bool QwtPlotPicker::end( bool ok ) { ok = QwtPicker::end( ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; QwtPlot *plot = QwtPlotPicker::plot(); if ( !plot ) return false; const QPolygon points = selection(); if ( points.count() == 0 ) return false; QwtPickerMachine::SelectionType selectionType = QwtPickerMachine::NoSelection; if ( stateMachine() ) selectionType = stateMachine()->selectionType(); switch ( selectionType ) { case QwtPickerMachine::PointSelection: { const QPointF pos = invTransform( points.first() ); Q_EMIT selected( pos ); break; } case QwtPickerMachine::RectSelection: { if ( points.count() >= 2 ) { const QPoint p1 = points.first(); const QPoint p2 = points.last(); const QRect rect = QRect( p1, p2 ).normalized(); Q_EMIT selected( invTransform( rect ) ); } break; } case QwtPickerMachine::PolygonSelection: { QVector<QPointF> dpa( points.count() ); for ( int i = 0; i < points.count(); i++ ) dpa[i] = invTransform( points[i] ); Q_EMIT selected( dpa ); } default: break; } return true; }
QRect toRect(QPolygon polygon) { if(polygon.size() != 4) return QRect(); return QRect(polygon.first(),; }
bool QwtPlotZoomer::accept( QPolygon &pa ) const { if ( pa.count() < 2 ) return false; QRect rect = QRect( pa.first(), pa.last() ); rect = rect.normalized(); const int minSize = 2; if ( rect.width() < minSize && rect.height() < minSize ) return false; const int minZoomSize = 11; const QPoint center =; rect.setSize( rect.size().expandedTo( QSize( minZoomSize, minZoomSize ) ) ); rect.moveCenter( center ); pa.resize( 2 ); pa[0] = rect.topLeft(); pa[1] = rect.bottomRight(); return true; }
/** * Overrides drawing of subentities. This is only ever called for solid fills. */ void RS_Hatch::draw(RS_Painter* painter, RS_GraphicView* view, double& /*patternOffset*/) { if (!data.solid) { for(auto se: entities){ view->drawEntity(painter,se); } return; } //area of solid fill. Use polygon approximation, except trivial cases QPainterPath path; QList<QPolygon> paClosed; QPolygon pa; // QPolygon jp; // jump points // loops: if (needOptimization==true) { for(auto l: entities){ if (l->rtti()==RS2::EntityContainer) { RS_EntityContainer* loop = (RS_EntityContainer*)l; loop->optimizeContours(); } } needOptimization = false; } // loops: for(auto l: entities){ l->setLayer(getLayer()); if (l->rtti()==RS2::EntityContainer) { RS_EntityContainer* loop = (RS_EntityContainer*)l; // edges: for(auto e: *loop){ e->setLayer(getLayer()); switch (e->rtti()) { case RS2::EntityLine: { QPoint pt1(RS_Math::round(view->toGuiX(e->getStartpoint().x)), RS_Math::round(view->toGuiY(e->getStartpoint().y))); QPoint pt2(RS_Math::round(view->toGuiX(e->getEndpoint().x)), RS_Math::round(view->toGuiY(e->getEndpoint().y))); // if (! (pa.size()>0 && (pa.last() - pt1).manhattanLength()<=2)) { // jp<<pt1; // } if(pa.size() && (pa.last()-pt1).manhattanLength()>=1) pa<<pt1; pa<<pt2; } break; case RS2::EntityArc: { // QPoint pt1(RS_Math::round(view->toGuiX(e->getStartpoint().x)), // RS_Math::round(view->toGuiY(e->getStartpoint().y))); // if (! (pa.size()>0 && (pa.last() - pt1).manhattanLength()<=2)) { // jp<<pt1; // } QPolygon pa2; RS_Arc* arc=static_cast<RS_Arc*>(e); painter->createArc(pa2, view->toGui(arc->getCenter()), view->toGuiDX(arc->getRadius()) ,arc->getAngle1(),arc->getAngle2(),arc->isReversed()); if(pa.size() &&pa2.size()&&(pa.last()-pa2.first()).manhattanLength()<1) pa2.remove(0,1); pa<<pa2; } break; case RS2::EntityCircle: { RS_Circle* circle = static_cast<RS_Circle*>(e); // QPoint pt1(RS_Math::round(view->toGuiX(circle->getCenter().x+circle->getRadius())), // RS_Math::round(view->toGuiY(circle->getCenter().y))); // if (! (pa.size()>0 && (pa.last() - pt1).manhattanLength()<=2)) { // jp<<pt1; // } RS_Vector c=view->toGui(circle->getCenter()); double r=view->toGuiDX(circle->getRadius()); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 path.addEllipse(QPoint(c.x,c.y),r,r); #else path.addEllipse(c.x - r, c.y + r, 2.*r, 2.*r); // QPolygon pa2; // painter->createArc(pa2, view->toGui(circle->getCenter()), // view->toGuiDX(circle->getRadius()), // 0.0, // 2*M_PI, // false); // pa<<pa2; #endif } break; case RS2::EntityEllipse: if(static_cast<RS_Ellipse*>(e)->isArc()) { QPolygon pa2; auto ellipse=static_cast<RS_Ellipse*>(e); painter->createEllipse(pa2, view->toGui(ellipse->getCenter()), view->toGuiDX(ellipse->getMajorRadius()), view->toGuiDX(ellipse->getMinorRadius()), ellipse->getAngle() ,ellipse->getAngle1(),ellipse->getAngle2(),ellipse->isReversed() ); // qDebug()<<"ellipse: "<<ellipse->getCenter().x<<","<<ellipse->getCenter().y; // qDebug()<<"ellipse: pa2.size()="<<pa2.size(); // qDebug()<<"ellipse: pa2="<<pa2; if(pa.size() && pa2.size()&&(pa.last()-pa2.first()).manhattanLength()<1) pa2.remove(0,1); pa<<pa2; }else{ QPolygon pa2; auto ellipse=static_cast<RS_Ellipse*>(e); painter->createEllipse(pa2, view->toGui(ellipse->getCenter()), view->toGuiDX(ellipse->getMajorRadius()), view->toGuiDX(ellipse->getMinorRadius()), ellipse->getAngle(), ellipse->getAngle1(), ellipse->getAngle2(), ellipse->isReversed() ); path.addPolygon(pa2); } break; default: break; } // qDebug()<<"pa="<<pa; if( pa.size()>2 && pa.first() == pa.last()) { paClosed<<pa; pa.clear(); } } } } if(pa.size()>2){ pa<<pa.first(); paClosed<<pa; } for(auto& p:paClosed){ path.addPolygon(p); } //bug#474, restore brush after solid fill const QBrush brush(painter->brush()); const RS_Pen pen=painter->getPen(); painter->setBrush(pen.getColor()); painter->disablePen(); painter->drawPath(path); painter->setBrush(brush); painter->setPen(pen); }
bool DataManager::readDetectionAreaFile(bool clipToCamera) { QFile areaFile(m_config->detectionAreaFile()); QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root; int x = 0; int y = 0; int cameraId = m_config->cameraIndex(); int cameraWidth = m_config->cameraWidth(); int cameraHeight = m_config->cameraHeight(); QPolygon cameraRectangle; bool polygonsClipped = false; bool polygonWasClosed = false; if(! | QIODevice::Text)) { QString errorMsg = tr("Failed to open the detection area file %1. Please create it in Settings dialog or manually.").arg(areaFile.fileName()); emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg); return false; } if(!doc.setContent(&areaFile)) { QString errorMsg = tr("Error reading the detection area file %1").arg(areaFile.fileName()); areaFile.close(); emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg); return false; } areaFile.close(); root = doc.documentElement(); if (root.nodeName() != "detectionarealist") { QString errorMsg = tr("Expected <detectionarealist> tag in detection area file but not found"); emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg); return false; } QDomNodeList areaList = root.childNodes(); if (areaList.count() > 1) { QString errorMsg = tr("More than one detection areas defined, combining all together"); emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg); } for (int i = 0; i < areaList.count(); i++) { QDomNode area =; QDomNodeList areaNodes = area.childNodes(); if (area.nodeName() != "detectionarea") { QString errorMsg = tr("Expected <detectionarea> tag in detection area file but not found."); emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg); return false; } QDomNodeList cameraList = area.toElement().elementsByTagName("camera"); if (cameraList.count() != 1) { QString errorMsg = tr("Expected single <camera> tag in detection area. Assuming camera index 0."); emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg); } for (int c = 0; c < cameraList.count(); c++) { QDomElement cameraElement =; cameraId = cameraElement.attribute("id").toInt(); cameraWidth = cameraElement.attribute("width").toInt(); cameraHeight = cameraElement.attribute("height").toInt(); if (cameraId == m_config->cameraIndex()) { break; } } cameraRectangle << QPoint(0, 0) << QPoint(0, cameraHeight - 1) << QPoint(cameraWidth - 1, cameraHeight - 1) << QPoint(cameraWidth - 1, 0); while (!m_detectionAreaPolygons.isEmpty()) { QPolygon* polygon = m_detectionAreaPolygons.takeLast(); delete polygon; } for (int a = 0; a < areaNodes.count(); a++) { QDomNode areaSubNode =; if (areaSubNode.nodeName() == "polygon") { QDomNodeList pointList = areaSubNode.childNodes(); QPolygon* polygon = new QPolygon(); for (int p = 0; p < pointList.count(); p++) { QDomElement pointElement =; if (pointElement.nodeName() == "point") { x = pointElement.attribute("x").toInt(); y = pointElement.attribute("y").toInt(); polygon->append(QPoint(x, y)); } } if (clipToCamera && polygon->size() && !cameraRectangle.boundingRect().contains(polygon->boundingRect())) { if (polygon->first() == polygon->last()) { polygonWasClosed = true; } *polygon = polygon->intersected(cameraRectangle); polygonsClipped = true; if (!polygonWasClosed) { // intersected() treats polygon as implicitly closed // so extra node is added: remove it if (polygon->first() == polygon->last()) { polygon->removeLast(); } } } m_detectionAreaPolygons.append(polygon); } } } if (polygonsClipped) { QString warningMsg = tr("Detection area was clipped in order to fit the camera size."); emit messageBroadcasted(warningMsg); } return true; }
/** * Overrides drawing of subentities. This is only ever called for solid fills. */ void RS_Hatch::draw(RS_Painter* painter, RS_GraphicView* view, double& /*patternOffset*/) { if (!data.solid) { for (RS_Entity* se=firstEntity(); se!=NULL; se = nextEntity()) { view->drawEntity(painter,se); } return; } QPainterPath path; QList<QPolygon> paClosed; QPolygon pa; // QPolygon jp; // jump points // loops: if (needOptimization==true) { for (RS_Entity* l=firstEntity(RS2::ResolveNone); l!=NULL; l=nextEntity(RS2::ResolveNone)) { if (l->rtti()==RS2::EntityContainer) { RS_EntityContainer* loop = (RS_EntityContainer*)l; loop->optimizeContours(); } } needOptimization = false; } // loops: for (RS_Entity* l=firstEntity(RS2::ResolveNone); l!=NULL; l=nextEntity(RS2::ResolveNone)) { l->setLayer(getLayer()); if (l->rtti()==RS2::EntityContainer) { RS_EntityContainer* loop = (RS_EntityContainer*)l; // edges: for (RS_Entity* e=loop->firstEntity(RS2::ResolveNone); e!=NULL; e=loop->nextEntity(RS2::ResolveNone)) { e->setLayer(getLayer()); switch (e->rtti()) { case RS2::EntityLine: { QPoint pt1(RS_Math::round(view->toGuiX(e->getStartpoint().x)), RS_Math::round(view->toGuiY(e->getStartpoint().y))); QPoint pt2(RS_Math::round(view->toGuiX(e->getEndpoint().x)), RS_Math::round(view->toGuiY(e->getEndpoint().y))); // if (! (pa.size()>0 && (pa.last() - pt1).manhattanLength()<=2)) { // jp<<pt1; // } pa<<pt1<<pt2; } break; case RS2::EntityArc: { // QPoint pt1(RS_Math::round(view->toGuiX(e->getStartpoint().x)), // RS_Math::round(view->toGuiY(e->getStartpoint().y))); // if (! (pa.size()>0 && (pa.last() - pt1).manhattanLength()<=2)) { // jp<<pt1; // } QPolygon pa2; RS_Arc* arc=static_cast<RS_Arc*>(e); painter->createArc(pa2, view->toGui(arc->getCenter()), view->toGuiDX(arc->getRadius()), arc->getAngle1(), arc->getAngle2(), arc->isReversed()); pa<<pa2; } break; case RS2::EntityCircle: { RS_Circle* circle = static_cast<RS_Circle*>(e); // QPoint pt1(RS_Math::round(view->toGuiX(circle->getCenter().x+circle->getRadius())), // RS_Math::round(view->toGuiY(circle->getCenter().y))); // if (! (pa.size()>0 && (pa.last() - pt1).manhattanLength()<=2)) { // jp<<pt1; // } RS_Vector c=view->toGui(circle->getCenter()); double r=view->toGuiDX(circle->getRadius()); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 path.addEllipse(QPoint(c.x,c.y),r,r); #else path.addEllipse(c.x - r, c.y + r, 2.*r, 2.*r); // QPolygon pa2; // painter->createArc(pa2, view->toGui(circle->getCenter()), // view->toGuiDX(circle->getRadius()), // 0.0, // 2*M_PI, // false); // pa<<pa2; #endif } break; case RS2::EntityEllipse: if(static_cast<RS_Ellipse*>(e)->isArc()) { QPolygon pa2; auto ellipse=static_cast<RS_Ellipse*>(e); painter->createEllipse(pa2, view->toGui(ellipse->getCenter()), view->toGuiDX(ellipse->getMajorRadius()), view->toGuiDX(ellipse->getMinorRadius()), ellipse->getAngle(), ellipse->getAngle1(), ellipse->getAngle2(), ellipse->isReversed() ); pa<<pa2; }else{ QPolygon pa2; auto ellipse=static_cast<RS_Ellipse*>(e); painter->createEllipse(pa2, view->toGui(ellipse->getCenter()), view->toGuiDX(ellipse->getMajorRadius()), view->toGuiDX(ellipse->getMinorRadius()), ellipse->getAngle(), ellipse->getAngle1(), ellipse->getAngle2(), ellipse->isReversed() ); path.addPolygon(pa2); } break; default: break; } if( pa.size()>2 && pa.first() == pa.last()) { paClosed<<pa; pa.clear(); } } } } if(pa.size()>2){ pa<<pa.first(); paClosed<<pa; } for(int i=0;i<paClosed.size();i++){ path.addPolygon(; } painter->setBrush(painter->getPen().getColor()); painter->disablePen(); painter->drawPath(path); // pa<<jp; // painter->setBrush(painter->getPen().getColor()); // painter->disablePen(); // painter->drawPolygon(pa); }
bool RectPicker::end(bool ok) { if (!ok)//更改代码处:,正常结束后,并不停止。只有reset时候,end(false)停止选择,重置状态机 QwtPicker::end(ok); if (!ok) return false; QwtPlot *plot = QwtPlotPicker::plot(); if (!plot) return false; const QPolygon points = selection(); if (points.count() == 0) return false; QwtPickerMachine::SelectionType selectionType = QwtPickerMachine::NoSelection; if (stateMachine()) selectionType = stateMachine()->selectionType(); switch (selectionType) { case QwtPickerMachine::PointSelection: { const QPointF pos = invTransform(points.first()); Q_EMIT selected(pos); break; } case QwtPickerMachine::RectSelection: { if (points.count() >= 2) { const QPoint p1 = points.first(); const QPoint p2 = points.last(); QPointF pF1 = invTransform(p1); QPointF pF2 = invTransform(p2); const QRect rect = QRect(p1, p2).normalized(); const QRect rect11 = QRect(p1, p2); QPoint pp1 = rect.topLeft(); QPoint pp2 = rect.bottomRight(); //const QRect rect = QRect(p1, p2); QRectF rect1 = invTransform(rect); QPointF topLeft = rect1.topLeft(); QPointF bottomRight = rect1.bottomRight(); Q_EMIT selected(invTransform(rect)); } break; } case QwtPickerMachine::PolygonSelection: { QVector<QPointF> dpa(points.count()); for (int i = 0; i < points.count(); i++) dpa[i] = invTransform(points[i]); Q_EMIT selected(dpa); } default: break; } return ok; }
void QwtPicker::drawRubberBand( QPainter *painter ) const { if ( !isActive() || rubberBand() == NoRubberBand || rubberBandPen().style() == Qt::NoPen ) { return; } const QPolygon pa = adjustedPoints( d_data->pickedPoints ); QwtPickerMachine::SelectionType selectionType = QwtPickerMachine::NoSelection; if ( d_data->stateMachine ) selectionType = d_data->stateMachine->selectionType(); switch ( selectionType ) { case QwtPickerMachine::NoSelection: case QwtPickerMachine::PointSelection: { if ( pa.count() < 1 ) return; const QPoint pos = pa[0]; const QRect pRect = pickArea().boundingRect().toRect(); switch ( rubberBand() ) { case VLineRubberBand: { QwtPainter::drawLine( painter, pos.x(),, pos.x(), pRect.bottom() ); break; } case HLineRubberBand: { QwtPainter::drawLine( painter, pRect.left(), pos.y(), pRect.right(), pos.y() ); break; } case CrossRubberBand: { QwtPainter::drawLine( painter, pos.x(),, pos.x(), pRect.bottom() ); QwtPainter::drawLine( painter, pRect.left(), pos.y(), pRect.right(), pos.y() ); break; } default: break; } break; } case QwtPickerMachine::RectSelection: { if ( pa.count() < 2 ) return; const QRect rect = QRect( pa.first(), pa.last() ).normalized(); switch ( rubberBand() ) { case EllipseRubberBand: { QwtPainter::drawEllipse( painter, rect ); break; } case RectRubberBand: { QwtPainter::drawRect( painter, rect ); break; } default: break; } break; } case QwtPickerMachine::PolygonSelection: { if ( rubberBand() == PolygonRubberBand ) painter->drawPolyline( pa ); break; } default: break; } }
/*! Calculate the mask for the rubber band overlay \return Region for the mask \sa QWidget::setMask() */ QRegion QwtPicker::rubberBandMask() const { QRegion mask; if ( !isActive() || rubberBand() == NoRubberBand || rubberBandPen().style() == Qt::NoPen ) { return mask; } const QPolygon pa = adjustedPoints( d_data->pickedPoints ); QwtPickerMachine::SelectionType selectionType = QwtPickerMachine::NoSelection; if ( d_data->stateMachine ) selectionType = d_data->stateMachine->selectionType(); switch ( selectionType ) { case QwtPickerMachine::NoSelection: case QwtPickerMachine::PointSelection: { if ( pa.count() < 1 ) return mask; const QPoint pos = pa[0]; const int pw = rubberBandPen().width(); const QRect pRect = pickArea().boundingRect().toRect(); switch ( rubberBand() ) { case VLineRubberBand: { mask += qwtMaskRegion( QLine( pos.x(),, pos.x(), pRect.bottom() ), pw ); break; } case HLineRubberBand: { mask += qwtMaskRegion( QLine( pRect.left(), pos.y(), pRect.right(), pos.y() ), pw ); break; } case CrossRubberBand: { mask += qwtMaskRegion( QLine( pos.x(),, pos.x(), pRect.bottom() ), pw ); mask += qwtMaskRegion( QLine( pRect.left(), pos.y(), pRect.right(), pos.y() ), pw ); break; } default: break; } break; } case QwtPickerMachine::RectSelection: { if ( pa.count() < 2 ) return mask; const int pw = rubberBandPen().width(); switch ( rubberBand() ) { case RectRubberBand: { const QRect r = QRect( pa.first(), pa.last() ); mask = qwtMaskRegion( r.normalized(), pw ); break; } case EllipseRubberBand: { const QRect r = QRect( pa.first(), pa.last() ); mask += r.adjusted( -pw, -pw, pw, pw ); break; } default: break; } break; } case QwtPickerMachine::PolygonSelection: { const int pw = rubberBandPen().width(); if ( pw <= 1 ) { // because of the join style we better // return a mask for a pen width <= 1 only const int off = 2 * pw; const QRect r = pa.boundingRect(); mask += r.adjusted( -off, -off, off, off ); } break; } default: break; } return mask; }