AncestorConstIterator::AncestorConstIterator(const QObject& leaf) { m_ancestors.push(&leaf); QObject* ancestor = leaf.parent(); while(ancestor) { m_ancestors.push(ancestor); ancestor = ancestor->parent(); } }
QObject* ossimQtApplicationUtility::getRoot(QObject* obj) { if(!obj) return NULL; QObject* current = obj; while(current->parent()) { current = current->parent(); } return current; }
QModelIndex DemandScenarioModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { if( !index.isValid() ) return QModelIndex(); QObject *indexObject = static_cast<QObject*>( index.internalPointer() ); QObject *parentObject = indexObject->parent(); if( parentObject == m_root ) return QModelIndex(); QObject *grandParentObject = parentObject->parent(); return createIndex( grandParentObject->children().indexOf( parentObject ), 0, parentObject ); }
QModelIndex MyIndexedModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const { if (child == QModelIndex() || !child.isValid()) return QModelIndex(); QObject *object = static_cast<QObject *>(child.internalPointer()); QObject *parent = object->parent(); if (parent == root) return QModelIndex(); QObject *grandParent = parent->parent(); return createIndex(grandParent->children().indexOf(parent), 0, parent); }
QObject *QQuickAnimatorProxyJob::findAnimationContext(QQuickAbstractAnimation *a) { QObject *p = a->parent(); while (p != 0 && qobject_cast<QQuickWindow *>(p) == 0 && qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(p) == 0) p = p->parent(); return p; }
bool OffscreenSurface::eventFilter(QObject* originalDestination, QEvent* event) { if (!filterEnabled(originalDestination, event)) { return false; } #ifdef DEBUG // Don't intercept our own events, or we enter an infinite recursion { auto rootItem = _sharedObject->getRootItem(); auto quickWindow = _sharedObject->getWindow(); QObject* recurseTest = originalDestination; while (recurseTest) { Q_ASSERT(recurseTest != rootItem && recurseTest != quickWindow); recurseTest = recurseTest->parent(); } } #endif switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::KeyPress: case QEvent::KeyRelease: { event->ignore(); if (QCoreApplication::sendEvent(_sharedObject->getWindow(), event)) { return event->isAccepted(); } break; } case QEvent::Wheel: { QWheelEvent* wheelEvent = static_cast<QWheelEvent*>(event); QPointF transformedPos = mapToVirtualScreen(wheelEvent->pos()); QWheelEvent mappedEvent(transformedPos, wheelEvent->delta(), wheelEvent->buttons(), wheelEvent->modifiers(), wheelEvent->orientation()); mappedEvent.ignore(); if (QCoreApplication::sendEvent(_sharedObject->getWindow(), &mappedEvent)) { return mappedEvent.isAccepted(); } break; } case QEvent::MouseMove: { QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event); QPointF transformedPos = mapToVirtualScreen(mouseEvent->localPos()); QMouseEvent mappedEvent(mouseEvent->type(), transformedPos, mouseEvent->screenPos(), mouseEvent->button(), mouseEvent->buttons(), mouseEvent->modifiers()); if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) { // TODO - this line necessary for the QML Tooltop to work (which is not currently being used), but it causes interface to crash on launch on a fresh install // need to investigate into why this crash is happening. //_qmlContext->setContextProperty("lastMousePosition", transformedPos); } mappedEvent.ignore(); if (QCoreApplication::sendEvent(_sharedObject->getWindow(), &mappedEvent)) { return mappedEvent.isAccepted(); } break; } default: break; } return false; }
QModelIndex ItemModel::parent(const QModelIndex& index_) const { if (!index_.isValid()) return QModelIndex(); QObject* childItem = static_cast<QObject*>(index_.internalPointer()); QObject* parentItem = childItem->parent(); if (parentItem == _impl->rootItem.get()) return QModelIndex(); if (!parentItem->parent()) return createIndex(0, 0, parentItem); const int row = parentItem->parent()->children().indexOf(parentItem); return createIndex(row, 0, parentItem); }
ParamEnum::ParamEnum( QObject *parent, const char* name, int value, const QString& e, int *ptr ) : AbstractParam(parent, name, QVariant::Int) { m_ptr = ptr; QStringList L = e.split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!L.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < L.size(); ++i) { m_keys.append(L[i]); m_values.append(i); } } else { QObject *p = parent; while (p) { const QMetaObject *mo = p->metaObject(); int index = mo->indexOfEnumerator(e.toLatin1().data()); if (index >= 0) { const QMetaEnum me = mo->enumerator(index); for (int i = 0; i < me.keyCount(); ++i) { m_keys.append(me.key(i)); m_values.append(me.value(i)); } break; } p = p->parent(); } } m_value = m_defaultValue = value; if (m_ptr) *m_ptr = m_value; }
void BibleTime::slotDebugTimeout() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_debugWindowLock); if (m_debugWindow == 0 || m_debugWindow->isVisible() == false) return; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotDebugTimeout())); QObject *w = QApplication::widgetAt(QCursor::pos()); if (w != 0) { QString objectHierarchy; do { const QMetaObject *m = w->metaObject(); QString classHierarchy; do { if (!classHierarchy.isEmpty()) classHierarchy += ": "; classHierarchy += m->className(); m = m->superClass(); } while (m != 0); if (!objectHierarchy.isEmpty()) { objectHierarchy += "<br/><b>child of:</b> "; } else { objectHierarchy += "<b>This widget is:</b> "; } objectHierarchy += classHierarchy; w = w->parent(); } while (w != 0); m_debugWindow->setText(objectHierarchy); } else { m_debugWindow->setText("No widget"); } m_debugWindow->resize(m_debugWindow->minimumSizeHint()); }
StyleSet::StyleSet(QObject* pParent) : QObject(pParent) , mpStyleSetProps(StyleSetProps::nullStyleSetProps()) { auto* pEngine = StyleEngineHost::globalStyleEngine(); QObject* p = parent(); if (p) { QQuickItem* pItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(p); if (pItem != nullptr) { connect(pItem, &QQuickItem::parentChanged, this, &StyleSet::onParentChanged); } else if (p->parent() != nullptr) { styleSheetsLogInfo() << "Parent to StyleSet is not a QQuickItem but '" << p->metaObject()->className() << "'. " << "Hierarchy changes for this component won't be detected."; if (pEngine) { Q_EMIT pEngine->exception( QString::fromLatin1("noParentChangeReports"), QString::fromLatin1("Hierarchy changes for this component won't be detected")); } } mPath = traversePathUp(p); if (!pEngine) { connect(StyleEngineHost::globalStyleEngineHost(), &StyleEngineHost::styleEngineLoaded, this, &StyleSet::onStyleEngineLoaded); } setupStyle(); } }
void ColumnDropCSVView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *press) { QModelIndex atClick = indexAt(press->pos()); if (!atClick.isValid() || atClick.row()) return; QRect indexRect = visualRect(atClick); QPixmap pix(indexRect.width(), indexRect.height()); pix.fill(QColor(0,0,0,0)); render(&pix, QPoint(0, 0),QRegion(indexRect)); QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData; mimeData->setData(subsurface_mimedata,; mimeData->setData(subsurface_index, QString::number(atClick.column()).toUtf8()); drag->setPixmap(pix); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); if (drag->exec() != Qt::IgnoreAction){ QObject *target = drag->target(); if (target->objectName() == "qt_scrollarea_viewport") target = target->parent(); if (target != drag->source()) model()->setData(atClick, QString()); } }
WeatherCfg::WeatherCfg(QWidget *parent, WeatherPlugin *plugin) : WeatherCfgBase(parent) { m_plugin = plugin; lblLnk->setUrl(""); lblLnk->setText(QString("Weather data provided by") + QChar((unsigned short)174)); connect(btnSearch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(search())); connect(cmbLocation->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(textChanged(const QString&))); connect(cmbLocation, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(activated(int))); textChanged(""); fill(); memset(&m_handler, 0, sizeof(m_handler)); m_handler.startElement = p_element_start; m_handler.endElement = p_element_end; m_handler.characters = p_char_data; for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ if (!p->inherits("QTabWidget")) continue; QTabWidget *tab = static_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); m_iface = new WIfaceCfg(tab, plugin); tab->addTab(m_iface, i18n("Interface")); tab->adjustSize(); break; } }
MessageConfig::MessageConfig(QWidget *parent, void *_data) : MessageConfigBase(parent) { m_file = NULL; for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ if (!p->inherits("QTabWidget")) continue; QTabWidget *tab = static_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); m_file = new FileConfig(tab, _data); tab->addTab(m_file, i18n("File")); tab->adjustSize(); break; } CoreUserData *data = (CoreUserData*)_data; chkOnline->setChecked((data->OpenOnOnline) != 0); chkStatus->setChecked((data->LogStatus) != 0); switch (data->OpenNewMessage){ case NEW_MSG_NOOPEN: btnNoOpen->setChecked(true); break; case NEW_MSG_MINIMIZE: btnMinimize->setChecked(true); break; case NEW_MSG_RAISE: btnRaise->setChecked(true); break; } }
void TSBrowserApplication::addNamedJSObject(QObject *wid, const QString& _name) { if( !wid ) return; if( _name.isEmpty() || _name.isNull() ) return; QObject *p = wid; TSMainWindow *_mw = 0; TSWebViewer *_wv = 0; while(p) { _wv = dynamic_cast<TSWebViewer*>(p); if( _wv ) { _wv->addNamedJSObject(_name); return; } _mw = dynamic_cast<TSMainWindow*>(p); if( _mw ) { _mw->currentWebViewr()->addNamedJSObject(_name); return; } p = p->parent(); } }
static bool editor_module_cleanup(KviModule *) { /* * This causes 2 crashes: one in KviApplication destructor (closing windows needs * g_pMainWindow, that is deleted before this unloading routine) and the second in * the codetester window (it deletes us in its denstructor, and we tries to back-delete it) * So it's commented out by now.. */ while(g_pScriptEditorWindowList->first()) { QObject * w = g_pScriptEditorWindowList->first()->parent(); while(w) { //qDebug("%s %s %i %s",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,w->className()); if(w->inherits("KviWindow")) { // qDebug("%s %s %i",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); //((KviWindow *)w)->close(); // qDebug("%s %s %i",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); break; } w = w->parent(); } delete g_pScriptEditorWindowList->first(); } delete g_pScriptEditorWindowList; g_pScriptEditorWindowList = 0; return true; }
/*! Returns the parent widget. */ QWidget *QAction::parentWidget() const { QObject *ret = parent(); while (ret && !ret->isWidgetType()) ret = ret->parent(); return (QWidget*)ret; }
OSDConfig::OSDConfig(QWidget *parent, SIM::PropertyHubPtr data, OSDPlugin *plugin) : QWidget(parent) , m_plugin(plugin) { setupUi(this); chkMessage->setChecked(data->value("EnableMessage").toBool()); chkMessageContent->setChecked(data->value("EnableMessageShowContent").toBool()); chkCapsLockFlash->setChecked(data->value("EnableCapsLockFlash").toBool()); chkStatus->setChecked(data->value("EnableAlert").toBool()); chkStatusOnline->setChecked(data->value("EnableAlertOnline").toBool()); chkStatusAway->setChecked(data->value("EnableAlertAway").toBool()); chkStatusNA->setChecked(data->value("EnableAlertNA").toBool()); chkStatusDND->setChecked(data->value("EnableAlertDND").toBool()); chkStatusOccupied->setChecked(data->value("EnableAlertOccupied").toBool()); chkStatusFFC->setChecked(data->value("EnableAlertFFC").toBool()); chkStatusOffline->setChecked(data->value("EnableAlertOffline").toBool()); chkTyping->setChecked(data->value("EnableTyping").toBool()); for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ QTabWidget *tab = qobject_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); if (!tab) continue; SIM::PropertyHubPtr data = getContacts()->getUserData("OSD"); m_iface = new OSDIface(tab, data, plugin); tab->addTab(m_iface, i18n("&Interface")); break; } edtLines->setValue(data->value("ContentLines").toUInt()); connect(chkStatus, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(statusToggled(bool))); connect(chkMessage, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(showMessageToggled(bool))); connect(chkMessageContent, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(contentToggled(bool))); showMessageToggled(chkMessage->isChecked()); contentToggled(chkMessageContent->isChecked()); statusToggled(data->value("EnableAlert").toBool()); }
OSDConfig::OSDConfig(QWidget *parent, void *d, OSDPlugin *plugin) : OSDConfigBase(parent) { m_plugin = plugin; OSDUserData *data = (OSDUserData*)d; chkMessage->setChecked(data->EnableMessage.bValue); chkMessageContent->setChecked(data->EnableMessageShowContent.bValue); chkStatus->setChecked(data->EnableAlert.bValue); chkStatusOnline->setChecked(data->EnableAlertOnline.bValue); chkStatusAway->setChecked(data->EnableAlertAway.bValue); chkStatusNA->setChecked(data->EnableAlertNA.bValue); chkStatusDND->setChecked(data->EnableAlertDND.bValue); chkStatusOccupied->setChecked(data->EnableAlertOccupied.bValue); chkStatusFFC->setChecked(data->EnableAlertFFC.bValue); chkStatusOffline->setChecked(data->EnableAlertOffline.bValue); chkTyping->setChecked(data->EnableTyping.bValue); for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ if (!p->inherits("QTabWidget")) continue; QTabWidget *tab = static_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); void *data = getContacts()->getUserData(plugin->user_data_id); m_iface = new OSDIface(tab, data, plugin); tab->addTab(m_iface, i18n("&Interface")); break; } edtLines->setValue(data->ContentLines.value); connect(chkStatus, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(statusToggled(bool))); connect(chkMessage, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(showMessageToggled(bool))); connect(chkMessageContent, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(contentToggled(bool))); showMessageToggled(chkMessage->isChecked()); contentToggled(chkMessageContent->isChecked()); statusToggled(data->EnableAlert.bValue); }
virtual bool handleRequest(Pillow::HttpRequest* rq) { HttpServer* server = NULL; HttpHandler* handler = NULL; for (QObject* h = parent(); h != NULL; h = h->parent()) { if (qobject_cast<HttpHandler*>(h)) handler = static_cast<HttpHandler*>(h); else if (qobject_cast<HttpServer*>(h)) server = static_cast<HttpServer*>(h); } if (rq->requestPath() == "/_stats") { QByteArray result; if (server != NULL) { result.append("Alive connections: ").append(QByteArray::number(server->findChildren<Pillow::HttpRequest*>().size())).append("\n"); } if (handler != NULL) { result.append("Alive big file transfers: ").append(QByteArray::number(handler->findChildren<Pillow::HttpHandlerFileTransfer*>().size())).append("\n"); } rq->writeResponse(200, HttpHeaderCollection(), result); return true; } return false; }
bool Navigation::dispatchNavigationEvent(NavEvent *event) { if (event->key() == Navigation::Undefined) return false; QObject * receiver = QGuiApplication::focusObject(); while (receiver && !event->isAccepted()) { // Send to object QCoreApplication::sendEvent(receiver, event); if (!event->isAccepted()) { // Send to attached item QObject * attachee = qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<Navigation>(receiver, false); if (attachee) QCoreApplication::sendEvent(attachee, event); // Try parent next, visual items if Quick items QQuickItem * qItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(receiver); if (qItem && qItem->parentItem()) receiver = qItem->parentItem(); else receiver = receiver->parent(); } } return event->isAccepted(); }
int main() { QObject* pobj1 = new QObject; QObject* pobj2 = new QObject(pobj1); QObject* pobj4 = new QObject(pobj2); QObject* pobj3 = new QObject(pobj1); pobj2->setObjectName("the first child of pobj1"); pobj3->setObjectName("the second child of pobj1"); pobj4->setObjectName("the first child of pobj2"); for (QObject* pobj = pobj4; pobj; pobj = pobj->parent()) { qDebug() << pobj->objectName(); } QObject* pobj = pobj1->findChild<QObject*>("the first child of pobj2"); QList<QObject*> plist1 = pobj1->findChildren<QObject*>(QRegExp("th*")); QList<QObject*> plist2 = pobj1->findChildren<QObject*>(); pobj1->dumpObjectInfo(); pobj1->dumpObjectTree(); qDebug() << pobj1->metaObject()->className(); return 0; }
MessageConfig::MessageConfig(QWidget *parent, SIM::PropertyHubPtr _data) : QWidget(parent) { setupUi(this); m_file = NULL; for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ QTabWidget *tab = qobject_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); if(!tab) continue; m_file = new FileConfig(tab, _data); tab->addTab(m_file, i18n("File")); tab->adjustSize(); break; } SIM::PropertyHubPtr data = _data; chkOnline->setChecked(data->value("OpenOnOnline").toBool()); chkStatus->setChecked(data->value("LogStatus").toBool()); switch (data->value("OpenNewMessage").toUInt()){ case NEW_MSG_NOOPEN: btnNoOpen->setChecked(true); break; case NEW_MSG_MINIMIZE: btnMinimize->setChecked(true); break; case NEW_MSG_RAISE: btnRaise->setChecked(true); break; } }
void MenuManager::kmenuAccelActivated() { if(m_kmenu->isVisible()) { m_kmenu->hide(); return; } m_kmenu->initialize(); if(m_kbuttons.isEmpty()) { // no button to use, make it behave like a desktop menu QPoint p; // Popup the K-menu at the center of the screen. QDesktopWidget *desktop = KApplication::desktop(); QRect r = desktop->screenGeometry(desktop->screenNumber(QCursor::pos())); // kMenu->rect() is not valid before showing, use sizeHint() p = - QRect(QPoint(0, 0), m_kmenu->sizeHint()).center(); m_kmenu->popup(p); // when the cursor is in the area where the menu pops up, // the item under the cursor gets selected. The single shot // avoids this from happening by allowing the item to be selected // when the event loop is enterred, and then resetting it. QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotSetKMenuItemActive())); } else { // We need the kmenu's size to place it at the right position. // We cannot rely on the popup menu's current size(), if it wasn't // shown before, so we resize it here according to its sizeHint(). const QSize size = m_kmenu->sizeHint(); m_kmenu->resize(size.width(), size.height()); PanelPopupButton *button = findKButtonFor(m_kmenu); // let's unhide the panel while we're at it. traverse the widget // hierarchy until we find the panel, if any QObject *menuParent = button->parent(); while(menuParent) { ExtensionContainer *ext = dynamic_cast< ExtensionContainer * >(menuParent); if(ext) { ext->unhideIfHidden(); // make sure it's unhidden before we use it to figure out // where to popup qApp->processEvents(); break; } menuParent = menuParent->parent(); } button->showMenu(); } }
ActionConfig::ActionConfig(QWidget *parent, SIM::PropertyHubPtr data, ActionPlugin *plugin) : QWidget(parent) , m_menu(NULL) , m_data(data) , m_plugin(plugin) { setupUi(this); setButtonsPict(this); connect(btnHelp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(help())); int row = 0; addRow(lstEvent, row, Icon("SIM"), i18n("Contact online"), CONTACT_ONLINE, data->value("OnLine").toString() ); row++; addRow(lstEvent, row, Icon("SIM"), i18n("Status changed"), CONTACT_STATUS, data->value("Status").toString() ); CommandDef *cmd; CorePlugin *core = GET_CorePlugin(); CommandsMapIterator it(core->messageTypes); while ((cmd = ++it) != NULL){ MessageDef *def = (MessageDef*)(cmd->param); if ((def == NULL) || (cmd->icon.isEmpty()) || (def->flags & (MESSAGE_HIDDEN | MESSAGE_SENDONLY | MESSAGE_CHILD))) continue; if ((def->singular == NULL) || (def->plural == NULL) || (*def->singular == 0) || (*def->plural == 0)) continue; QString type = i18n(def->singular, def->plural, 1); int pos = type.indexOf("1 "); if (pos == 0){ type = type.mid(2); }else if (pos > 0){ type = type.left(pos); } type = type.left(1).toUpper() + type.mid(1); row++; addRow(lstEvent, row, Icon(cmd->icon), type, cmd->id, data->stringMapValue("Message", cmd->id)); } EventTmplHelpList e; e.process(); LineEditDelegate *dg = new LineEditDelegate(1, lstEvent); dg->setHelpList(e.helpList()); lstEvent->setItemDelegate(dg); lstEvent->resizeColumnToContents(0); lstEvent->sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ QTabWidget *tab = qobject_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); if (!tab) continue; m_menu = new MenuConfig(tab, data); tab->addTab(m_menu, i18n("Menu")); tab->adjustSize(); break; } }
void GUITestingWindow::sl_getParentInfo(){ QObject* o = filter->getBufferObject(); if(o == NULL || o->parent() == NULL){ label->setText("parent is NULL!"); return; } filter->getInfo(qobject_cast<QWidget*>(filter->getBufferObject()->parent())); updateTable(); }
VtkView * VtkWidget::mvc() { QObject * curParent = this->parent(); while(qobject_cast<VtkView *>(curParent) == 0) { curParent = curParent->parent(); } return qobject_cast<VtkView *>(curParent); }
QTabWidgetqq *QTabWidgetsContainer::focusQTabWidgetqq(bool fallback) { QObject *focus = this->focusWidget(); if(focus == 0) { if(fallback && this->count() > 0) return this->QTabWidgetqqAt(0); else return 0; } else { // Find the first top level focused widget while(focus->parent() != this) { focus = focus->parent(); } return static_cast<QTabWidgetqq *>(focus); } }
TabWidget *WebView::tabWidget() const { QObject *widget = this->parent(); while (widget) { if (TabWidget *tw = qobject_cast<TabWidget*>(widget)) return tw; widget = widget->parent(); } return 0; }
bool isParent(QObject * candidateParent, QObject * candidateChild) { QObject * parent = candidateChild->parent(); while (parent) { if (parent == candidateParent) return true; parent = parent->parent(); } return false; }
BrowserMainWindow *WebPage::mainWindow() { QObject *w = this->parent(); while (w) { if (BrowserMainWindow *mw = qobject_cast<BrowserMainWindow*>(w)) return mw; w = w->parent(); } return BrowserApplication::instance()->mainWindow(); }