コード例 #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);

    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

    QSurfaceFormat format;

    QOpenGLContext context;
    if (!context.isValid()) return 1;
    qDebug() << QString::fromLatin1("Context created.");

    QOffscreenSurface surface;
    if(!surface.isValid()) return 2;
    qDebug() << QString::fromLatin1("Surface created.");


    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
コード例 #2
ファイル: face_swap_image.cpp プロジェクト: Mjiulee/face_swap
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Parse command line arguments
    std::vector<string> input_paths, seg_paths;
	string output_path, landmarks_path;
	string model_3dmm_h5_path, model_3dmm_dat_path;
	string reg_model_path, reg_deploy_path, reg_mean_path;
	string seg_model_path, seg_deploy_path;
    string cfg_path;
    bool generic, with_expr, with_gpu;
    unsigned int gpu_device_id, verbose;
	try {
		options_description desc("Allowed options");
			("help,h", "display the help message")
            ("verbose,v", value<unsigned int>(&verbose)->default_value(0), "output debug information [0, 4]")
			("input,i", value<std::vector<string>>(&input_paths)->required(), "image paths [source target]")
			("output,o", value<string>(&output_path)->required(), "output path")
            ("segmentations,s", value<std::vector<string>>(&seg_paths), "segmentation paths [source target]")
			("landmarks,l", value<string>(&landmarks_path)->required(), "path to landmarks model file")
            ("model_3dmm_h5", value<string>(&model_3dmm_h5_path)->required(), "path to 3DMM file (.h5)")
            ("model_3dmm_dat", value<string>(&model_3dmm_dat_path)->required(), "path to 3DMM file (.dat)")
            ("reg_model,r", value<string>(&reg_model_path)->required(), "path to 3DMM regression CNN model file (.caffemodel)")
            ("reg_deploy,d", value<string>(&reg_deploy_path)->required(), "path to 3DMM regression CNN deploy file (.prototxt)")
            ("reg_mean,m", value<string>(&reg_mean_path)->required(), "path to 3DMM regression CNN mean file (.binaryproto)")
			("seg_model", value<string>(&seg_model_path), "path to face segmentation CNN model file (.caffemodel)")
			("seg_deploy", value<string>(&seg_deploy_path), "path to face segmentation CNN deploy file (.prototxt)")
            ("generic,g", value<bool>(&generic)->default_value(false), "use generic model without shape regression")
            ("expressions,e", value<bool>(&with_expr)->default_value(true), "with expressions")
			("gpu", value<bool>(&with_gpu)->default_value(true), "toggle GPU / CPU")
			("gpu_id", value<unsigned int>(&gpu_device_id)->default_value(0), "GPU's device id")
            ("cfg", value<string>(&cfg_path)->default_value("face_swap_image.cfg"), "configuration file (.cfg)")
		variables_map vm;
		store(command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).
			positional(positional_options_description().add("input", -1)).run(), vm);

        if (vm.count("help")) {
            cout << "Usage: face_swap_image [options]" << endl;
            cout << desc << endl;

        // Read config file
        std::ifstream ifs(vm["cfg"].as<string>());
        store(parse_config_file(ifs, desc), vm);


        if(input_paths.size() != 2) throw error("Both source and target must be specified in input!");
        if (!is_regular_file(input_paths[0])) throw error("source input must be a path to an image!");
        if (!is_regular_file(input_paths[1])) throw error("target input target must be a path to an image!");
        if (seg_paths.size() > 0 && !is_regular_file(seg_paths[0]))
            throw error("source segmentation must be a path to an image!");
        if (seg_paths.size() > 1 && !is_regular_file(seg_paths[1]))
            throw error("target segmentation must be a path to an image!");
		if (!is_regular_file(landmarks_path)) throw error("landmarks must be a path to a file!");
        if (!is_regular_file(model_3dmm_h5_path)) throw error("model_3dmm_h5 must be a path to a file!");
        if (!is_regular_file(model_3dmm_dat_path)) throw error("model_3dmm_dat must be a path to a file!");
        if (!is_regular_file(reg_model_path)) throw error("reg_model must be a path to a file!");
        if (!is_regular_file(reg_deploy_path)) throw error("reg_deploy must be a path to a file!");
        if (!is_regular_file(reg_mean_path)) throw error("reg_mean must be a path to a file!");
		if (!seg_model_path.empty() && !is_regular_file(seg_model_path))
			throw error("seg_model must be a path to a file!");
		if (!seg_deploy_path.empty() && !is_regular_file(seg_deploy_path))
			throw error("seg_deploy must be a path to a file!");
	catch (const error& e) {
        cerr << "Error while parsing command-line arguments: " << e.what() << endl;
        cerr << "Use --help to display a list of options." << endl;

        // Intialize OpenGL context
        QApplication a(argc, argv);

        QSurfaceFormat surfaceFormat;

        QOpenGLContext openGLContext;
        if (!openGLContext.isValid()) return -1;

        QOffscreenSurface surface;
        if (!surface.isValid()) return -2;


        // Initialize GLEW
        GLenum err = glewInit();
        if (GLEW_OK != err)
            // Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err));
            throw std::runtime_error("Failed to initialize GLEW!");

        // Initialize face swap
        face_swap::FaceSwap fs(landmarks_path, model_3dmm_h5_path, model_3dmm_dat_path,
            reg_model_path, reg_deploy_path, reg_mean_path, generic, with_expr,
			with_gpu, (int)gpu_device_id);

        // Read source and target images
        cv::Mat source_img = cv::imread(input_paths[0]);
        cv::Mat target_img = cv::imread(input_paths[1]);

        // Read source and target segmentations or initialize segmentation model
        cv::Mat source_seg, target_seg;
		if (seg_model_path.empty() || seg_deploy_path.empty())
			if (seg_paths.size() > 0) 
				source_seg = cv::imread(seg_paths[0], cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
			if (seg_paths.size() > 1) 
				target_seg = cv::imread(seg_paths[1], cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
		else fs.setSegmentationModel(seg_model_path, seg_deploy_path);

        // Set source and target
        if (!fs.setSource(source_img, source_seg))
            throw std::runtime_error("Failed to find faces in source image!");
        if (!fs.setTarget(target_img, target_seg))
            throw std::runtime_error("Failed to find faces in target image!");

        // Do face swap
        cv::Mat rendered_img = fs.swap();
        if (rendered_img.empty())
            throw std::runtime_error("Face swap failed!");

        // Write output to file
        path out_file_path = output_path;
		path out_dir_path = output_path;
        if (is_directory(output_path))
            path outputName = (path(input_paths[0]).stem() += "_") += 
                (path(input_paths[1]).stem() += ".jpg");
			out_file_path = path(output_path) /= outputName;
		else out_dir_path = path(output_path).parent_path();
        cv::imwrite(out_file_path.string(), rendered_img);

        // Debug
        if (verbose > 0)
			// Write rendered image
			path debug_render_path = out_dir_path /
				(out_file_path.stem() += "_render.jpg");
			cv::Mat debug_render_img = fs.debugRender();
			cv::imwrite(debug_render_path.string(), debug_render_img); 
		if (verbose > 1)
			// Write projected meshes
			path debug_src_mesh_path = out_dir_path /
				(out_file_path.stem() += "_src_mesh.jpg");
			cv::Mat debug_src_mesh_img = fs.debugSourceMesh();
			cv::imwrite(debug_src_mesh_path.string(), debug_src_mesh_img);

			path debug_tgt_mesh_path = out_dir_path /
				(out_file_path.stem() += "_tgt_mesh.jpg");
			cv::Mat debug_tgt_mesh_img = fs.debugTargetMesh();
			cv::imwrite(debug_tgt_mesh_path.string(), debug_tgt_mesh_img);
		if (verbose > 2)
			// Write landmarks render
			path debug_src_lms_path = out_dir_path /
				(out_file_path.stem() += "_src_landmarks.jpg");
			cv::Mat debug_src_lms_img = fs.debugSourceLandmarks();
			cv::imwrite(debug_src_lms_path.string(), debug_src_lms_img);

			path debug_tgt_lms_path = out_dir_path /
				(out_file_path.stem() += "_tgt_landmarks.jpg");
			cv::Mat debug_tgt_lms_img = fs.debugTargetLandmarks();
			cv::imwrite(debug_tgt_lms_path.string(), debug_tgt_lms_img);
		if (verbose > 3)
			// Write meshes
			path debug_src_ply_path = out_dir_path /
				(out_file_path.stem() += "_src_mesh.ply");
			path debug_tgt_ply_path = out_dir_path /
				(out_file_path.stem() += "_tgt_mesh.ply");
			face_swap::Mesh::save_ply(fs.getSourceMesh(), debug_src_ply_path.string());
			face_swap::Mesh::save_ply(fs.getTargetMesh(), debug_tgt_ply_path.string());
	catch (std::exception& e)
		cerr << e.what() << endl;
		return 1;

	return 0;