QV4::ReturnedValue QQmlJavaScriptExpression::qmlBinding(QQmlContextData *ctxt, QObject *qmlScope, const QString &code, const QString &filename, quint16 line, QV4::PersistentValue *qmlscope) { QQmlEngine *engine = ctxt->engine; QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine); QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4 = QV8Engine::getV4(ep->v8engine()); QV4::ExecutionContext *ctx = v4->currentContext(); QV4::Scope scope(v4); QV4::ScopedObject qmlScopeObject(scope, QV4::QmlContextWrapper::qmlScope(ep->v8engine(), ctxt, qmlScope)); QV4::Script script(v4, qmlScopeObject, code, filename, line); QV4::ScopedValue result(scope); script.parse(); if (!v4->hasException) result = script.qmlBinding(); if (v4->hasException) { QQmlError error = QV4::ExecutionEngine::catchExceptionAsQmlError(ctx); if (error.description().isEmpty()) error.setDescription(QLatin1String("Exception occurred during function evaluation")); if (error.line() == -1) error.setLine(line); if (error.url().isEmpty()) error.setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename)); error.setObject(qmlScope); ep->warning(error); return QV4::Encode::undefined(); } if (qmlscope) *qmlscope = qmlScopeObject; return result.asReturnedValue(); }
// Callee owns the persistent handle v8::Persistent<v8::Function> QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evalFunction(QQmlContextData *ctxt, QObject *scope, const char *code, int codeLength, const QString &filename, quint16 line, v8::Persistent<v8::Object> *qmlscope) { QQmlEngine *engine = ctxt->engine; QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine); v8::HandleScope handle_scope; v8::Context::Scope ctxtscope(ep->v8engine()->context()); v8::TryCatch tc; v8::Local<v8::Object> scopeobject = ep->v8engine()->qmlScope(ctxt, scope); v8::Local<v8::Script> script = ep->v8engine()->qmlModeCompile(code, codeLength, filename, line); if (tc.HasCaught()) { QQmlError error; error.setDescription(QLatin1String("Exception occurred during function compilation")); error.setLine(line); error.setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename)); v8::Local<v8::Message> message = tc.Message(); if (!message.IsEmpty()) QQmlExpressionPrivate::exceptionToError(message, error); ep->warning(error); return v8::Persistent<v8::Function>(); } v8::Local<v8::Value> result = script->Run(scopeobject); if (tc.HasCaught()) { QQmlError error; error.setDescription(QLatin1String("Exception occurred during function evaluation")); error.setLine(line); error.setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename)); v8::Local<v8::Message> message = tc.Message(); if (!message.IsEmpty()) QQmlExpressionPrivate::exceptionToError(message, error); ep->warning(error); return v8::Persistent<v8::Function>(); } if (qmlscope) *qmlscope = qPersistentNew<v8::Object>(scopeobject); return qPersistentNew<v8::Function>(v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(result)); }
/*! Clears the incubator. Any in-progress incubation is aborted. If the incubator is in the Ready state, the created object is \b not deleted. */ void QQmlIncubator::clear() { QRecursionWatcher<QQmlIncubatorPrivate, &QQmlIncubatorPrivate::recursion> watcher(d); Status s = status(); if (s == Null) return; QQmlEnginePrivate *enginePriv = 0; if (s == Loading) { Q_ASSERT(d->compiledData); enginePriv = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(d->compiledData->engine); if (d->result) d->result->deleteLater(); d->result = 0; } d->clear(); Q_ASSERT(d->compiledData == 0); Q_ASSERT(d->waitingOnMe.data() == 0); Q_ASSERT(d->waitingFor.isEmpty()); d->errors.clear(); d->progress = QQmlIncubatorPrivate::Execute; d->result = 0; if (s == Loading) { Q_ASSERT(enginePriv); enginePriv->inProgressCreations--; if (0 == enginePriv->inProgressCreations) { while (enginePriv->erroredBindings) { enginePriv->warning(enginePriv->erroredBindings); enginePriv->erroredBindings->removeError(); } } } d->changeStatus(Null); }
void QQmlBinding::update(QQmlPropertyPrivate::WriteFlags flags) { if (!enabledFlag() || !context() || !context()->isValid()) return; // Check that the target has not been deleted if (QQmlData::wasDeleted(object())) return; QString url; quint16 lineNumber; quint16 columnNumber; QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(context()->engine); QV4::Scope scope(ep->v4engine()); QV4::ScopedFunctionObject f(scope, v4function.value()); Q_ASSERT(f); if (f->bindingKeyFlag()) { Q_ASSERT(f->as<QV4::QQmlBindingFunction>()); QQmlSourceLocation loc = static_cast<QV4::QQmlBindingFunction *>(f.getPointer())->d()->bindingLocation; url = loc.sourceFile; lineNumber = loc.line; columnNumber = loc.column; } else { QV4::Function *function = f->asFunctionObject()->function(); Q_ASSERT(function); url = function->sourceFile(); lineNumber = function->compiledFunction->location.line; columnNumber = function->compiledFunction->location.column; } int lineNo = qmlSourceCoordinate(lineNumber); int columnNo = qmlSourceCoordinate(columnNumber); QQmlTrace trace("General Binding Update"); trace.addDetail("URL", url); trace.addDetail("Line", lineNo); trace.addDetail("Column", columnNo); if (!updatingFlag()) { QQmlBindingProfiler prof(ep->profiler, url, lineNo, columnNo); setUpdatingFlag(true); QQmlAbstractExpression::DeleteWatcher watcher(this); if (m_core.propType == qMetaTypeId<QQmlBinding *>()) { int idx = m_core.coreIndex; Q_ASSERT(idx != -1); QQmlBinding *t = this; int status = -1; void *a[] = { &t, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(*m_coreObject, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, idx, a); } else { ep->referenceScarceResources(); bool isUndefined = false; QV4::ScopedValue result(scope, QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evaluate(context(), f, &isUndefined)); trace.event("writing binding result"); bool needsErrorLocationData = false; if (!watcher.wasDeleted() && !hasError()) needsErrorLocationData = !QQmlPropertyPrivate::writeBinding(*m_coreObject, m_core, context(), this, result, isUndefined, flags); if (!watcher.wasDeleted()) { if (needsErrorLocationData) delayedError()->setErrorLocation(QUrl(url), lineNumber, columnNumber); if (hasError()) { if (!delayedError()->addError(ep)) ep->warning(this->error(context()->engine)); } else { clearError(); } } ep->dereferenceScarceResources(); } if (!watcher.wasDeleted()) setUpdatingFlag(false); } else { QQmlProperty p = property(); QQmlAbstractBinding::printBindingLoopError(p); } }
void QQmlBinding::update(QQmlPropertyPrivate::WriteFlags flags) { if (!enabledFlag() || !context() || !context()->isValid()) return; // Check that the target has not been deleted if (QQmlData::wasDeleted(object())) return; int lineNo = qmlSourceCoordinate(m_lineNumber); int columnNo = qmlSourceCoordinate(m_columnNumber); QQmlTrace trace("General Binding Update"); trace.addDetail("URL", m_url); trace.addDetail("Line", lineNo); trace.addDetail("Column", columnNo); if (!updatingFlag()) { QQmlBindingProfiler prof(m_url, lineNo, columnNo, QQmlProfilerService::QmlBinding); setUpdatingFlag(true); QQmlAbstractExpression::DeleteWatcher watcher(this); if (m_core.propType == qMetaTypeId<QQmlBinding *>()) { int idx = m_core.coreIndex; Q_ASSERT(idx != -1); QQmlBinding *t = this; int status = -1; void *a[] = { &t, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(*m_coreObject, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, idx, a); } else { QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(context()->engine); ep->referenceScarceResources(); bool isUndefined = false; v8::HandleScope handle_scope; v8::Context::Scope scope(ep->v8engine()->context()); v8::Local<v8::Value> result = QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evaluate(context(), v8function, &isUndefined); trace.event("writing binding result"); bool needsErrorLocationData = false; if (!watcher.wasDeleted() && !hasError()) needsErrorLocationData = !QQmlPropertyPrivate::writeBinding(*m_coreObject, m_core, context(), this, result, isUndefined, flags); if (!watcher.wasDeleted()) { if (needsErrorLocationData) delayedError()->setErrorLocation(QUrl(m_url), m_lineNumber, m_columnNumber); if (hasError()) { if (!delayedError()->addError(ep)) ep->warning(this->error(context()->engine)); } else { clearError(); } } ep->dereferenceScarceResources(); } if (!watcher.wasDeleted()) setUpdatingFlag(false); } else { QQmlProperty p = property(); QQmlAbstractBinding::printBindingLoopError(p); } }
void QQmlIncubatorPrivate::incubate(QQmlInstantiationInterrupt &i) { if (!compiledData) return; QML_MEMORY_SCOPE_URL(compiledData->url()); QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QQmlIncubatorPrivate> protectThis(this); QRecursionWatcher<QQmlIncubatorPrivate, &QQmlIncubatorPrivate::recursion> watcher(this); QQmlEngine *engine = compiledData->engine; QQmlEnginePrivate *enginePriv = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine); if (!vmeGuard.isOK()) { QQmlError error; error.setUrl(compiledData->url()); error.setDescription(QQmlComponent::tr("Object destroyed during incubation")); errors << error; progress = QQmlIncubatorPrivate::Completed; goto finishIncubate; } vmeGuard.clear(); if (progress == QQmlIncubatorPrivate::Execute) { enginePriv->referenceScarceResources(); QObject *tresult = 0; tresult = creator->create(subComponentToCreate, /*parent*/0, &i); if (!tresult) errors = creator->errors; enginePriv->dereferenceScarceResources(); if (watcher.hasRecursed()) return; result = tresult; if (errors.isEmpty() && result == 0) goto finishIncubate; if (result) { QQmlData *ddata = QQmlData::get(result); Q_ASSERT(ddata); //see QQmlComponent::beginCreate for explanation of indestructible ddata->indestructible = true; ddata->explicitIndestructibleSet = true; ddata->rootObjectInCreation = false; if (q) q->setInitialState(result); } if (watcher.hasRecursed()) return; if (errors.isEmpty()) progress = QQmlIncubatorPrivate::Completing; else progress = QQmlIncubatorPrivate::Completed; changeStatus(calculateStatus()); if (watcher.hasRecursed()) return; if (i.shouldInterrupt()) goto finishIncubate; } if (progress == QQmlIncubatorPrivate::Completing) { do { if (watcher.hasRecursed()) return; QQmlContextData *ctxt = 0; ctxt = creator->finalize(i); if (ctxt) { rootContext = ctxt; progress = QQmlIncubatorPrivate::Completed; goto finishIncubate; } } while (!i.shouldInterrupt()); } finishIncubate: if (progress == QQmlIncubatorPrivate::Completed && waitingFor.isEmpty()) { QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QQmlIncubatorPrivate> isWaiting = waitingOnMe; clear(); if (isWaiting) { QRecursionWatcher<QQmlIncubatorPrivate, &QQmlIncubatorPrivate::recursion> watcher(isWaiting.data()); changeStatus(calculateStatus()); if (!watcher.hasRecursed()) isWaiting->incubate(i); } else { changeStatus(calculateStatus()); } enginePriv->inProgressCreations--; if (0 == enginePriv->inProgressCreations) { while (enginePriv->erroredBindings) { enginePriv->warning(enginePriv->erroredBindings); enginePriv->erroredBindings->removeError(); } } } else if (!creator.isNull()) { vmeGuard.guard(creator.data()); } }
int QQmlVMEMetaObject::metaCall(QMetaObject::Call c, int _id, void **a) { int id = _id; if (c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty && interceptors && !(*reinterpret_cast<int*>(a[3]) & QQmlPropertyPrivate::BypassInterceptor)) { for (QQmlPropertyValueInterceptor *vi = interceptors; vi; vi = vi->m_next) { if (vi->m_coreIndex != id) continue; int valueIndex = vi->m_valueTypeCoreIndex; int type = QQmlData::get(object)->propertyCache->property(id)->propType; if (type != QVariant::Invalid) { if (valueIndex != -1) { QQmlValueType *valueType = QQmlValueTypeFactory::valueType(type); Q_ASSERT(valueType); // // Consider the following case: // color c = { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 } // interceptor exists on c.r // write { 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 } // // The interceptor may choose not to update the r component at this // point (for example, a behavior that creates an animation). But we // need to ensure that the g and b components are updated correctly. // // So we need to perform a full write where the value type is: // r = old value, g = new value, b = new value // // And then call the interceptor which may or may not write the // new value to the r component. // // This will ensure that the other components don't contain stale data // and any relevant signals are emitted. // // To achieve this: // (1) Store the new value type as a whole (needed due to // aliasing between a[0] and static storage in value type). // (2) Read the entire existing value type from object -> valueType temp. // (3) Read the previous value of the component being changed // from the valueType temp. // (4) Write the entire new value type into the temp. // (5) Overwrite the component being changed with the old value. // (6) Perform a full write to the value type (which may emit signals etc). // (7) Issue the interceptor call with the new component value. // QMetaProperty valueProp = valueType->metaObject()->property(valueIndex); QVariant newValue(type, a[0]); valueType->read(object, id); QVariant prevComponentValue = valueProp.read(valueType); valueType->setValue(newValue); QVariant newComponentValue = valueProp.read(valueType); // Don't apply the interceptor if the intercepted value has not changed bool updated = false; if (newComponentValue != prevComponentValue) { valueProp.write(valueType, prevComponentValue); valueType->write(object, id, QQmlPropertyPrivate::DontRemoveBinding | QQmlPropertyPrivate::BypassInterceptor); vi->write(newComponentValue); updated = true; } if (updated) return -1; } else { vi->write(QVariant(type, a[0])); return -1; } } } } if (c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty || c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty || c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { if (id >= propOffset()) { id -= propOffset(); if (id < metaData->propertyCount) { int t = (metaData->propertyData() + id)->propertyType; bool needActivate = false; if (id >= firstVarPropertyIndex) { Q_ASSERT(t == QMetaType::QVariant); // the context can be null if accessing var properties from cpp after re-parenting an item. QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = (ctxt == 0 || ctxt->engine == 0) ? 0 : QQmlEnginePrivate::get(ctxt->engine); QV8Engine *v8e = (ep == 0) ? 0 : ep->v8engine(); if (v8e) { if (c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { *reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(a[0]) = readPropertyAsVariant(id); } else if (c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { writeProperty(id, *reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(a[0])); } } else if (c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { // if the context was disposed, we just return an invalid variant from read. *reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(a[0]) = QVariant(); } } else { if (c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { switch(t) { case QVariant::Int: *reinterpret_cast<int *>(a[0]) = data[id].asInt(); break; case QVariant::Bool: *reinterpret_cast<bool *>(a[0]) = data[id].asBool(); break; case QVariant::Double: *reinterpret_cast<double *>(a[0]) = data[id].asDouble(); break; case QVariant::String: *reinterpret_cast<QString *>(a[0]) = data[id].asQString(); break; case QVariant::Url: *reinterpret_cast<QUrl *>(a[0]) = data[id].asQUrl(); break; case QVariant::Date: *reinterpret_cast<QDate *>(a[0]) = data[id].asQDate(); break; case QVariant::DateTime: *reinterpret_cast<QDateTime *>(a[0]) = data[id].asQDateTime(); break; case QVariant::RectF: *reinterpret_cast<QRectF *>(a[0]) = data[id].asQRectF(); break; case QVariant::SizeF: *reinterpret_cast<QSizeF *>(a[0]) = data[id].asQSizeF(); break; case QVariant::PointF: *reinterpret_cast<QPointF *>(a[0]) = data[id].asQPointF(); break; case QMetaType::QObjectStar: *reinterpret_cast<QObject **>(a[0]) = data[id].asQObject(); break; case QMetaType::QVariant: *reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(a[0]) = readPropertyAsVariant(id); break; default: QQml_valueTypeProvider()->readValueType(data[id].dataType(), data[id].dataPtr(), data->dataSize(), t, a[0]); break; } if (t == qMetaTypeId<QQmlListProperty<QObject> >()) { int listIndex = data[id].asInt(); const List *list = &listProperties.at(listIndex); *reinterpret_cast<QQmlListProperty<QObject> *>(a[0]) = QQmlListProperty<QObject>(object, (void *)list, list_append, list_count, list_at, list_clear); } } else if (c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { switch(t) { case QVariant::Int: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<int *>(a[0]) != data[id].asInt(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<int *>(a[0])); break; case QVariant::Bool: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<bool *>(a[0]) != data[id].asBool(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<bool *>(a[0])); break; case QVariant::Double: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<double *>(a[0]) != data[id].asDouble(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<double *>(a[0])); break; case QVariant::String: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<QString *>(a[0]) != data[id].asQString(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<QString *>(a[0])); break; case QVariant::Url: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<QUrl *>(a[0]) != data[id].asQUrl(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<QUrl *>(a[0])); break; case QVariant::Date: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<QDate *>(a[0]) != data[id].asQDate(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<QDate *>(a[0])); break; case QVariant::DateTime: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<QDateTime *>(a[0]) != data[id].asQDateTime(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<QDateTime *>(a[0])); break; case QVariant::RectF: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<QRectF *>(a[0]) != data[id].asQRectF(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<QRectF *>(a[0])); break; case QVariant::SizeF: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<QSizeF *>(a[0]) != data[id].asQSizeF(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<QSizeF *>(a[0])); break; case QVariant::PointF: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<QPointF *>(a[0]) != data[id].asQPointF(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<QPointF *>(a[0])); break; case QMetaType::QObjectStar: needActivate = *reinterpret_cast<QObject **>(a[0]) != data[id].asQObject(); data[id].setValue(*reinterpret_cast<QObject **>(a[0]), this, id); break; case QMetaType::QVariant: writeProperty(id, *reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(a[0])); break; default: data[id].ensureValueType(t); needActivate = !QQml_valueTypeProvider()->equalValueType(t, a[0], data[id].dataPtr(), data[id].dataSize()); QQml_valueTypeProvider()->writeValueType(t, a[0], data[id].dataPtr(), data[id].dataSize()); break; } } } if (c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty && needActivate) { activate(object, methodOffset() + id, 0); } return -1; } id -= metaData->propertyCount; if (id < metaData->aliasCount) { QQmlVMEMetaData::AliasData *d = metaData->aliasData() + id; if (d->flags & QML_ALIAS_FLAG_PTR && c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) *reinterpret_cast<void **>(a[0]) = 0; if (!ctxt) return -1; QQmlContext *context = ctxt->asQQmlContext(); QQmlContextPrivate *ctxtPriv = QQmlContextPrivate::get(context); QObject *target = ctxtPriv->data->idValues[d->contextIdx].data(); if (!target) return -1; connectAlias(id); if (d->isObjectAlias()) { *reinterpret_cast<QObject **>(a[0]) = target; return -1; } // Remove binding (if any) on write if(c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { int flags = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(a[3]); if (flags & QQmlPropertyPrivate::RemoveBindingOnAliasWrite) { QQmlData *targetData = QQmlData::get(target); if (targetData && targetData->hasBindingBit(d->propertyIndex())) { QQmlAbstractBinding *binding = QQmlPropertyPrivate::setBinding(target, d->propertyIndex(), d->isValueTypeAlias()?d->valueTypeIndex():-1, 0); if (binding) binding->destroy(); } } } if (d->isValueTypeAlias()) { // Value type property QQmlValueType *valueType = QQmlValueTypeFactory::valueType(d->valueType()); Q_ASSERT(valueType); valueType->read(target, d->propertyIndex()); int rv = QMetaObject::metacall(valueType, c, d->valueTypeIndex(), a); if (c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) valueType->write(target, d->propertyIndex(), 0x00); return rv; } else { return QMetaObject::metacall(target, c, d->propertyIndex(), a); } } return -1; } } else if(c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { if (id >= methodOffset()) { id -= methodOffset(); int plainSignals = metaData->signalCount + metaData->propertyCount + metaData->aliasCount; if (id < plainSignals) { activate(object, _id, a); return -1; } id -= plainSignals; if (id < metaData->methodCount) { if (!ctxt->engine) return -1; // We can't run the method QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(ctxt->engine); ep->referenceScarceResources(); // "hold" scarce resources in memory during evaluation. QV4::Scope scope(ep->v4engine()); QV4::Scoped<QV4::FunctionObject> function(scope, method(id)); if (!function) { // The function was not compiled. There are some exceptional cases which the // expression rewriter does not rewrite properly (e.g., \r-terminated lines // are not rewritten correctly but this bug is deemed out-of-scope to fix for // performance reasons; see QTBUG-24064) and thus compilation will have failed. QQmlError e; e.setDescription(QString(QLatin1String("Exception occurred during compilation of function: %1")). arg(QLatin1String(QMetaObject::method(_id).methodSignature().constData()))); ep->warning(e); return -1; // The dynamic method with that id is not available. } QQmlVMEMetaData::MethodData *data = metaData->methodData() + id; QV4::ScopedCallData callData(scope, data->parameterCount); callData->thisObject = ep->v8engine()->global(); for (int ii = 0; ii < data->parameterCount; ++ii) callData->args[ii] = ep->v8engine()->fromVariant(*(QVariant *)a[ii + 1]); QV4::ScopedValue result(scope); QV4::ExecutionContext *ctx = function->engine()->currentContext(); result = function->call(callData); if (scope.hasException()) { QQmlError error = QV4::ExecutionEngine::catchExceptionAsQmlError(ctx); if (error.isValid()) ep->warning(error); if (a[0]) *(QVariant *)a[0] = QVariant(); } else { if (a[0]) *(QVariant *)a[0] = ep->v8engine()->toVariant(result, 0); } ep->dereferenceScarceResources(); // "release" scarce resources if top-level expression evaluation is complete. return -1; } return -1; } } if (parent.isT1()) return parent.asT1()->metaCall(object, c, _id, a); else return object->qt_metacall(c, _id, a); }