062 msec / NA / 172,889 instr. reads per iteration // (but the startup time is way higher) // And memory usage is flat at 200K with QMimeBinaryProvider, while it peaks at 6 MB when // parsing XML, and then keeps being around 4.5 MB for all the in-memory hashes. }
QMimeType KFileItem::determineMimeType() const { if (!d) { return QMimeType(); } if (!d->m_mimeType.isValid() || !d->m_bMimeTypeKnown) { QMimeDatabase db; if (isDir()) { d->m_mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(QStringLiteral("inode/directory")); } else { bool isLocalUrl; const QUrl url = mostLocalUrl(&isLocalUrl); d->m_mimeType = db.mimeTypeForUrl(url); // was: d->m_mimeType = KMimeType::findByUrl( url, d->m_fileMode, isLocalUrl ); // => we are no longer using d->m_fileMode for remote URLs. Q_ASSERT(d->m_mimeType.isValid()); //qDebug() << d << "finding final mimetype for" << url << ":" << d->; } d->m_bMimeTypeKnown = true; } if (d->m_delayedMimeTypes) { // if we delayed getting the iconName up till now, this is the right point in time to do so d->m_delayedMimeTypes = false; d->m_useIconNameCache = false; (void)iconName(); } return d->m_mimeType; }
bool MimeTypeChecker::isWantedCollection(const Collection &collection, const QString &wantedMimeType) { if (wantedMimeType.isEmpty() || !collection.isValid()) { return false; } const QStringList contentMimeTypes = collection.contentMimeTypes(); if (contentMimeTypes.isEmpty()) { return false; } foreach (const QString &mimeType, contentMimeTypes) { if (mimeType.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (mimeType == wantedMimeType) { return true; } QMimeDatabase db; const QMimeType mt = db.mimeTypeForName(mimeType); if (!mt.isValid()) { continue; } if (mt.inherits(wantedMimeType)) { return true; } } return false; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain("fatcrm"); KAboutData aboutData(QStringLiteral("fatcrm"), i18n("FatCRM"), version, i18n(description), KAboutLicense::GPL_V2, i18n("(C) 2010-2018 KDAB"), QString(), QStringLiteral("*****@*****.**")); QCommandLineParser parser; KAboutData::setApplicationData(aboutData); parser.addVersionOption(); parser.addHelpOption(); QCommandLineOption noOverlayOption("nooverlay", i18n("Do not display the overlay during initial data loading")); parser.addOption(noOverlayOption); aboutData.setupCommandLine(&parser); parser.process(app); aboutData.processCommandLine(&parser); QMimeDatabase db; if (!db.mimeTypeForName("application/x-vnd.kdab.crm.opportunity").isValid()) { KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("Mimetype application/x-vnd.kdab.crm.opportunity not found, please check your FatCRM installation")); return 1; } KDBusService service(KDBusService::Multiple); auto *window = new MainWindow(!parser.isSet(noOverlayOption)); window->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); window->show(); return app.exec(); }
static KServiceOfferList mimeTypeSycocaOffers(const QString& mimeType) { KServiceOfferList lst; QMimeDatabase db; QString mime = db.mimeTypeForName(mimeType).name(); if (mime.isEmpty()) { if (!mimeType.startsWith(QLatin1String("x-scheme-handler/"))) { // don't warn for unknown scheme handler mimetypes qWarning() << "KMimeTypeTrader: mimeType" << mimeType << "not found"; return lst; // empty } mime = mimeType; } KMimeTypeFactory *factory = KMimeTypeFactory::self(); const int offset = factory->entryOffset(mime); if (!offset) { // shouldn't happen, now that we know the mimetype exists if (!mimeType.startsWith(QLatin1String("x-scheme-handler/"))) // don't warn for unknown scheme handler mimetypes qDebug() << "KMimeTypeTrader: no entry offset for" << mimeType; return lst; // empty } const int serviceOffersOffset = factory->serviceOffersOffset(mime); if ( serviceOffersOffset > -1 ) { lst = KServiceFactory::self()->offers(offset, serviceOffersOffset); } return lst; }
KFileItem::KFileItem(const QUrl &url, const QString &mimeType, mode_t mode) : d(new KFileItemPrivate(KIO::UDSEntry(), mode, KFileItem::Unknown, url, false, false)) { d->m_bMimeTypeKnown = !mimeType.isEmpty(); if (d->m_bMimeTypeKnown) { QMimeDatabase db; d->m_mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(mimeType); } }
static QByteArray chooseFormatAndUrl(const QUrl &u, const QMimeData *mimeData, const QStringList &formats, const QString &text, const QString &suggestedFileName, QWidget *widget, bool clipboard, QUrl *newUrl) { QMimeDatabase db; QStringList formatLabels; for (int i = 0; i < formats.size(); ++i) { const QString &fmt = formats[i]; QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForName(fmt); if (mime.isValid()) { formatLabels.append(i18n("%1 (%2)", mime.comment(), fmt)); } else { formatLabels.append(fmt); } } QString dialogText(text); if (dialogText.isEmpty()) { dialogText = i18n("Filename for clipboard content:"); } //using QString() instead of QString::null didn't compile (with gcc 3.2.3), because the ctor was mistaken as a function declaration, Alex //krazy:exclude=nullstrassign KIO::PasteDialog dlg(QString::null, dialogText, suggestedFileName, formatLabels, widget, clipboard); //krazy:exclude=nullstrassign if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return QByteArray(); } if (clipboard && dlg.clipboardChanged()) { KMessageBox::sorry(widget, i18n("The clipboard has changed since you used 'paste': " "the chosen data format is no longer applicable. " "Please copy again what you wanted to paste.")); return QByteArray(); } const QString result = dlg.lineEditText(); const QString chosenFormat = formats[ dlg.comboItem() ]; //qDebug() << " result=" << result << " chosenFormat=" << chosenFormat; *newUrl = u; newUrl->setPath(newUrl->path() + '/' + result); // In Qt3, the result of clipboard()->mimeData() only existed until the next // event loop run (see dlg.exec() above), so we re-fetched it. // TODO: This should not be necessary with Qt5; remove this conditional // and test that it still works. if (clipboard) { mimeData = QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(); } const QByteArray ba = mimeData->data(chosenFormat); return ba; }
KoDocumentInfoDlg::KoDocumentInfoDlg(QWidget* parent, KoDocumentInfo* docInfo) : KPageDialog(parent) , d(new KoDocumentInfoDlgPrivate) { d->info = docInfo; setWindowTitle(i18n("Document Information")); // setInitialSize(QSize(500, 500)); setFaceType(KPageDialog::List); setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setDefault(true); d->aboutUi = new Ui::KoDocumentInfoAboutWidget(); QWidget *infodlg = new QWidget(); d->aboutUi->setupUi(infodlg); d->aboutUi->cbLanguage->addItems(KoGlobal::listOfLanguages()); d->aboutUi->cbLanguage->setCurrentIndex(-1); KPageWidgetItem *page = new KPageWidgetItem(infodlg, i18n("General")); page->setHeader(i18n("General")); // Ugly hack, the mimetype should be a parameter, instead KoDocumentBase* doc = dynamic_cast< KoDocumentBase* >(d->info->parent()); if (doc) { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForName(doc->mimeType()); if (mime.isValid()) { page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon(mime.iconName())); } } else { // hide all entries not used in pages for KoDocumentInfoPropsPage d->aboutUi->filePathInfoLabel->setVisible(false); d->aboutUi->filePathLabel->setVisible(false); d->aboutUi->filePathSeparatorLine->setVisible(false); d->aboutUi->lblTypeDesc->setVisible(false); d->aboutUi->lblType->setVisible(false); } addPage(page); d->pages.append(page); initAboutTab(); d->authorUi = new Ui::KoDocumentInfoAuthorWidget(); QWidget *authordlg = new QWidget(); d->authorUi->setupUi(authordlg); page = new KPageWidgetItem(authordlg, i18n("Author")); page->setHeader(i18n("Last saved by")); page->setIcon(koIcon("user-identity")); addPage(page); d->pages.append(page); initAuthorTab(); }
void InfoPanel::showMetaDataFor(const QModelIndex &index) { showMetaData(); const Archive::Entry *entry = m_model->entryForIndex(index); QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mimeType; if (entry->isDir()) { mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(QStringLiteral("inode/directory")); } else { mimeType = db.mimeTypeForFile(entry->fullPath(), QMimeDatabase::MatchExtension); } m_typeValueLabel->setText(mimeType.comment()); if (!entry->property("owner").toString().isEmpty()) { m_ownerLabel->show(); m_ownerValueLabel->show(); m_ownerValueLabel->setText(entry->property("owner").toString()); } else { m_ownerLabel->hide(); m_ownerValueLabel->hide(); } if (!entry->property("group").toString().isEmpty()) { m_groupLabel->show(); m_groupValueLabel->show(); m_groupValueLabel->setText(entry->property("group").toString()); } else { m_groupLabel->hide(); m_groupValueLabel->hide(); } if (!entry->property("link").toString().isEmpty()) { m_targetLabel->show(); m_targetValueLabel->show(); m_targetValueLabel->setText(entry->property("link").toString()); } else { m_targetLabel->hide(); m_targetValueLabel->hide(); } if (entry->property("isPasswordProtected").toBool()) { m_passwordLabel->show(); m_passwordValueLabel->show(); } else { m_passwordLabel->hide(); m_passwordValueLabel->hide(); } }
QStringList DBusFileDialogManager::globPatternsForMime(const QString &mimeType) const { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mime(db.mimeTypeForName(mimeType)); if (mime.isValid()) { if (mime.isDefault()) { return QStringList(QStringLiteral("*")); } else { return mime.globPatterns(); } } return QStringList(); }
void tst_QMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForName() { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType s0 = db.mimeTypeForName(QString::fromLatin1("application/x-zerosize")); QVERIFY(s0.isValid()); QCOMPARE(, QString::fromLatin1("application/x-zerosize")); QCOMPARE(s0.comment(), QString::fromLatin1("empty document")); QMimeType s0Again = db.mimeTypeForName(QString::fromLatin1("application/x-zerosize")); QCOMPARE(,; QMimeType s1 = db.mimeTypeForName(QString::fromLatin1("text/plain")); QVERIFY(s1.isValid()); QCOMPARE(, QString::fromLatin1("text/plain")); //qDebug("Comment is %s", qPrintable(s1.comment())); QMimeType krita = db.mimeTypeForName(QString::fromLatin1("application/x-krita")); QVERIFY(krita.isValid()); // Test <comment> parsing with application/rdf+xml which has the english comment after the other ones QMimeType rdf = db.mimeTypeForName(QString::fromLatin1("application/rdf+xml")); QVERIFY(rdf.isValid()); QCOMPARE(rdf.comment(), QString::fromLatin1("RDF file")); QMimeType bzip2 = db.mimeTypeForName(QString::fromLatin1("application/x-bzip2")); QVERIFY(bzip2.isValid()); QCOMPARE(bzip2.comment(), QString::fromLatin1("Bzip archive")); QMimeType defaultMime = db.mimeTypeForName(QString::fromLatin1("application/octet-stream")); QVERIFY(defaultMime.isValid()); QVERIFY(defaultMime.isDefault()); QMimeType doesNotExist = db.mimeTypeForName(QString::fromLatin1("foobar/x-doesnot-exist")); QVERIFY(!doesNotExist.isValid()); // TODO move to findByFile #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX QString exePath = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QLatin1String("ls")); if (exePath.isEmpty()) qWarning() << "ls not found"; else { const QString executableType = QString::fromLatin1("application/x-executable"); //QTest::newRow("executable") << exePath << executableType; QCOMPARE(db.mimeTypeForFile(exePath).name(), executableType); } #endif }
QString vfile::vfile_getIcon() { if (vfile_icon.isEmpty()) { QString mime = vfile_getMime(); if (vfile_isBrokenLink()) vfile_icon = "file-broken"; else if (vfile_icon.isEmpty()) { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mt = db.mimeTypeForName(mime); vfile_icon = mt.isValid() ? mt.iconName() : "file-broken"; } } return vfile_icon; }
const QImage ThumbnailProtocol::getIcon() { const QMimeDatabase db; ///@todo Can we really do this? It doesn't seem to respect the size if (!m_iconDict.contains(m_mimeType)) { // generate it QImage icon(KIconLoader::global()->loadMimeTypeIcon(db.mimeTypeForName(m_mimeType).iconName(), KIconLoader::Desktop, m_iconSize).toImage()); icon = icon.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); m_iconDict.insert(m_mimeType, icon); return icon; } return m_iconDict.value(m_mimeType); }
/** ***************************************************************************/ Files::Extension::Extension() : Core::Extension("org.albert.extension.files"), Core::QueryHandler(Core::Extension::id), d(new FilesPrivate(this)) { // Load settings QSettings s(qApp->applicationName()); s.beginGroup(Core::Extension::id); d->indexSettings.filters = s.value(CFG_FILTERS, DEF_FILTERS).toStringList(); d->indexSettings.indexHidden = s.value(CFG_INDEX_HIDDEN, DEF_INDEX_HIDDEN).toBool(); d->indexSettings.followSymlinks = s.value(CFG_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS, DEF_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS).toBool(); d->offlineIndex.setFuzzy(s.value(CFG_FUZZY, DEF_FUZZY).toBool()); d->indexIntervalTimer.setInterval(s.value(CFG_SCAN_INTERVAL, DEF_SCAN_INTERVAL).toInt()*60000); // Will be started in the initial index update d->indexSettings.rootDirs = s.value(CFG_PATHS).toStringList(); if (d->indexSettings.rootDirs.isEmpty()) restorePaths(); s.endGroup(); // Deserialize data QFile file(QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation)). filePath(QString("%1.txt").arg(Core::Extension::id))); if (file.exists()) { if (| QIODevice::Text)) { qDebug() << qPrintable(QString("Deserializing files from '%1'.").arg(file.fileName())); QTextStream in(&file); QMimeDatabase mimedatabase; while (!in.atEnd()) d->index.emplace_back(new File(in.readLine(), mimedatabase.mimeTypeForName(in.readLine()))); file.close(); // Build the offline index for (const auto &item : d->index) d->offlineIndex.add(item); } else qWarning() << qPrintable(QString("Could not read from file '%1': %2").arg(file.fileName(), file.errorString())); } // Index timer connect(&d->indexIntervalTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Extension::updateIndex); // If the root dirs change write it to the settings connect(this, &Extension::rootDirsChanged, [this](const QStringList& dirs){ QSettings(qApp->applicationName()).setValue(QString("%1/%2").arg(Core::Extension::id, CFG_PATHS), dirs); }); // Trigger an initial update updateIndex(); }
KisFilterChooser::KisFilterChooser(QWidget *parent, const QStringList &mimeTypes, const QString &/*nativeFormat*/, const QUrl &url) : KoDialog(parent), m_mimeTypes(mimeTypes) { setObjectName("kofilterchooser"); setInitialSize(QSize(300, 350)); setButtons(KoDialog::Ok|KoDialog::Cancel); setDefaultButton(KoDialog::Ok); setCaption(i18n("Choose Filter")); setModal(true); QWidget *page = new QWidget(this); setMainWidget(page); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(page); if (url.isValid()) { KSqueezedTextLabel *l = new KSqueezedTextLabel(url.path(), page); layout->addWidget(l); } m_filterList = new QListWidget(page); layout->addWidget(m_filterList); page->setLayout(layout); Q_ASSERT(!m_mimeTypes.isEmpty()); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = m_mimeTypes.constBegin(); it != m_mimeTypes.constEnd(); ++it) { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForName(*it); const QString name = mime.isValid() ? mime.comment() : *it; if (! name.isEmpty()) { QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(name, m_filterList); item->setData(32, *it); } } m_filterList->sortItems(); if (m_filterList->currentRow() == -1) m_filterList->setCurrentRow(0); m_filterList->setFocus(); connect(m_filterList, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(accept())); resize(QSize(520, 400));//.expandedTo(minimumSizeHint())); }
void KFileItemPrivate::readUDSEntry(bool _urlIsDirectory) { // extract fields from the KIO::UDS Entry m_fileMode = m_entry.numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_FILE_TYPE, KFileItem::Unknown); m_permissions = m_entry.numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS, KFileItem::Unknown); m_strName = m_entry.stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME); const QString displayName = m_entry.stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_DISPLAY_NAME); if (!displayName.isEmpty()) { m_strText = displayName; } else { m_strText = KIO::decodeFileName(m_strName); } const QString urlStr = m_entry.stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_URL); const bool UDS_URL_seen = !urlStr.isEmpty(); if (UDS_URL_seen) { m_url = QUrl(urlStr); if (m_url.isLocalFile()) { m_bIsLocalUrl = true; } } QMimeDatabase db; const QString mimeTypeStr = m_entry.stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MIME_TYPE); m_bMimeTypeKnown = !mimeTypeStr.isEmpty(); if (m_bMimeTypeKnown) { m_mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(mimeTypeStr); } m_guessedMimeType = m_entry.stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_GUESSED_MIME_TYPE); m_bLink = !m_entry.stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_LINK_DEST).isEmpty(); // we don't store the link dest const int hiddenVal = m_entry.numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_HIDDEN, -1); m_hidden = hiddenVal == 1 ? Hidden : (hiddenVal == 0 ? Shown : Auto); if (_urlIsDirectory && !UDS_URL_seen && !m_strName.isEmpty() && m_strName != QLatin1String(".")) { if (!m_url.path().endsWith('/')) { m_url.setPath(m_url.path() + '/'); } m_url.setPath(m_url.path() + m_strName); } m_iconName.clear(); }
bool DropHandler::handleURL(const QList<QUrl>& urls_) { bool hasUnknown = false; QList<QUrl> tc, pdf, bib, ris, ciw; foreach(const QUrl& url, urls_) { QMimeType ptr; // findByURL doesn't work for http, so actually query // the url itself if(url.scheme() != QLatin1String("http")) { QMimeDatabase db; ptr = db.mimeTypeForUrl(url); } else { KIO::MimetypeJob* job = KIO::mimetype(url, KIO::HideProgressInfo); KJobWidgets::setWindow(job, GUI::Proxy::widget()); job->exec(); QMimeDatabase db; ptr = db.mimeTypeForName(job->mimetype()); } if(ptr.inherits(QLatin1String("application/x-tellico"))) { tc << url; } else if(ptr.inherits(QLatin1String("application/pdf"))) { pdf << url; } else if(ptr.inherits(QLatin1String("text/x-bibtex")) || ptr.inherits(QLatin1String("application/x-bibtex")) || ptr.inherits(QLatin1String("application/bibtex"))) { bib << url; } else if(ptr.inherits(QLatin1String("application/x-research-info-systems"))) { ris << url; } else if(url.fileName().endsWith(QLatin1String(".bib"))) { bib << url; } else if(url.fileName().endsWith(QLatin1String(".ris"))) { ris << url; } else if(url.fileName().endsWith(QLatin1String(".ciw"))) { ciw << url; } else if(ptr.inherits(QLatin1String("text/plain")) && Import::BibtexImporter::maybeBibtex(url)) { bib << url; } else if(ptr.inherits(QLatin1String("text/plain")) && Import::RISImporter::maybeRIS(url)) { ris << url; } else if(ptr.inherits(QLatin1String("text/plain")) && Import::CIWImporter::maybeCIW(url)) { ciw << url; } else { myDebug() << "unrecognized type: " << << " (" << url << ")"; hasUnknown = true; } }
PluginRegistry() : mDefaultPlugin(PluginEntry(QStringLiteral("application/octet-stream@QByteArray"), s_defaultItemSerializerPlugin)) , mOverridePlugin(0) { const PluginLoader *pl = PluginLoader::self(); if (!pl) { qWarning() << "Cannot instantiate plugin loader!" << endl; return; } const QStringList names = pl->names(); qDebug() << "ItemSerializerPluginLoader: " << "found" << names.size() << "plugins." << endl; QMap<QString, MimeTypeEntry> map; QRegExp rx(QStringLiteral("(.+)@(.+)")); QMimeDatabase mimeDb; Q_FOREACH (const QString &name, names) { if (rx.exactMatch(name)) { const QMimeType mime = mimeDb.mimeTypeForName(rx.cap(1)); if (mime.isValid()) { const QString mimeType =; const QByteArray classType = rx.cap(2).toLatin1(); QMap<QString, MimeTypeEntry>::iterator it = map.find(mimeType); if (it == map.end()) { it = map.insert(mimeType, MimeTypeEntry(mimeType)); } it->add(classType, PluginEntry(name)); } } else { qDebug() << "ItemSerializerPluginLoader: " << "name" << name << "doesn't look like mimetype@classtype" << endl; } } const QString APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM = QLatin1String(_APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM); QMap<QString, MimeTypeEntry>::iterator it = map.find(APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM); if (it == map.end()) { it = map.insert(APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM, MimeTypeEntry(APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM)); } it->add("QByteArray", mDefaultPlugin); it->add(LEGACY_NAME, mDefaultPlugin); const int size = map.size(); allMimeTypes.reserve(size); std::copy(map.begin(), map.end(), std::back_inserter(allMimeTypes)); }
void Imagesplit::slotImagesplit() { // Taking the title - url from caption function and removing file extension QStringList strList = ((m_view->document())->caption()).split('.'); QString suffix =; // Getting all mime types and converting them into names which are displayed at combo box QStringList listMimeFilter = KisImportExportManager::mimeFilter("application/x-krita", KisImportExportManager::Export); QStringList filteredMimeTypes; QStringList listFileType; foreach(const QString & tempStr, listMimeFilter) { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType type = db.mimeTypeForName(tempStr); dbgKrita << tempStr << type; if (type.isValid()) { listFileType.append(type.comment()); filteredMimeTypes.append(tempStr); } }
void InfoPanel::setIndex(const QModelIndex& index) { if (!index.isValid()) { updateWithDefaults(); } else { const Archive::Entry *entry = m_model->entryForIndex(index); if (!entry) { return; } QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mimeType; if (entry->isDir()) { mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(QStringLiteral("inode/directory")); } else { mimeType = db.mimeTypeForFile(entry->fullPath(), QMimeDatabase::MatchExtension); } iconLabel->setPixmap(getDesktopIconForName(mimeType.iconName())); if (entry->isDir()) { uint dirs; uint files; entry->countChildren(dirs, files); additionalInfo->setText(KIO::itemsSummaryString(dirs + files, files, dirs, 0, false)); } else if (!entry->property("link").toString().isEmpty()) { additionalInfo->setText(i18n("Symbolic Link")); } else { if (entry->property("size") != 0) { additionalInfo->setText(KIO::convertSize(entry->property("size").toULongLong())); } else { additionalInfo->setText(i18n("Unknown size")); } } const QStringList nameParts = entry->fullPath().split(QLatin1Char( '/' ), QString::SkipEmptyParts); const QString name = (nameParts.count() > 0) ? nameParts.last() : entry->fullPath(); fileName->setText(name); showMetaDataFor(index); } }
void Goose::post(const QUrl &url, const QByteArray &data) { QNetworkRequest request(url); m_geese->prepare(request); auto reply = m_geese->post(request, data); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [ = ]() { QMimeDatabase mdb; auto contentType = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader).toString(); qDebug() << mdb.mimeTypeForName(contentType); emit arrive(QNetworkReply::NoError, reply->readAll()); }); connect(reply, static_cast<void (QNetworkReply::*)(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)>(&QNetworkReply::error), this, [ = ](QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) { qWarning() << "Goose: get" << reply->errorString(); emit arrive(error, reply->readAll()); }); }
static KService::List mimeTypeSycocaServiceOffers(const QString& mimeType) { KService::List lst; QMimeDatabase db; const QString mime = db.mimeTypeForName(mimeType).name(); if (mime.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "KMimeTypeTrader: mimeType" << mimeType << "not found"; return lst; // empty } KMimeTypeFactory *factory = KMimeTypeFactory::self(); const int offset = factory->entryOffset(mime); if ( !offset ) { qWarning() << "KMimeTypeTrader: mimeType" << mimeType << "not found"; return lst; // empty } const int serviceOffersOffset = factory->serviceOffersOffset(mime); if ( serviceOffersOffset > -1 ) { lst = KServiceFactory::self()->serviceOffers(offset, serviceOffersOffset); } return lst; }
// static QStringList ClipCreationDialog::getExtensions() { // Build list of mime types QStringList mimeTypes = QStringList() << QStringLiteral("application/x-kdenlive") << QStringLiteral("application/x-kdenlivetitle") << QStringLiteral("video/mlt-playlist") << QStringLiteral("text/plain"); // Video mimes mimeTypes << QStringLiteral("video/x-flv") << QStringLiteral("application/vnd.rn-realmedia") << QStringLiteral("video/x-dv") << QStringLiteral("video/dv") << QStringLiteral("video/x-msvideo") << QStringLiteral("video/x-matroska") << QStringLiteral("video/mpeg") << QStringLiteral("video/ogg") << QStringLiteral("video/x-ms-wmv") << QStringLiteral("video/mp4") << QStringLiteral("video/quicktime") << QStringLiteral("video/webm") << QStringLiteral("video/3gpp") << QStringLiteral("video/mp2t"); // Audio mimes mimeTypes << QStringLiteral("audio/x-flac") << QStringLiteral("audio/x-matroska") << QStringLiteral("audio/mp4") << QStringLiteral("audio/mpeg") << QStringLiteral("audio/x-mp3") << QStringLiteral("audio/ogg") << QStringLiteral("audio/x-wav") << QStringLiteral("audio/x-aiff") << QStringLiteral("audio/aiff") << QStringLiteral("application/ogg") << QStringLiteral("application/mxf") << QStringLiteral("application/x-shockwave-flash") << QStringLiteral("audio/ac3"); // Image mimes mimeTypes << QStringLiteral("image/gif") << QStringLiteral("image/jpeg") << QStringLiteral("image/png") << QStringLiteral("image/x-tga") << QStringLiteral("image/x-bmp") << QStringLiteral("image/svg+xml") << QStringLiteral("image/tiff") << QStringLiteral("image/x-xcf") << QStringLiteral("image/x-xcf-gimp") << QStringLiteral("image/x-vnd.adobe.photoshop") << QStringLiteral("image/x-pcx") << QStringLiteral("image/x-exr") << QStringLiteral("image/x-portable-pixmap"); QMimeDatabase db; QStringList allExtensions; foreach(const QString & mimeType, mimeTypes) { QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForName(mimeType); if (mime.isValid()) { allExtensions.append(mime.globPatterns()); } }
QUrl KexiReportView::getExportUrl(const QString &mimetype, const QString &caption, const QString &lastExportPath, const QString &extension) { QUrl result; QString defaultSavePath; if (lastExportPath.startsWith("kfiledialog:///")) { defaultSavePath = lastExportPath + window()->partItem()->captionOrName() + "." + extension; } // loop until an url has been chosen or the file selection has been cancelled const QMimeDatabase db; const QString filterString = db.mimeTypeForName(mimetype).filterString(); while (true) { QUrl result = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(this, caption, QUrl::fromLocalFile(defaultSavePath), filterString); // not cancelled? if (result.isValid()) { if (KIO::NetAccess::exists(result, KIO::NetAccess::DestinationSide, this)) { const KMessageBox::ButtonCode answer = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, xi18n("The file %1 exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?", result.path()), caption, KGuiItem(xi18nc("@action:button Overwrite File", "Overwrite"))); // if overwriting not wanted, let select another url if (answer == KMessageBox::Cancel) { continue; } } } // decision has been made, leave loop break; } return result; }
//! [4] void MainWindow::save() { QMimeDatabase mimeDatabase; QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Choose a file name"), ".", mimeDatabase.mimeTypeForName("text/html").filterString()); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; QFile file(fileName); if (! | QFile::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Dock Widgets"), tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName), file.errorString())); return; } QTextStream out(&file); QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); out << textEdit->toHtml(); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Saved '%1'").arg(fileName), 2000); }
bool MimeTypeChecker::isWantedItem(const Item &item, const QString &wantedMimeType) { if (wantedMimeType.isEmpty() || !item.isValid()) { return false; } const QString mimeType = item.mimeType(); if (mimeType.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (mimeType == wantedMimeType) { return true; } QMimeDatabase db; const QMimeType mt = db.mimeTypeForName(mimeType); if (!mt.isValid()) { return false; } return mt.inherits(wantedMimeType); }
void ArkViewer::view(const QString& fileName) { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mimeType = db.mimeTypeForFile(fileName); qCDebug(ARK) << "viewing" << fileName << "with mime type:" <<; KService::Ptr viewer = ArkViewer::getViewer(; const bool needsExternalViewer = (viewer && !viewer->hasServiceType(QStringLiteral("KParts/ReadOnlyPart"))); if (needsExternalViewer) { // We have already resolved the MIME type and the service above. // So there is no point in using KRun::runUrl() which would need // to do the same again. qCDebug(ARK) << "Using external viewer"; const QList<QUrl> fileUrlList = {QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName)}; // The last argument (tempFiles) set to true means that the temporary // file will be removed when the viewer application exits. KRun::runService(*viewer, fileUrlList, nullptr, true); return; } qCDebug(ARK) << "Attempting to use internal viewer"; bool viewInInternalViewer = true; if (!viewer) { // No internal viewer available for the file. Ask the user if it // should be previewed as text/plain. qCDebug(ARK) << "Internal viewer not available"; int response; if (!mimeType.isDefault()) { // File has a defined MIME type, and not the default // application/octet-stream. So it could be viewable as // plain text, ask the user. response = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, xi18n("The internal viewer cannot preview this type of file<nl/>(%1).<nl/><nl/>Do you want to try to view it as plain text?",, i18nc("@title:window", "Cannot Preview File"), KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Preview as Text"), QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("text-plain"))), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), QStringLiteral("PreviewAsText_%1").arg(; } else { // No defined MIME type, or the default application/octet-stream. // There is still a possibility that it could be viewable as plain // text, so ask the user. Not the same as the message/question // above, because the wording and default are different. response = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, xi18n("The internal viewer cannot preview this unknown type of file.<nl/><nl/>Do you want to try to view it as plain text?"), i18nc("@title:window", "Cannot Preview File"), KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Preview as Text"), QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("text-plain"))), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), QString(), KMessageBox::Dangerous); } if (response == KMessageBox::Cancel) { viewInInternalViewer = false; } else { // set for viewer later mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(QStringLiteral("text/plain")); } } if (viewInInternalViewer) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Opening internal viewer"; ArkViewer *internalViewer = new ArkViewer(); internalViewer->show(); if (internalViewer->viewInInternalViewer(fileName, mimeType)) { // The internal viewer is showing the file, and will // remove the temporary file in its destructor. So there // is no more to do here. return; } else { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("The internal viewer cannot preview this file.")); delete internalViewer; } } // Only get here if there is no internal viewer available or could be // used for the file, and no external viewer was opened. Nothing can be // done with the temporary file, so remove it now. qCDebug(ARK) << "Removing temporary file:" << fileName; QFile::remove(fileName); }
/** ***************************************************************************/ void Files::File::deserialize(QDataStream &in) { QMimeDatabase db; QString mimetype; in >> path_ >> usage_ >> mimetype; mimetype_ = db.mimeTypeForName(mimetype); }
QImage ThumbnailProtocol::thumbForDirectory(const QUrl& directory) { QImage img; if (m_propagationDirectories.isEmpty()) { // Directories that the directory preview will be propagated into if there is no direct sub-directories const KConfigGroup globalConfig(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "PreviewSettings"); m_propagationDirectories = globalConfig.readEntry("PropagationDirectories", QStringList() << "VIDEO_TS").toSet(); m_maxFileSize = globalConfig.readEntry("MaximumSize", 5 * 1024 * 1024); // 5 MByte default } const int tiles = 2; //Count of items shown on each dimension const int spacing = 1; const int visibleCount = tiles * tiles; // TODO: the margins are optimized for the Oxygen iconset // Provide a fallback solution for other iconsets (e. g. draw folder // only as small overlay, use no margins) //Use the current (custom) folder icon const QMimeDatabase db; const QString iconName = db.mimeTypeForName("inode/directory").iconName(); const QPixmap folder = QIcon::fromTheme(iconName).pixmap(qMin(m_width, m_height)); const int folderWidth = folder.width(); const int folderHeight = folder.height(); const int topMargin = folderHeight * 30 / 100; const int bottomMargin = folderHeight / 6; const int leftMargin = folderWidth / 13; const int rightMargin = leftMargin; const int segmentWidth = (folderWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin + spacing) / tiles - spacing; const int segmentHeight = (folderHeight - topMargin - bottomMargin + spacing) / tiles - spacing; if ((segmentWidth < 5) || (segmentHeight < 5)) { // the segment size is too small for a useful preview return img; } QString localFile = directory.path(); // Multiply with a high number, so we get some semi-random sequence int skipValidItems = ((int)sequenceIndex()) * tiles * tiles; img = QImage(QSize(folderWidth, folderHeight), QImage::Format_ARGB32); img.fill(0); QPainter p; p.begin(&img); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, folder); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); int xPos = leftMargin; int yPos = topMargin; int frameWidth = qRound(folderWidth / 85.); int iterations = 0; QString hadFirstThumbnail; int skipped = 0; const int maxYPos = folderHeight - bottomMargin - segmentHeight; // Setup image object for preview with only one tile QImage oneTileImg(folder.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); oneTileImg.fill(0); QPainter oneTilePainter(&oneTileImg); oneTilePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); oneTilePainter.drawPixmap(0, 0, folder); oneTilePainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); const int oneTileWidth = folderWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin; const int oneTileHeight = folderHeight - topMargin - bottomMargin; int validThumbnails = 0; while ((skipped <= skipValidItems) && (yPos <= maxYPos) && validThumbnails == 0) { QDirIterator dir(localFile, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable); if (!dir.hasNext()) { break; } while (dir.hasNext() && (yPos <= maxYPos)) { ++iterations; if (iterations > 500) { skipValidItems = skipped = 0; break; }; if (validThumbnails > 0 && hadFirstThumbnail == dir.filePath()) { break; // Never show the same thumbnail twice } if (dir.fileInfo().size() > m_maxFileSize) { // don't create thumbnails for files that exceed // the maximum set file size continue; } if (!drawSubThumbnail(p, dir.filePath(), segmentWidth, segmentHeight, xPos, yPos, frameWidth)) { continue; } if (validThumbnails == 0) { drawSubThumbnail(oneTilePainter, dir.filePath(), oneTileWidth, oneTileHeight, xPos, yPos, frameWidth); } if (skipped < skipValidItems) { ++skipped; continue; } if (hadFirstThumbnail.isEmpty()) { hadFirstThumbnail = dir.filePath(); } ++validThumbnails; xPos += segmentWidth + spacing; if (xPos > folderWidth - rightMargin - segmentWidth) { xPos = leftMargin; yPos += segmentHeight + spacing; } } if (skipped != 0) { // Round up to full pages const int roundedDown = (skipped / visibleCount) * visibleCount; if (roundedDown < skipped) { skipped = roundedDown + visibleCount; } else { skipped = roundedDown; } } if (skipped == 0) { break; // No valid items were found } // We don't need to iterate again and again: Subtract any multiple of "skipped" from the count we still need to skip skipValidItems -= (skipValidItems / skipped) * skipped; skipped = 0; } p.end(); if (validThumbnails == 0) { // Eventually propagate the contained items from a sub-directory QDirIterator dir(localFile, QDir::Dirs); int max = 50; while (dir.hasNext() && max > 0) { --max;; if (m_propagationDirectories.contains(dir.fileName())) { return thumbForDirectory(QUrl(dir.filePath())); } } // If no thumbnail could be found, return an empty image which indicates // that no preview for the directory is available. img = QImage(); } // If only for one file a thumbnail could be generated then use image with only one tile if (validThumbnails == 1) { return oneTileImg; } return img; }