void VirtualKeyboard::Update() { //TODO font set here imli_script_t script = imli_get_active_script(context_); if (script == SCRIPT_UNSUPPORTED) return; QFont font = styles_[script].font(); //font.setPointSize((script == SCRIPT_ASCII) ? 12 : 14); font.setPointSize(8); const QObjectList& objects = this->verticalLayoutWidget->children(); int index = (shifted_ ? 1 : 0); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { QPushButton* child = dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>(objects.at(i)); if (child) { child->setEnabled(true); QString name = getObjectName(child->objectName()); if (name.length() > 2){ continue; } child->setFont(font); char key = name.toAscii()[index]; if (script != SCRIPT_ASCII) { syl_t syl = SYL_INVALID; int del; syl = imli_process_key(context_, key, SCRIPT_UNSUPPORTED, SYL_INVALID, FLAG_NONE, &del); if (syl != SYL_INVALID) { QByteArray glyphs; glyphs.reserve(32); size_t len = 0; imli_status_t status = syl_to_glyphs(context_, syl, script, (byte_t*)glyphs.data(), glyphs.capacity(), &len); if (status == IMLI_STATUS_OK) { glyphs.resize(len); child->setText(QString::fromAscii(glyphs, glyphs.size())); } else { child->setText(""); } } else { child->setText(""); } } else { QString label(key); if (key == '&') label.append('&'); child->setText(label); } if(child->text().operator ==("")){ child->setDisabled(true); //Disable empty buttons } } } }
void AddCourseDialog::selectItem() { QPushButton *button = qobject_cast<QPushButton *>( sender() ); if( !button ) return; int row = listWidget->currentRow(); if( button->objectName() == "upButton" ) { if( --row <= 0 ) row = 0; } else if( button->objectName() == "downButton" ) { if( ++row >= listWidget->count() ) { row = listWidget->count() - 1; if( row <= 0 ) row = 0; } } QListWidgetItem *item = listWidget->item(row); if( !item ) return; listWidget->setCurrentItem( item ); item->setSelected( true ); listWidget->setFocus(); }
void CustomizeThemeDialog::openChooseIconDialog() { QPushButton *button = qobject_cast<QPushButton *>(sender()); SettingsPrivate *settings = SettingsPrivate::instance(); // It's always more convenient when the dialog re-open at the same location QString openPath; QVariant variantOpenPath = settings->value("customIcons/lastOpenPath"); if (variantOpenPath.isValid()) { openPath = variantOpenPath.toString(); } else { openPath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation).first(); } QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Choose your custom icon"), openPath, tr("Pictures (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png)")); // Reset custom icon if path is empty (delete key in settings too) settings->setCustomIcon(button->objectName() + "Button", path); for (MediaButton *b : _mainWindow->findChildren<MediaButton*>(button->objectName() + "Button")) { if (b) { b->setIcon(QIcon(path)); } } MediaButton *b = _mainWindow->findChild<MediaButton*>(button->objectName() + "Button"); if (path.isEmpty()) { button->setIcon(QIcon(":/player/" + Settings::instance()->theme() + "/" + button->objectName())); b->setIcon(QIcon()); } else { settings->setValue("customIcons/lastOpenPath", QFileInfo(path).absolutePath()); button->setIcon(QIcon(path)); b->setIcon(QIcon(path)); } }
void LineEditPropertyFactory::OnButtonClicked() { QPushButton *button = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(sender()); if (!button) return; QString function; for(uint i = 0; i < (uint)buttons_.size(); ++i) { if (buttons_[i].objectName == button->objectName()) { function = buttons_[i].method; break; } } if(!function.isNull()) { foreach(const ComponentWeakPtr &comp_ptr, components_) { ComponentPtr comp = comp_ptr.lock(); if (comp) { QVariantList list; list.push_back(QVariant(button->objectName())); FunctionInvoker::Invoke(comp.get(), function, list); } }
void VirtualKeyboard::SetupConnections() { const QObjectList& objects = this->verticalLayoutWidget->children(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { QPushButton* button = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(objects.at(i)); if (button && button->objectName() != "caps" && button->objectName() != "shift") { connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(Clicked())); } } connect(this->shift, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setShifted(bool))); }
void CatalogueDialog::okButtonClicked() { bool close = false; QPushButton *button = qobject_cast<QPushButton *>( sender() ); if( !button ) close = false; else { if( button->objectName() == "showCloseButton" ) close = true; } QTreeWidgetItem *item = treeWidget->currentItem(); if( !item ) return; int count = item->childCount(); if( count == 0 ) { QString str = item->text(0); emit pageRequested(str); if( close ) accept(); } }
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { QPushButton *pBut = (QPushButton*)obj; QString objName = pBut->objectName(); return QMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, event); }
void TASARIM_BELGE_DEGISKENLERI_SECIMI::SLOT_DEGISKEN_KULLAN() { QPushButton *button = static_cast<QPushButton*>(sender()); m_degisken_listesi.at( button->objectName().split("\t").at(0).toInt())->SET_VISIBLE( true ); button->setEnabled( false ); }
void MainWindow::makeSignalMapper() { signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); for (int i=0; i < buttons->size(); ++i) { QPushButton *button = buttons->at(i); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), signalMapper, SLOT(map())); signalMapper->setMapping(button, button->objectName()); } connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(const QString &)), this, SLOT(cardClicked(const QString &))); }
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { QPushButton *pBut = (QPushButton*)obj; QString objName = pBut->objectName(); int index = 0; if ( objName.compare("pushButton_0") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_1") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE1; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_2") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE2; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_3") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE3; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_4") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE4; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_5") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE5; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_6") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE6; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_7") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE7; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_8") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE8; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_9") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE9; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_10") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE10; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_11") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE11; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_12") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE12; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_13") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE13; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_14") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE14; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_15") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE15; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_16") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE16; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_17") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE17; else index = -1; QString passwd = passWord.at(index); if(event->type()==QEvent::MouseButtonPress && pBut -> isEnabled() && (index < DISPLAYTOT || index >= DISPLAYTYPE)) { QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event); if (mouseEvent->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { if(passwd.compare("") != 0) { //qDebug("Password: %s", passwd.toStdString().c_str()); #if 0 Password pword(passwd, new QWidget()); if(pword.getStatus()== true) displayDockWidget(index, pBut); #endif #if 1 displayDockWidget(index, pBut); #endif } else { displayDockWidget(index, pBut); } return true; } return false; } return QMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, event); }
void MainWindow::setEnableButtons(QPushButton *pobj) { QList<QPushButton *> allPButtons = findChildren<QPushButton *>(); QString objName; for (int i = 0; i < allPButtons.size(); ++i) { QPushButton *pushbutton = (QPushButton*)allPButtons.at(i); objName = pushbutton->objectName(); if ( objName.compare(pobj->objectName()) == 0 ) pushbutton -> setEnabled(false); else pushbutton -> setEnabled(true); }; }
void PrevNextButtonGroup::buttonClick() { QPushButton *button = static_cast<QPushButton *>( sender() ); if( !button ) return; QString name = button->objectName(); if( name == "firstButton" ) emit buttonClicked(0); else if( name == "prevButton" ) emit buttonClicked(1); else if( name == "nextButton" ) emit buttonClicked(2); else if( name == "lastButton" ) emit buttonClicked(3); }
void CompanyForm::removeButton_clicked() { try { QPushButton* button = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(this->sender()); if (button) { this->ShowCompanyDetails(button->objectName().toStdString()); QMessageBox messageBox; messageBox.setText("Are you sure you want to delete this company?"); messageBox.setInformativeText("This company and all applications and contacts associated with it will be deleted. Are you sure?"); messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::No|QMessageBox::Yes); messageBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question); if (messageBox.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) { this->database->DeleteCompany(this->selectedCompany->ID); this->LoadCompanySummaries(); } } } catch(WarningException& e) { this->DisplayProblem(e.problem); Logger::GetInstance().Warn(e); } catch(FatalException& e) { this->DisplayProblem(e.problem); Logger::GetInstance().Fatal(e); } catch(...) { QMessageBox messageBox; messageBox.setText("Unhandled exception"); messageBox.setInformativeText("CompanyForm::removeButton_clicked Unhandled exception"); messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); messageBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); Logger::GetInstance().Fatal("CompanyForm::removeButton_clicked Unhandled exception"); } }
void dacDialog::sendDACMessage() { QObject *callerPB = QObject::sender(); QPushButton *caller = qobject_cast<QPushButton *>(callerPB); bool readNotWrite; if("readPushButton" == caller->objectName()) readNotWrite = true; else readNotWrite = false; SET_GROUP(activeMsg->header, DAC_MSG); readNotWrite ? activeMsg->header |= 0x01 : activeMsg->header &= 0xFE; EN_GROUP(activeMsg->header); activeMsg->size = GUI_MSG_SIZE; QString pageString = ui->pageLineEdit->text(); pageString.remove("0x", Qt::CaseSensitive); QString addressString = ui->addressLineEdit->text(); addressString.remove("0x", Qt::CaseSensitive); QString dataString = ui->dataLineEdit->text(); dataString.remove("0x", Qt::CaseSensitive); bool ok; unsigned short page = pageString.toShort(&ok, 16); if(!ok) return; unsigned short address = addressString.toShort(&ok, 16); if(!ok) return; unsigned short data; if(!readNotWrite) { data = dataString.toShort(&ok, 16); if(!ok) return; } else data = 0; activeMsg->data[0] = page; activeMsg->data[1] = address; activeMsg->data[2] = data; for(int i = 3; i < GUI_MSG_SIZE - 2; ++i) activeMsg->data[i] = 0; writeGUIMessage(activeMsg); }
void ConfigWidget::changeHotkey() { ScanHotkeyDialog dial(this); dial.setModal(true); if (dial.exec()) { QPushButton* b = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(sender()); if (b) { QString settingsKey("general/"); settingsKey += b->objectName(); _settings->setValue(settingsKey, dial.key()); b->setText(dial.key()); registerActualHotkeys(); } } }
void MainWindow::registerPushButtonsEvent() { QList<QPushButton *> allPButtons = findChildren<QPushButton *>(); QString objName; qDebug("Button Size:%d", allPButtons.size()); for (int i = 0; i < allPButtons.size(); ++i) { QPushButton *pushbutton = (QPushButton*)allPButtons.at(i); objName = pushbutton->objectName(); if(objName.contains("pushButton")) { pushbutton -> installEventFilter(this); qDebug("ObjectName:%s", objName.toStdString().c_str()); } }; }
void voxUI::showSpecialChars() { QRegExp rx("specialChar_(\\d+)"); QList<QPushButton*> allPushButtons = ui->addP->findChildren<QPushButton*>(); QListIterator<QPushButton*> pBIter(allPushButtons); while(pBIter.hasNext()){ QPushButton* next = pBIter.next(); if(next->objectName().contains(rx)){ if(rx.cap(1).toInt() < curSpecialList->size()){ next->setText(curSpecialList->at(rx.cap(1).toInt())); } else{ next->hide(); } } } }
void WidgetGestionSequences::supprimerScene() { QObject * emetteur = sender(); QPushButton * emetteurCasted = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(emetteur); if(emetteurCasted) { QTreeWidgetItem *recup = ui->treeWidget->currentItem(); GestionXML::supprimerSceneDeSequence(recup->text(1), this->listeUUIDsequence[emetteurCasted->objectName().toInt()]); this->changementIndex(); } }
void MainWindow::ToolsClicked( QWidget * wdg ) { QPushButton * button = dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>(wdg); if( lastToolClicked == button ) { lastToolClicked = NULL; tool_action = nothing; return; } else { if( lastToolClicked ) lastToolClicked->setChecked( false ); lastToolClicked = button; QString & objname = button->objectName(); Helper * helper = Helper::Instance(); if( objname == QString("cursor") ) tool_action = cursor; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_original ) ) tool_action = set_original; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_bunny ) ) tool_action = set_bunny; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_active ) ) tool_action = set_active; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_bomb ) ) tool_action = set_bomb; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_fire ) ) tool_action = set_fire; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_block ) ) tool_action = set_block; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_strong ) ) tool_action = set_strong; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_teleport ) ) tool_action = set_teleport; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_monster ) ) tool_action = set_monster; else if( objname == helper->GetItemNameByState( s_invisible ) ) tool_action = set_visibility; } };
void MainWindow::registerPushButtonsEvent() { QList<QPushButton *> allPButtons = findChildren<QPushButton *>(); QString objName; /* At first, allPButtons--QList-- included all buttons inherited from QPushButton. And this implemented installEventFilter(this) even for CAPushButtons. */ for (int i = 0; i < allPButtons.size(); ++i) //for (int i = 0; i < displayDocklist.size(); ++i) { QPushButton *pushbutton = (QPushButton*)allPButtons.at(i); objName = pushbutton->objectName(); if(objName.contains("pushButton")) { pushbutton -> installEventFilter(this); qDebug("ObjectName:%s", objName.toStdString().c_str()); } }; }
void CompanyForm::editButton_clicked() { try { QPushButton* button = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(this->sender()); if (button) { this->ShowCompanyDetails(button->objectName().toStdString()); CompanyEditDialog dialog(this, this->database, this->selectedCompany); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { this->LoadCompanySummaries(); } } } catch(WarningException& e) { this->DisplayProblem(e.problem); Logger::GetInstance().Warn(e); } catch(FatalException& e) { this->DisplayProblem(e.problem); Logger::GetInstance().Fatal(e); } catch(...) { QMessageBox messageBox; messageBox.setText("Unhandled exception"); messageBox.setInformativeText("CompanyForm::editButton_clicked Unhandled exception"); messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); messageBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); Logger::GetInstance().Fatal("CompanyForm::editButton_clicked Unhandled exception"); } }
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { QPushButton *pBut = (QPushButton*)obj; QString objName = pBut->objectName(); int index = 0; if ( objName.compare("pushButton_0") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE; else if( objName.compare("pushButton_1") == 0 ) index = DISPLAYTYPE1; else index = -1; if(event->type()==QEvent::MouseButtonPress && pBut -> isEnabled() && (index < DISPLAYTOT || index >= DISPLAYTYPE)) { QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event); if (mouseEvent->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { displayDockWidget(index, pBut); return true; }; return false; }; return QMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, event); }
void voxUI::connectFct() { // unsauber aber funktioniert - bitte ändern QList<QPushButton*> allPBs = ui->addP->findChildren<QPushButton*>(); QList<QLineEdit*> allLineEdit = ui->addP->findChildren<QLineEdit*>(); QListIterator<QPushButton*> lPBitIter(allPBs); QListIterator<QLineEdit*> lEditIter(allLineEdit); QRegExp specLabel("^specialChar_(\\d+)$"); while(lPBitIter.hasNext()){ QPushButton* next = lPBitIter.next(); if(next->objectName().contains(specLabel)){ connect(next, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(specialButtonClicked())); } } // while(lEditIter.hasNext()){ // QWidget* next = lEditIter.next(); //// connect(next, SIGNAL(), this, SLOT(specialButtonClicked())); // } //connect(ui->wordTableView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(specialButtonClicked())); connect(ui->practToWordListB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_goButton_clicked())); }
void RotationSettings::applyRotation() { QPushButton *sendButton = qobject_cast<QPushButton *>(sender()); //hacky at best setRotation(sendButton->objectName().remove("rot").toInt()); }